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Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

TEL 311

Professor Platt

Grant Proposal

Keegan Moran

“Zine” Project Grant Proposal

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal


In the YA Novel “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu, high school student Vivian makes her own “zines”

(small short magazines) and distributes them for free amongst the female population of her school in

order to help spark a cultural shift. She is sick of the decidedly sexist practices at the school and uses her

voice through these zines in order to get the administration to consider changing their views.

In this project students will be asked to design their own short zine for a cause that they care

about either within school or their community outside of the classroom.

This project will help kids find constructive empowering ways to use their voice and have agency

in their own lives. As well as have them practicing writing styles, grammar conventions, and design.

This project will require students to research their cause of choice, read the novel “Moxie” as well

as any resources associated with their cause, and write and design their zine.

Applicant Bio

My name is Keegan Moran and I am a first year teacher, I have recently graduated from the Mary

Lou Fulton Teacher’s College at Arizona State University. Finding what students are passionate about

and relating it to the subjects we must cover is of vital importance to me and my teaching.

School Environment Narrative

​Arcadia High School is in eastern Phoenix and serves approximately 2000 students. I personally

work with mostly Sophomores in an English II classroom, most of the students score proficient on their

writing tests and are capable of turning in consistently accurate work. Their struggle mostly is consistently

turning in work on time.

At this school, there is a computer lab within the library that can be reserved for use by a class in

advance. In addition, there is already a cart that has computers on it. However, it seems that it can be

quite challenging to get these reserved when they are needed especially if it would be for multiple days.
Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

Project Narrative

Need For Project

Ideally, this project will inspire students to want to do some fairly careful research and dedicate a

large amount of time into designing their zine. I believe that student choice is wildly important in

education, so in letting them chose the topic for their zine it will be easy for them to find the passion in it.

Additionally, if a student does not want to take chose a “serious cause” they can always make a zine for a

more silly cause, such as including a favorite character in a new video game.

The time needed for this project will require multiple days for research, brain-storming, and

writing/designing. Therefore, it would be very difficult to reserve enough lab days in a row to get this done

unless we add another cart to the school’s disposal.

Project Impact

The world that we live in today is one that can tend to discourage High School age students from

voicing their opinions or trying to participate in causes that they care about. In most cases it is because

these students “Are too young to understand” or “Do not know what they are talking about.” This project

will help for students to find their voice and give them practice at articulating their ideas into concise

persuasive arguments.

If students are okay with sharing, and upon an approval process to ensure it is appropriate, there

could be multiple copies made and left somewhere for distribution to encourage discussion among

students and maybe breed excitement for this type of instruction.


​After reading “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu, students will be asked to make a zine just like Viv did

throughout the story. Each zine that is made within the book is also shown, so students already have a

few different models to follow for context. They will be asked to choose a cause that they are passionate

about, and then research that cause to design a zine support their side in that cause.

The causes that students choose can range from something silly and fun all the way to something

more serious. All students will have to sign up for their cause and run the idea by the instructor in order to

ensure it is appropriate for the school environment before continuing.

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

Once picking a topic students will:

- Use the Chromebook lab to do research their topic and the sides of it

- Compose written, persuasive content for their zine.

- Design and decorate their zine to be visually appealing as well


9-10.RL.6​​ Analyze how points of view and/or cultural experiences are reflected in works of literature, drawing

from a variety of literary texts

9-10.RI.8​​ Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning

is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

9-10.W.1​​ Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning

and relevant and sufficient evidence.

9-10.W.4​​ Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate

to task, purpose, and audience.

9-10.W.6​​ Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing

products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information

flexibly and dynamically.

9-10.W.8​​ Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced

searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate

information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard

format for citation.

​9-10.W.9​​ Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. a.

Apply grades 9-10 Reading standards to literature. b. Apply grades 9-10 Reading standards to informational

text and nonfiction.

9-10.L.1​​ Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal


Throughout the project students will check in with me in order to show their progress on their Zine and get any

advice or help needed on how to form their argument or design assistance. In Addition, students will be assess

on their final product via a rubric provided at project start. They will be assessed on how coherently their

argument is presented, their conventions, as well as the visual appeal of their design.

Budget Table and Narrative

A new mobile lab will be the best way to assist in this project, and in the rest of the school for many

years to come. At first, I was looking at a rental program for chromebooks that allowed us ownership after 3

years and new chromebooks at that time as well. However, an entire new mobile charging cart and class set of

chromebooks proves to be a significantly cheaper option. Not only will providing a new mobile lab allow for this

project to be completed, but it will also provide for less stress and confusion for the entire staff near testing

dates as it will provide an the ability for another class to test altogether.

Item Cost Number Total

Chromebooks $219 Per Chromebook 32 $7,008

(Via Fry’s Electronics)

32 Device Charging Cart $579 1 $579

for Chromebooks from
Global Industrial

Running Total $7,587

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teachers: Mr. Keegan Moran Subject: English 10th Grade


9-10.RL.6​​ Analyze how points of view and/or cultural experiences are reflected in works of
literature, drawing from a variety of literary texts
9-10.RI.8​​ Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing
whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false
statements and fallacious reasoning.
9-10.W.1​​ Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts,
using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
9-10.W.4​​ Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and
style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
9-10.W.6​​ Use technology, including the internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or
shared writing products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information
and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
9-10.W.8​​ Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources,
using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the
research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas,
avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
​9-10.W.9​​ Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
and research. a. Apply grades 9-10 Reading standards to literature. b. Apply grades 9-10
Reading standards to informational text and nonfiction.
9-10.L.1​​ Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking

Objective (Explicit):

● ​ After reading “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu, pick a topic and design a zine to support the
cause of your choice.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Final Zine project to be turned in at the end graded via rubric.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

● ​ SWBAT research and write a persuasive argument for a topic of their choosing
● ​SWBAT design a zine that is eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing to draw in an
Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be

Persuasion used:

Voice “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu

Zine Chromebook Lab

Research from the internet

Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest)

1st Class of project period will begin with a discussion about “Moxie”, the “Riot Grrrl” movement as

referenced in “Moxie”, and the effectiveness of the grassroots campaign and how it can be used today

Explore Teacher Will: Ask students if they found a Student Will:

zine they way it was in the story if they Engage in a class discussion on the zine

would read it. Would it have a chance at and persuasion

persuading them?.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: Alternatively, students could write down their

answers as a ticket out the door that day, or could be done as a group discussion rather

than class discussion with sharing out answers after 5-10 minutes, depending on if the

discussions sound like they are providing a great deal of good ideas while teacher is

walking around the room.

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal

Explain Teacher Will: Student Will:

Encourage further exploration of Share more involving personal experiences

grassroots campaigns within their and think about other places that they may

community, tying it into their personal lives. have seen grassroots campaigns

Ask if there is anything similar they have

seen in their day to day lives. Explain that it

can even be a persuasion to listen a band

or artist, via a street-team

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation: ALso could be written down or talked about in their


Elaborat Teacher Will: Student Will:

e Explain Project to students, give them Students will think of causes, if they have

examples of causes they could pick an idea already they can run it by the

“You could do something important to you instructor to get approval and sign up

such as why the dress code should be

changed just like Vivian did in Moxie, or do

something silly like why you think someone

should be a skin in Fortnite, just be able to

back it up.”

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Evaluate: Via class discussion there will be time to evaluate as student’s participate in class. Final

evaluation will be with the final submission of the Zine

Moxie Zine Project Grant Proposal





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