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Teacher Mentor: Dave Fletcher and Shae Garner page 2/2

Intern Teacher: Valerie Phillips

Teacher Mentor Comments:


I recommend Valerie as a future teacher. Valerie is a lively professional and brings a positive energy to
every aspect of her teaching practice. Her enthusiasm and passion are foundational to her strengths as an
educator. Many of her lesson ideas and strategies I implemented in my own classroom. I was very fortunate
to have mentored, worked along side, and learned from Valerie during her time at LCI.


From our first meeting in June, the first thing I was struck by with Valerie is her zest for life and enthusiasm
for this profession. I knew right away that our students would be in capable and caring hands. Valerie
worked with a highly academic and enthusiastic group of French Immersion students (17 students in total).
She worked with them for the: grammar, poetry, story-telling, formal writing, and film units.

Valerie's lesson plans were well organized and quite detailed. Her classroom was neat and well arranged,
and her appearance, presence, and interactions with the students were always professional. In discussions
about her lessons and with organizing her units, Valerie was thoughtful and receptive to suggestions and
advice, and, as the year progressed, beyond the odd question or check-in, she was quite independent and
rarely required guidance and reassurance. It felt more like we were working with a first year teacher than an
intern. I was also pleased to see that she was willing to create lessons and extensions beyond materials
that had already been created by the department.

In observing Valerie, the first thing that I would note is her close and honest relationship with her students.
It did not take long for the students to bond with her and to feel very comfortable with her. Her pun of the
day on the board, the environment created by music playing as they arrive, and her warm smile and cheery
voice welcomed the students and made them feel at home in her room.

The only area that I was concerned about was in regards to classroom management. The friendly
environment had led to an atmosphere of exuberance that got a bit wild at times. Valerie and I had a frank
conversation about establishing a learning environment that is more focused during instructional times. In a
follow-up observation, the room was much more conducive to learning and focused. She had implemented
wait-times when the class got away from her, and it was effective in regaining attention.

I would recommend Valerie Phillips receive a passing grade for her PSIII internship, and I am excited to see
where her teaching career will lead. I can especially envision her as being very strong in an upper
elementary or in a middle school setting (the level she has mentioned she would like to focus on). We wish
her all the best in the future.

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

This page is to be returned to the UC to be included in the PS III Final Report.

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: January 2018) Page 4 of 5

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