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The Impact of Technology to the Academic Performance and Attitude

of Grade 12 students in Burauen National High School:

Bases for Attitude Formation Workshop


An Action Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Education

Eastern Visayas State University

Burauen, Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Course Math 443

(Action Research in Mathematics Education)


Capangpangan, Aimee M.

Maceda, Kimberlyn P.

Paredes, Jovelyn A.
November 2018

TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………………….

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………….



Background of the Study …………………………………………………

Statement of the problem ……………………………………………….

Null Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………….

Scope and Delimitation of the Study …………………………………

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………



Research Design ………………………………………………………………

Local of the Study ……………………………………………………………….

Research Respondent ……………………………………………………….

Research Instrument …………………………………………………………

Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………………………….

Statistical Treatment of Data ……………………………………………..

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………………


A. Background of the study

Technology is dynamic, it keeps on improving because our needs and

demands for technology keep on changing. Technology is the technical

means of the people use to improve their surroundings. People use

technology to improve their ability to do work. Classrooms around the world

have implemented many forms of technology to enhance student's interest

and achievement. It is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,

processing actions and extracting of materials.

Technology is not just a device to make classroom come more alive but

can also come in the form of "assistive technology". An assistive technology

device is any term, piece of equipment, or product system that is use to

increase, or improve functional capabilities of students with disabilities (Riley,

Bread and Strain 2001). This type of technology can promote positive

achievement for those students that lack the basic mathematical skills. This

also provides students with the opportunity to work with onscreen

manipulative similar to those found in most classrooms. The way all students

can be accommodate with the proper technological tool to enhance student's


Technology appears in modern classrooms through a variety of method

and devices. The list includes online, learning, project-based learning, game

based learning, interactive whiteboards, desktop, computers, tablet

computers, cellphones, and social networking. Technology use in classroom

in today's world is believed to have a positive impact on student's success

towards lessons. Technology supports students taking responsibility for their

own learning and therefore, promotes building the necessary skills to become

lifelong learners (United States Department of Education Technology Plan

2010). As digital technology resources pervade schools and classrooms,

educator are rethinking the nature of teaching and learning refocus education

from teacher to student and form of teaching to learning (Owston 1997).

Technology use can increase student's academic performance and proficiency

in a topic area. Today's learners must think critically, analyzed and

synthesized information to solve technical, social, economic, political, and

scientific problems and work productively in groups.

According to Tang and Austin (2009), "it's not technology, but the

instructional implementation of technology that contribute to learning

effectiveness". Students learning style and the type of technology utilize in the

classroom affects students outcome. Technology can enhance understanding

while still making students feel they are receiving individualized learning and

attention. Tang and Austin (2009) also noted that student's perception of the

professor “affective" application technology in the classroom affected their

Technology continues to become more and more a part of everyday life

for humanity. Technology both comes with positive and negative. Technology

has many different effects on education, one of them being enhancing the

student learning. Technology may enhance the student learning and may

assist most students in achieving their academic standards. Technology has

shown a shift from a focus on a student’s memorization to their problem

solving. Through technology’s use, learning opportunities have become

unrestricted by time or place, allowing lifelong learning. Students are more

likely to use a computer to get help because they can do it themselves.

Technology is helping students to become independent.

When students are using technology as a tool or a support for

communicating with others, they are in active role rather than the passive role

of recipient of information transmitted by a teacher, textbook, or broadcast.

The student is actively making choices about how to generate, obtain,

manipulate, or display information. Technology use allows many students to

be actively thinking about information, making choices, and executing skill that

is typical in teacher-led lessons. Moreover, when technology is used as a tool

to supports students in performing authentic task, the students are in the

position of finding their goals, making decisions, and evaluating their

progress. Students choose to work on their technology-based projects during

recess or lunch periods. Teachers also frequently cite technology’s

motivational advantages in providing a venue in which a wider range of

students can excel. Compared to conventional classrooms with their stress on

verbal knowledge and multiple-choice test performance, technology provides

a very different set of challenge and different ways in which students can

demonstrate what they understand (e.g., by programming a simulation to

demonstrate a concept rather than trying to explain it verbally.

Technology makes good grades effortless by providing students with the

ability to search numerous search engines for any problem they come across.

Students are able to acquire an impressive level of skill with a broad range of

computer software. Students were able to handle more complex assignments

and do more with higher-order skills because of the supports and capabilities

provided by technology. Students learn at their personal pace, with different

rates of understanding. Technology is the ideal way to customize classroom

teaching. A mix of traditional and digital education can assist in personalizing

lessons to teach in a more meaningful way.

Classroom technologies have become essential in carrying out daily

learning activities. In today’s world, technology is the major part of our lives.

While the generation of our grandparents had to learn to use computers,

netbooks, iPads but students now entering schools are already familiar with

these technologies. These makes it very important for teachers to stay ahead

of the learning curve when it comes to technology and its use in the

classroom. The following technologies are used in the classroom:

1. Computer or laptop. Computers have evolved and they have changed,

the book and the way they function. Nowadays we have both desktop

computers and portable computers commonly known laptop. These

computers can be used by teachers to assign work to students and

study groups in the classroom. Computer also allow students to create

projects easier.

2. Projectors. In a classroom, all students may not be able to view what

the learning is showing in the laptop screen, that’s where projectors

come in. they can project images, presentations or videos from a

computer, laptop, or document camera onto a screen or wall. It allows

students even those at the back, to see a larger version of the laptop


3. Televisions. It can show current events in a country. It can also be used

to play educational and instructional DVDs and videos.

4. Mobile devices. Teachers and students can use smartphones for

academic purposes in the classroom. Mobile learning is becoming so

popular. Mobile phones are very light yet they can also have the same

application, a simple PC can have, a student can access academic

information like assignments via an education mobile application


Technology can easily overused within the classroom, and this can cause

negative effects on the entire learning experience. Some of this effects are

already seen from student texting and internet usage during class. There are
also incidences of plagiarism for assignments and an overall lack of respect

for correct language usage within essays. This indicates the effect that

technology may have had on the current generations thinking abilities and the

overall power of the internet.

The constant stimulation that comes from the internet has also taken away

the ability of students to generally focus in the classroom. Many young people

struggle to manage time wisely and resist impulsive behavior. There is also a

general decline in higher order thinking skills, and an overall re-writing of

teenage brains. This reveals a deeper intellectual laziness that the Wed has

also made possible with the rise of more video-based information resources

as opposed to textual resources.

Technology does help with making fundamental things quicker such as:

whiteboards instead of chalkboards and organizing grades, but technology

has a greater negative effect. From a negative aspect technology has become

a scapegoat for many students. Technology has made so that virtually any

students can be a good student without any effort at all. In our day and age,

the key to success within the classroom has become being able to search

google or download the right app. Schools are equipping students with

technology in hopes off it aiding them to learn quicker and more efficiently; but

it has been the total opposite with technology becoming the victim of human

natural instinct to find a short cut.

As a fact, technology utilization in a classroom is now being used in

schools for different learning activities. Today, many teachers have taken to

issuing exam papers, results, reading material and other evaluation or

learning equipment online. There are just some of the ways that technology

revolutionized education. Without the proper technological knowledge, some

of the task expected of a teacher or students can be difficult to achieve.

Therefore, technology is perceive as annoying, irritating and to some extent


Academic Performance is the extent to which the students, teacher or

institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals. It is

commonly measured through examinations or continuous assessment but

there is no general agreement on how it is best evaluated or which aspects

are most important - procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative

knowledge such as facts. Individual difference in academic performance have

been linked to difference in intelligence and personality. Students with higher

ability as demonstrated by IQ tests and those who are higher in consciences

(linked to effort in achievement motivation) tend to achieve highly in academic

settings. A recent meta-analysis suggested that mental curiosity has an

important influence on academic achievement in addition to intelligence and

conscientiousness. Students who are motivated to improve upon their

previous or upcoming performance tend to proper better academically. In

other words, students with higher need for achievement have greater

academic performance.
In past, academic performance was after measured by ear than today.

Teacher's observation alone made up the bulk of the assessment. The

summation of numerical method of determining how student will is performing

fairly recent to invention that is used in conjunction with the teacher evaluation

of students. Today, changes have been made to incorporate differentiation for

individual student's abilities and exploration of alternate methods of measuring

performance is on ongoing. Academic performance fulfills a number of

purposes. Areas achievement and failure in a student's career need to be

evaluated in order to foster improvement and make full use of the learning.

Performance results also allow students to be ranked and on scale that is

numerically obvious, minimizing complains by holding teachers and schools

accountable for the component of every grade.

Lawrence (1998) distinguished achievement from performance when he

stated that academic is a long term ("end") while academic performance is

measurable at any point in time (continual). In other words, achievement can

be measured as stagnating, falling or improving over a long period. He further

classified activities that occurs in performance based on reading, selection of

one or more schools within each district, among others. According to him,

satisfactory academic performance and progress towards the attainment of a

degree. This is to suggest that academic achievement cannot be attained

within a short period of time.

Every individual adheres to different set of values. These values are

manifested in the form of attitude of a person. Attitude is not carried from birth.

Rather, it is a result of the growth of different faculties of an individual. It is

developed through experience and contact with others.

Attitude can alter every aspect of a person's life, including their education.

Attitude is a little thing makes a big difference. Attitudes may influence the

attention to attitude objects, the use of categories for encoding information

and interpretation, judgement and recall of attitude-relevant information.

These influences tend to be more powerful for strong attitudes which are

accessible and based on elaborate supportive knowledge structure. The

durability and impact of influence depend upon the strength formed from

consistency of heuristic.

Attitude is our response to people, places, things, or events in life. It can

be referred to as a person's viewpoint, mindset, beliefs, etc. our attitude

towards people, places, things, or situations determines the choices that we

make. Attitude is composed of three components, which include cognitive

component, affective/ emotional component, and behavioral component.

Basically, the cognitive component is based on the information on how

knowledge, whereas affective component is based on the feelings. The

behavioral component reflects how the attitude affects the way we act or


Attitude are learned and acquired. Attitude are formed over the years by

various means. Sometimes, they are based on our experiences. At times, they
might be acquired from other people. Our attitude might be based on the truth.

It is possible for people to change their attitude. For that, one would need to

change the way he/she thinks, feels, or behaves. However, changing the way

one feels is not that easy. The affective component of attitude is powerful and

difficult to control. Hence, one should first make an effort to change the

cognitive (thinking) and behavioral component.

Student's attitude on learning, good or bad, affect their outlook toward

learning throughout life. Student’s attitude on learning determine their ability &

willingness to learn. Their attitude towards learning affected not only their

amount of education but their desire for education.

Attitude formation theories help us understand how a person’s attitude

takes shape ad why a person might have a particular attitude or how that

attitude came to exist. Attitude formation is a particular interest to psychology

because attitudes often direct behavior.

There is no single dominant theory on attitude formation. Rather. There

are three theories that are used most often to describe attitude formation:

functionalism, learning, and cognitive dissonance theories. Attitude formation

theories suggest that perhaps we do what benefits us (functionalist theory), or

maybe our past experiences have thought us how to act (learning theory), or it

might just be an attempt to restore harmony to two opposing truths that are

held (cognitive theory).

In this study the researchers seeks to determine the impact of technology

to the students. It is very important to know how it will affect to the academic

performance and attitudes of the students.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to look on the impact of technology to the

academic performance and attitudes of BNHS student.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile characteristic of the students along the following


1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the commonly used technologies in the classroom?

3. What are the positive and negative impact of technology to the academic

performance and attitudes of students?

4. What are the impact of technology to student?

C. Research Questions

1. Is there a significant effect of technology to the academic performance

and attitudes of Grade 12 students in BNHS?

2. Is there a significant effect to the students in making projects,

assignments using technology?

D. Hypothesis

1. Yes, there is a significant effect of technology to the academic

performance and attitudes of Grade 12 students in BNHS.

2. There is no significant effect to the students in making projects,

assignments using technology.

E. Significant and Purpose of the Study

Technology truly helps the students in making their work easier and faster.

By the use of technology to the academic performance will improve and this

will be the bases for attitudes formation workshop.

This study have a big impact to the following:

Students. In this study, are the main point or procedure of the answer

towards the problem obtained by the study. It helps the students to know the

impact of technology to their academic performance and attitudes and to

make them aware that using a technology has a limitation also.

Teachers. In this study, teachers helps and guides the students on how to

improve the proper use of technology.

Parents. Findings of the study will provide them better understanding how

technology can truly affects student's academic performance and attitudes.

School Administrators and Supervisor. The results of this research may

encourage school administrator and supervisors to help and guide their

teachers and students to properly use technology.

Researchers. Findings of the study may be a great help for the researchers

who would conduct further research similar to what is the study about.

F. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study aims to determine the impact of technology to the academic

performance and attitudes of the Grade 12 students in BNHS during the

school year 2018.

This study will be conducted in Burauen National High School within the

municipality of Burauen, Leyte. This school was purposely chosen because of

its accessibility to the researchers in gathering data about the students. The

Grade 12 students was chosen to be respondents of the students. The Grade

12 students was chosen to be the respondents of the study because the

researchers believed that they have the capability of answering the questions

pertaining to the impact of technology to their academic performance and

attitudes, at their age and year level, they can be able to relate to what the

study is all about.


This section deals with the description of research design, locale of the

study, research respondents, research instruments, data gathering procedure

and the statistical treatment of data.

Action Research Design

Descriptive-correlational design was employed to carry out the study. This

is because the researchers believed that this method would help them to find

or gather relevant data in details and to make detailed analysis. It is also

useful the development of data gathering instruments and tools like

questionnaire and documents. Certain questions were designed to draw out

responses on specific information regarding the impact of technology to the

academic performance and attitudes of the students.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Burauen National High School. This

school was purposively chosen because of its accessibility to the researcher

in gathering data about the impact of technology to the academic performance

and attitudes of the students. Burauen National High School is located in

District 1 Camansi, Burauen, Leyte.

Research Respondent

The respondents of the study were the bonafide Grade 12 students of

Burauen National High School, School Year 2018.

The researcher would select fifty (50) students in 1 section of Grade 12.

The students were chosen randomly. They are chosen as the respondents of
the study because researchers believe that they can be able to relate and

answer the questions regarding the impact of technology to the academic

performance and attitudes of the students.

Research Instrument

Part I of the questionnaires ask about the demographic profile of the

students including the age and gender of the Grade 12 students. Part II ask

about the impact of technology to the academic performance and attitudes of

the students.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the conduct of the study based on the action research, the student

researcher sought permission from the school principal concerned through a

formal letter noted by her adviser about the conduct of the action research

study. When permission was granted, the researcher conducted first an

orientation to the student-respondents in order to provide the respondents

background on the purpose of the research study before administering the

test. After the orientation, all the student-respondents were given the copies of

the proficiency test to answer the following questions.

The data gathered will be tallied, analyzed, organized, and statistically

treated in textual manner before and after the implementation of the action

research which was based on the statement of the problem.

Statistical Treatment

The various data that will be gather will be subjected to a statistical

treatment in order to test the hypothesis. The responses will be categorize in

accordance with the specific question that will be ask during the gathering of


The descriptive statistics such as percentages and weighted mean will be

used to analyze and interpret the data that will be gathered.

To find the percentage, the following formula will be used:


Where: P= percentage

F= frequency/responses

n= number of cases/respondents

To determine the mean, the following formula will be used:


Where: M= Mean

= Sum of weighted mean

n= number of cases/respondents
Research Action Plan


To identify Prepare a Students November Paper To know Frequency
the impact survey 2018 - Computer what is/are percentage
of questionn December Printer the impact Weighted
technology aire 2018 of mean
the technology
academic to the
performan academic
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attitudes e and
attitudes of
A Survey Questionnaire on the Impact of Technology to the Academic

Performance and Attitude of the Students

Part I. Respondent’s Profile

Name: ______________________________________

Age: ___

Gender: _________

Part II

A. Academic Performance to Technology

Instruction: Please read each questions carefully and respond to all

questions to the best of your ability by placing a check (/) for each
1= disagree totally 2= disagree 3= not strong opinion 4= agree 5= strongly

Academic Performance to Technology 1 2 3 4 5

1. I would find technology useful in my
2. Using technology will enable me to
accomplish tasks more quickly.
3. Using technology will increase my
4. Using technology will increase my
chances of getting better grades (CGPA).
5. I believe I could communicate to others
the pros and cons of using technology.
6. I would find technology easy to use.
7. Other people come to me for advice on
new information.
8. People who influence my behavior (e.g.
classmates, friends) think that I should use
9. People who are important to me (e.g.
family members) think that I should use
10. Lecturers in my school have been
encouraging in the use of technology.

B. Attitudes to Technology
Instruction: Please read each questions carefully and respond to all
questions to the best of your ability by placing a check (/) for each
1= disagree totally 2= disagree 3= not strong opinion 4= agree 5= strongly

Attitudes to Technology 1 2 3 4 5
1. I enjoy using technology.
2. I avoid using technology when I can.
3. I think using technology in class takes too
much time.
4. I know that technology can help me learn
many new things.
5. Technology intimidates and threatens me.
6. Students should know how to use
technology in class.
7. I would be a better learner if I knew how to
use technology properly.
8. I’m very confident when it comes to working
with technology at home/at work/at school.
9. I want to learn more about technology at
home/at work/at school.
10. Technology breaks down too often to be of
very much use.

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