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Duration: 30 Mins

1) C is which level language?

a) HLL b) MLL c) LL L d) DLL

2) Which of the following is not real number?

a) 16.23 b) -16.23 c) 40 d) 40.52

3) Which of the following instructions have only one operand?

a) Multiply b) Add c) Shift d) Subtract

4) In a C language && is a?

a) Relational operator b) Logical operator c) Arithmetic operators d) None of these

5) Which of the following is a key word is used for a storage class?

a) Printf b) External c) Auto d) Scanf

6) The number of relation operators in the C language is?

a) Four b) Six c) Three d) Seven

7) What is (void*)0?

a) Representation of NULL pointer b) Representation of void pointer

c) Error d) None of above

8) If a variable is a pointer to a structure, then which of the following operator is used to

access data members of the structure through the pointer variable?

A. . B. & C. * D. ->

9) What will be the output of the program ?


int main()

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static char *s[] = {"black", "white", "pink", "violet"};

char **ptr[] = {s+3, s+2, s+1, s}, ***p;

p = ptr;


printf("%s", **p+1);

return 0;

A. ink B. ack C. ite D. let

10) What will be the output of the program ?


int main()

int i=3, *j, k;

j = &i; printf("%d\n", i**j*i+*j);

return 0;

A. 30 B. 27 C. 9 D. 3

11) What will be the output of the program ?


int main()

int x=30, *y, *z;

y=&x; /* Assume address of x is 500 and integer is 4 byte size */

z=y; *y++=*z++;


printf("x=%d, y=%d, z=%d\n", x, y, z);

return 0;

A. x=31, y=502, z=502 B. x=31, y=500, z=500

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C. x=31, y=498, z=498 D. x=31, y=504, z=504

12) Point out the error in the program


int main()

int a[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

int j;

for(j=0; j<5; j++)

printf("%d\n", a); a++;

return 0;

A. Error: Declaration syntax B. Error: Expression syntax

C. Error: LValue required D. Error: Rvalue required

13) Which of the following statements correctly declare a function that receives a pointer to
pointer to a pointer to a float and returns a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a

A. float **fun(float***); B. float *fun(float**);

C. float fun(float***); D. float ****fun(float***);

14) Which of the statements is correct about the program?


int main()

float a=3.14;

char *j;

j = (char*)&a;

printf("%d\n", *j);

return 0;

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A. It prints ASCII value of the binary number present in the first byte of a float variable a.

B. It prints character equivalent of the binary number present in the first byte of a float variable a.

C. It will print 3 D.It will print a garbage value

15) In the following program add a statement in the function fun() such that address of a gets
stored in j?


int main()

int *j;

void fun(int**);


return 0;

void fun(int **k)

int a=10;

/* Add a statement here */

A. **k=a; B. k=&a;

C. *k=&a D. &k=*a

16) How many times "IndiaBIX" is get printed?


int main()

int x;

for(x=-1; x<=10; x++)

if(x < 5)

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return 0;

A. Infinite times B. 11 times C. 0 times D. 10 times

17) What will be the output of the program?


int main()

int i=0;

for(; i<=5; i++);

printf("%d,", i);

return 0;

A. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B. 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 6

18) What will be the output of the program?


int main()

char str[]="C-program";

int a = 5;

printf(a >10?"Ps\n":"%s\n", str);

return 0;

A. C-program B. Ps C. Error D. None of above

19) Point out the error, if any in the for loop.

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int main()

int i=1;


printf("%d\n", i++);



return 0;

A. There should be a condition in the for loop B. The two semicolons should be

C. The for loop should be replaced with while loop. D. No error

20) What will be the output of the program ?


int main()

int a[5] = {5, 1, 15, 20, 25};

int i, j, m;

i = ++a[1];

j = a[1]++;

m = a[i++];

printf("%d, %d, %d", i, j, m);

return 0;

A. 2, 1, 15 B. 1, 2,5 C. 3, 2, 15 D. 2, 3, 20

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VB.NET Questions

1. What is the base class of .net?

a. Systems b. Net c. IO d. Data

2. What is MSIL?
a. Microsoft International Language b. Microsoft Intermediate Language

c. Microsoft Instant Language d. Microsoft Interlink Language

3. Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user?

a. Hide
b. Show
c. Visible
d. Enabled

4. What is the use of console application?

a. The application run in Windows Mode
b. The application run in Dos Mode
c. The Application run in Web
d. The application run in web and windows mode

5. What is the purpose of Rich Text Box?

a. It can hold large amount of text character
b. To design Attractive Text Box
c. To design Graphical Textbox d. To read input

6. What is the namespace in which .NET has the data functionality classes ?
a. System.Database
b. System.IO
c. System.Data
d. System.ODBC

7. Which namespace is used to connect SQLServer

a. System.Data.SQLServer
b. System.Data.SQLClient
c. System.SqlServer

8. Define CLR
a. Common Link Runtime b. Common Language Runtime
b. Common Language Resource d. Common Link Runner

9. What is JIT
a. Java In Time b. Just in Time
c. Just in Terminal d. Just in Temporary

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10. Can we force garbage collector to run? a.Yes b. No

11. Vb.Net will support Both Structured and Unstructured Exception Handling
a. Yes b. No

12. The CTS Means

a. Common Terminal System b. Common Type System
b. Common test System d. Common Technology System

13. GAC Means

a. Global Access Control b. Global Assembly Control
c. Global Assembly Cache d. Gate Assembly Cache

14. The purpose of New Operator

a. To Create instant of Object b. To create new item

c. To allocate Memory d. To give new value to object

15. In Masked Text Control which property is used to set mask

a. Mask b. Items

c. Collection d. Name

16. The Purpose of image list is

a. Collection of Images that can be used for other control

b. Displays multiple Images c. It helps to load more Images in Single Object

d. List Images

17. What is the purpose of DataReader?

a. It Enables to Read Data from Dataadapter

b. It enables to write data to database

c. It enables to read data from database

d. It enables to display data on textbox

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18. Which provider is used to connect MS-Access

a. Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0

b. Microsoft.jet.engine

c. Provider for MS-Access

d. Microsoft SQL Provider

19. Define ADO

a. ActiveX Data Object

b. Active Data Object

c. Access Data Object

d. Additional Data Object

20. What is dataset?

a. It contains data tables where you can temporarily store the data for use in your application

b. It is a temporary data storage object

c. which is a object that helps to store data

d. It Reads data from table and displays

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