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Level - 1
(Problems Based on Fundamentals)

1. Find the centre, the vertices, the co-vertices, the 6. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose distance
length of transverse axis, the conjugate axis and the
between foci is 16 and the eccenctricity is 2.
latus rectum, the eccentricity, the foci and the
equation of directirices of each of the following
hyperbolas. 7. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose foci are
(6, 4) and (–6, 4) and the eccentricity is 2.
x 2 y2
(i)  1
9 4
8. Find the eccentiricity of the hyperbola whose latus
y2 rectum is half of its transverse axis.
(ii)   1
16 9
(iii) 9x2 – 16y2 – 36x + 96y – 252 = 0 9. If e1 and e2 be the eccentricities of a hyperbola and
1 1
its conjugate, prove that  1.
2. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose centre is e12 e 22
(1, 0), one focus is (6, 0) and the length of transverse
axis is 6.
10. An ellipse and a hyperbola are confocal (have the
same focus) and the conjugate axis of the hyperbola
3. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose centre is is equal to the minor axis of the ellipse. If e1 and
(3, 2) one focus is (5, 2) and one vertex is (4, 2). e2 are the eccentricities of the ellipse and the
hyperbola, prove that e12 + e22 = 2.
4. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose centre is
(–3, 2), one vertex is (–3, 4) and eccentricity is 5/2. 11. Find the centre of the hyperbola
4(2y – x – 3)2 – 9(2x + y – 1)2 = 80
5. Find the equation of the hyperbola, whose one focus
is (2, 1), the directrix is x + 2y = 1 and the 12. Find the centre of the hyperbola
eccentricity is 2.
3x2 – 5y2 – 6x + 20y – 32 = 0


13. Prove th�!!!J.� straightJ�es

� X··Y x y -­ ·1
-- -=2013 and- +-= 30. Find the equation of the tangent to th� �urve x2 ,_ y2--x
a b. . a b 2013

+2y + 1 \ =0 at (2, 1).
31. Find the equation ofthe tangent to the cuzye 4.x2- 3y2=
24 aty=2.
14. ==����by•=t1�)
. 32. Find the angle between the tangents to the, curve
· 4t . ' 9x2 - 16y2= 144 drawn_ :from the point(4, 3).
Y=-2- is a hyperbola. ..
t -1
' : 33. Find the equations ofthe common tangent to the curves
1 x2 y2
15. Prove that the .locus represented by x=2 (e' +e-') , x2 L ·2
- �- =1 and - =-1
a 2 b2 b, 2
2 a
and y;, !(e' -e-1). is a hyperbola.
'. 34. Find the equation� 9f the ,common tangents to the
z,. 2 2 ,,· 2 · 2
2 curves �-L=l _and �+L =t.
16. If the equation 1 represents a .9 4 9! 4 · ,
,201� ..;.Ai +2Qi3 ..:. A,
35. Find the equation of the cornrnontangents to the 1curves
hyperbola, find Ai.

2 2 · ,· :
x2 Y2 =l'andx2+y2=9 •.
17. Ifthe foci of the ellipse -4-+- = 1 and the hyperbola ;6
16 b2 .
. . 36. Find the equation of the common tangents to the curves
x 2 y 2 .- 1 . .
-.· - --.. ;::: � comc1de, find .the value of b2. . , 2 2 ,•. ,
144 81' 25 ' ', ... · · ;,; . ,,• . · · / y2::::a8xand .:....-:2:'..,.=l:
9 5
. i 8:. If. the latus re,ctm,n subteiids righ,fangle at ,-he c�tre of
· 3 7. Filld tµe locus' of the pointof intersection ofthe perpen-
x2''."'.'. -
·', ,, ... ' .
. . uuigents
' . ,-
' ' 2 2
· the hyper�la ;2·.:... :2 �-l, find its ecce tricity. y2
� dicular · . . to the cuzye == 1 .
· <16'' 9'
19. Find the, location . of point· (1, 4) · w.r.t the hyperbola 38. Fit:ld the product of the perpendiculars·from foci upon
2x2-3y2=6. ,.. . x2 · 2
20. If (A,, -1) is an exterior point of the c�e 4x2 -3y2= any tangeitt% the hyperbota·__JJ� = r.
y :.,, •: ·
, ,. a\ h.� .· . . .
· 1 · such that tht'length of the int.erval
,:where Ai lies is m, ,. ·1
•, . ,fmdthe--v,1µe�f� -;rJ9'. •' ', ·• ,', ' ', ,' ... 39. If th� tangent to tli,e ,parabola¥' .=,4at :inte�Gt$,ltlit'
• · ' , ' ;1.,, ·• 1)..,,,,,(,,.:1! , ·' 1{ '. ', '

. 'r:.rii!t .
hyperboli -r- \'=i A and B �espectiv�lr, fihd the �t
t; ,"<i<�-;,_1i
: . /�\; :':r.:::L:Ju:' .'.,/," tJt;t_,,.,. '.:' -.
21. · Find:the poin�,commoa'.to the h�b'bli Z5r c- 9y2 locus ofthe points of intersection �ftangents at A /UldB.
1 :· :. 'i ,'· '.'{:;._: ·. �·

=22� and the strajgq.t fui¢ 2�x + l�y-45 =0. , · .

22: For whatvalue ofl,'ctoes the line j,· =-3.x + Ai touch the ·
Jiypetbola 9� - 5y2=45? '· , . 2 .. 2
23. For all· real values of in, the straight line 40. Find tlie equation ofthbnormal to the, ctirve' ,f : _iL =4 I
· 16 •; :9
/ ,
. y= mx +�9,n2 ·-:-4.•isa taagent,to.a-Ji�la, find , at (8, 3;/3f,T
:the equation of the hyperbola. 41. Anomial is drawn at one end ofthelatus rectum of the
24. Find the equations:oftangents to the curve 4.x2- 9y2 =
h�rbola x: _,'.Y: =1 �hi�h-�e�; th� axes a;�ints
36, which,is parallelto5i-4y +7 =o:· ! ' '
/. a. b . . . ,
25. Find the equations of tangents to the curve 9.x2- 16y2= A and B respectively. Find the area of the .6..0AB.
144, which is perpendicular to the straight line 3x + 4y 42. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular
+10=0. , . from the centre µpon any normal. to the hyperbola
16. If the line 5x + 12y - 9 ,,;, 0 touches the hyperbola }z 2
x2 - 9y2=9, then find its point of coptacti _ .. ---=1 is
Find the equation of tangents totheclirye4x2 -:: 9.v2=36 a b2
from the point (3, 2); · · · - : -· (x1 +y2)(a7-y2>_'b2x2)=(a2 +b¼yz;y.
28. Find the number of tangents frqm the point (1, -2) to } '
2 . ·, 2
, .. ,
· the �urve 2x2-3y2=12. · · · ,' · · · 43. A normal to the hyperbola
. X2 - y2 � 1 ..1. axes
29. Find the equajion of the tangent to the �urve 3.x2-4y2= 0 b
12 having slope 4-,. · in Mand N and the lines MP anaNP are drawn perpen­
diculars to the axes meeting at P. Prove that the locus
of Pis the hyperbola a2x2 -b2y2=(a2 +b2)2 .


x2 y2 x2 y2
44. If the normal at <p on the hyperbola 2-2 = 1 meets 52. A tangent to the hyperbola 2-2 = 1 cuts the ellipse
a b 2 2 a b
the transverse axis at G such that :2 + ;2 = 1 in points P and Q. Find the locus of the
AG· A'G = am(e" secP 0- 1),
where A, A' are the vertices of the hyperbola and m, n mid-point PQ.
andp are positive integers, find the value of (m + n + 53. Chords of the hyperbola x2-y2 = a2 touch the parabola
p)2 + 36. y2 = 4ax. Prove that the locus of their mid-points is the
45. If the normals at(.x.,y.), i= 1, 2, 3, 4 on the rectangular curve y2(x- a)= x3 • 2 2

hyperbola xy = c2 meet at the point ( a, {J), prove that 54. A variable chord of the hyperbola \ - Y2 = 1 is a tan-
(i) x 1 +x2 + x3 +x4 = a a b
(ii) Y1 +Yz +Y 3 +y4 = f3 gent to the circle x + y2 = c • Prove that the locus of its
2 2

2 2 2+ 2 2 mid-points is
(1·1·1·) X1 +X2 +X3 . X4 = a
x2 y 2 2 2 x2 y2 )
(iv) Yf + Yi +Yi + Yi = /3 2 ( z _ ) =c ( 4 + 4
a b
a bz
(v) x 1 • x2 · x3 • x4 = :-c4
(vi) Y 1 · Y 2 · Y3 · Y4 =-c4. 55. A variable chord of the circle x2 +y2 = a2 touches the
46. If the normals at (x;, y), i = 1, 2, 3, 4 on the hyperbola 2 2
hyperbola \ - Y 2 = 1. Prove that the locus of its mid­
x2 y2 a b
2 -�::::: 1 are concurrent, prove that points is (x2 + y2)2 = a2x2-b2y2.
a b
56. A tangent to the parabolay2 = 4axmeets.the hyperbola
(i) (x1 +x2 + x3 +x4 )(2-+_!_ + _!_ + _!_) = 4 xy = c2 in two points P and Q. Prove that the locus of
. X1 X2 .X3 X4 the mid-point ofPQ lies on a parabola.
1 1 57. From a poi11t P, tangents are drawn to tl:J.e circle x2 +
(ii) (Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 )(-1+- + _!_ +- ) = 4 y2 = a2 • If the chord of contact of the circle is a normal
. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
x2 y2

chord of a hyperbola 2-2 = 1, prove that the locus
a b
47. Find the equation of the chord of contact of tangents
·,.. • 2, 2
of ili< point pis (:: -;: a
H '
from the point (2,3) to the hyperbola � _ L =1. 58. Prove that the locu� oftqe mid-points of!}le focal cnord
9. 4
.. xz y2 �x
48. Find the locus of the mid-points of the portions of the
'. '. x2 y2 .
x z yz
a a ·=
of the nyperbola 2- b• 2' = 1. IS 2- b2 "c" •
tangents to the hyperbola - -- = 1 included be- 59. If the chords of contact of tangents from two points
9 4
tween the axes. xz y2.
49. From the .points. on the circle x2 + y2 = a2, tfl,flgents are (x i ' y1 ) and (x2, y2) to the hyperbola 2-2=1 are
a b
drawn to the hyperbola x2 -y2 = a2 • Prove that the locus
of the mid-points of the chord of contact is
at right angles such· that -L1. = --, a m
where m, n are

(x2 -y2)2 = aZ(xz + y2) YiY2 b
50. Prove that the locus of the mid-points of the hyperbola m; n
2 2 positive integers, fmd the value of (
x 2 - Y 2 =1 which subtend right angle at the centre is
a b

(x 2 y 2 )-2 1 1
a2 b 2
( )
2 y2
a 2 b 2 = a4 + b4
) 60. Find the polar of the focus (-ae, 0) with respect to the
¼;,, 2 2
51. Tangents are drawn from a point P · to the parabola hyperbola �2 _ L =1.
a bz
y2 = 4ax. If the chord of contact of the parabola be a
2 61. If the polars of (xi ' y1 ) and (x2, y2) with respectto the
tangent to the hyperbola -2 - L = 1 , find the locus 2 2
a b2 hyperbola �2 - Y2 =1 are at right angles, prove that
of the point P. a b
X1 Xz a
+ 4 =0.
Y1 Y2 b


62. Find the pole of the tine x -y = 3 w.r.t. the hyperbola

x2 2
x2 ,,-3y2 =3. 77. LetPbe a variable point on the hyperbola 2 - �2 = 1
63. Prove that the locus of the poles of the normal chords a
such that its distance from the transverse axis is equal
x2 2
with respect to the hyperbola -2 -L = 1 is the curve to its distance from an asytµptote to the given hyper­
a b2 bola. Prove that the locus of Pis (x2-y2)2=4x2(x 2 - a2).
y2a6-x2b6 = (a2 +b2)2x2y2. 78. Show that the tangent at any point of a hyperbola cuts
64. Prove that the locus of the poles with respect to the off a triangle of constant area from the asymptotes and
parabola y2 = 4ax of the tangent to the hyperbola x2-y2 that the portion of it intercepted between the asymp­
= a2 is the ellipse 4x2 + y2= 4a2 • totes is bisected at the point of contact.
65. Prove that the locus of the pole with respect to the 79. If P i · and A are the perpendiculars from any point on
x2 2
hyperbola 2 - Y2 = 1 of any tangent to the circle, x2 2

a b the hyperbola 2- Y2 = 1 on its asymptotes, prove

a b
whose diameter is the line joining the foci, is the ellipse
1 1 1
x2 y 2 1 that -- = 2 + 2 .
-+-=--­ PiP2 a b
a b
4 4
a +b2 ·
80. If the normal at t1 to the hyperbola.xy=c2 meets it again
at t2 , prove that tft2 = -1 '.
81. A triangle has its vertices on a rectangular hyperbola.
66. Prove that the equation of the diameter which bisects · Prove that the orthocentre of the triangle also lies on
. . X2 y 2 the same hyperbola.
the chord. 7x +y- 2 = 0 of the hyperbola-. -- = 1
is x+3y=O. . . 3 7 82. Find the locus of the poles of the normal chords of the
rectangular hyperbola xy = c2
67. Find the. equation of the diameter of the hyperbola 83. If the angle between the asymptote is 2a, prove that the
;l 2 eccentricity of the hypertiola is sec a.
� _ L = 1 , which corresponds the line 3x + 4y + 10 84. A circle cuts the rectangular hyperbola xy = 1 in points
9 4 (x , y), r = I, 2, 3, 4, prove that Xr�z-X l; � 1 andYqJ;1�
3 4 4
= 1.
68. Find the equation· of the diameter to the hyperbola 85. If the tangent and,the normal to a rectangu}ar .):iyperbola
x2 y2 xy = c2 at a point cuts off intercepts a1 and a2 on one
- --· = 1 parallel to the chord 2x + 3y + 5=0.
9 4 axisand b l"'.b2 on the other axis, prove .. that a 1 a2 + b i b2
69. In the hyperbola 16x2-9y2 = 144,find the equation of = 0.
the diameter which is.conjugatetoJhe diameter whose 86. If e 1 and. e2 be the. eccentricities of the hyperbola
equation is x = 2y. xy = c2 ang x2-y2 = a2, fmd the valµe of(e 1 + el.
87.. Find the product of the .lengths of the );>�rpendiculars
jf-i drawn from any point on the hyperbola� - y2 = 1 to
70. Find the asymptotes of the curve xy-3y-2x = 0.
71. Find the equations of the asymptotes of the curve its asymptote.
(a sec <p, a tan <p). 88. IfA, B and C be three points on the rectangular hyper­
72. Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola whose asymp­ bola xy = c2 , find
totes are 3x + 4y= 10 and 4x- 3y = 5. (i) the area of the MBC
73. Find the equation of a hyperbola whose asymptotes are (ii) the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at
2x -y = 3 and 3x + y = 7 and which pass through the A,B and C.
point (1, 1). 89. Find the length of the transverse axis of the rectangular
' 74. The asymptotes of a hyperbola having centre at the hyperbola xy = 18.
point (1, 2) are parallel to the lines 2x + 3y = 0 and 90. l>Fove that the locus of a point whose chord of contact
3x + 2y= O. If the hyperbola passes through the point with respect to the circle x2 + y2 = 4 is a tangent to the
(5, 3), prove that its equation is (2x+ 3y-8)(3x + 2y hyperbola xy= 1 is a hyperbola.
-7)-154= 0. 91. Find the asymptotes of the hyperbola xy = hx + ky.
x2 y2
75. Find the product of the lengths of the p.erpendiculars
from any point on the hyperbola x2 ,,- 2y2= 2 to·its as­
92. If e be the. eccentricity of the hyperbola
ymptotes. and 0 is the angle between the asymptotes, find cos ( 0/2).
76. Find the area of the triangle formed by any tangent to 93. A ray is emanating from the point (5, 0) is incident on
x2 -- 2
y = 1 and its asymptotes. the hyperbola 9x 2 - 16y2 = 144 at a point P with ab­
the hyperbola - ·. scissa 8. Find the equation of the reflected ray after first
9 4
reflection and point P lies in first quadrant.

Hints & Solutions

Level - 1

1. (i) The equation of the given hyperbola is (iii) The equation of the hyperbola is
y 2 9x2 – 16y2 – 36x + 96y – 252 = 0
 1
9 4  9(x2 – 4x) – 16(y2 – 6y) = 252
(a) Centre : (0, 0)  9(x – 2)2 – 16(y – 3)2 = 252 + 36 – 144
(b) Vertices : A(a, 0) = A(3, 0) = 144
and A (– a, 0) = A(– 3, 0) 9(x  2)2 16(y  3)2
(c) Co-vertices : B(0, b) = B(0, 2)   1
144 144
and B'(0, – b) = B'(0, – 2)
(d) The length of the transverse axis = 2a = 6 (x  2)2 (y  3)2
  1
(e) The length of the conjugate axis = 2b = 4 16 9
(a) Centre : (0, 0)
2b2 8  X = 0, Y = 0
(f) The length of the latus rectum = 
a 3  x – 2 = 0, y – 3 = 0
b2 4 13
 x = 2 and y =3
(g) Eccentricity = e = 1  2
 1  Hence, the centre is (2, 3).
a 9 3
(h) Equation of the directrices :
a 2 6
x  
e 13 / 3 13
(ii) The equation of the given hyperbola is
x 2 y2
  1
16 9
(a) Centre : (0, 1)
(b) Vertices : A(0, b) = A(0, 3)
and A(0, –b) = A(0, –3)
(c) Co-vertices : B(a, 0) = B(4, 0)
and B'(–a, 0) = B'(–4, 0)
(d) The length of the transverse axis = 2a = 6
(e) The length of the conjugate axis = 2b = 8
2a 2 16
(f) The length of the latus rectum = 
b 3

a2 9 5
(g) Eccentricity = e = 1  2
 1 
b 16 4
(h) Equation of the directrices :
b  6
y  
e 13 / 3 13


(b) Vertices: (±a, 0)

. � X=±a, Y = 0 � b=.i
� X-2 =4, y-3 =0 16 25 84
2 2 2
x = 2±4,y=3 Also, a =b (e -1)= ( -1) =
25 4

Hence, the vertices are (6, 3) and (-2, 3).
(c) Co-vertices: (0, ±b) Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is
� X = 0, Y = ±b (y-2)-=1
(x+3) 2 -'-----'
� x-2 = 0,y-3==±3 2
a b2
� x = 2,y = 3±3 2
(x+ 3) (y-2) 2
Hence, the co-vertices are (2, 6) and (2, 0) � --'--------'-- ....::_....:._= 1
(d) The length of the transverse axis = 2a == 8 84 16 25
(e) The length of the conjugate axis ==2b = 6 5. From the definition of the hyperbola, we can write
9 -e
- .'
(t) Eccentricity== e == J1 + =�
16 4
where S =focus, P == (x, y)
(g) Co-ordinates of Foci: (±ae, 0)

(xtt )'}
� SP2 = e2 PM2
X == ±5, Y = 0
� X-2 == ±5,y-3== 0
=> (X-2) 2 +(y-1) 2 = 4{
� X = 2±5,y = 3
Hence, the co�ordinates of the foci are (7, 3) � 5{(x-2)2 +(Y-1)2 } =4(x+2y-1)2
and (-3, 3 ) 6. Given relation is
2. The equation of the hyperbola with centre (1, 0) is 2 ae = 16
2 2
(x-1) y =1 � ae = 8
a2 b2 � a = 8/e � a = 2
Here, 2a = 6 � a = 3 Now, b2-a2(e2- l)-a2e2-a2 = 64 -4 = 60
Also, one focus = (6, 0) Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is
� 1 +ae 6 == x2 y 2
� ae = 5 2a b2
� 3e = 5
---= y 2
� e = 513 1
Therefore, 4 60

9,.( � -

7. Since foci are (6, 4) and (�, 4), so the axis of the
b2 =a 2 (e2 -1)= 1) =16 hyperbola is parall:el to x-axis.
It is given that the distance between two foci is 12, so
Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is 2 ae = 12
(x-1) 2 y2 � ae = 6
=1 � 2a = 6
9 16
� a=3
3. Since the focus is (5, 2) and the vertex is (4, 2), so the
axis of the hyperbola is parallel to x-axis and a = 1,
b2 - a2(e2 - 1)- a2e2 -a2 - 36-9 = 27
ae = 2
Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is
Let the equation of the hyperbola ,be
x2 _y2
(x-3)2 (y-2)2 =l
1 ...(i) a 2 b2
a2 b2
As we know that, the relation in a, b and e with respect --y2 -=1
to a hyperbola is 9 27
b2 - a2(e2 � 1) -a2e2 - a2 -4 - 1 -3 8. Given relation is
Now from Eq. (i), we get 2
- b2 1
=-x( 2a)=a
(x-3) (y-2) 1
2 2 a
1 3 2
- b2
� =a
4. Since the focus is (-3, 2) and the vertex is(--3,4), so the a
axis of the hyperbola is parallel to y-axis and be == 2 � 2b2 = a2
Also, relation in a, b and e is
� bx�=2 b2 =a2(c2 - 1)


=> 3(x2-2x)-5(y2-4y)=32
=> -=a 2 (e 2 -1) => 3(x-1)2-5(y-2)2 = 32+3-20 = 15
1 3(x-1)2 5(y-2) 2
=> (e2 -1)=- => =1
2 15 15

(x-1)2 (y-2) 2 =
=> e= => l
5 3
z 13. The given straight lines are
9. Let the equation of the hyperbola is \ - =1 and
a b2 �-l'..= 2013 ...(i)
2 2 a b
• conjugate
• IS
• 2- y =-1
2 and
a b X y 1
Therefore, -+-=-. -·-. ...(ii)

a b 2013
e1 = 1 + -;;z and e2 = 1+ ,l
Multiplying Eqs (i) and (ii), w� get

-(a +b . -(a +b ) (�-f)(�+f )=2011x ; =1

ei - .---.) and e -
2 2
2 2 2 13
x2 y2
a . b2
=> ---=1
a 2 b2
which represents a hyperbola.
14. Wehave,
. ·l+t 2 4t
( -.- 2
) andy=-2- ..
1-t t -1

x2 y2 = .andthe
10. Let the eqµation of the ellipse be 12 +b 1
a 2
- ,,{::.� r� (
x: y: 1 �.,, J
2 2
equation of the hyperbola is is x2 - Y2 ::::: 1 x2 _ y 2 (1+ t 1 )2 - 4t 2 = 1-t2
a b => ( 2) 1
Also, it is given that, 9 4 (1- t 2 )2 1- t ;
2b = 2a x2. l
=> b=-a => ---=1
9 4
Let e1 ande2 be the eccentricities of the ellipse andthe which represents a hyp�rbola.
hyperbola. 15. Wehave,

x= 2 (e +e- and y= .!. (e1 -e- )

.!. 1 1 1
=> 2x=(e +e--1) and2y=(e-e-�

2 . => 4.x2-4y2 = (e +e-1)2 - (e-e4)2

and e2 = = 1+2=h => 4.x2-4y2 = 2+2
=> .x2-y2=1
Thus, et +ei = 2 Which represents a rectangular hyperbola.
11. The equation of the hyperbola is 16. The given equation of the hyperbola is
x 2 y2
4(2y-x-3)2-9(2x+y-1)2=80 -- -+ ----'--=1
The centre of the hyperbola is obtainedfrom the equa­ 2014-1 2013---l
tions �'¾, (2013-l)x2+(2014-l)f
2y - X - 3=0 and2x + y - 1=0 -(2013-.4)(2014-A) = o.
Solving, we get, => (2013-l)x2+(A-: 2014)1
x = -2/5 -(2013-A-)(2014-1) = o
and y = 13/10 The given equation represents a hyperbola, if
. 2 13 h2-ab>0
Hence, the centre IS (---'-,-) . => 0-(2013...,l)(A-4014)>0.
5 10
=> (2013-l)(l--,2014) < 0
12. The equation of the given hyperbola is => 2013 < l< 2014
3x2 - 5f-6x+20y - 32=0 => A e (2013, 2014)


l 7. The given equati on of the hyperbola is 19. We have,

x2 y2 1 2x[ -3 yf-1 = 2-48-1 =-47 <0
144 81 25 Thus, the point (1, 4) lies outside of the hyperbola.
We have, 20. Since the point (4, -1) is an exteri or point of the curve
4.x2-3y2 = 1, so
e=�l+:� =�1+ ��
1 =�:�! =��=¾ 442-3-1<0
=> 4A2-4 <0
144 => 42 - 1<0
Also, a 2=
25 => (4 +1)(4-1)<0
Thus, the foci are => -1<4<1
(± ae, 0) =(± 1: x¾, o)=(±3, o). => 4E (-1, 1)
Thus, the length of the interval, where 4 lies is 2.
Therefore, m = 2
Now, for the ellipse, Hence, the value of m +10 = 2 + 10:;: 12.
ae = 3
=> a2e2 = 9 21. As we know that if tJ:ie line y = mx + c be a tangent
2 · y2
Thus, b2 = a2( 1-e 2) t o the hyperbola x2 - 2 = 1, the co-ordinates of the
= a2-a2e2 a b
= 16-9 = 7
.. a 2m b2 )
Hence, the value of b2 is 7. point of contact is ( ± --, ±
18. Let LL' be the latus rectum of the given hyperbola. c � .

Therefore, L( ae, b: ) and L{ ae,-� ) and the cen-

The equation o f the given hyperbola is
25.x2-9y2 = 225
xz y 2
tre of the hyperbola is C(0, 0) => ---=1 ...(i)
9 25
(b 2 la)= -b-
Also, the given line is
Now, sl ope of CL = m, = -- ·
ae a 2e 25x + 12y = 45
(-b2 /a) b2 => 12y = -25x + 45
and the slope ofm. 2 = =--2- 25 +-45
ae ae => y=-- ...(ii)
,; 12 12
Since, the latus rectum subtends right angle at the cen­
tre, so Here, a = 3, b = 5 and m =-.25/12.
m 1 X nl/"'-1 Thus, t h n oi i

: : n;: b� : � 20
(- c ,- C ) ( + 5,- + ) ·.
=> 3
22. As we know that, the line y = mx + c will be a tangent
=> xz y2
to the hyperbola 2-2=1, if
a b
=> b4 = a4e2 c = a m -b 2
2 2 2
=> a4(e2-1)2 = a4e2 The equation of the hyperbola is
=> (e2-1)2 =e 2 .. 9x2 - 5y2 = 45
=> e 4-3e 2 +1 = 0 xz y 2
=> ---=1
3 ±/5 5 9
=> e2=-- u ere a 2 = 5 b2 = 9 m = 3 c = 4
2 ""'-t.- , , ' '
Therefore, from Eq. (i), we get
2 3+/5 42 = a2m2 - b2 = 15-9 = 6
=> e =-·-
=> 4=±.J6
' = 3 +/ =
6+1,/5 =( Jst
23. The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola
=> e x2 y 2
- -- =l 1s
a z b2
=> e=(
Jst) y= mx+�a 2m 2 - b2


The equation of the given tangent is If the line (ii) be a tangent to the hyperbola (i); the co­
y= mx+�9m -4 2 ...(ii) ordinates of the point of contact can be
Since Eqs (i) and (ii) are identical, so
a2=9; b2 =:= 4
Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is
( ± •: , <}( ± (-5), ± �)

x 2 y2
27. The equation of the given hyperbola is
- --=1 4x2-9y2=36
x 2 y2
9 4
=> 4x2-9y2=36 => ---=1
24. The equation of any tangent to the parallel to 5 x-4y + 9 4
7=Ois Here, a2=9, b2=4.
=> 4y = 5x + J.
The equation to the hyperbola
x 2 y2
- --=1
=> y= -'- x+- a 2 b2
5 J. IS
4 4
The equation of the given hyperbola is
4x2-9y2=36 y= mx+�a 2 m 2 -b2

x 2 y2 => y=mx+�9m 2 -4
=> -,--- =1 ...(ii)
9 4 which is passing through (3, 2). So
Since, the line (i) is a tangent to the hyperbola (ii), so (2 - 3m)2=.9m2 - 4
=> 4- l 2m +- 9m2 = 9m2 .,... 4
:;;.z =9G!)-4 => 4-l2m = -4

=> -= 225-64 => m=- m=oo

16 16 3'
Hence, the equations of the tangents are
=> A =161

=> A=±M X + 3=0 and Y= X •

Hence, the equations of the tangents are 3
5x-4y±/161 =o
28. We have,
25. The equation of any line perpendicular to 2,xf-3yf-12 =2.l-3.4-.12
3x + 4y + 10=0 is · =2-12-12=2-24 =-22 < 0
4x-3y+J.=0 So, the point (1, �2) lies outside of the hyperbola.
y= +
Thus, the number of tangents is 2.
(1)x -�
=> ...(i) 29. The equation of the givenhyperbolais
The equation of the given.hypetbola is 3x2-4y2=12
9x2 - 16y2 =144
x2 y2 => ...(i)
=> ---=1 ...(ii)
16 9 .

The line (i) will be a tangent to the hyperbola (ii), if Here, a2=4, b2 = 3 and m = 4
;. ' 2 2 The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola (i) is
(3 =16 3 -9 y= mx+�a 2 m 2 -b2
y= 4x±.J64-3
=> J.2=256-81=175 =>
=> A=±M =± 5-fj
'"-=> y=4x±J6i.
Hence, the equation of the tangents are
4x-37± 5-fj =0. Hence, the equations of tangents are
26. The given hyperbola is y = 4x+J6i. and y = 4x-J6i..
x2 -9y2 = 9 30. The equation of tangent to the curve
x2 x2-y2-8x+2y+ 11 =Ois
__ L=l
xx1 -yy1 -4(x-x 1 ) + (y-y1 ) + 1 = 0
=> ...(i)
=> 2x-y-4(x+2)+(y+ l)+ 11 =0
9 1
The given line is 5x + l2y-9=0
=> -2x+4 = 0
=> y= -
( 1� )
¾ ...(ii) => x-2 = 0


31. When y = 2, then, 4x2 = 36

=> x=3:J" 34. The equation of the given curves are · � _ L = 1 and
2 2

Hence, the points are (3, 2) and (-3, 2). 9 4

x2 y2
The equation of the tangent at (3, 2) is -+-=1
12x- 6y=24 9 4
=> 2x-y=4
Also, the equation of the tangent at (-3, 2) is
=> 2x+y+4=0
32. The equation of the given hyperbola is
9x2- 16y2 == 144
x2 y2
16 9
The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola (i}can be x = -3 x=3
considered as y = mx+ �16m2 -9 Here, the length of the �ajor �is of the �liipse is equal
which is passing through (4, 3). So to the length of the transverse �s and also the length of
. (3 '."' 4mJ= l6mi -9. the minor axis is equaho 9J.e length of the conjugate axis.
=> 9 - 24 m+l6m2 ='16m2 -9 Thus, the equations of the COD1Il10n tangents are X = ±3
=>. 24m":" 18 and y= ±2.
3 35. The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola
=> m=- and m=oo x2 y2
.4 ---=1 ts
' <'(

Let 8 be 't'he angle between them. Then 16 9

y = mxrl-':�16m2 -9
}., =i => · mx-y+�16m 2 -:-9=0
. 1+I.00 - !+i'. 3
( ' .. ;(i)
. 4 � 1�_·. · 00 4
mn B)=I ¾-_


=> 8=tan- 1

Hence, th� �gle between the tangents_ is

tan-1 (1). '

··i. '.

33. The equation of any tangent,to the hyperbofa ..

x2 y2 .
---=l 1s
a b If the tangent(i) is also the tangen,t to the circle,x2 + Y
=9, the length of the perpendicuJar from the centre of
2 2

y=m1 x+�a 2mf- b 2 ...(i)

· the circle is equal to the radius of the circle. So
The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola ··1-----1-
0-�16m 2 -9 3
--2----=1 is �m2 +1
x2 y2
(-b ) (-a 2 )
=> ·"-IJ6m2 - 9 =9(m2 + 1)
y=m2 x+�(-b2)mi-(-a 2 ) ...(ii) => 16m2 -9m2 = 9+ 1 = 10
Since the equations (i) and (ii) are identical, so => 7m2 = 10
a 2mf- b2 � (-b 2 )mi- (-a 2 ) => ·rri = ±�
=> mf=I and mi=l
Hence, the equation
' -·' of tangents are y= ± - x + -.
Thus, m 1 = ±1 = m2
Hence, the equations of the common tan gents are
10 Jk 5
36. The equation of any tangent to the parabola Y = 8x is
y=±x + �a 2 - b2
y=mx+J-. ...(i)

y TheriF1 = (ae, 0) andF2 = (-ae,0).

The equation of any tangent to the hyperbola is
�sec0-Itan0=1 ...(i)
a b
Let p I and p2 be two perpendiculars from foci upon the
tangent (i).
a2 (e2 -l)(e2 sec 2 0-1)
PiP2 = e2 l
(( - ) sec20+tan 2 0)
y a2{e2 -l)(e2sec20-1)
Since the tangent to the parabola is also a tangent to the PiP2 =
((e2 -1) sec2 0+ (sec20-1))
x2 y2

hyperbola ---=1 so a 2 (e2 -l)(e2sec20-1)
9 5
PiP2 =
5x2 -9( mx+ =45
(e2sec 2 0 - l)
� PR2 = a2(e2 -'-1)
� 5l-,-9(m 2 x2 + :2 +4m)=45 � PR2 =b2
Hence, the product of the lengths of the perpendiculars
� (5-9m 2 )x2 -36x-9(:2 +5 )= o ·· is b2 •
39. LetP(a, /J) be the point of intersection of tangents at A
Now, andB.
� (36) 2 +36(5-9m 2 {:2 +5) =0

36+-2 +25-36-45m 2 =0
4 2 =0
-. -+5-9m
9m4 -5m2 -4= 0
(m2 - 1)(9m2 + 4) = 0
(m2- l)=O
m = ±i y
Hence, the equations of the common tangents are Clearly, the point of intersection of the tangents at A
y=±x±2. and B is the chord of contact.
3 . As we know that the locus of the perpendicular tan­ Therefore, the chord of contact AB is
gents is the director circle. ax_f3y
Hence, the equation of the director circle is =l
x2+y2=a2 -b2 = 16-9 = 7 a 2 b2
� x2+y2=7 b2xa b 2
2 2 y=-- --
38. LetF1 andF2betwofociofthehyperbola \ _Y2 =1. a2 /3 /3

a b which is a tangent to the parabola y2 = 4ax. So

b2 = a

-p (::;]
=> P'=(-!:a)
Hence, the locus of P( a, /J) is


Then, A �·h=====I
0 .tan 2 0
&ec -
-· +--
a2 b2

esec0+1 Hence, the area of l!..OAB

and p2 =1-;=== ==I
sec 20 tan 20 .!. e(a2 +b2) x (a2 +b2)
--+-· -. = x
a2 b2 2 a a
_ (esec0-l)(esec0+1) 1 . e(a2 tb 2
P...1P2 .,... • ·. 2 · · · · 2 =-x-- 2
sec 0 . tan 0 2 a
-. -+-. -.
a2 . b2
=.!.x· a 2 e5
a2b2 (e2s.ec2 0- 2
=·� --c:----,,-.,.......,.
(b sec 0 + a tan 0
2 2..:._..
42. The eq,uation of an-Y. nof.IWll. at (q.sec tan
) ··· q>, b ··· <p)· to the
2 2
2 2
...... x Y ·. . ..
d1 (e2 -l)(e2 sec2 0-1) hyperbola ---= 1 1s
= a2 b2
(a2 (e2 -l)sec 2 0+a2 tan20) ax cos +by cot q, ::c a2 + b2 ... (i)
40. The equation of the normal to the curve - � L 1 at
16 9
= The equation of any line perpendicul� to (i) and pass­
ing through the origin is
(8, 3./i) is (b cotq,)x-(acos <p)y =O
.� bx-asin,<P,)'.::::.,O,. ...(ii)
If we eliminate q, between Eqs (i) and (ii), we get the
required locus of the foot of the perpendicular.
16x From (ii), we. iet,
+ 9y =16 + 9
8 3..[3
. (.<p) =-
� 2x+./iy=25
Hence, the required eqWltion of .�.. nopn;al is
41. Let, one end of the latus rectum of the given hyperbola

is i(ae, b: )-
y From Eq. (i), we get
�(a 2y2 _b2x2 ) � a2y2 _b2x2
axx . · +byX-'-'-( ---'-------'--)
ay bx
=a2+b z

·� (x2 + i)(�(a2y 2-b2x2 ) )= (a +b2 xy


� (xz + y2)2(a2y2- b2x2) = (a2 + b2)2 x2y2

which is the required locus of the foot of the perpen­
L' dicular.
43. The equation of any normal to the hyperbola
The equation of the normal to the given hyperbola at L
is x2 2
-- L =l is
a2 b2
ax cos<p + by cot<p = (a2 + b2) ... (i)


N----�p az +bz
Thus, the co-ordinates of G = ( ·. . . . . , 0
. • acostp. )
Clearly, the vertices,A = (a, 0) and A'= (-a, 0)
a 2 +b2

Now,AG=· (---a)
a 2 +b2 .·
and A'G = (--+a
·Y Therefore,
Since the normal (i) meets the x-axis· at Mand y-axis at [a 2+b� · · a2 +b2 •
N respectively. Then, AG. A'G = --.a)·. (--+a)

(o: (•'
acos<p acostp
M� (:'C::;,o) andN� ; ')mnf)
I.Jet the coitmlifuites ofthe point P be (a, PJ.
Since PM and PN are perpendiculars to the ax,es, so the
= (<ie2 sec2 q,-a2)
co-ordinates of P are
a2 +b2 .
. ((·.·--)· secq,,
(a2+b2 . · .
.·· ·.·. b ) tan<n· )
. .
= a2(e2 sec2<n- 1)
=> m = 2, n = 2,p = 2
a. ..
(m + n + p)2 + 36 = 36 + 36 = 72.
Therefore, 45. The equation of the normal to the hyperbola xy = c2 at
a= •' h') secf and /J =(•':h'}mnf
( : (ct, f) is
=> · a(•a2 +b
a 2) = sec<n and P(.· 2 b 2). · · =:= tan.<n
xt3-yt-ct4+c = O
=> ct4-xt3+yt-c = O
· a +b
As we know that, which is passing through ( a, P), so
sec2 tp- tan2 q, = 1 ct4- aJ3 + /3t- C = 0.
-P2 (.�)
2 Let its four roots are t1 , t2, t3 , it
a2 ( ) =l
2+ 2
a b . a2· +b2
=> <i-a2 _ [J2b2 = (a2 + b2)2
Hence, the locus of (a, P) is
a2x2-b2y'- = (a2 + b2)2
44. The equation of any normal to the hyperbqla
.. --=l at((/))1s
a2 b2
ax cos<n + by cot<n = a2 + b2


(iii) xf+x1+x;+xJ =c\tl+ti+tf+t})

= c2 {(L t1 )2 -2l(t1f2)}

=c'{(:)'-o}= a 2

(iv) yf +Yi+yf +yf=(LY1)2 - 2_L/YiY 2 )

= ({3)2 -2c2 r(-1 ) (ii) Similarly we can have

= - (�;,;; )
fh 2- -1 -1
( Y1+Y2 + Y3+ Y4)( + +2-+ )
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
(/l) 2 2 2
47. The equation of the .chord of corifu.ct of tangents drawn
from Hie point (2, 3) is

2x _2:'..=1
9 2

=> 4x-9y = 18
x y2
46. the equation of any nonnal to the given hyperbola at 48. Any tangent to the hyperbola 1'",.... 4 1 is
(x, y) is
X y; = 1
- ) y x- ) -sec0--tari0 ...(i)
�(k y = b 2 ( b 3 2
1 y
=> (-2 +2-2 )xy-2:'.. - kx2 = 0
a b ·. b. a
b 2 kx
=> y= ••. (i)
a 2 (e2 x-b)
The equation of the hyp�bola is
2 2
y =. 1 . .. (ii)
a b
2 2
Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), we get, Y'
x2 . -----
- b4k2x2 Let the tangent intersects the x-axis atA and y-axis at B,
a 2 b 2a4(e2 x-b) 2
=1 respectively.
a2e4x4 - 2ba2e2x3 - (a2b2 + b2k2 + a4e4)x2+ 2ba4e2x The_n A = (3 cos 0, 0) and B = (0, .c..2 cot 0)
Let (h, k) be the mid-point ofAB.
+a4b2-0 111
Let x i ' x2 , x3 , x4 are the roots of Eq. (iii). Therefore,
2h = 3 cos 0 and 2k =-2 cot 0
Then, x1 +x 2+x3+x 4 = 2 , 3 . 1
=> sec0 = - and tan0 = --
2h k
a2 b2 +b2 k2 +a4 e2
L(X1X2) = As we know that,
a 2 e4 sec2 0-tan2 0= 1
- 1
( X X
L 1 2 3X ) = - => --2_2 __2 =1
e2 4h k
a 2 b2
and L(x,xz x3 x4 ) = -4-· Hence, the locus of (h, k) is �-� = 1.
e 4x y


49. Any point on the circle x2 + y2 = a2 be (a cos 0, a sin 0).

x2 y2
(hx - )
-;;: ,;:

-;;-,;r h 2 _ k2
(. )
a 2 b2

1 2 k2 (h ) x
2 1 (h2 k 2) 2
2 2

a 2 a'J. b2 b 2 a 2 .b2 . y
_ h 2 2 k2 2 2hk
-- X +- Y - 2b2xy . . . (iii)
a4 b4 · - a
Y' Equation (jii) will be a right angle, if co-efficient of
The equation. of the chord of contact from the point x2 + co�efficient ofy2 = 0
(a cos 0, a sin 0) to the hyperbola x2 -y2 = a2 is 1 j, 2 k 2
h 2 1 h 2 k2
(a cos 0)x-(a sin 0)y = a2 ( ) ( )
=> x cos 0-y sin 0= a ...(i)
=> . a 2 a 2 b2 . a4 b2 a 2 b2 b4 -o
Letthe mjd-poµitbe (h, k)�
The equation of the chord bi�ected at. (h, ff) to the hy­

perbola x2 - y2 = a2 is
ky = h2 -k2
(::. ::re, :,)t>tJ
Hence, the locus of (h, k) is
( (ii)
Since the Eqs i) and are identical, so
h -k
--=-- = --
cos0 · sin0
h 2 -k 2
(:: (,)'(:, �� )-(;+�}
51. Let the point on the parabola be (h, k).
ah . ak
cos0 = 2 and sm0 = 2- . 2
h -k2
h -k
Squaring and adding, we get
h · 2 -ak )
( ,.a
2 . .• +
( 2 2 =l
h -k . h -k
=> a2(h2 + k2) = (h2 -k2)2
Hence, the locus of(h, k)is a2(x2 + y2) = (x2 -y2)2 .
50. Let the mid-point be (h, k).

The equation of the chord of contact of the parabola is
yk=2a(x+h) ...(i)

The equation of the chord bisected at (h, k) to the given
hyperbola is Since, the line (ii) is a tangent to the hyperbola
T=SI xi,,"· y2

hx ky h2 k 2
02 -,f =l, so,
a 2 - b2 =�- b2 c2 = a2m2 - b2
The equation of the hyperbola is
(2: r =a (� r-b2
h 2
x2 y 2 =>
---=1 ...(ii)
a 2 b2 => 4a2h2 = 4a4-k2b2
Since the chord (i) subtends right angle at the centre, so Hence, the locus of (h, k) is
we can write 4a2x2 = 4a4-y2b2


=> hx-ky=h2 -k2

xz y2
52. Any tangentto the hyperbola 2 -2 =: 1 at R( 0) is => ky = hx + (k2 - h2)
a b ·
...(i) => ...(i)

y y

Y' Y'
Letthe mid-point of PQ be (h, k). If the line (i) touches the parabolay- = 4 ax, so
Then the equation of the chord bisected at (h, k) to the
x z y2
ellipse 2 + 2 = 1 is
a b •
hx ky h2 k2
az bz az bz .
...(ii) =>
( '/)= (k�t( ·:
Therefore, the Eqs (i) and (ii) are identical. So => h(h2 -k2) = ak2
secO/a -tanO/b 1 Hence, the locus of (h, k) is
-h = k =(h k.2J.2 x(x2 -y-) = ay-
az bz az + b2 54. If (h, k). be the mid-,point of,the.chord of the hyperbola
x2 Yz
secO �tano 1 ---=1 then
=> = a 2 b2'' '
-h- - k-
h2 + k
( T=SI
a b a?. b2.. )
hx ky h 2 k2
h k =>
a 2- b2 a2 - b2
=> sec8= and mnB=
: :
( :: �) : �) =>
We know that,
sec2 O-tan2 O= I => .. ;(i)



Hence, the locus of (h, k) is 2-2

( ) ( ]2
x2 y 2
a b'
x 2y 2
= 2+2
a b
53. If (h, k) be the mid-point of the chord of the hyperbola
x2-y-=a2, then If the line (i) be a tangent to the circle x2 + y- = c2, then
T=SI C1- =A2(1 + m2)



k2 a2
(!{- b2
k ) = c2 ( 1 + b h )
4 a k2
4 2 k -h -c2
Thus,-=-. = -· -
· 1 t at2

Hence, the locus of (h, k) is

=> (b2h2 - a2/r-)2=c2(tfk: + b2h2) -h 2 -c 2
=> t=-,t =-

Elimmating t, we get,
k ak
(b2x2 - a2y-)2= c2(cty2 + b4x2)

r l
h2a =-kc2
c' (�
55. If (h, k) be the tnid�point of the chord of the circle
=> ( ;: -;: + ;:
Hence the locus of (h, k) is

x2 + y2=a2, then => = ( a) 2

57. Let the point P be (h, k).

y - C2. X •
. T=SI
=> hx+ky=h3 +lf
Then the equation of the chord of contact of the circle

y H)x+(
h't') (i) x2 +y2=a2 is

=> hx + ky=a2 ...(i)

. 2 2
If the ime(i) bea tangentto tlie hyperbola �;... L �1 The equation of the normal chord of the hyperbola
a2 b 2
a b2
' x2 2

so, c2 = a2m2 - b2 - Y = 1 at(</>) is
h' ; k'
r = ·'(::

J- '
ax cos <p-by cot<p=a2 + b2 ... (ii)
Equations (i) and(ii) are identical. Therefore,
=> (h2 + Jr-)2=(a2h2 _ b2Jr-) a cos<p
--=--- bcot<p (a 2 + b2 )
Hence, the locus of (h, k) is k a2
(x2 + y2)2=(a2x2 - by) a3 .
sec<p = d t -
56. Any tangent to the parabolay2=4ax at (at2, 2at) is h(a2+ b2) an an<p = k(a2+b2)
yt=X + af- , ...(i) ,
We have,
sec2 <p - tan2 <p= 1



[:!_ _ b2
) = [
a2 + b2

h2 k2 a2
If(h, k) be the tnid-point of the chord of the hyperbola Hence, the locus of (h, k) is

xk + yh = c2
(::-;: H
xy= c2, then

·':, 'J
Therefore, the Eqs(i) and (ii) are identical.


58. If (h, k) be the mid-point of the chord of the hyperbola

2 2 XIX2_ a4
x y _ 4
---=1 then => Y!Y2 ..,. b
a 2 b2 ' Thus, m = 4 and n = 4
T=SI °
n 4 4
hx ky - ---h 2 k2 Hence, the value of ( m; =( : ) =2 =1024.
=> - - ... (i)
x 2 b 2 a 2 b2 60. The equation of the polar with respect to the hyperbola
X 2 y2
--- = 1 IS.
a 2 b2
XXi .2..Y.J.11 =l
a 2 b2
x(-ae) y·O
=> ----=1
a2 b2
=> x =--
which is passing through the focus (ae, 0) of the given
61. The equation of the polars from points (:x-1 , Y 1 ) and (x2,
y2) to the hyperbola
2 2 x
2 y2
aeh = h k ---=lare
7 a2 - b2 a 2 b2

h 2 k2 eh XX

1 _ .Y.J.11 --·1. . .. (1')
-;; -,1 = -;; b2
Hence, the locus of (h, k) is and xx2 Y.J.12 =1 ...(ii)
y2 !!_ a 2 - b2
_ =( ) x
a 2 b2 a Now, slopes of (i) and (ii) are
59. The equations of the chord ofc�mtact of the tangents to b2x1 . ·.....· 2
b �2 .
the given hyperbola at (xi' y1 ) arid (:x-2, Y2) are =
m1 - 2 -andm2 =-2-.·.
a Yi a,y,z
... (i) Since the polars of tlie giv8n points ate perpehdicular,
and ...(ii)

=> X1X2 +� = 0
Y!Yi b
62. Let (xl 'y1 ) be the pole of the hyperbola. Then the equa­
tion of the polar from a point (xl 'y1 ) w.r.t. the hyperbola
x2-3y2=3 is
Y' ,
xx I - 3.Y.YI =3 ...(i)
The equation ofthe given polar is
The slopes of the lines (i) and (ii}are
x-y = 3 .. ,(ii)
"'t =(::;)and m, = ( ::�) Therefore, the Eqs (i) and (ii) ate identical. So
-3YJ .... 3
XI =--�-
Since, (i) and (ii) meet at right angles, so 1 -13
mm =-1 1

b> ) X ( OYJ
=> X1 =l,YJ =

b> )= -1
I 2
=> (
OYJ Hence, the pole is (1, j) .

63. Let the pole be (h, k). Hence, the locus of (h, k) is
The equation of the polar from the point (h, k) w.r.t. the 2
x2 y2 x2 +L = a 2
hyperbola -- 2
1 is 4
a b
65. Let (h, k) be the pole.
=> 4x2+y2=4a2
hx -
-- ky =
1 ...(i)
a2 b,2 Then the equation of the polar w.r.t. the hyperbola
The equation of the normal chord of the given hyper­
bola at ((/>) is -
x2 y 2
-- =l 1s
ax cos q,-by cot<p = (a2 + b2) •••(ii)
a2 b2
Equations (i) and (ii) are identica[Therefore, hx_ky=l
acos (p bcotq, (a2 +b2 ) a 2 b2
( h!a2 ) = (k/b2 ) = ·1
h k
=> cosq,=(a2 +b2) 3, cotq, = (a 2 + b2) 3
a b The foci of the given hyperbola are (ae, 0) and (-ae, 0)
3 The equation qf the circle is

. => a 2 •. 'tanq, = . 2
secq,::;:: . 2· + 2 .
;> (x-ae)(x + ae) + y2= 0
(a b )h · 1 .(a +b )k
=> x2 + y2 = (ae)2 •••(ii)
We know that, If the line (i) be a tangent to �e circle (ii), then
sec2 q,- tan2 q, = 1 c2 = a2(1 + m2)

3 2 3
b ·
=> ( a ) -( ) =1 => b: =(ae)2 (1+
(a2 +b2 ) h (a2 +b2 )k

=> (:)'-( =(a' +b')'

k ah

b:J =>
Hence, the locus of (h, k) is
(a6y2- b6.x2) = (a2 +b2f(xy)
64. Let (h, k) be the pole.
� equati9n of the po\ar from the point (h, k) w.r.t. the
parabola y2 = 4ax is ==>
yk = 2a(x + h) = 2ax + 2ah

y = ( :)x+(2;
...(i) =>
(�:+ ::ha,:b 2 )

Hence, the locus of (h, k) is ( :: + ;: ) = (

a' b')
66. The equation of the chord is
7x + y = 2y=-1x + 2 ...(i)

b 2x
Hence, the equation of the diameter is
7x x
y --
a2 m 3x(-7) 3
x+3y = O
Y' 67. 1)1e given line is 3x + 4y + 10 = 0
If the line (i) be a tangent to the hyperbola x2 - y2 = a2,
' y = (-¾)x+(-¾) ...(i)

r (2; r _
c2a2m2 -a2
Hence, the equation of the diameter corresponds to the
2 h
=> ( : = a2 a2 line (i) is
b2x 4x --
=> 4h2 = 4a2-k2 y = a2
m= 27
2 k2 = 2
=> h a
4 => l 6x + 27y = 0


73. The combined equation of the asymptotes is

6 8. The slope of the given chord is m = (-¾). (2x -y- 3)(3x + y -7) = 0
=> 6x2 - xy -y2 - 23x + 4y + 21 = 0
Hence, the equation of the diameter parallel to the Let the equation of the hyperbola be
given chord is 6x2 - xy-y2 -23x+4y + 2 = 0,
b2 x where 2 is any ·constant such that it represents two
straightlines which passes through (1, 1), so 2 = 15.
a 2 m'
Hence, the equation of the hyperbola becomes
=> 2x+3y = 0 6x2 -xy-y2-23x+4y+ 15 =O.
69. Let the equation of the diameter, which is conjugate to 74. The combined equation of the asymptotes parallel to
x = 2yis the lines 2x +3y = 0 and 3x +2y = 0 is
y = m 1 x. (2.x +3y+2)(3x+2y +µ) = o
As we know that two diameters y =(½)x and y = m 1x which is passing througq (l, 2).
are conjugates, if (2 · 1 + 3 · 2 + 2)(3 · 1 + 2 · 2 + µ) = .0
=> (8 + 2)(7 + µ) = O
m1 m2 =2
a => 2 = -8,µ = -7
1 16 Thus, the combined equation of the assymptotes is
=> m1X2= 9 (2x + 3y - 8)(3x+2y- 7) = 0
32 Let the equation of the hyperbola be
=> m1 =-9
2x + 3y = O aµd2x-3y = o
Hence, the equation of the conjugate diameters is which is passing through (5, 3). So
(2 · 5 + 3. 3 -8)(3 · 5 + 2 · 3 - 7) +2 = 0
y=-x => 11 X 14 +2 = 0
9 => 2 = -154
=> 32.x = y
Hence, the equation of the hyperbola is
70. Equations of the asymptotes to the hyperbola
(2x + 3y- 8)(3x + 2y- 7) � 154 = 0.
xy- 2x -3y = 0 is
75. The equation of the given hyperbola is
xy- 2x- 3y+2 = 0,
x2-2y2.= 2.
"'.liere 2 is any constant such that . it represents two
So, the equations of its asymptotes are
straight lines.
Therefore, x-Ji y=P,andx+Ji y=0;
abc + 2fgh-af2 -bg2-ch 2 = 0 Let any point on the hyperbola be P (Ji sec <p, tan <p) .
Let PM and PN are two perpendiculars from the point
=> 0+2x( �)x(-l)x(½)-o-o-2(½r =0 P to the asymptotes,
=> 2 = 6
Hence, the required.asymptotes are =
Ji sec<p -Ji tan<p x,-�-==-_,
Ji sec<p+Ji tan<p
xy-2x- 3y+6 = 0 . .J1 + 2 .J1+2
=> (x-2)(y-3) = 0 2
=> x = 2andy = 3 =-x(sec<p-tan<p) x (sec<p+tan:<p)
71. The equations of the asymptotes of the given curve is 3
3x2 +lOxy +8y2 +l 4x +22y+2 = 0, 2
/- = x(sec2 <p-tan 2 <p)
where 2 is any constant such that it represents two 3
straight lines. 2
Therefore, 3
abc +2/gh - af - bg2 - ch 2 = 0
76. The equation of the given hyperbola is - _ I_ = 1 .
x2 2

=> 3 · 8 · 2-+2 · 7 · 1 1 · 5 -3 · 121 - 8 · 49- 2· 25 = 0


9 4
=> 242-+770 -363 -392-252 = 0 Thus, the equations of the asymptotes are
=> X= 15
Hence, the combined equation of the given asymptotes
lS (1+f) (1-f)=o
3x2+10.xy+8y2+ 14xt22y+ 15 = 0
72. Since the asymptotes are perpendicular to each other,
so the hyperbola is rectangular. Hence, its eccentricity
=> (f +f) =0 and(1-f) =0

is Ji. => 2x + 3y = 0 and 2x - 3y = 0


The equatio1,1 of any tangent to the hYJ)�rbola The �quation of the tangent to the hyperbola (i) at P is
�secq,-Ltanq,=1 ...(ii)
.-_,L. y 1 IS
· a
2 2
The equations of the asymptotes· of the hyperbola (i)
9 4
s�.<p;-- y tanq,�1
bx- ay =0 and bx+ay=:0
X .
1 3 2
Let the points 'of intersectionof 2x +3y = 6, 2x-3y = 0 Let the points of the :intersection of the asymptotes and
the tangent are 0, Q, R respectively.
and j secq,-f tan<p =1 are ·o, P and Q respectively. Then, 0 = (0, 0),
Q = {a(sec <p+ an <p), b(sec <p+ tan q,)J and
Therefore, 9 = (0, 0),

R = [a(sec q,�tan <p), b(sec q,-·tan q>)]

Clearly, mid-point of QR is (a sec <p, b tan q,), which is
P= ( sec<p! tanq,' � secq,!tan�) ·. c<>-ordinat�.of P. >
. ,.)·,,> Thus, the area of llOQR/
·(· ·. ' 3'
and Q=i.
0 •I 0
' ' sec<p-tanq,{ i sec<p-�q,
a(sec<p+tan<p) b(sec<p+tanq,)
Hence, the area of llOPQ =_!_
2 a(secq,-tan<p) -b(sec<p-tan<p)
0 ,o 0 0
3 ' ;,, ·: 2
1 sec q, +tanq, · .secq,+tanq, =½l-ab-abl
2 3 �t =ab.
sec <p-tan <p sec <p -tan <p 79. The equations of the asymptotes . of the given
. hyperbola·

2 . 2

0 0 x y
---=1 are
1 ' ' .. ' ; a2 . b2
i= -(6+6) = 6 S. U; . bx- ay =0 and bi+ ay;,,, o·
2 Let P be any point on 1he give� hYJ)¢rbola b�
77. Let the point P be (asec <p, btan <p). (a sec <p, b tan q,f . , , . · . ./ . :
The equations of the asymptote� of the given hyperbola It is given'that;pi aitdp2 �'�e lengJlisof pewendicu'."
x2 y2 '· lars from the point p to the i/symptotes '· ' · : '
-,--=l are bx:'..: ay =0 andbx+¢,y=0
a 2 b2
bx +!ti)! "l''.0 and bx + ay := 0 absecn,,-abtanq,
•. . ; . \f,• ,' ; :,I ,

Let PM and PNbe two perpendiculars from the point P Thus. PJ=. · · 2 . 2 ·.
.Jb +a
to the transverse axis and the asymptote
r '

bx-ay=0 absec q> +ab tan <p

Thus, PM,;,, b tan <p
and P2 = r:T2
absec<p -abtanq, 1
and PN
. . .. = ... Therefore, --
4b2 +a
· 2
It is given that, PM= PP{,

=> absec<p-abtan <p

b tan<p=1-��=--'-I
4b2 +a2
= ( (absec�-abi:::;rsecq,+abtanq>)
(a2 + b 1 1
+ 2

a b� =a b
sec <p -ta.ii <p
= 2 2

tan <p=a,-�--•
· 'Hence, the result.
4b 2 +a 2 '. ii
' =>
80. The equation of the nonnal at (ct1 , Jis
78. Let the equation of the hyperbola be
tf x-t1 y-ctf +c = 0 ...(i)
, I

x2 Y 2
. 1 ,, i 1 , 1

---=1 Also it meets the liypetbola again at

a2 b2
and any point on the hyperbola (i) be
P(a sec q,, b tan <p)
( ct,:;)

Therefore, Eliminating t, we get

4 (h2 -k2)2 + 4c2hk = 0
f2 Hence, th� locus of (h, k)is
ti 4 +1=0 (x2 -y2)2 + 4c2.xy = 0
t2 i 83. The equations of the asymptotes of the rectangular
tM- t1 - t2 + t2 = o hyperbola xy == c2 are x = 0 and y = 0.
Clearly,.the angle between the asymptotes
t2tf (t2 -ti)+(t2 -ti )=0
(tz!i + l)(t2 -t1) = 0 =
� (t2'f +1)=0 � 2a= n
� tz!i = -1
Hence, the result. a=-1C

81. Let P, Q and R are the vertices of a triangle such that
Thus, the eccentricity,
P = ( ct1 , Q = ( ct2, 1:} R = (ct3 , � )
e =Ji= sec(¾)=: sec a
f3 f2 84. Let the equation of the drcle be
Now, slope of QR = --­
ct3 -ct2 x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2.f.y + C +0 ...(i)
Therefore, slope of PM is flr and the equation of the given hyperbola be
The equation of the perpendicular PM on QR is xy = I ...(ii)
C Solving,we get
y--= t2t3 (x-ct1 ) ... (i)
ti 1 . 2f 0 c=0
x 2 +-+2gx+-+
Similarly, the equation of the perpendicular BN on PR is X X
C � x4 + 2gx + cx + 2fx + I =: 0
3 2
y-- = tit3 (x-ct2 ) ...(ii)
t2 Let its roots are x 1 , x2, x3 and x4 •
Solving Eq. (i) and (ii), \\'e get, Then, X1XzX 3X4 = 1
Similarly, we can easily prove that
Y;Y?)IJ\ = 1
x=---and y=-ct1 t2t3 .
f1f2t3 85. Any point on the rectangular hypetbola
Thus, the point (-- -,-ct1 t2t3 ) lies on the rectan­
xy = c2 is P(ct, f)
gular hyperbola xy = c2 • The equation of any tangent to therectangular hyperbola
Hence, the result. xy = c2 att is
82. The equation of the normal to the rectangular hyperbola �+ yt = 2c ... (i)
xy = c2 attis t
The equation of any normal to the rectangular hyperbola
xt 2 -y = ct3 -!:.. ... (i)
t xy = c-i at t is
Let the pole be (h, k). xt3-yt-xt4 + c =0 ... (ii)
Then the equation of the polar from the point (h, k) to 2c
the rectangular hyperbola Tlterefore, a1 = 2ct, a2 = -
' t
xy = c2 is
xk+yh = 2c2 (ii)
Therefore, the Eqs (i) and (ii) are identical. So
k h 2c 2 Now,
;z = -1 ==�
ct -­
t 2 = -� and h = - 4 1 1 t2)
=2c2(t2--+- - =0
h t -1 t2 t 2


86. We have, e1 == .Ji. and e2 =.Ji.

Now, (e1 +e2 )2 = (.Ji.+.Ji.)2 =(2.Ji.)2 =8
87. Any point on the given hyperbola 2ct2 t3 2c . .
and R =( --, -·-) respectively
x -y2
f2 + f3 f2 + f3
=i be P (.Ji. secq,, tanq,) .
2 Hence, the area of the 1:J'QR
The equations ofthe asymptotes of the given hyperbola
are 2ct1t2 2c
x-.Ji. y = O and x + .Ji. y = o. t +t
1 z f1 + tz
Let PM and PN be the lengths of perpendiculars from i 2ct1t3 . 2c
=- 1
the point P on the asymptotes. 2 f1 + f3 t1 + t3
Thus, 2ct2 t3 2c
12 +t3 tz + t3
.fi.secq, -.Ji. tan<p .fi.sec<p + .Ji. tan<p
- x1---�-�1 2c2 (t1 -t2)(t2 -t. 3 )(t3 -. t1)
.Ji+ 2 .Ji+2 -
(t1 +t2 )(t1 + t2W1 +tz)

89. The given rectangular hyperbola is
xy = 18 ...(i)
=(1 ± 2.Ji., 2) Replacing x by x cos (45P) + y sin (45 ° ) and y by -x sin

t), (
88. Let the points A, B, C be (45 °) + y cos (45 ° ) in (i), we get

( ct1, ct2 , � ), ( ct3 , ) respectively.

� ( h }i)(- h h)
=> x2 -y2=-18

(i) Then the area of the MBC

Hence, the length of the transverse axis
C =2a = 2.6 = 12 units.
ct1 1
t1 90. Let (h, k) be any point.
i C The equation of the chord of contact of the tangents
ct 1 from (h, 'ff) to the circle x2 +y2 = 4 is
2 2

, hx+ky=4.
Ct3 1 Also, the given hyperbola is
f3 xy= 1
tl 1 f1 => x( 4 hx
1 c 2
=--- ti 1 f2 � )=t
2 f1f2f3 2 => 4x-hx2 =k .
t3 1 f3 => hx2-4x+k=O
c2 (t1 -t2 )(t2 -t3 )(t3 -t1 ) Thus, its roots are equal. So
=- X -=---=----=-----=�'--..:.;._, D=O
2 t1f2 t3
=> 16-4hk=0
(ii) The equations of the tangents at A, 'B and Care =>' hk=4
Hence, the locus of (h, k) is xy = 4.
91. The combined equation of the asymptotes of the given
,'¼,hyperbola is
-+yt2 =2c
...(ii) xy-hx-ky+1=0
where A is any constant such that it represents two
and -+yt3 =2c
X straight lines.·
t3 Therefore,
Thus, the points of intersections of (i) and (ii), (i) abc + 2fgh-af2 -bg 2 -ch 2 == 0.
and (iii), (ii) and (iii) meet at P, Q, R respectively.
=> 0+2(-½)(-1)(½)- � =0
2ct1t2 .
Thus, P =( ' �. ,
t, + t2 t1 + f2 ) => 1=hk


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