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SEARCH ToplesMagacineResoures supscive ABOU P&S Calculating Radial Thrust by Joe Evans, Ph.D December 7, 2011 [oe] ‘The ad forces that form abou the periphery of single volute pung's impeller are proportional total pump hea, impeller iamecer and vane width. Theyre seldom balanced, bur they each therlowestinenity brween 80nd 100 percent of BEP ow. The acta ow point depends on Pamp Specie Speed (Ns and moves loser to Pas Nsnereses. This snbalanced radial eras increases quik at operation moves othe ef of BP and typically eahes it maximum value at sbu off head. Radial Thrust intensity i als a function of Ne and increases with an increas in Specific Speed Increased shaft deflection isthe expected result of nin Exesive hat deflection ca lend to premstoe sel bering and wea ring damage an flare, ue n unbalanced rail thro, Tn extreme cates ica result in shat breskage. One of my ongoing concecnais that the H/Q curves published by many pimp manufacturers allow operation in quetionable ares-some well below So percent ‘operate at lover flows and heads But, unfortunatly these broad operating ranges are often 1 BEP Now. This may not be problem with Iw Specie Speed pups that spplied across the board, increased rl thrust and he accompanying increase shaft Adelecton canbe especialy problematic with higher head wasteeter pumps due to the large ‘vane width required to pase sold matter, ‘The equation below canbe wed to cle re sada ehrust at any point ona pump H/Q euve Fy oKyx(Hxs/230)20)Xby Where x= Radialhrst in ps XK = Rail erat factor Hs Head in feet he flow point > Spc gravity y= Impeller diameter in inches TRAINING RESOURCES: Hydaulc Institute (Training Submersibie Wastewater Pumping ‘Assoclation (SWPA) Training Ca Pas Webinars P&S CONTENT wort» Avticles Podcasts Manufacturers Directory Jobs Industry Events Siemens, ADNOC Celebrate Inauguration of Taweelah Gas \olth Hyde Ine: North America Knnaunces Regional Management Board Appointments New Global coment with KBR CONTENT FROM OUR PARTNERS. SEARCH 5 suseise About PRS y= Impeller width atthe vane discharge including the shoul ia inches Making Sonse of Motor Mandfaciner Class Serie paper Fp you cut ead an pele ante can be found onthe performance curve whe impeller wih st ‘reo exon and ie pent temessred or obtained from the manicure The radial thrust fcorcan be dcerined rom | "o.pmnder a you cone he 2 raph provided bythe Hyena) Pap Specie Sped (9) snot nown‘tean Sprain ‘eeu caelted fom dt ta aval onthe performance crv i Higa $e choose the nest Purnp for tenet Underhow “To promote greater we ofthe radial thrut equation | developed a simple Radial Thrust, Fryckenet Undertow sd, then Calelator sn Excel format. provides simple way to calulate ada rust at any poiat oa the the pculans tg palmer chars may be damaged By te pumping pene cnet tb a nya hag ro Trop hsm conmy website Eccentric Rolling Design Eon peeing re Ral Tet eter. Seon eho Petey auc process, all Tue: Fy = Ke (42/231) De xbe harp specie Spc N= N/Q /107 Figures Allinfomation thatthe alculitor requires i avaiable om the manufictre’ performance carve ‘with the posible exception of impeller vane width, Pamp Specie Speed (Ns s needed to nd ‘he adi thet factor fom the HI graph its nt shows on the performance curve, team be «alelated withthe Ns cleuluor shown inthe boron leaf the screenshot. Insrctons for etermining thrust fctor are below the raph “The sample data, shown in Figure I,ae for asewage pump that hs a manufacturer approved operating range of25t0 157 percent of BEP love. At le of 80 gpm (40 percent of BEP Now) the calultor shows an unbalanced rail thrust of 522 pl If we reclelate thrust sing the BEP ‘low data shown inthe Ns clelator, the etl would show an unbalanced radial thrust of just 159 ps at BEP lw. Is his safe designed to accommodate an increase in ada thrust thats Tagee euro a cole: Former in oy OK tuners SEARCH sediment infer shams Sep him ems TepattagarneResourees Suascrive ABO PAS, How to Solve NPSHa Problems How to Calculate NPSHa for Systems Under Vacuum ‘Slurry Corrections for Centrifugal Pump Performance Wastewater Pump Design Keeps Solids from Clogging Calculating NPSHa When the Liquid Is Above Ambient Temperature

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