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MEASURE 5 4 3 2 1 Student Score

Mechanics No spelling or Very few Adequate spelling Numerous spelling
punctuation errors punctuation and and punctuation, and punctuation
Use of accurate spelling and spelling errors some errors errors
20 Pts. 16 Pts. 14 Pts. 11 Pts. or Less
Usage Appropriate use of Minimal grammar Adequate grammar Several grammar Gross grammatical
grammar and errors and and use of standard errors and a weak and language errors
Use of appropriate grammar and standard English demonstrated use English, some grasp of standard
standard English of standard English errors English
20 Pts. 16 Pts. 14 Pts. 12 Pts. 11 Pts. or Less
Organization Strong and logical Logical and Adequate Very weak Organization
organizational and developed organization and organization and confusing and lacks
Organization and topical topical development organization and topical topical development topical development
development topic development development
20 Pts. 16 Pts. 14 Pts. 12 Pts. 11 Pts. or Less
Content Ideas are clear, Ideas are Adequate Inadequate. Is not No development of
detailed and somewhat clear, development, not clear and supported ideas, detail or
Development of ideas, clear supported. Writing detailed and clear but does have with much detail and support. Lacks
introduction, body, and conclusion developed and have supported, and an an IBC structure lacks all the structural structure (IBC)
an IBC structure IBC structure is in and is elements
place understandable
20 Pts. 16 Pts. 14 Pts 12 Pts. 11 Pts. or less
Style Exceptional; word Appropriate use of Adequate use of Inadequate use of Poor choice of words.
choice, and strong words, sentence, words. Sentence words. Weak Undeveloped
Appropriate use of words, sentence, paragraph, paragraph, and and paragraph sentence, paragraph sentences, paragraph,
language, sentence, and paragraph, and essay essay development development but and essay and paper, structure
and essay development development weak essay development
20 Pts. 16 Pts. 14 Pts. 12 Pts. 11 Pts. or Less

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