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Living Wellness Challenge Form

Name: Dana Gonzalez-Flores

Course: HLAC 1035
Semester: Fall 2018

Module 1: Physical Wellness

Instructions: This first week we will focus on writing SMALL goals. Use the template below, pick one goal you
would like to work on and write it using the SMALL format in the Response column below. Implement your goal
for the week and be prepared to write a brief reflection in next week’s assignment.

Acronym Description Response

Self-selected. Your goals should What do you want to accomplish?
be your own. Choose goals that
fit into your life and only change Take Coco (my dog) on a walk every night for
behaviors that you are willing to 30 minutes.
negotiate. Be realistic.

Measurable. Develop a How will you know when your goal has been
concrete way to track your goal. met?

I will leave to go on the walk at 9 PM and be

back home at 9:30 PM

Action-oriented. Having an What steps are you going to take?

action plan allows you to
complete the steps needed to After school and work I won’t sit on the couch
make your goals a reality. like I usually do. I will grab the dog’s leash and
a bottle of water.

Life-linked. Goals are best How does this fit your everyday life?
achieved if they work within
your lifestyle and match your I am busy everyday and usually only take my
challenges and strengths. dog on a walk for 15 minutes because I just
want to go home and relax. 15 more minutes of
walking will only affect my time spent sitting on
the couch and watching tv.

Long-term. You want to be How will you maintain your goal long-term?
healthy for life so any changes
you consider should be I will try to maintain this goal for a while. But in
something you could see yourself reality, it snows a lot in December and January
doing over the long term. so will probably only walk my dog for 15
minutes again.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 2: Exercise
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Exercise 2 times this week. Indicate the exercise you completed, the length of time you spent
exercising, and the highest RPE you reached during your workout. (If you forgot what RPE is, go to
the Canvas page, “What to Expect With Exercise”) Also, If you don’t normally exercise, then just
start with something small and manageable.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on exercise. This challenge should be something you’ll do on at
least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.
For this Challenge I danced two days (not including class time). I spent about 90 minutes dancing. I
think that the highest RPE that I reached was Moderate 4-6. I was really good about dancing in
spring but since I stopped during the summer time it took a toll on me. I was out of breath and my
heart rate was accelerated, I was also sore the next day.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Physical Wellness challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

With last weeks challenge I did well! I felt good about accomplishing this challenge the past week
mentally and physically. I have been working long hours and going to school for 12 hours every
other day which requires a lot of sitting and even when it has only been a couple weeks it was
taking a toll on my body, my lower back and hips would be in pain from sitting for so long. So after
a long day at school and work I would come home and walk my dog and it would help ease the
pain and help me feel like a accomplished something that day. I was also very happy that my dog
was getting out and getting exercise.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 3: Hydration
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Even though there are several ways to hydrate, let’s focus on drinking more water. For this
challenge, drink at least 8 oz more water than you normally drink for at least four days. One way to
do this would be to substitute out a sugary drink and instead have water. Or you can consider
carrying around a bottle of water that you can drink throughout the day.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on hydration. This challenge should be something you’ll do on
at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.
Instead of drinking my usual go to drink of Dr. Pepper, I will substitute it for water and to add a little
bit of flavor ill add a few wedges of lime or lemon (without sugar). I will only drink 1 Dr. Pepper a
week on the weekend.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Sleep and Recovery challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Last weeks challenge went well! I couldn’t dance every single day but instead went on a light jog
for 40 minutes with my dog when I couldn’t go to the dance studio. Because of my working out
more consistently I’m not as winded when I climb up the stairs, I can also catch my breath quicker
during my 2 hour Zumba class.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 4: Nutrition
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge
Keep track of the food you eat for a day and see what you can substitute out and what you can
substitute in. To help you with this, consider downloading a food tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
See this article for more suggestions.


Pick at least three recipes from the Good and Cheap recipe book to make and eat.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on nutrition. This challenge should be something you’ll do on at
least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.
I work as a nanny so it is kind of difficult making my own food when I have to make 4 different
meals for the kids. I usually end up eating the food that the kids will eat. So, for my challenge this
week I will put in the extra effort and cook myself a healthier meal.

Breakfast: Yogurt Smash! I will buy plain yogurt and just add the ingredients to it at home, like
blueberries and honey, or strawberries!

Lunch: Quinoa Pizza This is my favorite thing to eat when I have time to make it. You soak the
Quinoa for 8 hours then blend it with olive oil, water, baking soda, salt. Then, you add your
toppings! Usually tomato sauce, cheese, bell peppers, onions, ham, and mushrooms!

Dinner: Turkey Salad! This is my other favorite meal. Lettuce, spinach, turkey, cucumbers,
tomatoes, snap peas, carrots, mushrooms, and blush wine vinaigrette.
Reflection from Last Week
In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Hydration challenge from last week. Consider answering
some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you
want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome
to complete the challenge?

I did really well on this challenge! Making sure that I drink plenty of water before I exercise and
also drink more water throughout the day. I had to go to the bathroom more than usual but it was
worth it because I felt more energized throughout the day, my face cleared up and my lips weren’t
dry. I will continue to keep water around me constantly in the car, in my bag, around my room and
house. I will also stop purchasing so much Dr. Pepper and put that money towards something else!
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 5: Cardio-Respiratory Health
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Do two brisk walks on two separate days. Each walk should be at least 20 minutes. The goal is to
increase your heart rate so that you feel your heart beating a little faster, which also means your
breathing will be more labored.

I will be doing this challenge!

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on cardio-respiratory health. This challenge should be
something you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Exercise challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want
to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to
complete the challenge?

I ate so much healthier than I usually do! It made me feel so much better about myself. I definitely
want to continue to eat cleaner. I was also very happy to not eat mac and cheese or a grilled
cheese sandwich.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 6: Muscular Strength and Endurance
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

If you haven’t already done so, read over the article Top 25 At-Home Exercises and choose at least
three different exercises to do on two separate days. The exercises you do on the second day
should be different from the first day. Do 8-20 reps for each exercise.
Day 1:
Glute Activation Lunges
Glute Bridges
Day 2:
Downward-facing Dog
Bent Knee Sit-ups/crunches

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on muscular strength and endurance. This challenge should be
something you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Cardio-respiratory Health challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

My Cardio-Respiratory challenge was very unexpected! I thought that since I am exercising more
regularly that this would not affect me as much. In reality, I did find myself breathing irregularly! I
think something that did cause this to happen was that since I live in an area that has a lot of hills it
became very tiring to walk at a faster pace and in a slope. When I did go on slower walks or even
jogs I wouldn’t get as tired since I would jog when it was down hill or just go at a slow pace so it
wouldn’t affect my breathing as much.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 7: Flexibility and Mobility
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Try three stretches from the videos included on the How to Improve Your Flexibility page. Record
which stretches you completed and how long you held the stretch. Try holding it so that you feel a
gentle stretch for at least 20-60 seconds.

I will be doing:
-The Gluteal Stretch
-Thigh Stretch
- Torso Twist and Hip Stretch

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on flexibility and mobility. This challenge should be something
you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Muscular Strength and Endurance challenge from last week.
Consider answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself?
What behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles
did you need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I was so surprised that I felt sore after doing some of the exercises like the push-ups and the glute
bridges. But after the soreness went away I felt so much better. Although I try to go to the gym
every other day and would lift weights, doing push-ups felt like it gave me a better work out. I
want to continue doing more push-ups to work my upper body more.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 8: Body Composition
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Using the BMI calculator on, calculate your BMI and indicate your health
Calculating my BMI always makes me laugh… because physically I feel fine and I don’t
have any health problems. But my BMI is 29.8. Which puts me at risk and overweight.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on body composition. This challenge should be something
you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Flexibility and Mobility challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I feel great after doing stretches! My body doesn’t feel so stiff and it wakes me up in the mornings
after I stretch. I will try to continue doing the stretches and maybe I’ll be able to hold the stretches
longer without feeling strain.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 9: NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Since the idea behind NEAT is to find more ways to incorporate movement throughout your day, select one of
the three suggested challenges to complete:
 Take the stairs instead of the elevator for at least three days, or
 Park in far-away parking spaces so that you walk more for at least three days, or
Use a step-counting app or device (like Fitbit) to count and increase your steps for at least three days. You
should track your regular steps for one day, then increase your steps by at least 1000 steps for the next two
days. (Check out this article about different apps to use. You may want to specifically look into using
Accupedo or Pedometer++.)

For this challenge I will park far away at any location that I go to. I already take the stairs
instead of the elevator, but I can continue to do that.
or Create Your Own Challenge
Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on the NEAT principle. This challenge should be something
you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Body Composition challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Looking at my BMI made me very self-conscious so I have started to watch what I eat a lot more
and exercise. It has been hard to get up and exercise this past week because I’ve been very sick
and it would hurt to breath and eat. I am slowly getting better and I will start eating and exercising
more so that I can lose weight and my BMI could lower.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 10: Sleep and Recovery
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Bedtime challenge: Track your sleep times and routines for three days and write what changes you
can make to improve your sleep quality and quantity. (For example, you may want to not be on a
computer or smartphone in the half-hour before you go to bed.)

I am a terrible sleeper! I am always using my phone in bed to watch a show and scroll
through social media therefore- I end up going to bed at 1:00AM and waking up at 7:00 for
school/work. I will not use my phone before bed and I will go to bed at 10:00PM each night.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on sleep and recovery. This challenge should be something
you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the NEAT challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want
to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to
complete the challenge?

I think I did really well with this challenge. Since I’m sitting down a lot at school I try to stand as
much as I can. I parked as far away as I could wherever I could. Since I’ve been very sick It hurts to
breath let alone do any movement because my lungs will start to hate me. But I still continued to
do this. I had a friend get mad at me for walking a far distance and taking the stairs to the 3rd floor
of the AAB building because she knows I shouldn’t strain my lungs. It was great though! I felt
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 11: Stress Management
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Choose one of the 4A’s (avoid, alter, adapt, or accept) and apply it to a stressful situation you’re
currently experiencing. Using one of these four principles, write the small change you plan to make
to change the way you think about or respond to the situation and then implement it on one day
during the week. (See the “Healthy Ways to Manage Your Stress page in Canvas if you forgot what
the 4A’s are.)

I will be doing the Avoid challenge. Its almost the end of the semester and I’m
getting really stressed with school and work, and I end up saying yes to everything
when I don’t have any time, and I end up getting sick a lot. So I will say no so I don’t
get drained.
or Create Your Own Challenge
Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on stress management. This challenge should be something
you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Sleep and Recovery challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I did so well with this challenge, I wasn’t falling asleep throughout the day and I could concentrate
more with what I was doing, not only at work but at school as well. I stopped looking at my phone
at night because it wouldn’t help me sleep. I would even go to bed before 10:00 AM and my body
would just wake up at 7 by itself because I was well rested.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 12: Body Weight and Obesity
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Write a reflection on how you can improve how you view your own and/or others’ body weight. In
other words, what do you need to take into consideration so that you are less judgmental and more
understanding of yourself and/or others?

I need to just take better care of myself. I need to eat better and work out more. Eating is a social
thing for me and so I find myself over eating a lot of the time. I will also be more understanding.
Some people just don’t have time to exercise due to work or other responsibilities so they’re too
tired to work out or make a healthy dinner.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on body weight. This challenge should be something you’ll do
on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Stress Management challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I did not do that well with this challenge. As soon as I submitted this challenge someone asked me
to help them out the next evening when I had no time, but I squeezed it into my schedule
somehow and just caused me to have more stress. Then, I just kept doing that throughout the
whole week. It has made me so exhausted and I think I’m starting to get sick again. I still need to
work on this more.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 13: Preventing Chronic Disease
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Ask a family member about your family’s history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.


Incorporate one prevention idea that was discussed in the module.

or Create Your Own Challenge

Write your own challenge for the week that focuses on preventing chronic disease. This challenge should be
something you’ll do on at least two separate days during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will do.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Body Weight and Obesity challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

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