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Task 4

What are the components of a formative and summative assessments? What are some of the differences
List the
between formative and summative assessments?

Formative assessment is used to monitor student’s learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be
used by instructors or teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.
Summative assessment, however, is used to evaluate student’s learning at the end of an instructional
unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
Task 4

List the

Format (multiple
Learning for
choice, essay,
Outcome Assessment Information Teacher Gained & Extension recommendation
short answer,
Find even &
odd numbers in
patterns. multiple choice Students will learn first and try to understand the odd and the even numbers also
Formative to do many examples to be clear for them.

How to know
the different
between the odd Now the students understand also they can do a hard question, so it will help them
and even Essay Summative to know the answer with out take long time to think.
Task 4

List the

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