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Downloading a Text File

Web pages are text files and are easy to download. For
example, to save the file that you are reading right now,
click "File--Save As" on your browser's toolbar, and save the
file on your hard drive or floppy disk, either as a plain text
(.TXT) or HyperText Markup Language (.HTM or .HTML) file. You
should be able to open such files in your word processor or
Since saving an HTML file as a simple text file strips out all
the hypertext code, note that the saved file will require some
editing in your word processor. It may have odd line lengths
and other odd format features. Open it in your word processor
to edit it.
Internet information providers often make word-processed files
more immediately accessible by providing simple text files
(usually with a "TXT" file extension). Text files are simple,
universal, and transportable, but unfortunately they cannot
convey attributes (such as underlining or bold). Here, for
example, is a text file of the page you are reading. Try
saving it and opening it in your word processor. This time the
simple text file will look much better, because I've
edited it for you beforehand.
[Text file]

To make formatted files that will travel well from one type of
computer or software to another, programmers created a format
that can handle text formatting. It is called "Rich Text."
Files in this format have an "RTF" extension. "Rich Text"
files can be opened by the major word processors in both IBM
and Mac environments. Here's a link to another version of the
page you're looking at, in Rich Text format: (Go ahead and
click it, but be aware that his link may behave differently
from the previous ones. Your browser may have opened the "TXT"
file directly, but it may download the "RTF" file to your hard
drive or floppy disk, where you can open it with your word
processor. Or, depending upon how your software is configured,
your computer may open your word processor automatically to
read the file.)
[Rich Text file]
For really large blocks of text, Internet sites sometimes use
yet another format: "zipped" or compressed files, usually with
the file extension "ZIP." Such files are usually, but not
always, self-extracting; that is, when you double-click on
such a file, it automatically decompresses itself. Note:
unlike text and image files that contain only data, compressed
files can contain executable code such as computer viruses.
Avoid downloading a ZIP file unless you are confident of the
source's integrity, and even then, run a virus checker after
downloading, just to be safe.
Back to "Downloading a Text File"
Back to beginning of The Research Process CD--Trial Version
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UnderGet - Download Blocked Files

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renaming or encoding the files so they are not blocked." /></head>
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<div id="slogan-text" class="art-logo-text">Download Blocked Files</div>

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UnderGet allows you to download files that are otherwise blocked by
a firewall or
other tool at your work, school or country.<br />
UnderGet can bypass blocks that prevent you from downloading files
based on their
file type, extension or content by renaming the file or encoding
its content so
the blocking software can not detect it.
<div class="wizard-container">
<table id="WizardTable" class="wizard-table">
<div id="DivEnterUrl" class="wizard-div ui-corner-
<div class="wizard-header">URL to download</div>
<div class="wizard-inner-div">
<div class="wizard-content">
<div style="padding-top: 60px">
<label for="TextBoxUrl" id="Label1"
class="wizard-label">Enter the Url of the file you want to download:</label>
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$TextBoxUrl" type="text"
value="" id="TextBoxUrl"
class="wizard-textbox" />

<span id="EnterUrlWait" style="vertical-align:

bottom; visibility: hidden; position: relative; left:100px;">
<img src="images/wait1.gif" alt="wait" />
Please wait while checking URL....

<span class="art-button-wrapper" style="margin-

top: 60px; left: 160px;"><span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
<input type="button" id="ButtonUrlNext"
class="art-button" href="javascript:void(0)" value="Next ->"/>
<div id="DivSelectUrl" class="wizard-div ui-corner-
large-all" >
<div class="wizard-header">Select URL to
<div class="wizard-inner-div">
<div class="wizard-content">
<p>The URL you entered returns an html page
containing the following links.
Please select the URL of the file you want
to download from the list below.</p>
<div id="DivFilterUrlList">
<input id="rbFilterAuto" type="radio"
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$FilterUrls" value="rbFilterAuto"
checked="checked" /><label for="rbFilterAuto">Auto</label>
<input id="rbFilterManual" type="radio"
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$FilterUrls" value="rbFilterManual" /><label
<label for="FilterText"
id="Label2">Filter by Text:</label>
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$FilterText" type="text" id="FilterText" />
<div id="ListBoxUrlsOverflowDiv"
style="overflow: auto; width:100%; padding-top: 10px">
<select size="10"
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$ListBoxUrls" id="ListBoxUrls" style="min-width:


<span id="SelectUrlWait" style="vertical-align:

bottom; visibility: hidden; position: relative; left:10px;">
<img src="images/wait1.gif" alt="wait" />
Please wait while checking URL....

<span class="art-button-wrapper" style="margin-

top: 60px; left: 40px;">
<span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
<input type="button"
id="ButtonSelectUrlPrev" class="art-button" value="<- Prev"/>
<span class="art-button-wrapper" style="margin-
top: 60px; left: 50px;">
<span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
<input type="button"
id="ButtonSelectUrlNext" class="art-button" value="Next ->"/>

<div id="DivDownloadOptions" class="wizard-div ui-
corner-large-all" >
<div class="wizard-header">Download Options</div>
<div class="wizard-inner-div">
<div class="wizard-content">
<div id="DivDownloadType">
<span id="Label4">Download Type:</span>
<br /><br />
<input id="rbDownloadNormal"
type="radio" name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$DownloadType"
value="rbDownloadNormal" checked="checked" /><label
<br />
<input id="rbDownloadRename"
type="radio" name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$DownloadType"
value="rbDownloadRename" /><label for="rbDownloadRename">Rename</label>
<br />
<input id="rbDownloadBase64"
type="radio" name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$DownloadType"
value="rbDownloadBase64" /><label for="rbDownloadBase64">Base64 Encoded</label>
<img id="HelpBase64"
src="images/help.png" class="help-icon" />
<br />
<input type="hidden"
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$HiddenDownloadUrl" id="HiddenDownloadUrl"
value="" />
<span id="LabelDownloadUrl" class="wizard-
label">Download Url:</span>
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$TextDownloadUrl" rows="3" cols="20"
readonly="readonly" id="TextDownloadUrl" class="wizard-textbox disabled"
style="color: gray">
<br />
<label for="TextFileName" id="Label5"
class="wizard-label">File Name:</label>
name="ctl00$SheetContentPlaceHolder$TextFileName" type="text" value="actb.txt"
id="TextFileName" class="wizard-textbox" />
<br />
<span id="ErrorMessage"
class="failureNotification">Value was either too large or too small for an
<br />
<br />
<span class="art-button-wrapper" style="margin-
top: 60px; left: 300px;">
<span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
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id="ButtonDownloadOptionsPrev" class="art-button" value="<- Prev"/>
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top: 60px; left: 310px;">
<span class="l"></span>
<span class="r"></span>
<a id="ButtonDownload" class="art-button"

<div id="DivComplete" class="wizard-div ui-corner-
large-all" >
<div class="wizard-header">Complete</div>
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