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Colors:An orange background with a black sigil .

Candles:Light green and white, or all black.


Fragrance: Myrrh.

restantes 13 minutos e...

far di:fferent consciousness from human beings,
and their notion of communication is not what
we would expect. Sometimes clear information
or imagery is conveyed, but many times you will
find yourself simply communing with the Spirit
in a light (or deep) state of reverie, the point of
the exercise having little to do with acquiring or
gaining anything. You may find that you initially
set out to seek a Spirit's assistance with a partic-
ular task only to find that the sense of the Spirit's
presence is so remarkable that your task feels
mundane and worthless, comparatively. When
the presence of the Spirit inspires feelings and
sensations more beautif ul than your initial in-
tent in evoking the Spirit, then you see an aspect
of magick rarely talked about: it is a clever and
magnificent trap. At the start, we often come to
magick as a means of acquiring power and
achieving things we could not otherwise get.
The grimoires themselves are phrased in such a
way that the sorcerer isn't evoking Spirits for the
sake of evoking them, but rather to get treasure,
to keep the king off his back, to attack an enemy,
etc.Yet if that sorcerer does successfully evoke a
Spirit and enter into communication with it,
something happens which changes him: all his
life he lived in consensus reality, only catching
brief glimpses of supernatural or extraordinary
surreality (super-reality ) .Now he is encountering
this surreality directly:he is in the presence of a
disembodied intelligence, speaking with it, feel-
ing it and receiving images from it.He may ask it
to do something for him, and the Spirit may or
may not make its own request; after this, he may

restantes 6 minutos en...

find his request granted. But more important
than all of this is the actual implications of the
experience of evocation itself:through ritual, his
mind became open to a reality far removed from
everything else he has known befare. He has
lifted a veil that most will never see beyond, and
he now knows there is far more to existence than
what meets the eye. Even if it is purely subjec-
tive, it means that our subjective reality dwarfs
the objective world entirely: in our minds, we
can manifest as any number of separate person-
alities, interacting with ourselves, forming
worlds and new experiences out of the mechan-
ics of our own consciousness. Though we are
bound by certain laws, inside ourselves we are as
Gods. And if the opposite is true-if the Spirit ex-
ists objectively as something we encounter, from
without-then the implications are also quite
extraordinary: surrounding our human world
are Spirits that may be contacted and made
friends with, provided one knows how. The im-
plications continue on from there, and it is prob-
ably more rewarding to think of them yourself
than read what 1have to say.But the bottom line
is this: no matter what model you subscribe to,
everything changes. How we normally think as
common people living in a common world is
wrong: there is much more to this thing called
"life" than we have ever dreamt of.

What then? It seems to me conclusions are not

necessary at this point and, in fact, reality may
be simply that which transcends and includes
all conclusions. We're accustomed to thinking

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of everything in terms of objective vs. subjec-
tive, true vs. false, etc. but evocation presents
us with a vision of reality which may not be
able to be defined so clearly. Perhaps reality is
beyond objectivity and subjectivity. Or perhaps
objectivity and subjectivity are simply the same
thing on different levels. Perhaps neither are
real. Whatever the case, evocation, as a phenom-
ena, presents itself in the form of experiences
which are both subjective and objective, and it
is dangerous to try to fit the experience into
either category, exclusively. If you say it is en-
tirely subjective, then what do you do when the
experience is clearly beyond anything you have
the capacity to do or know? And if you say it
is entirely objective, then what do you do when
the experience is clearly something concocted by
your own deluded mind? There is no rule which
applies to every situation, here: you must look
at each thing which occurs on its own merits,
and not fall into the trap of forming too many
conclusions about what you are experiencing.
The Spirit is both you and not-you: the interac-
tion is both imagined and external.At times, one
of these aspects becomes predominant, but you
may not be able to tell except in hindsight.How-
ever, as you continue to practice evocation, you
will be changed. Life will change. And at a cer-
tain point you will not be able to turn back-you
will see things you can't unsee, and the world
will appear far stranger than you ever thought
possible.Settled conclusions,philosophical posi-
tions and ideologies can only harm us in such
circumstances: they create tension where no

Queda 1minuto en el li... 95°/o

tension is necessary, and obstacles where the
path must be clear and open.

So, to summarize, it is not enough to say find the

answers for yourself. Perhaps finding an answer
is the first problem.We may be inside the belly of
a question to which no actual answer exists.And
then it is up to us whether we experience this as
something wonderful or as something frighten-

Which would you prefer?

Queda 1minuto en el li... 95°/o

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