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Selected References

Academic services: ​Isomine, Murshidi, Phillips (2009), Seamons
Academic transition and success: ​Jindal-Snape, Kamara, Ku, Kwan, Langenkamp, Leong, Mayhiu,
Vasilopoulous, Yan
Asian, Chinese Students: ​Gan, Li et al., Tao & Renjie, Will
Faculty support and advising: ​Bista (2015), Cao, Dooley, Gluckman, Nguyen, Rice, Sharma, Shapiro,
Young & Althen
Graduate-focused support: ​Rice et al., Shiveley, Phillips (2014), Suspitsyna
Language proficiency:​​ Fass-Holmes, Jenkins & Wingage, Shapiro et al.
Recruitment, enrollment: ​Choudaha, Chang, Kono; Choudaha, Chang; Choudaha, Orosz, Chang;
Falcone; AACRAO; Ross
Research skills, plagiarism: ​Davis, Higher Ed, Tran, Rice
Student engagement: ​Bai, Starr-Glass, Hsu, Langer, Young*, Zhao

The texts below can be found in ​this folder​​, which can be browsed by categories above,
author last names below and in file names in the folder, or ​linked titles​ and ​keywords​​ below.

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Falcone, S. (2017). ​International Student ​Recruitment​​: Trends and Challenges​.​ Journal of
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Fass-Holmes, B., & Vaughn, A. A. (2015). ​Evidence That International Undergraduates Can
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Forbes-Mewett, H., & Nyland, C. (2013). ​Funding​​ International Student Support Services:
Tension and Power in the University​. ​Higher Education: the International Journal of
Higher Education and Educational Planning,​ 65, 2, 181-192.
García, H. A., & Villarreal, M. L. (2014). The "Redirecting" of International Students: American
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Jackson, P. A., & Sullivan, P. (2011). ​International students and academic ​libraries:​
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Jenkins, J., & Wingate, U. (2015). ​Staff and Students’ P ​ erceptions​​ of English Language
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Jindal-Snape, D. (2015). ​Reconceptualising ​Transitions​​: Whose Transition is it Anyway?
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Kamara, A. (2017). ​International students and "the presentation of ​self​​" across cultures.
Journal of International Students,​ 7, 2, 291-310.
Katsara, O. (2015). ​The Use of the ​Ombudsman's​​ Services for Alleviating International
Students' Difficulties​.​ Journal of International Students,​ 5, 3, 260-270.
Ku, H. Y., Lahman, M. K., Yeh, H. T., & Cheng, Y. C. (2008). ​Into the academy: preparing and
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Kusek, W.A. (2015). ​Evaluating the struggles with international students and local ​community
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A life course perspective​. ​Sociological Perspectives,​ 54, 4, 497-520.
Langer, C., & Kubo, H. (2015). ​From the Ground Up: Creating a Sustainable ​Library​​ Outreach
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Lee, E. J. (2016). ​International and American Students' ​Perceptions​​ of Informal English
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Li, J., Marbley, A. F., Bradley, L. J., & Lan, W. (2016). ​Attitudes toward Seeking Professional
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Morris, M., & Maxey, S. (2014). ​The Importance of English ​Language​​ Competency in the
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Murshidi, G.A., (2014). ​International Graduate Students Socialization in Organized ​Tutoring
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Phillips, T. (2013). ​Tutor Training​​ and Services for Multilingual Graduate Writers: A
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Seamons, N. (2009). ​Tips for Starting an International Student ​Advising​​ Career​. ​International
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International Students. 6 ​ , 1, 314-318.
Suspitsyna, T. (2013). ​Socialization​​ as Sensemaking: a Semiotic Analysis of International
Graduate Students' Narratives in the USA​. ​Studies in Higher Education,​ 38, 9, 1351-1364.
Tan, S.-A., & Liu, S. (2014). ​Ethnic visibility​​ and preferred acculturation orientations of
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Tao, Y., & Renjie, H. (2013). ​Challenges and Problems of Overseas Chinese Students Socializing
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Vasilopoulos, G. (2016). ​A Critical Review of International Students' ​Adjustment​​ Research
from a Deleuzian Perspective​. Journal of International Students, 6, 1, 283-307.
Watson, J. (2013). ​Combining international student social and academic ​transition​​ online​.
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Will, N. L. (2016). ​From isolation to ​inclusion​​: Learning of the experiences of Chinese
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Yan, Z., & Sendall, P. (2016). ​First Year Experience​:​ How We Can Better Assist First-Year
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