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My MST told the students a story that related to the subtraction lesson. The learning
outcomes were subtract using the make 10 to subtractStrategy( ) . I worked
with a whole class to give a lesson. For creating a positive environment for my
students, I put my student's pictures on the wall, and I decorated the classroom. In
this week I manage the time and it was smooth, and some of the students were noisy.
In this week I introduce a subtraction for the whole class, by using examples from
real life. For monitoring my students, I walked around the tables and keep checking
their answers in the activities or disunion between students. I observe my friend in
her classroom, she used a song for engaging her students, technology to introducing
the lesson. Then she let her students play a chair game but at the begin, she counts
the chairs that she already collected, when she stops singing they have to seat and
who doesn’t find a place for a seat he went out of the game.

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