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no-prep veneers

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Revisiting the Design

of Minimal and
No-Preparation Veneers:
A Step-by-Step Technique
brian lesage, dds

a b s tract The concept of minimal preparation is more than 25 years old. Interest

in conservative treatments is being revisited as dentistry embraces thinner ceramic
veneers and adhesive bonding agents that keep preparations in enamel. Experience
and professional knowledge help determine appropriate treatments based on patients’
clinical situations and esthetic demands. This article reviews the veneer modality, its
role as a conservative treatment, and the protocol to be implemented to ensure proper
treatment planning and material selection.

author acknowledgments

Brian LeSage, dds, is The author thanks entists and their patients today the innovative concept of bonding thin piec-
founder and director of The Domenico Cascione are increasingly exposed to es of porcelain to teeth. Treatments with
Beverly Hills Institute of from Burbank Dental marketing messages about no- this modality initially were done with no
Dental Esthetics, a fellow Laboratory for fabricating
of the American Academy the restorations in the
preparation, thin, and minimal- or little preparation, and with the veneers
of Cosmetic Dentistry, and case presentation and preparation veneers. Some of placed on the facial surface of the tooth.
an inducted member of Firoozeh Rahbar, DDS, an this information may only be hype that is These original veneers were ap-
the American Academy of orthodontist in Beverly designed to entice patients into obtain- proximately . mm in thickness, taper-
Esthetic Dentistry. Hills, Calif., for expertise in ing treatment or to motivate dentists to ing down to practically nothing at the
providing the orthodontic
therapy in the case
incorporate a new restorative material into margins. The newer, thin veneers avail-
presentation. their armamentarium. Regardless, the age able today claim thicknesses of less than
of interest in conservative treatments and . mm and can be fabricated down to
minimal intervention is being revisited a minimum thickness of . mm.
and the public is demanding the preserva- Calamia and his colleagues later ob-
tion of their natural tooth structure. served that with veneers placed without
The concept of no preparation or mini- any preparation, the veneers were too
mal preparation is more than  years old. thick and periodontal problems occurred
Veneers were first introduced as an addi- as a result of the overcontoured teeth
tive technique and designed as a conserva- (i.e., change in emergence profile). As
tive method of restoring teeth, providing a result, patients were notified of the
an option other than full-coverage crowns. need for diligent home care in order to
In the early s, Calamia introduced preserve the health of gingival tissues.

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However, after concluding that the

veneer modality would function long term,
Calamia and his team determined that, f ig u re 1 . Preorthodontic view showing figure 2. Preorthodontic view of the
the patient biting. separated teeth showing mandibular anterior
from a periodontal perspective, it made crowding and lingual tipping of the posterior teeth.
sense to use a preparation that would
provide sufficient space for the laminate
veneer. The slight preparation developed
was a . mm reduction. The . mm was
restored in the porcelain thereby providing
the original thickness of the tooth with
the new veneer. Additionally, research-
ers later determined that wrapping over
the incisal edge enhanced the strength, f ig u re 3 . Pleasing smile showing asymmetry fig u re 4 . View of the patient biting.
and that only preparing the facial surface of the central incisors both gingivally and
incisally, lateral incisors that are to the facial,
of the tooth was not as strong as wrap- and apical gingival levels at tooth No. 10.
ping over the incisal onto the linguals.

The Influence of Materials on enamel. In the esthetic zone, the relation- can keep their preparations in enamel.
Preparation Design ship with porcelains and even the newer Ultimately, the experience and profes-
Concurrent with the development of the ceramics (i.e., zirconia) required as much sional knowledge of the clinician best
veneer technique was the introduction of or more removal of the tooth structure., determine the appropriate treatment plan
new materials for their fabrication. Among This had unfortunate consequences based on the patient’s clinical situation
the first used was stacked feldspathic porce- as enamel substrates are of key impor- and esthetic demands. A comprehensive
lain. Other types of porcelains (i.e., pressable tance and, when properly prepared, clinical examination and an esthetic evalu-
ceramics) emerged, leading to challenges provide the most predictable surface on ation should be performed, dental photo-
in terms of the technicians’ abilities to which to bond. Regardless of the lingual graphs and centric relation-(CR) mounted
create very thin restorations. As a result, preparation design, porcelain veneers study models should be taken, and a num-
the minimum reduction initially required that stay on enamel demonstrate the ber of factors should be addressed during
for some pressed ceramics approached . highest degree of long-term success.,, the planning process., For example, if a
mm to . mm, which was more aggres- tooth is lengthened, regardless of whether
sive than the . mm reduction necessary Step-by-Step Considerations for minimal preparations were used, the
for the original feldspathic veneers. Minimally Invasive Veneers length may interfere with the envelope
This fit well with how the laboratories It’s now time to come to terms with of function. Therefore, mounting the
operated. Dental technicians were accus- the need to be minimally invasive with models in CR is the author’s preference in
tomed to waxing, which made the pressed approaches to cosmetic dentistry and restor- order to minimize the effects of occlusal
restorations a good option. However, cera- ative treatments and incorporate interdis- trauma, which for most patients will
mists demanded more thickness to build ciplinary collaboration into the planning increase the longevity of the restorations.
in all of the nuances of tooth structure process. Fortunately, dentistry has come Occlusal analysis begins with an
and color into these thin restorations. full circle and now embraces contemporary examination and palpation of the
In that regard, dentistry seemed to restorative materials — such as thinner ce- temporomandibular joint, TMJ, and the
have shifted from the preservative ideol- ramic veneers and adhesive bonding agents complete stomatognathic system. Precise
ogy of the s. Many clinicians believed — that do not require the removal of excess study models should be mounted in CR
it was easier to reduce sound tooth tooth structure, as observed with con- on a semiadjustable articulator (SAM-,
structure for veneers rather than devise a ventional, nonadhesive crown and bridge Great Lakes Orthodontics) to allow the
treatment plan in collaboration with spe- restorations., Dentists need not undertake clinician to identify any signs of occlusal
cialists that would be less invasive to the aggressive preparation designs, but rather pathology, such as mobile teeth, worn

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fig u re 5. Relaxed lip position shows an f ig u re 6. Smile view showing gingival fig u re 7 . Retracted view, same as
appropriate reveal central incisor of 1-3 mm. asymmetries between the central and lateral smile view.
incisors and cuspids. Immediate lateral disclusion
appears probable and was confirmed clinically.

teeth, abfraction, cracked or chipped the facial/lingual position of the teeth/ or central incisors; or placing veneers
teeth, and TMJ-related symptoms. alignment; on teeth Nos.  to  or Nos.  to .
Dental photographs, including the !Incisal edge position; Over the next  months, the patient
minimum  required for accreditation !Occlusion (i.e., stable centric stops, had three re-evaluation appointments
by the American Academy of Cosmetic immediate anterior and lateral disclusion, (figures 3 and 4). During this time, discus-
Dentistry, facilitate analysis of the macro- and respect and understanding of the sions focused on the esthetic and function-
and microesthetic principles. Some of envelope of function); al outcomes for this patient. The canines
the macroesthetic principles include the !Desired color change and whether or were class  and the molars were class 
facial and dental midline, central incisor not underlying color must be masked; relationship on the right and left. The max-
dominance, tooth shape, arrangement and !Amount of tooth structure remain- illary midline was to the patient’s right by
color, occlusal cant, and occlusal plane, as ing, particularly enamel; more than  mm, and a larger space existed
well as gingival margin levels and buccal !Position in the arch/mouth; and on the mesial and distal of tooth No. , cre-
corridor deficiencies. Microesthetic prin- !Ability to isolate in order to realize ating an esthetic quagmire. In the process
ciples consist of line angles, axial inclina- ideal adhesive principles. of making the dental midline coincide with
tion, gingival margin zenith and heights of the facial midline, the midline would be
contour, maverick colors, secondary and Case Description (Case No. 1) moved to the patient’s left, thus making
tertiary anatomy, polychromicity, incisal A -year-old male high school stu- the space around tooth No.  even larger.
translucency, and incisal halo effects. dent, along with his mother and ortho- In order to gain immediate excursive
Photographs and mounted-study dontist, presented for esthetic consulta- disclusion with the lower teeth, the maxil-
models enable the clinician to visualize tion while he was still in fixed orthodontic lary teeth required retraction, allowing
the final outcome. With that objective in appliances. The patient demonstrated a some lessening of the esthetic dilemma
mind, the preparation design and restor- malocclusion and a multitude of esthetic and gaining the much-needed functional
ative material selection can be analyzed issues, including facial midline discrepan- parameters. Retracting the maxillary teeth
and determined. The starting point — as cies, dental midline spacing, poor tooth also equated to lingually positioning them
there is only one place to start — follows arrangement, poor axial inclination, and to enable a “no-prep” veneer design. How-
the basic principles of medicine: with an gingival asymmetries, among others. ever, care must be taken not to impinge on
accurate diagnosis. Once there is a diag- During the initial consultation, achiev- the envelope of function when retracting
nosis, the treatment-planning sequence ing an ideal and esthetic outcome through or changing the angulation of the anterior
must always begin with esthetics, which orthodontics — within the parameters teeth. In this case, the patient had ideal
has been taught for many years by Spear. of a stable occlusion — was discussed. lip support and a good nasal-labial angle,
Only with a complete understanding of As the orthodontics progressed (figures which would not be affected by this minor
esthetics, function, structure, and biology 1 and 2 ), treatment options would be lingual positioning in order to gain im-
can it then be considered truly minimally eliminated or added in order to exceed mediate lateral and protrusive disclusion.
invasive in the treatment approaches. the patient’s and his mother’s expecta- Intrusion of tooth No.  was also needed
Other factors to be addressed dur- tions. Several postorthodontic treatment in order to level the gingival morphology
ing the planning process include: options were discussed with the patient, with that of No. , creating symmetry of
!Midline position and whether or not it including no restorative treatment, direct the central incisors (figures 5 through 7).
needs to be moved, how, and by how much; bonding on teeth Nos.  to  or teeth Following several months of refine-
!Lip fullness and the manner in Nos.  to ; placing veneers on teeth Nos. ment and cooperation between the
which it might be affected by changes in  and  while bonding the cuspids and/ orthodontist and restorative dentist, it

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fig u re 8. fig u re 9. fig u re 1 0. Smile view shows macroes-

fig u res 8 a nd 9 . Gingival levels show better symmetry, but spaces are still too large around the thetic issues have been corrected without
lateral incisors. compromising functional parameters.

fig u re 1 1 . fig u re 1 2. fig u re 1 3 .

fig u res 1 1 –1 3 . Retracted views show macroesthetic issues have been corrected without compromising functional parameters.

was determined that orthodontics accom- interface. To extend the longevity of the ing on tooth No.  and potentially the
plished  percent of the esthetic objec- composite used to lengthen the ante- canines were discussed with the patient.
tives (figures 8 through 13 ). The maxillary rior tooth, protrusive contact would be After the braces were removed, the
midline was still slightly off (< mm), but kept broad (i.e., flat incisal planes on patient’s teeth were bleached using a take-
in a vertical plane. This has been shown by the maxillary teeth that are in contact home whitening kit (DayWhite ACP .
Kokich to be undetectable by either ortho- with the flat incisal planes on the man- percent, Discus Dental, Culver City, Calif.)
dontists, general dentists, or lay people. dibular incisors) and allow for slightly for two weeks. The two-week stabilization
The space asymmetry was worked out in a less (i.e.,  micron using shimstock period was provided to allow for the re-
diagnostic mock-up on the models and in foil) contact on the restored tooth. lapse of color and ideal bondable enamel.
the mouth. It was found to be undetect- Positioning teeth Nos.  and  During the first restorative appoint-
able using some masking techniques. (i.e., the peg laterals) slightly to the ment, the shade was selected using a
The natural dentition vary in terms lingual with orthodontics created an spectrophotometer (EasyShade Spec-
of the reveal, line angles, rotation, and ideal environment for “no-prep” veneers. trophotometer, Vident, Brea, Calif.).
color. Variations in color are especially Other considerations for minimally Colors were mapped, and tooth No. 
seen in the lateral incisors, which have invasive preparations include the cor- was cosmetically bonded. Additionally,
a slightly lower value than the central rect axial inclination, line angles, pro- the prototype restorations for teeth Nos.
incisors. Therefore, such microesthetic portions, and gingival symmetry.  and  were fabricated. The spectro-
considerations should be part of the treat- photometer confirmed that the required
ment plan, with the patient’s consent. Clinical Technique shades taken visually using the D Master
Prior to removing the orthodontic Shade Guide (Vident) were shade A-
Treatment Plan brackets, a preoperative model of the (M.), shade B- (M), and shade
The distal, incisal, facial, and lingual dentition was used to mock-up the B- (.M) in order to reproduce tooth
surfaces of tooth No.  would be directly case to ensure that the teeth were in No.  from the gingiva to incisal edge.
bonded using a direct composite resin the most ideal position and verify the To create the restoration for tooth
(Venus Diamond, Heraeus Kulzer, South accuracy of their alignment, arrange- No. , shade A- enamel was used
Bend, Ind.). A multilayering technique ment, and incisal plane. The number of as a dentin replacement, then shade
would be used to mirror the incisal teeth that needed to be restored also B-, and finally incisal translucency
translucency and incisal halo observed was analyzed. Only minimally invasive composite (Venus Diamond, Heraeus
in the contralateral central incisor, procedures, including no-prep veneers Kulzer, South Bend, Ind.) were layered
creating a seamless tooth/restorative on the lateral incisors and direct bond- (figures 14 through 18 ). Typically, a

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fig u re 1 4 . Close-up preoperative view of figure 15. The dentin replacement layer in fig u re 1 6. The translucent layer in the
teeth Nos. 7 and 10, with tooth No. 8 etched in shade A-1 (Venus Diamond, Heraeus) was placed. Clear shade (Venus Diamond, Heraeus) was
preparation for composite bonding. established to mirror the incisal effects in
the contralateral tooth No. 9.

Prototype restorations are essentially

provisional restorations designed and
created to the specifications of the antici-
pated definitive restorations. In this, as
in other esthetic cases, they were used to
test and verify that they accomplished the
fig u re 1 7 . The enamel layer in shade f ig u re 1 8. The initial bonding appoint- desired esthetic and functional outcomes.
B-1 (Venus Diamond, Heraeus) was placed ment achieved harmony and balance with The patient returned two weeks later
to mirror the outline form of tooth No. 9. a seamless direct composite technique.
Microesthetic characteristics of incisal edge very satisfied with the results and ready to
form and translucency were re-established proceed with the definitive veneer res-
in the tooth. torations. A small void was noted in the
composite on tooth No. , so a slight repair
and resurfacing were performed while final
contouring and appropriate luster and pol-
ishing procedures were completed. The pro-
visional/prototype restorations were gently
removed using a spoon excavator or scaler.
No preparation was needed for teeth Nos.
 and  as confirmed by the prototypes,
fig u re 1 9 . f ig u re 20 .
and a finishing diamond bur (No. -
fig u res 1 9 a nd 20 . Reversible hydrocolloid and PVS (FlexiTime) impressions were taken for the
no-prep veneers for teeth Nos. 7 and 10. Brasseler) was run very lightly across the
teeth to remove aprismatic enamel and
create more surface area for bonding.
minimum of three shades of composite Schaumburg, Ill.) were used to perform A viscous paste (Expasyl, Kerr Corpo-
are needed to build in dentinal lobes the contouring, finishing, and high pol- ration, Orange, Calif.) was used to retract
and any desired incisal edge effects. ishing steps and impart the appropriate the gingival tissue in order to capture
To maximize the esthetics, this author luster to the direct composite restoration. the emergence profile of the natural
advocates two appointments for direct Once the composite restoration teeth. The final impressions were taken
composite restorations. In this case, the on No.  was complete, the prototype using a polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) mate-
first appointment achieved more than  mock-up for the veneers was initiated rial (Heraeus) and reversible hydrocol-
percent of the desired outcome. Through chairside using a “squash” technique. loid materials (Slate maximum strength
the use of dental photography and a criti- This technique involved rolling a small reversible hydrocolloid, Dux Dental; pink
cal eye, necessary changes were mapped amount of shade B- dentin compos- Syringe Sticks, Van-R) (figures 19 and 20 ).
out and executed at the second appoint- ite (Venus Diamond) in clean, gloved Next, a “shrink wrap” technique was
ment. A bur kit (UCLA Anterior Aesthetic hands and applying it directly to the used to create bis-acrylic provisionals.
Restorative Kit by the author, Brasseler, spot-etched teeth Nos.  and . This First, a preoperative alginate impression
Savannah, Ga.), disc polishing kit (Bisco), composite was then sculpted to the of the approved prototypes was taken
polishing paste (Enamelize, Cosmedent, desired outline form, contoured to the so that the provisionals could be quickly
Inc., Chicago, Ill.), and a low viscosity desired look, and light cured. The occlu- reproduced in bis-acrylic temporary
liquid glaze (BisCover LV, Bisco, Inc., sion was checked in MIP and excursives. material (ProTemp Garant III, M). Teeth

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fig u re 2 1 . fig u re 22 . fig u re 2 3 . Additionally, shade tab 0M3

figures 21 and 22. Shade communication with ceramist included properly exposed and was shown as a reference, keeping the shade
underexposed photographs with the shade tabs 1M1 and 1M2 to aid the ceramist in accurate reproduction tabs in the same plane as the teeth.
of value and chroma. By underexposing the image, color, value, and internal maverick colors can be
evaluated more easily.
was air-dried and the teeth were light-
cured (figure 34 ). The primer has been
described as a necessary contaminant,
since it is essential for achieving ad-
equate infiltration of the adhesive into
the inter- and peritubular dentin, but
also is a contaminant if the solvent
does not evaporate completely.
fig u re 2 4 . fig u re 25. The feldspathic veneers were etched
fig u res 24 a nd 25. Eventually the approved prototypes were locked on using a bis-acrylic material with  percent hydrofluoric acid for two
(Integrity, shade A1), which were used as a guide for the ceramist when fabricating the no-prep veneers for
teeth Nos. 7 and 10. minutes, rinsed, and dried. They were then
silanated (Silane A & B, Bisco), allowed to
air evaporate for two minutes, and then
Nos.  and  were spot etched, and an any restorative or esthetic reasons. The completely air-dried. A bonding agent from
adhesive bonding agent (OptiBond Solo contour of the direct composite restora- the adhesive system (All-Bond ) was judi-
Plus, Kerr Corporation) was applied. tion on tooth No.  was modified mini- ciously applied to the veneers (figure 35),
Then, the bis-acrylic was syringed into mally and brought to its final polish. after which a composite (Herculite) of the
the alginate impression (teeth Nos.  and Following removal of the prototype shade of the veneers, warmed using the
) and placed in the mouth for two min- restorations, the tooth preparations were Calumet composite warming system, was
utes. This allowed the material to shrink cleaned and the final porcelain veneers placed as a thin film onto them (figure 36).
and conform to the teeth very well. were tried in (figures 26 through 30 ). The bonding agent and a ribbon of
With this technique, minimal contour- Photographs were taken, and the patient warm composite were placed onto the
ing and finishing is necessary. “Shrink and his mother were given time to tooth to seat the veneers. The veneers
wrapping” the bis-acrylic to the teeth determine if the restorations met their were seated, pressure applied, and excess
produced an esthetic provisional result. expectations. After patient approval, cement was wiped from the margins.
Good communication with the dental the cementation process was initiated. This process is repeated until no vis-
ceramist included dental photographs With proper isolation (i.e., preferably ible cement extrudes from the margins
(figures 21 through 23 ), a detailed pre- a rubber dam), the preparations were (figure 37 ). The veneers were spot-cured,
scription, and a model of the approved etched with  percent phosphoric acid and excess cement was cleaved away
prototypes (figures 24 and 25 ). The for  seconds, rinsed, and dried (figures (figure 38 ). It is recommended the
indirect “no-prep” veneers would then 31 and 32 ). The capacity for microreten- gingival margins, especially if subgingi-
be fabricated with porcelain (Creation, tive adhesion of porcelain to enamel is val, be ideal so that no smoothing with
Jensen Dental, North Haven, Conn.) on irrefutable and has been documented in burs is required at this appointment.
a refractory die by Burbank Dental Lab. the literature for more than  years. All other porcelain tooth inter-
Therefore, this is one of the primary rea- faces were smoothed and polished to
Seating Appointment sons that no-prep veneers are the treat- a seamless, undetectable margin using
At the try-in/seating appointment, ment option of choice when indicated. a sequence of coarse to fine diamonds,
an impression of the prototypes was tak- The primer in the adhesive system rubber polishing points, cups, and wheel.
en for use as a back-up in the event that (All-Bond ) was applied and agitated The composite cement was fully cured
the restorations were not acceptable for for  seconds (figure 33 ). The primer by light curing the veneers for approxi-

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fig u re 26 . Close-up of teeth Nos. 7 and fig u re 27 . Close-up view of the veneers prior fig u re 2 8. Close-up view of the try-in of
10 with Expasyl placed for atraumatic gingival to cementation. Notice the marginal integrity and veneer No. 7 with rubber dam isolation.
retraction. Notice the blanched tissues thinness of the porcelain that was achieved by
indicating subgingival retraction. Burbank Dental using a platinum foil technique.
mately two to five minutes in multiple,
rotated motions (figure 39 ). Note that
the shade of the veneer and thickness of
the porcelain material help to guide the
curing time.,
To ensure a successful long-term out-
come (figures 40 and 41 ), it was impera-
tive to perform a final check of occlusion
fig u re 2 9 . Close-up of the no-prep veneer figure 30. The teeth were pumiced to cleanse
for tooth No. 7 with rubber dam isolation. the surface prior to cementation. Notice the
in MIP/CR and protrusive and lateral
plumber tape (Teflon) to allow for easy clean-up excursives. All margins were also checked
and no sticking of the cement to the adjacent teeth. for excess cement and confirmed with
interproximal flossing. After postop-
erative instructions were reviewed with
the patient, impressions were taken for
fabricating a sports-guard and a modified
maxillary nightguard appliance (Tanner).
The patient was very satisfied with the
final result and returned approximately
fig u re 3 1 . Teeth Nos. 7 and 10 were acid- fig u re 3 2 . View of the etched enamel.
two weeks later for a re-evaluation of the
etched with 37 percent phosphoric acid. occlusion, gingival response, and the es-
thetic parameters (figures 42 through 44 ).

Case No. 2
Similar procedures were followed in
the case of a female patient in her early
s. Following a thorough examination
that included photographs, alginate
impressions, and mounted study mod-
fig u re 3 3 . The adhesive primer (All-Bond 3 A & figure 34. The primer was light-cured after els, it was determined the patient could
B Primer) was applied and agitated for 30 seconds. blowing/drying to remove the solvent (neces-
sary contaminant). benefit from no-prep veneers on teeth
Nos.  through  (figures 45 and 46 ).
The prototype mock-up for the veneers
was carried out indirectly by the ceramist.
Starting with a wax-up on the mounted
study models and then using heat and
pressure to cure the acrylic material, a pro-
totype was ready for chairside try-in and
delivery (figure 46). Because the treatment
figure 35. A very thin application of adhe- f ig u re 3 6 . A ribbon of composite (Herculite, in this case would be performed exclusively
sive resin (All-Bond 3) was placed in the veneers. shade A-1 dentin) was warmed to increase viscos-
ity and applied to the veneers and tooth after
as an additive technique, no preparation
which they were fully seated. was performed to any of the restored teeth.

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fig u re 3 7 . Cement extrusion was visible f ig u re 3 8 . Easy clean up with an fig u re 3 9 . The composite cement was
around all margins. explorer was possible due to the use of warm light-cured.
composite as the cement.

fig u re 4 0 . Close-up view of the veneer on fig u re 4 1 . View of the patient smiling
tooth No. 7 after cementation. the day of veneer cementation.

fig u re 4 2. fig u re 4 3 . fig u re 4 4 .

fig u res 4 2 –4 4 . Twelve days after delivery, these postoperative center, right lateral, and left lateral smile views of this 17-year-old patient demonstrate harmony
and balance.

The prototype restorations were Conclusion option is not indicated for all clinical situa-
designed and created to the specifications Since the late s, minimally inva- tions, and it requires an additional skill set
of the anticipated definitive restorations sive dentistry has advanced to a signifi- for diagnosis and, in particular, the delivery
in order for the patient and dentist to cant degree. An enormous amount of re- of the veneers when it comes to finishing
test and verify they accomplished the search has emerged in support of adhesive and polishing the porcelain in the mouth.
desired esthetic and functional outcomes bonding. Materials have improved and The concept of no-preparation or
(figure 47 ). The patient returned recently clinical performance has advanced to en- minimal preparation is more than  years
very satisfied with the results of the pro- able the use of minimally invasive porce- old, yet today, the interest in conserva-
totype restorations and ready to proceed lain veneers whenever indicated. However, tive treatments and minimal intervention
with the definitive veneer restorations. it is important to note that the “no-prep” is being revisited. Dentistry embraces

fig u re 4 5. Close-up preoperative view fig u re 4 6 . View of the four prototype veneer fig u re 4 7 . Close-up view of the patient’s
of the patient’s maxillary anterior dentition. restorations on the model. natural smile with prototype restorations in
Teeth Nos. 7 through 10 would be restored with place. This treatment was performed exclusively
no-prep veneers. as an additive technique, with no preparation
performed to any of the restored teeth.

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c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 8 , n º 8

contemporary restorative materials — 12. Strasseler HE, Minimally invasive porcelain veneers: Restor Dent 20(1):68-73, 2008.
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this process is communication with the professionals and laypersons to altered dental esthetics:
laboratory, as well as the use of proto- asymmetric and symmetric situations. Am J Orthod Dentofa- to request a printed copy of this article, please contact
type restorations, which are created to cial Orthop 130(2):141-51, August 2006. Brian LeSage, DDS, 436 Roxbury Drive, Suite 100, Beverly
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This article has reviewed the history of

the veneer modality, its role as a conserva-
tive and minimally invasive treatment, and
the clinical step-by-step protocol that should
be implemented to ensure proper treatment
planning and material selection for specific
minimal-preparation indications. (!) #..+*&/ #.
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