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\title {\textbf{Linear Quadratic Optimal Control based Missile Guidance Law with Obstacle Avoidance}}
\author{\newline JESNA SHA \newline Roll No:05 \newline M3 GNC }












\item Optimal guidance law is Important for missile Guidance


\item Missile guiudance refers to a variety of methods of guiding a missile to intercept.


\item The main objective of guidance is to direct one object to move in such a way as to enable it
come as close as possible to another object


\item Interception takesplace if the positions of two objects coincide

\item Primary objective of guidance is to enable an object to move in such a way that enable it to
avoid another object.




\frametitle{Introduction Contd..}


\item To Understand how a guidance law affects the trajectory of an object we must first look at
kinematics of the interception problem


\item Relative velocities between objects play very important role in deciding whether an
interception has occured or not.




\section{Existing systems}


\frametitle{Existing systems }


\item Three large class of methods for collision avoidance


\item Local or Global motion planning method


\item Geometric guidance Approach

\item Artificial Potential field Approach








\item Derive the linearized model of engagement.


\item Formulate guidance problems of intercept and rendezvous as optimal control problem.


\item Derive guidance laws.


\item Illustrate the performance of proposed guidance law using Matlab Simulation




\section{Planar Engagement Geometry}


\frametitle{Planar Engagement Geometry}



\caption{Planar Engagement Geometry}




\frametitle{Planar Engagement Contd..}


\item The missile and target

are denoted by the subscripts M and T


\item The

speed, normal acceleration, and flight path angles are denoted

by V , a, and



\item the relative range between the

two vehicles is r, and $\theta$ is the angle between the line-ofsight

direction and the X axis

\item the relative

displacement between the target and the missile normal to

the X axis


y=y_T -y_M




\frametitle{Planar Engagement Contd..}


\item The target and missile lateral accelerations are

denoted by a

$a _ { T } ^ { \prime }and a _ { M } ^ { \prime }$

\item The projections of the

lateral accelerations normal to the X axis, that will be the

input variables for the linearized model, are denoted by aT

and aM



\ a_T =a _ { T } ^ { \prime }cos(\gamma_T_0+\theta_0)

\ a_M =a _ { M } ^ { \prime }cos(\gamma_M_0-\theta_0)




\frametitle{Planar Engagement Geometry (contd)}




\caption{Planar Engagement Geometry}




\frametitle{CRTBP Contd..}


\item Consider the two primaries are in fixed rotating frame with normalized coordinates


\dot{x}&=& u \\




\dot{v}&=&y-2u-y\frac{(1-\mu)}{r_{1}^{3}}-y\frac{\mu}{r_{2}^{3}}\\ \dot{w}&=&-z\frac{(1-
\mu)}{r_{1}^{3}}-z\frac{\mu}{r_{2}^{3}}\\ \nonumber




\frametitle{CRTBP Contd..}


where, \begin{eqnarray}




\item $\mu$ is the mass parameter; where




\item The state vector is denoted by $F_{0}$




\frametitle{CRTBP Contd..}


\item The potential is defined by



\item The energy of state point is defined as







\frametitle{Lagrange Points}


\item The equlibrium points, where third body would appear permenantly at rest relative to




\caption{Lagrange points}





\frametitle{Libration Point orbits}


\item The collinear points are shown to be unstable.

\item The equilateral points are proved to be stable under certain conditions.


\item There exist periodic orbits around different equilibrium points.


\item Periodic orbits can be used for the generation of manifolds.




\frametitle{Libration Point orbits Cntd..}





\caption{Family of periodic planar orbits}





\frametitle{Invariant Manifolds}


\item Manifolds are the solution surface formed by low energy trajectories.

\item either converging or diverging



\item Set of equidistant points along periodic orbits are considerd.


\item Each such point serves as initial point for


\item forward integration to obtain unstable manifold.

\item backward integration to obtain stable manifold.





\frametitle{Invariant Manifolds Cntd..}


\item Depending upon initial conditions and the perturbations

\newline the solution space consists 4 types of trajectories



\item Right Unstable Manifold


\item Left Unstable Manifold


\item Right stable Manifold


\item Left stable Manifold



\item All branches of the manifolds intersect at periodic orbit.


\item Manifold to manifold transfer is possible at intersecting orbit.


\item Velocities must be equal.




\frametitle{Invariant Manifolds Cntd..}





\caption{Invariant manifolds associated with periodic orbits of points L1 and L2}




\frametitle{Trajectories with prescribed paths}


\item Can be find out using invariant manifolds.



\item Appropriate energy is choosen.


\item Two periodic orbits around L1 and L2 with energy $\varepsilon$ are computed.


\item The four poincare surfaces of sections are defined







\item Manifolds associated with the two periodic orbits are computed.







\item Model of spacecraft in CRTBP.




\item Evolution of mass is given by


\dot{m}(t)=-\beta \|T(t)\|


under constraints $\|T(t)\|\leq T_{max} $ :for all t\\

where $\beta=\frac{1}{I_{sp} g_{0}}$




\frametitle{Modeling cntd..}


\item Dynamics in normalized coordinates:



\dot{x}=F_{0}(x)+\frac{\epsilon}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{3}u_{i}F{i}(x) \\




where,$F_{1}(x)=\left[ {\begin{array}{c}

\end{array} } \right]$,

$F_{2}(x)=\left[ {\begin{array}{c}


\end{array} } \right]$

$F_{3}(x)=\left[ {\begin{array}{c}


\end{array} } \right]$



\section{Problem Formulation}


\frametitle{Impulse transfer}


\item Impulse transfer between manifold $M_{0}$ to $M_{1}$


\item Let the intersection points in the poincare section be $\xi_{0}^{U}=(x_{0}^{U},v_{0}^{U})$ and
$\xi_{1}^{U}=(x_{1}^{U},v_{1}^{U})$; where


x_{i}^{U}&=&(x_{i},y_{i},z_{i}), i\in [0,1]\\

v_{i}^{U}&=&(u_{i},v_{i},w_{i}), i\in [0,1]\\\nonumber


\item the orbit $A_{0}$ and $A_{1}$

\item the impulse $\Delta V =v_{1}^{U}-v_{0}^{U}$ has to be performed.




\frametitle{Impulse transfer cntd..}




\caption{Illustration of impulse transfer between two invariant manifolds.}




\frametitle{Optimal Control Problem}


\item Problem: maximize the final mass


\item Two terminal points defined by; $\xi_{0}^{*}=\phi^{nat}(-t_{A_{0}},\xi_{0}^{U})$ and



\item Transfer time is chosen as $t_{f}=t_{A_{0}}+t_{A_{1}}$


\item Larger the transfer time, higher the final mass.


\item Max of final mass is equivalent to Mini of $L_{1}$ norm of control u.




\frametitle{Opimal Control Problem Cntd..}


\item The problem,



\textrm{Maximize} \quad C_{L{1}}=\int{0}{t_{f}}\|u\| dt\\

\dot{x}=F_{0}(x)+\frac{\epsilon}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{3}u_{i}F{i}(x) \\



x(0)=\xi_{0}^{*}, m(0)=m_{0}^{*}\quad \textrm{and} \quad x(t_{f})=\xi_{1}^{*}







\frametitle{Additional Continuations}


\item Difficult to initialize the transfer.

\item Two additional continuations are introduced



\item Final state continuation


\item Thrust continuation





\frametitle{Final state continuation}


\item A new point is defined $\xi_{1}^{nat}=\phi^{nat}(t_{f},\xi_{1}^{*})$


\item Problem is given by



\textrm{Maximize} \quad C_{L{1}}=\int{0}{t_{f}}\|u\| dt\\

\dot{x}=F_{0}(x)+\frac{\epsilon}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{3}u_{i}F{i}(x) \\



x(0)=\xi_{0}^{*}, m(0)=m_{0}^{*}\quad \textrm{and} \quad x(t_{f})=(1-






\frametitle{Thrust continuation}


\item An itermediate thrust is defined $\epsilon_{\lambda}=(1-


where $\epsilon_{obj}$ is max thrust of engine and a greater thrust $\epsilon_{init}$


\item Problem is given by



\textrm{Maximize} \quad C_{L{1}}=\int{0}{t_{f}}\|u\| dt\\

\dot{x}=F_{0}(x)+\frac{\epsilon_{\lambda}}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{3}u_{i}F{i}(x) \\



x(0)=\xi_{0}^{*}, m(0)=m_{0}^{*}\quad \textrm{and} \quad x(t_{f})=(1-









\item Compute Libration points for the considered system.


\item Generate periodic orbits around $L_{1}$ and $L_{2}$.


\item Compute intersection with pointcare cut U.


\item Compute the two points $\xi_{0}^{U}$ and $\xi_{1}^{U}$ that miniize


\item Choose two times $t_{A_{0}}$ and $t_{A_{1}}$ and compute $t_{f}$, $\xi_{0}^{*}$ and


\item Continuation in final state.


\item Continuation in thrust.





\frametitle{Simulation Results}


\item Parameters taken for simulation :


\item Sun-Earth system is considered


\item Two energy levels at halo orbits around $L_{1}$ and $L_{2}$ : $\xi_{L_{1}}=-1.500444$ and


\item Transfer time $t_{A_{0}}=t_{A_{1}}=0.5$


\item Starting thrust= 60N and targeted thrust of 0.3N


\item initial mass= 1500kg to a final mass 1490.1144kg.





\frametitle{Simulation Results Cntd..}





\caption{Intersection of two invariant manifolds}




\frametitle{Simulation Results Cntd..}





\caption{Optimal solution of transfer after iterative continuations}





\frametitle{Simulation Results Cntd..}





\caption{Norm of control during final state continuation. (19 iterations)}







\item A new general algorithm is designed that performs transfer between two invariant manifolds.


\item Algorithm relies on few user defined parameters.


\item Since we performed min. of $L_{1}$ norm of control, transfer time should be fixed.


\item Study of influence of $t_{f}$ is done.


\item For some values of $t_{f}$ this method fails




\frametitle{Conclusion Cntd..}


\item This method allows low-thrust transfer between invariant manifolds.


\item The algorithm constitute a brick for designing interplanetary missions.


\item This could be a good first step to initialize missions patching three body problems with some
uncontrolled parts and some controlled parts.







\bibitem{1} Chupin, M., Haberkorn, T., and Trelat, E., "Transfer between invariant Manifolds: From
Impulse to Low-Thrust Transfer" {\it AIAA Journal of Guidance, Navigation and Control}, Jan 2018.

\bibitem{2} Koon, W. S., Lo, M. W., Marsden, J. E., and Ross, J. E.,{\it "Dynamical

Systems, the Three-Body Problem, and Space Mission Design"} Springer–Verlag, New York, 2006,
Chapter. 4.

\bibitem{3} H.D. Curtis, {\it "Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students"},Elsevier Butterworth-
Heinemann Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford, 2005, Chapter 2.

\bibitem{4} J.D. Mireles James {\it "Celestial Mechanics Notes Set 4: The Circular Restricted Three
Body Problem" };December 19, 2006

\bibitem{5} Chupin, M., Haberkorn, T., and Trelat, E., "Low-Thrust Lyapunov

to Lyapunov and Halo to Halo Missions with $L^{2}$-Minimization," {\it ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling
and Numerical Analysis}; ESAIM:

M2AN 51, 2017.




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