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Fisika Mekanika

Ardi Wiranata, M.Eng. & Dr Khasani
Sistem penilaian
• Pekerjaan Rumah = 15%
• Quiz = 15%
• Ujian Tengah Semester = 35%
• Ujian Akhir Semester = 35%

Buku reverensi
1. Young, H.D. and Freedman, R.A., 2012, University Physics
with Modern Physics 13rd ed. Addison-Wesley, New York.
2. Resnick and Halliday, 2001, Fundamental of Physics, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Sears and Zemansky, 1982, University Physics, 6th edition,
Addison-Wesley Publishing company, Reading
Pokok Bahasan
• Vektor gaya
• Kesetimbangan partikel
• Resultan sistem gaya
• Kesetimbangan benda tegar
• Statika
Vektor gaya

• Pengertian dan operasi scalar dan vektor

• Sistem gaya koplanar
• Vektor Kartesian
• Vektor posisi, gaya
• Dot product
Units of Measurement
• Empat besaran dasar dalam mekanika
• Mass
• Length
• Time
• Force
• Sistem Satuan
• U.S. Customary or British System of Units (FPS)
• Length in feet (ft)
• Time in Seconds (s)
• Force in Pounds (lb)
• International System of Units or Metric Units (SI)
• Length in metre (m)
• Time in Seconds (s)
• Force in Newton (N)

Lecture 1 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 5

Units of Measurement

• Ringkasan 4 besaran dasar dalam 2 sistem

US Units SI Units
Symbol Unit Symbol Unit

- slug kg kilogram Mass

ft foot m meter Length

sec second s second Time

lb pound N newton Force

Lecture 1 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 6

Units of Measurement
• Metric System (SI)
• SI System offers major advantages relative to the FPS system
• Widely used throughout the world
• Use one basic unit for length  meter; while FPS uses many basic units  inch,
foot, yard, mile
• SI based on multiples of 10, which makes it easier to use & learn whereas FPS is
complicated, for example
• SI system 1 meter = 100 centimeters, 1 kilometer = 1000 meters, etc
• FPS system 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 mile = 5280 feet, etc
• Metric System (SI)
• Newton’s second law F = m.a
• Thus the force (N) = mass (kg)  acceleration (m/s2)
• Therefore 1 Newton is the force required to give a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1

Lecture 1 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 7

Units of Measurement
• U.S. Customary System (FPS)
• Force (lb) = mass (slugs)  acceleration (ft/sec2 )
• Thus (slugs) = lb.sec2/ft
• Therefore 1 slug is the mass which is given an acceleration of 1 ft/sec2
when acted upon by a force of 1 lb
• Conversion of Units
• Converting from one system of unit to another;

SI Equals FPS Quantity

4.448 N 1 lb Force
14.593 kg 1 slug Mass
0.304 m 1 ft Length
• The standard value of g (gravitational acceleration)
• SI units g = 9.806 m/s2
• FPS units g = 32.174 ft/sec2

Lecture 1 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 8

1. Fundamentals Concepts
Idealisasi (kondisi ideal)
• Partikel
– Mempertimbangkan masa tetapi mengabaikan
• Rigid Body (Bodi Kaku)
– Mengabaikan sifat material (material properties)
• Gaya terkonsetrasi
- Mengasumsikan gaya bekerja pada titik
Mechanics ?
A branch of physical science
which deals with ( the states of
rest or motion of ) bodies under
action of forces

Equilibrium of bodies
Statics (no accelerated motion)
under action of Forces
-Selected Topics
Dynamics: Motion of bodies

Kinematics Kinetics

-Particles -Particles
-Rigid Bodies - Rigid Bodies
Basic Concepts

Mechanics #2
Dynamics Structures
Mech of Materials Automotives
Fluid Mechanics Mechanics Robotics
Vibration Spacecrafts
Fracture Mechanics Etc.
Skalar & Vektor
• Skalar: Suatu besaran yang dicirikan dengan tanda positif dan negatif,
misalnya Massa, Volume dan panjang
• Vektor: Suatu besaran yang mempunyai besar dan arah, misalnya
posisi, gaya, kecepatan dan momen

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• Notasi vektor adalah huruf yang ditebalkan, misal A,
sedangkan besarnya yang selalu positif diberi notasi
huruf miring, misal |A|

Pada gambar samping, vektor A

mempunyai besar 4 unit, arah 20o diukur
P berlawanan jarum jam dari aksis
Titik O disebut ekor (tail)
20o Titik P disebut Tip (ujung) atau Head
0 (kepala)

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Vector and Vector addition
Some physical quantities, such as time, temperature,
mass, and density, can be described completely by a
single number with a unit.
But many other importantquantities in physics have a
direction associated with them and cannot be described
by a single number. A simple example is describing the
motion of an airplane: We must say not only how fast
the plane is moving but also in what direction. The
speed of the airplane combined with its direction of
motion together constitute a quantity called velocity.
Another example is force, which in physics means a
push or pull exerted on a body. Giving a complete
description of a force means describing both how hard
the force pushes or pulls on the body and the direction
of the push or pull.

• Displacement is simply a
change in the position of an
object. Displacement is a
vector quantity because we
must state not
only how far the object
moves but also in what
Vector Addition and Subtraction
Component vector
Finding a vector’s magnitude and direction from its
Using components to calculate the vector sum
(resultant) of two or
more vectors.

There are four

concurrent cable forces
acting on the bracket.
How do you determine
the resultant force acting
on the bracket ?
Sample Problem 2.2
• Find a graphical solution by applying the
Parallelogram Rule for vector addition. The
parallelogram has sides in the directions of the
two ropes and a diagonal in the direction of the
barge axis and length proportional to 5000 lbf.

A barge is pulled by two tugboats. If

the resultant of the forces exerted by • Find a trigonometric solution by applying the
the tugboats is 5000 lbf directed Triangle Rule for vector addition. With the
along the axis of the barge, determine magnitude and direction of the resultant known
and the directions of the other two sides
parallel to the ropes given, apply the Law of
Sines to find the rope tensions.
a) the tension in each of the ropes for
a = 45o, • The angle for minimum tension in rope 2 is
b) the value of a for which the tension determined by applying the Triangle Rule and
in rope 2 is a minimum. observing the effect of variations in a.
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Sample Problem 2.2

• Graphical solution - Parallelogram Rule with

known resultant direction and magnitude,
known directions for sides.

T1  3700 lbf T2  2600 lbf

• Trigonometric solution - Triangle Rule with

Law of Sines
T1 T2 5000 lbf
 
sin 45 sin 30 sin 105

T1  3660 lbf T2  2590 lbf

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Sample Problem 2.2 • The angle for minimum tension in rope 2 is
determined by applying the Triangle Rule and
observing the effect of variations in a.

• The minimum tension in rope 2 occurs when T1

and T2 are perpendicular.

T2  5000 lbf  sin 30 T2  2500 lbf

T1  5000 lbf  cos 30 T1  4330 lbf

a  90  30 a  60

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Unit vector
Product of Vector
• Scalar Product
• Vector Product
Scalar Product

• Steps:
Vector Product
Calculating cross product
Calculating vector product using components

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