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Juror Questionnaires,

AD/HD, and the

Right to Privacy
by Robert M. Tudisco, Esq.

ou are an adult with AD/HD. One day you open your mailbox to find the
dreaded jury duty notice. It is inconvenient; you are having difficulty managing all of
your projects at work as it is, but now you are legally compelled to miss work and report
for jury service. As a good citizen, you report to the courthouse and are ultimately sent
to a courtroom as a potential juror. When you get there, you are given a questionnaire
to fill out that asks for personal information about your health and mental health, including medica-
tions you take to manage your symptoms. It hardly seems right. Do you have to answer these questions
about your medical information? What about your right to privacy? What should you do?

Now turn the scenario around a bit. You are not a pro- As a result of the increased volume in both the civil and
spective juror, but a litigant. All you want is to have your day criminal systems, courts have sought ways to streamline the
in court. You want a fair and impartial jury to decide your jury selection process. Many courts have moved toward limit-
case. But there is one problem—your actions, which gave rise ing attorneys’ direct access to jurors in favor of questionnaires
to the litigation or prosecution, were symptomatic of your to expedite decisionmaking. Jury consultants and attorneys
AD/HD and other co-occurring conditions. How do you have begun crafting questionnaires that provide the most
know whether potential jurors will un- possible information yet can be reviewed quickly. Attorneys
derstand your situation or even know can then spend their allotted time for direct questions to fo-
what AD/HD is? Will they be tainted by cus attention in specific areas to help them make informed
the same stigmas about AD/HD that choices about jurors for their respective clients.
you have faced all your life? How do
you ensure that you (through your Excluding potential jurors
legal team) select a jury of your peers and Based upon information from
receive a fair trial as promised in the Constitution? questionnaires and/or direct
questioning, litigants are per-
Jury selection questionnaires mitted to exclude potential
csreed, tony baggett / istock

Of the fundamental principles of our judicial system, jurors in two ways. The most
none is more important than the right of the accused common reason to challenge a potential juror is
to be judged by a jury of his or her peers. This prin- for cause. What this means is that based on the
ciple is so important to our legal system that jury information obtained about a juror, it is clear
service is compulsory. In practice, however, the that the person is biased toward one side or
definition of peer is a more complicated issue. the other and therefore cannot be impartial
in a particular case. Challenges for cause, if
established, are unlimited.
Robert M. Tudisco, Esq., is a practicing attorney
The other type of challenge is the
and adult diagnosed with AD/HD. A former member
of CHADD’s board of directors, Tudisco serves on the
peremptory challenge, in which a liti-
editorial advisory board of Attention magazine and gant may exclude a juror without giv-
CHADD’s public policy committee. He welcomes ing a reason. The number of peremp-
questions and comments on his website, tory challenges is limited by state or fed- eral law. These challenges are much more

April 2009 17
subjective (for example, the attorney feels While not many people would be ter-
that the juror might not identify with the ribly upset at the prospect of not having
client or particular position in the case). to participate, jury duty is still compul-
Traditionally, peremptory challenges do sory. Additionally, for the system to work,
not require a reason; however, that is not it is important for juries to represent a
a hard and fast rule. In Batson v. Kentucky fair cross-section of the community. The
and following cases, the U.S. Supreme problem is that there appears to be a bias in
Court ruled that peremptory challenges practice between individuals taking medi-
may not be used to exclude jurors based cation for physical health conditions versus
upon race, religion, or other “protected” those taking medication for mental health
reasons. Based upon this ruling, an attor- disorders, such as AD/HD and other co-
ney may be called upon to provide the rea- occurring conditions. On its face, this rep-
son for a peremptory challenge to ensure resents a direct form of discrimination.
that protected reasons are not the cause. On the one hand, the court and litigants
may argue that there are practical reasons
Jurors’ rights vs. litigants’ rights why such information is relevant. In the
In trying to obtain as much infor- case of AD/HD, for example, a juror’s abil-
mation about prospective jurors as possible, a recent trend ity to focus and attend to crucial and complicated information is
in questionnaires has been to ask jurors to provide informa- important to the fair outcome of a trial. Furthermore, impulsivity in
tion about disabilities, both physical and mental, along with decisionmaking may pose a distinct disadvantage to either party.
medications they are taking. This represents a direct conflict When faced with a potential conflict between the rights of
with a potential juror’s right to privacy about disabilities and jurors and the rights of litigants, the court will almost always
medications. Exercising the right to privacy in these instances find in favor of the litigants. This is especially true in a criminal

junial / istock
may potentially reveal personal information and ultimately situation, where the constitutional rights of the accused are given
disqualify the person from serving. foremost consideration.

18 Attention
While a juror does have a right to privacy, another question privately with the judge and attorneys. If you believe you can be
arises: How does this affect the rights of the accused to have a a fair and impartial juror for that particular case, tell the judge
fair trial and to be judged by a jury of his or her peers? In the and offer whatever information you feel comfortable disclos-
case of a criminal defendant who struggles with challenges from ing. Regardless of the outcome, if you believe the questions are
AD/HD or other related conditions, he or she does have an interest phrased in an inappropriate manner, you should discuss that
in finding jurors who may identify with the struggles of coping with the court and make suggestions for wording that would
with the disorder and potentially be sympathetic to how the de- make you less uncomfortable. This will help future potential
fendant reacts to his or her environment. jurors deal with this issue.
The juror’s exclusion on this basis does potentially vio- If you are a litigant or an attorney, especially in a criminal case,
late a defendant’s right to seek a jury of peers from a fair you should get it on the record right from the start if you believe
cross-section of the community. What makes matters worse that your or your client’s right to a fair trial by a jury of peers is
is that a defendant in this situation may be left with po- being violated. It may be the basis for an appeal. When question-
tential jurors who are not educated or impartial about ing potential jurors about mental health issues and/or medication,
AD/HD and mental health disorders but instead are tainted by tra- be tactful and respectful. Stress that this is not being done to pry,
ditional stereotypes about individuals with disabilities. This draws but to protect and preserve your client’s constitutional rights and
a fine line between individuals who wish to exercise their right to make sure he or she gets a fair trial. Make sure that the information
privacy and the desire to provide a balanced, unbiased, and edu- you are seeking is relevant to those concerns and to other matters
cated view of individuals with disabilities such as AD/HD. that may arise in the case.
The issues presented here are complex and not easily re-
What you can do solved. Many remain untested by the legal system; however, it is
If you are scheduled to appear for jury duty, and during the important to raise these questions with a view toward resolving
process questions arise that involve a disability, illness, or medi- them or being prepared if conflict arises. My experience has al-
cation, there are things you can do to protect your privacy ways been that the best way to advocate for a particular position
while still actively participating in the jury process. Instead of is to anticipate and understand the opposing view. Understand-
refusing to answer questions, ask to discuss the information ing all sides of an issue can often lead to resolution. ●

 April 2009 19

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