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(Motion, Laws of motion, Gravitation, Work and Energy)

I. Answer all the questions.

01. A farmer moves along the boundary of a square field of side 10 m in 40 s.
What will be the magnitude of displacement of the farmer at the end of 2
minutes 20 seconds from his initial position?
02. Derive the equation: v2 – u2 = 2as
03. Write down the equations of motion in the case of a (a) vertically projected
body and
(b) freely falling body.
04. Brakes are applied to a car in order to produce a deceleration of 6 ms-2. If
it is to be brought to rest in 4 s, find the distance travelled by it during this
05. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius 42250 km.
Calculate its speed if it takes 24 hours to revolve around the earth.
06. State the Newton’s second law of motion. Using this, derive the equation:
F = ma.
07. State and explain the law of conservation of momentum in the case of
collision of two spherical bodies.
08. A block of wood is kept on a table top. The mass of wooden block is 5 kg
and its dimensions are 40 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm. Find the maximum pressure
exerted by it on the table top.
09. State Archimedes principle. Derive an expression for the buoyant force
experienced by an object when placed in a fluid.
10. Define the term kinetic energy. Derive an expression for it.
11. A man who is running has half the KE of a boy of half of his mass. The man
speeds up by
1 ms-1 and then has the same kinetic energy as the boy. Find the original
speed of the boy.
12. A boy of mass 50 kg having a load of 20 kg runs up a staircase of 45 steps
in 9 s. If the height of each step is 15 cm, find his power.
13. Distinguish between speed and velocity.
14. Distinguish between mass and weight.
15. A cab covers (1/3)rd of the distance with 12 ms-1, the second one-third
distance with
36 kmph and the last one-third with 72 kmph. Find the average velocity of
the cab during its journey.

II. Answer the following in ONE or TWO sentences each.

01. Can it be possible to have acceleration towards east and velocity towards
west? If so explain. If not, support your answer.
02. A car and a large truck are moving with same kinetic energy. Which will
have greater momentum? Explain.
03. State and explain the Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
04. Why is a clean hole made when a bullet is fired at a glass window pane,
while it is broken into pieces by a stone?
05. During a high jump event, it hurts less when an athlete lands on a heap of
sand. Explain.
06. Which of the Newton’s laws is said to be the most fundamental of all the
three? Why?

01. Odometer measures
a] acceleration b] instantaneous speed c] displacement d]
02. Area and slope of V-t graph represent
a] acceleration, displacement b] displacement, acceleration
c] displacement, velocity d] instantaneous acceleration
and distance
03. When a motor car takes a sharp turn, the passengers inside it are thrown
to one side. It is due to
a] inertia of rest b] inertia of motion c] inertia of direction d] none
of these
04. A force of 5 N gives a mass one body an acceleration of 10 ms-2 and
another mass, an acceleration of 20 ms-2. If both of the masses were tied
together then the acceleration is
a] 4.67 ms-2 b] 5.67 ms-2 c] 6.67 ms-2 d] 15 ms-2
05. From a rifle of mass 2 kg a bullet of mass 20 g is fired with an initial
velocity of 150 ms-1. The recoil velocity of the rifle is
a] 1 ms -1
b] 1.5 ms-1 c] 2 ms-1 d] 75 ms-1
06. The gravitational force of attraction between the two spheres of same
radius and made of same material is F. If their radii are doubled then the
new force between them is
a] 2F b] 8F c] 16F d] (¼)F
07. An iron piece of 1kg and cotton of same mass are weighed with a spring
a] iron will weigh more than cotton in vacuum b] cotton will weigh more
than iron in air
c] both will have same weight in air d] both will have same
weight in vacuum.
08. Kilo-watt-hour (kWh) is a unit of
a] power b] work c] momentum d] force
09. When a rubber band is stretched it has
a] PE only b] KE only c] both of these d] none of
10. If a stone is released from a balloon rising with an acceleration at the
instant when its velocity is V then immediately after release the acceleration
and velocity of the stone are respectively
a] upward and upward b] upward and downward
c] downward and upward d] downward and downward
11. The principle of the motion of the rocket is Newton’s
a] universal law of gravitation b] first law of motion
c] second law of motion d] third law of motion
12. A ball of mass 150 g thrown towards a wall with a speed of 20 ms-1 bounces
back with same speed. Then the change in momentum of the ball is
a] 0 Ns b] 3 Ns c] 6 Ns d]
170 Ns
13. A spherical ball of mass 4 kg moving with 10 ms-1 makes a head on elastic
collision with a stationary sphere of mass 12 kg. Then the speed of the 12 kg
body is
a] 6 ms-1 b] 5 ms-1 c] 4 ms-1 d] 3 ms-1
14. If the velocity of a body increases then its acceleration is
a] > 0 b] < 0 c] = 0 d]
all of these
15. Graph between speed and time will be a straight line having constant slope
with time axis if
a] speed is directly proportional to time
b] speed is directly proportional to square of the time
c] speed is inversely proportional to time
d] speed is inversely proportional to the square of the time
16. Figure shows distance time graph for four children A, B, C and D.
Which child has the highest speed?
a] A
b] B
c] C
d] D
17. When balanced forces act on an object, it
a] moves with constant velocity but cannot be at rest.
b] either at rest or moving with variable velocity.
c] either at rest or moving with constant velocity.
d] either moving with constant velocity or with constant acceleration.
18. An object weighs 10 N in air and 7 N in water. The weight of water
displaced by the object is
a] 10 N b] 7 N c] 3 N d] 17 N
19. The area of the force - displacement graph represents
a] energy b] power c] momentum d] impulse
20. The area of the force - time graph gives
a] energy b] power c] impulse d] momentum

IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

01. The angle between velocity and acceleration in uniform circular motion

02. Inertia of a body is its ........................... and is measured

in ................................ in SI system.
03. Horse pulls a cart due
to ........................................................................................

04. The relation between ‘g’ and ‘G’ is ....................................

05. An iron nail sinks where as a cork floats when placed on the surface of
water. This is due to


06. If the force is uniformly varying then the formula for work done
is ...........................................

07. The equation for kinetic energy in terms of momentum

is .........................................................
08. The sound is heard ‘t’ s later than the lightning is seen in the sky on a rainy
day. If the

velocity of sound is ‘v’ ms-1, then the distance of location of the lightning
is ............................

09. The value of constant of gravitation

is .......................................................................................

10. A stationary bomb explodes into two pieces of mass in the ratio of 2:3. The
ratio of their momenta immediately after explosion
is .....................................................................................

V. State whether the following statements are TRUE or

01. The average velocity of a body dropped from a height ‘h’ on the surface of
earth is [2gh]1/2.
02. An artificial satellite is a freely falling body.
03. An object can be thrown to a maximum height of 10 m on the surface of
earth, when it is vertically projected with a velocity ‘V’. If it is projected
vertically with same velocity on moon then the maximum height reached by it
is 60 m.
04. Work done cannot be negative under any circumstances.
05. The work done by the force of gravity on a satellite moving round the earth
is zero.
06. The electron-volt is not the unit of energy.
07. The law of conservation of energy fails in the case of a nuclear reactor.
08. An object can have a constant speed and still have a varying velocity.
09. When a person walks on a rough surface, the frictional force on the person
is in the direction of motion.
10. Action and Reaction can be cancelled as they are equal in magnitude.
11. Work done in raising a box on to a platform depends on how fast it is
12. Hydrogen balloon has greater potential energy at higher altitudes.
13. The acceleration of the particle in uniform circular motion is variable.
14. An object is thrown vertically upwards. As it goes up, its potential energy
decreases and kinetic energy increases.
15. As an object falls freely, the loss in PE is equal to the gain in KE.
16. When a freely falling body hits the earth it energy is lost.
17. The clap of two hands is an example of perfect elastic collision.
18. When an object is immersed in different liquids, it experiences different
buoyant forces.
19. The density of water in SI system is 1 kgm-3.
20. At the centre of the earth acceleration due to gravity ceases to exist.

VI. Match the following:

Group – A Group – B
a] Battery f] light energy to electrical energy [ ]

b] dynamo g] mechanical energy to chemical energy [ ]

c] electric motor h] electrical energy to mechanical energy[ ]

d] hydrogen bomb i] chemical energy to electrical energy [


e] photocell j]mass to energy [ ]

k] mechanical energy to electrical energy [ ]

l] energy to mass [ ]

VII. Assertion and Reason Questions:

In these types of questions two statements are given. Choose the
correct option by following directions given below.
A: Statement - I is correct and Statement - II is correct explanation of the
Statement – I.
B: Statement - I is correct and Statement - II is not the correct explanation
of the Statement-I.
C: Statement – I is correct and Statement – II is false.
D: Statement – I is not correct but Statement – II is correct.

01. Statement – I: Average velocity of an object can be zero.

Statement – II: Acceleration is equal to the rate of change of speed.
a] A b] B c] C d] D
02. Statement – I : Action and reaction are equal and opposite but they do not
cancel each other.
Statement - II : Action and reaction always act on the same body.
a] A b] B c] C d] D
03. Statement – I: When an object is taken to moon, its weight on moon is less
than that on earth’s surface.
Statement – II: Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is
greater than that on moon’s surface.
a] A b] B c] C d] D
04. Statement-I: When spring is stretched, its potential energy increases.
Statement-II: work is done to stretch the spring.
a] A b] B c] C d] D
05. Statement-I: Inertia of an object of 10 kg is greater than the inertia of an
object of 5 kg.
Statement-II: Inertia is directly proportional to the mass of the object.
a] A b] B c] C d] D

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