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Student-Teacher: bahja hadi

Date: 22-10-2018

Course: tp

Grade Level: G2

Subject: English

Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): connect the information and events in a text or story to life experience

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
students use? Be specific) class?)

Stories: for the students to read (“baby”, “The toy box” The stories, papers and pencils are ready for the students. And
and for the teacher “josie goes on holiday”) placed on the tables.

Papers: which they should place beside the stories for the The board is clean and ready.
students to write their notes

Pencils: it is for the students to write their notes.

Key vocabulary

Connect – life experience – think - relate

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

The teacher will tell the students to sit on the carpet and after that the teacher will ask the students (what do you
think that we will learn today?) the teacher will listen to the student’s answers.
Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

- First the teacher will read a story to the students (“josie goes on holiday”) after the teacher finishes with
reading she will discuss the story with students by asking questions like (what do you think of the story?
How can you relate with story?) while the teacher hears the students answers she is going to write it down
on the board. (that will make them know how to write notes)
Time: 15 min

- After that the teacher will share her life experience connecting to the story.
- After that the teacher will tell the students to go back to their seats which their stories and papers are
ready for them.
- The low-level students will set in the mat with the teacher and the teacher will help the students with
reading and writing notes.
- Then the teacher will tell the students what they should do by saying: there is a story and a paper that
placed in front of you, I want each of you reads the story and write your experience that is related with the

Closing/ Assessment

The teacher will tell the students to come at the front and they should tell us about their stories and read their
notes which is their life experience. The teacher will listen and makes sure that they connect their stories with their
own life experience. If they are not the teacher should help them by asking questions.
15 min


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