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How many keywords does Java have?

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As of Java 1.5, there are 50 keywords defined, 48 of which are used (const and goto are unusable keywords).
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23. import
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25. throws Top answerers since October 1
26. case
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Mrkbh Mehtamatics
28. instanceof
Bobo192 USCitizen
29. return
30. transient Gd Here Lalithgeorge
31. catch Alcohen2006 MontanaMom
32. extends Yourspam Blopslop
33. int View top contributors
34. short
35. try
36. char Follow us[10/14/2010 10:46:00 PM] - How many keywords does Java have
37. final
38. interface Facebook Twitter YouTube
39. static
40. void
41. class
42. finally
43. long
44. strictfp
45. volatile
46. const
47. float
48. native
49. super
50. while

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First answer by ID2088594142. Last edit by Moobler. Contributor trust: 272 [recommend contributor]. Question
popularity: 1 [recommend question].

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