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Lesson Plan www.eslkidstuff.


Date: TBD Wed.

Teacher: Ryan Heath Class: Writing 6C No of Ss: 12
Lesson Topic: The Moon Landing/News Articles – Lesson 2
Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson students will:

l Gain a more comprehensive understanding of news articles including:

1. Addressing: Who, What, Where, When, Why
2. Identify specific syntactic features of news articles
3. Understand the role of journalism in society
4. Identify potential bias and the ways it may affect one’s writing

Main skill / system objective: Identify common features of news articles

Secondary skill / system objective: Gain an understanding of what is news bias in writing

Textbook pages / Worksheets / etc. Student select texts

Appendix A: Is this ‘news’?
Worksheet: Inverted pyramid: who, what, where, when,

Materials / Resources / Supplies / Learner tablet PCs: for access to digital media
Flashcards / etc. Smart-board: for in-class viewing of video/board usage

Student-selected articles – assigned for homework in

lesson 1
Supplemental articles: available if necessary (i.e. student
did not complete homework, or article does not fall within
assigned genre)

Videos / Listenings / etc.

This link is a TED-x talk addressing the question: “What is

Board Plans:

l Watch “What is news?” Homework: Choose a topic for your article

l Provide potential examples of composition. Address the who, what, where,
journalism, and some that fall outside of when, why. Research the topic if necessary.
predictable norms to answer the
question: Is this news? Links available Bring outline to class on Friday. (Do not have to
in Appendix A complete the key quotes section)
Lesson Plan

Stage Procedure Resources / Page No. Time

1. Introduction: “What is the news?” Smartboard 5:00-5:10

Based on their growing background knowledge from
lesson 1, students will answer this question which
will be written on the board. In small groups,
students will attempt to write an answer to this
question which they will share with the class.

2. Video: “What is the news?” – Jaclyn Trop Smartboard 5:10-5:30

Students will watch the TEDx. Then in small groups
they will gather in their small groups again, and
make potential adjustments to their original

3. Is this news? Smartboards, and 5:30-5:45

The teacher will provide different examples of physical media
journalism and some types of media that may fall
outside of typical journalism: potential links are
available in Appendix A: Is this ‘news’? Within this
portion the teacher will also show examples
including significant bias, which will foster a
discussion of bias in journalism and how we may
attempt to recognize it and avoid it in writing.

4. Discussion: Who, What, Where, When, Why Worksheet: 5:45-5:55

As a class we will discuss the importance of Inverted Pyramid
addressing these issues in journalism. Are they
always present? Are they always of equal

5. Reading: Students will exchange their selected Student 5:55-6:10

news articles and read through these articles Tables/Physical
attempting to address the who, what, where, when, media selected by
why present in the text. Teacher will be available for learners
assistance if necessary.

6. Sharing our thoughts: Students will address the Smartboard, if 6:10-6:18

who, what, where, when, why from the text they necessary
read. They may read answers aloud to the class or
write them on the board.

7: Homework/Assessment: Choose a topic for your Inverted Pyramid 6:18-6:20

article composition. Learner will choose a topic for worksheet
their article and answer briefly: who, what, where,
when, why. Research, where necessary.

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