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Pergamon 0031-9422(94)00729-2 Phytochemistry, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp.

957 963, 1995

Copyright (~ 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0031 9422/95 $9.50 + 0.00



H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi 75 270, Pakistan; "~Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of
Health Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Karachi 74 800, Pakistan

(Received in revisedform 23 August 1994)

Key Word Index--Moringa oleifera; Moringaceae; sahjna; leaves; bioassay-directed isolation; thiocar-
bamate, carbamate and nitrile glycosides; fully acetylated sugar; 2D NMR; hypotensive activity.

Abstract--Six new and three synthetically known glycosides have been isolated from the leaves of Moringa oleifera,
employing a bioassay-directed isolation method on the ethanolic extract. Most of these compounds, bearing
thiocarbamate, carbamate or nitrile groups, are fully acetylated glycosides, which are very rare in nature. Elucidation
of the structures was made using chemical and spectroscopic methods, including 2D NMR techniques. Thiocarbama-
tes showed hypotensive activity.


Moringa oleifera Lain. (syn. Moringa pterygosperma Bioassay-guided fractionation of an ethanolic extract
Gaertn.), a quick-growing ornamental tree, belongs to the of M. oleifera leaves employing classical methods of
family Moringaceae, which is represented by only one isolation followed by prep. TLC and HPLC resulted in
genera [1, 2]. The plant is widely cultivated in Asia, the isolation of nine new glycosides (1-9), of which 6, 7
Africa and other tropical parts of the world for food. It is and 9 have been obtained previously through acetylation
valued for its medicinal properties 1-1,2]. Moreover, its of niazinin, niazimicin 1-4] and niazirin [6], respect-
seeds are used for the purification of drinking water in ively.
rural areas of Asia and Africa. They act as a flocculant The molecular formula of 1 was established as
and also remove more than 90% of Schistosoma mansoni C21H27NOto with the aid of FAB mass spectrometry
cercariae [-3]. Recently, several novel glycosides (negative-ion mode, [ M - l]+m/z 452) and important
possessing hypotensive [4-7] and antispasmodic [8] mass ions at m/z 273.0958 and 181.0755 (fragment d and c,
activities have been obtained from the leaves. Prior to respectively; vide structure). The presence of carbamate,
these investigations, there was no instance of the isolation acetate and aromatic rings was apparent in its IR spec-
of active hypotensive principles, although the antihyper- trum which lacked hydroxyl absorptions. The 1H N M R
tensive and antispasmodic properties have long been spectrum exhibited an anomeric proton signal at 65.39
attributed to the species [2, 9, 10]. In continuation of which was observed as a doublet of 1.5 Hz. It also showed
these studies, nine new naturally occurring glycosides signals due to three acetoxymethyl groups as singlets at
(1-9) have been isolated, most possessing fully acetylated 62.04, 2.06 and 2.07, and three methine protons geminal
sugars. These are rare in nature and the isolation of only to acetoxyl groups at 65.32 (dd, J2'.r = 1.5 Hz, J2,,3,
a few such glycosides has been reported in the literature = 3.9 Hz, H-2'), 5.14 (dd, J3,,2' = 3.9 Hz, J3',4' = 9.7 Hz,
[11-14]. Structures of these glycosides were deduced H-Y) and 4.86 (t, J4,.3' = J4'.5' = 9.7 Hz, H-4'). A mul-
through extensive t H and ~3CNMR studies, including tiplet at 63.87 was ascribed to H-5', while a three-proton
2D NMR (COSY, NOESY and HMQC). Thiocarbama- doublet at 60.98 (J6,.5' = 6.2 Hz) was due to the C-Me
tes 5-8. were examined for hypotensive activity and group (H-6'); moreover, no hydroxyl proton signal was
found to be active; the other compounds were obtained in observed.
low yields and could not be tested. The appearance of only one anomeric proton in the
spectrum revealed the presence of a sugar in the molecule
in a pure anomeric form. The coupling constant of the
anomeric proton revealed the s-orientation of the sugar
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. residue. These 1H N M R assignments are comparable to

958 S. FAIZIet al.

PO ‘- c (+H)

I ;;
-N-C-OR' 1 R’ =Me,R2=R3=Ac

3 R’ = Et, R2= R3 = AC

4 R’ = Me, R2 I H, R3 = AC

-N-C-OR' 2 R’ = Me, R2 = R3 = AC


H -
I- s
--+N-C-OR’ 5a R’ = Me, R2 = R3 = AC

-N-C-OR' 5bR1=Me,R2=R3=Ac

--&C-OR’ 6aR’=Me,R2=R3=Ac
I 7a R’ = Et, R2 = R3 = AC

H 7b R’ = Et, R2 I R3 = AC

-CEN 9R2=R3=Ac
Glycosides from Moringa oleifera 959

those reported for triacetyl rhamnose [4], thus suggesting homologue of carbamates I and 2. Its ~H NMR spectrum
that 1 is a completely acetylated ~-L-rhamnoside. The (Table 1) exhibited signals for sugar and benzylic protons
relatively downfield shift of the anomeric proton, as similar to those of 1 and 2, except that in 3, the methoxy
compared with its chemical shift when it is linked with singlet of the O-methyl carbamate function was replaced
saturated carbons [15], implied its linkage with the by ethoxy protons of O-ethyl carbamate at 64.39 (q, J
aromatic ring, which was established by the 2D NOESY = 7.1 Hz, OCH 2Me), and 1.24 (t, J = 7.1 Hz, OCH 2Me).
cross-peak, H-l'/H-2,6. The I H N M R spectrum is also The NH proton triplet (J = 5.8 Hz) appeared at 64.53,
characteristic for a p-oxybenzyl group showing a pair of which is identical to that of 1, revealing the E-stereochem-
two-proton doublets (J -- 8.8 Hz) at 67.27 and 7.05 for istry of the molecule. Thus, the structure of 3 was deduced
the mutually-coupled protons, H-3,5 and H-2,6, respect- as O-ethyl, 4-[(2',Y,4'-tri-O-acetyl-ct-L-rhamnosyloxy)-
ively, of the aromatic ring, and a two-proton doublet at benzyl]carbamate (E), which was substantiated by the
64.10 (J = 5.9 Hz, H-7) for the methylene protons. That diagnostic HREI mass spectral fragment ions (vide struc-
this methylene is in turn attached with the NH, is ture) at m/z 102.0550 (a), 148.0450 (c-OEt), 122.0604 (c-
evident from the I H N M R spectrum recorded in COOEt), 231.0877 (d-C2H20), 189.0741 (d-2 x C2H20),
DMSO-d6 + D20, in which methylene protons appeared 107.0502 (C7H70) and 73.0291 (C3H~O2).
as a singlet, while the NH triplet (J = 5.9 Hz), which The molecular formula C~7H2aNO 8 for niazicinin A
resonated at 64.53 in DMSO-d6, disappeared. Further- (4) was based on F D mass spectrometry m/z 369 ([M] +),
more, a singlet for the methoxy group appeared at 63.95. FAB mass spectrometry (negative ion) m/z 368, mass
Exact assignment of all these protons, summarized in fragments at m/z 189.0772 (d) and m/z 181.0752 (c), and
Table 1, was made through a I H - I H C O S Y study. 1H NMR resonances and their integrals. The IR bands at
These ~HNMR spectral data are compatible with 3415, 1742, 1725 and 1591-1616cm-1 (four peaks) im-
those assigned for the previously isolated thiocarbamates plied the presence of hydroxy, acetate, carbamate and an
[4]. However, diagnostic mass fragment ions at m/z aromatic ring in the structure. The 1H NMR spectrum of
88.0355 (a), t63.0595 (b), 181.0750 (c), 149.0518 (c-MeOH) 4 (Table 1) exhibited signals for a sugar moiety at 6 5.35 (d,
and 122.0572 (c-COOMe) (see structures) showed the 31,2. = 1.6 Hz, H-I'), 3.88 (m, H-2'), 3,81 (m, H-3'), 4.86 (t,
presence of a methyl carbamate group in 1, instead of J4',5 = J4'.3' = 9.8 Hz, H-4'), 3.59 (m, H-5') and 0.98 (d,
methyl thiocarbamate group. Based on these findings, the J6',5' = 6.2 Hz, H-6') along with only one singlet for the
structure of 1 was established as O-methyl, 4-[(2',Y,4'-tri- acetoxymethyl group at 62.04, suggesting that 4 is a
O-acetyl-ct-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl] carbamate (E), monoacetylated glycoside. These values coincided well
which was corroborated by the significant fragment ions with those reported for 4'-O-acetylrhamnose [4, 5] and
at m/z 59.0402 (C2H402), 60.0140 (C2H302), 273.0958 demonstrated that the compound is 4'-O-acetyl-ct-L-
(d), 189.0771 (CaH130 5) and 107.0503 observed in the rhamnoside, which was corroborated by the mass frag-
HREI mass spectrum. ment d (vide structure). Moreover, the ~H NMR spectrum
Compound 2 showed an FAB mass spectral (negative showed characteristic signals for the O-methyl benzyloxy
ion) peak at m/z 452 [M - 1] + in accordance with the carbamate group as described for 1 and 3 (Table 1). On
molecular formula C21H27NO1o; this is identical to that the basis of this evidence, the structure of 4 was elucidated
of 1, indicating their isomeric nature. This was supported as O-methyl 4-[(4'-O-acetyl-ct-t-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl]
by the strikingly similar UV and IR spectral data, mass carbamate (E), which was supported by the significant
fragmentation and ~H NMR chemical shifts and coupling mass fragment ions at m/z 341.1471 [ M - C O ] +,
constant pattern (Table 1) of these compounds. However, 163.0595 (b), 107.0508 ( C 7 H 7 0 ) , 88.0355 (al and 74.0269
in the 1HNMR spectrum of 2, the exchangeable NH (C2H4NO2) in the HREI mass spectrum. The structure
proton triplet (6.1 Hz) resonated downfield (67.56) as was finally confirmed by acetylation affording a triacetyl
against that of 64.53 in 1. This showed that 2 is the derivative which was found to be identical in every
rotational isomer of 1 with the Z sterochemistry. The respect to 2 (TLC, UV, IR, MS, 1H NMR). Thus, acetyl-
chemical shift assignments for the NH proton in 1 and 2 ation was accompanied with the conversion of the trans
are the reverse of those of the thiocarbamates niazinin A (E)-isomer into the cis (Z)-isomer as 2 has the reverse
(E) and B (Z) [4]. This is based on the fact that the magnitude stereochemistry to that of the parent compound 4 re-
of magnetic anisotropy of the thiocarbonyl group is vealed by the resonance of the NH proton in the
opposite to that of the carbonyl [16]. In the recently I H N M R spectrum (Table 1). This phenomenon was
isolated amides, the penangins, the downfield value earlier witnessed in the case of both thiocarbamates and
(65.40) of the NH proton was also assigned to the Z- carbamates [4, 5]. The importance of naturally occurring
isomer and the upfield chemical shift (65.31) ascribed to carbamates 1 and 3 is thus evident, as they could not be
the NH proton of the E-isomer [17]. These facts led to the obtained through the normal acetylation of the respective
structure elucidation of 2 as O-methyl 4-[(2',Y,4'-tri-O- parent compounds.
acetyl-ct-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl]carbamate(Z). It is important to note that unlike thiocarbamates
The FAB mass spectrum (negative ion), ~H NMR data which exist in two discrete tautomers [4, 5], carbamates
and HREI mass spectral fragments c (195.0846) and d 1 4 have only one form as revealed by their ~HNMR
(273.0958) of 3 determined its molecular formula as spectra which lacked the double signals for the methylene
C22H29NOlo, which indicated that it is the next higher protons. Double signals for the methoxy protons in 1.2
960 S. FA1Z! et al.

~ I f I I, I i I I ~

~ ~ ,

I I I ~ r ~

N E ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ N


J! rl

• ~ = ~ ~ = ~ o

t"1 I If


ooo ~ ~ =8
~- ;-~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ 0 0 ZO
Glycosides from Morinqa oleifera 961

and 4 and ethoxy protons in 3 (Table 1), however, stereochemistry. Its structure has thus been elucidated
indicated the phenomenon of Z/E isomerism along the as O-methyl, 4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-~-L-rhamnosyloxy)-
ester bond [41. benzyl]thiocarbamate (E). Important mass fragment
The negative ion FAB mass spectrum ([M - 1] +, m/z peaks at rn/z 231, 189.0771 (C8H1305), 171.0668
468) and HREI mass spectral ions at m/z 273.0983 (d) and (CsH~IO4) and 107.0503 (C6H50) reaffirmed the struc-
197.0575 (c) corresponding to the composition C~2H ~70 7 ture.
and C9H 11NO2S, respectively, gave the molecular for- Compound 6 has a molecular formula C21H2-TNO95
mula of 5 as C21H2vNO9S. Its IR spectrum displayed obtained from the HREI mass spectrum, which showed a
peaks ascribable to acetate and an aromatic ring. The [M1 + at m/z 469.1441 with important mass fragments at
13CNMR spectrum (Table 2) exhibited signals for 21 m/z 273.0986 (d) and m/z 197.0577 (c). These values along
carbon atoms in the molecule as five methyls (one with the UV, IR, MS, I H N M R and ~3CNMR spectral
each for C-Me and O-Me, and three -OCOMe), one data (Tables 1 and 2) showed that 6 is an isomer of 5. The
methylene, five methines, four sp z CH and six sp 2 upfield value of the NH proton of thiocarbamate group at
quaternary carbons. The structural features were evident 64.53 (t, J = 5.4 Hz) revealed that in this case the NH is
from the ~H NMR spectrum of 5 in DMSO-d 6 (Table 1) trans to the thiocarbonyl group and, thus, the molecule as
which exhibited signals for triacetyl<t-L-rhamnose as a whole has cis (Z)-stereochemistry. On this basis, the
observed in the case of carbamates 1-3. This was confirm- structure of 6 has been determined as O-methyl,
ed by the mass fragment d at m/z 273.0983, and ~3C NMR 4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-~-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl]thio-
chemical shifts at 695.6, 68.4, 68.8, 70.1, 66.9 and 17.8 carbamate (Z). Mass fragments at m/z 189.0763, 171.0681
which were connected in the HMQC spectrum with and 107.0510 corresponding to the formulae CsH ~3Os,
protons at 6 5.46 (H-I'), 5.06 (H-2'), 5.40 (H-3'), 4.86 (H-4'), C s H ~ O 4 and CTHvO, respectively, substantiated the
3.99 (H-5') and 0.98 (H-6'), respectively. In comparison to structure. Compound 6 (Z) has earlier been obtained
the nonacetylated rhamnoside [41, the 13CNMR spec- through acetylation of both niazinin A (ZI and B IE) [4].
trum of 5 showed significant acetylation shifts [18] for C- This showed that, although under normal acetylation
1'-C-5' (Table 2). Further, the ~H NMR chemical shifts conditions it is not possible to obtain the (Ej acetyl
and multiplicities for the p-substituted benzyl and methyl derivative from the parent (E) compound, the triacetyl
thiocarbamate functions are in agreement with those of thiocarbamate with E-stereochemistry (5) does exist in
reported constituents [4]. The downfield chemical shift of nature.
the NH proton at 67.55 showed that it is cis to the sulphur The HREI mass spectrum of 7 showed a [M] ~ at
of the thiocarbonyl group and that 5 has the trans (E)- m/z 483.1570 consistent with the molecular formula
C22H29NOgS. Its UV, IR, ~H NMR and the
mass fragments c (211.0648) and d (273.0980) indicated
that it is the thio analogue of compound 3. This was
Table 2. ~3CNMR chemical shifts for 5-7 confirmed by the downfield shift (64.56) of the benzylic
methylene in the ~H NMR spectrum and the diagnostic
C 5 6 7 mass fragment at m/z 182.0251 resulting from the loss of
an ethyl group from fragment c. The same chemical shift
1 155.3 153.1 154.2
64.53 for the NH proton in both compounds, however,
155.0 156.1 151.3
2,6 116.3 116.7 116.7 revealed that 7 has the cis (Z)-stereochemistry. Thus, its
116.5 117.9 117.2 structure has been deduced as O-ethyl, 4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-
3,5 128.7 128.8 128.4 aeetyl-~-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl]thiocarbamate (Z),
128.7 128.3 128.7 which was supported by the mass fragment ions at m/z
4 131.7 131.0 131.8 399.1318 ([M] + - [ 2 x 4 2 ] ) , 357.1231 ( [ M ] * - - [ 3
131.4 132.8 133.9 x42]), 231.0867 (C10H1506), 189.0756 (C8H1305),
7 47.4 47.9 47.0 122.0624 (CTHsNO) and 107.0505 (C7H70). The struc-
47.1 44.9 43.1 ture was finally confirmed by the L3CNMR resonances
8 191.0 190.1 190.3
(Table 2) which showed acetylation shifts [181 for the
1' 95.6 95.1 95.2
sugar carbons 1' 5' as compared to those of the non-
2' 68.4 68.7 68.4
3' 68.8 68.7 68.7 acetylated compound, niazimicin [4]. Compound 7 was
4' 70.1 69.9 69.9 found to be identical (UV, IR, MS, NMR) with the
5' 66.9 66.8 66.8 triacetylated derivative of niazimicin and niaziminins A
6' 17.8 17.2 17.2 and B [4].
OMe 56.5 58.9 - Compound 8 possesses the molecular formula
56.0 56.9 C16H23NO6S, derived from the HREI mass spectrum
OCH2Me 64.2 ([M] + m/z 357.1199), which was identical to that re-
64.9 ported for niazimicin [4]. The ~H NMR spectrum (Table
OCH2Me - 14.6
1) exhibited signals for ~-L-rhamnose, a benzylic group
and an ethyl thiocarbamate function in the molecule.
OCOMe 170.2 169.7 169.7
OCOMe 21.6, 21.0,20.8 20.5,20.4,20.6 20.4, 20.5, 20.6 These spectral data are comparable with those reported
for niazimicin [4], except for the NH proton which
962 S. FAIZIet al.

appeared upfield (64.53, t, J = 5.4 Hz) in 8, as compared In conclusion, during the course of our investigation on
to niazimicin (3 9.52). This observation showed that these the hypotensive constituents from M. oleifera, several
compounds are rotational isomers and that 8 is the cis- glycosides have been isolated, of which thiocarbamates
isomer of niazimicin. Further, significant mass fragment and carbamates were found to be the hypotensive princi-
ions of 8 at m/z 211.0685 (c), 195.0777 (b), 182.0244 (c-Et), ples of the plant [4-7]. The isolation of carbamates from
147.0649 (d) and 107.0510 (C7H70) corroborated its nature is very rare and previously only two such com-
structure, which was defined as O-ethyl, 4-[(~-L-rha- pounds have been isolated [5]. All these glycosides
mnosyloxy)benzyl]thiocarbamate (Z). Compound 8 has contain rhamnose as the sugar residue, which is either
been named niazimicin B. nonacetylated, monoacetylated or triacetylated, while no
In the t H N M R spectra of all these thiocarbamate diacetylated rhamnoside was obtained. Hitherto, thiocar-
glycosides, including the E-isomer (5) and the Z-isomer bamates and nitriles were isolated as nonacetylated, as
(8), double signals were observed for the benzylic thiocar- well as monoacetylated and triacetylated glycosides,
bamate part of the structure. This may be due to the fact while carbamates were obtained as monoacetylated and
that these isomers exist in two discrete forms a and b in a triacetylated glycosides, whereas in the case of isbthio-
ratio of 2:1. The assignment of the benzylic signals in the cyanates, no triacetylated glycoside was found. This is the
tautomers a and b was rendered possible by comparing first instance of the isolation of a large number of
the corresponding integrals from the t H N M R spectra. triacetylated rhamnosides from a single source. These
Thus, the downfield shift ( ~ 4.57) was attributed to the triacetylated carbamate/thiocarbamate glycosides were
major form a, while the upfield value ( ~ 4.20) was obtained both in E and Z forms. It is important to note
assigned to the minor form [4]. that acetylation of the nonacetylated or monoacetylated
The FAB mass spectrum (negative ion) of 9 showed a glycosides of the carbamates and thiocarbamates yielded
[M - 1] + at m/z 404 corresponding to the molecular only the Z-isomer of the triacetylated glycoside. More-
formula C2oH23NOs . Its IR spectrum showed absor- over, it is interesting from the point of chemical structure
bance at 2251 c m - t (weak) characteristic for a nitrile that the thiocarbamates (5-8) exist in two discrete forms
group along with strong absorption at 1745cm -~ for (a and b), while carbamates 1 4 have only one form [5].
ester carbonyl and four peaks at 1505-1601 for an
aromatic ring. The 1H NMR spectrum (Table 1) revealed
signals for fully acetylated ~-L-rhamnose and p-substitu-
ted benzene as observed in the case of 1-3 and 5-7. General. UV: MeOH. IR: CHCI 3. ElMS 80 eV.
However, in this case, the NH proton resonance of the FABMS: neg. ionization and pos. ionization: 8 kV.
carbamate or thiocarbamate group was not observed. HRMS: 70eV. 1H and 13CNMR 300 and 75MHz,
Further, the protons of the benzylic methylene appeared respectively, with DMSO-d 6 as solvent and spectra re-
as a singlet at 63.53, also observed in other nitrile ferenced to residual solvent signals. ~3CNMR spectral
glycosides of this species [6, 19]. It is thus concluded that assignments have been made partly through DEPT and
9 is a 4-[(2',Y,4'-tri-O-acetyl-~-L-rhamnosyloxy)benzyl] HMQC and partly through comparison with reported
nitrile. Significant mass fragment ions in the HREI mass values of similar compounds [4-6, 19]. Unambiguous
spectrum at m/z 273.0986 (d), 133.0508 (c), 117.0553 (b) assignment of proton chemical shifts were made through
and 107.0507 (C7H70) confirmed the structure. The COSY-45 and NOESY expts. The purity of compounds
compound had earlier been obtained through acetylation was checked on silica gel GF254 coated plates.
of niazirin and niazirinin [6]. Plant material. Leaves of Moringa oleifera were collec-
Compounds 1-9 have been isolated under natural ted from the Karachi region, in November 1990. The
conditions (autolysis) from an extract of the fresh leaves of species was authenticated by Mr Abrar Hussain, Depart-
the plant without the addition of myrosinase or ascorbic ment of Botany, University of Karachi and the voucher
acid [20-22]. Thiocarbamate glycoside may be syn- specimen (No. 66250 KUH) is deposited in the same
thesized in the plant by the addition of methanol or department.
ethanol to isothiocyanate present in the plant [4, 5]. The Extraction and isolation. Fresh undried and uncrushed
origin of nitrile glycosides can be conjectured through the leaves (8 kg) were repeatedly extracted with EtOH at
degradation of glucosinolates which are versatile pro- room temp. The 1st and 2nd extracts were combined and
genitors of organic cyanides and isothiocyanates [21, 22]. the solvent removed under red. pres. to give a residue
Biogenesis of carbamates may occur through the hy- possessing hypotensive activity. This on subjecting to
drolysis of thiocarbamates. classical isolation procedures gave a ft. M-80 (5.95 g) [4],
Intravenous administration of glycosides 5-8 caused a which showed very promising hypotensive activity. It was
fall in systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure subjected to prep. TLC (silica gel, CHCIa-MeOH, 9: 1),
in normotensive anaesthetized rats. Compounds i 4 and yielding 7 bands M-I, M-2a, M-2b, M-3, M-4, M-5 and
9 were not tested due to their small quantity. The M-6, of which M-2a, M-2b and M-4 showed single spots
hypotensive responses of 5-8 were dose dependent and and possessed high hypotensive activity. However, spec-
similar in magnitude. At 1 mgkg-~, the fall in mean tral studies showed that they were mixts of more than 3
arterial blood pressure was 10-20% while the next higher compounds. M-2b (140mg) was subjected to HPLC
dose (3 mgkg ~) produced 30-40% hypotension. These [Shimadzu, LC-6A, C-18, techspher 50 DS, 30cm
hypotensive responses are similar to those observed for × 10 mm, mobile phase 70% M e O H - H 2 0 , few drops of
previously reported compounds from this species [4-7]. HOAc, loop 20pl, flow rate 4 m l m i n -~] to afford 9
Glycosides from Moringa oleifera 963

(4.76mg), 4 (4.87mg), 1 (3.57mg), 5 (12.79mg), 2 2. Nadkarni, K. M. revised by Nadkarni, A. K. (1976)

(4.27 mg), 6 (10.67 mg), 9 (6.07 mg), 3 (3.26 mg), niazicin B The Indian Materia Medica, p. 810. Popular Parka-
(8.5 mg) [4], 8 (9.86 mg) and niaziminin B (6.2 rag) [4] shan, Bombay.
with R,s 10min 15sec, 10min 25sec, 10min 35sec, 3. Olsen, A. (1987) Water Res. 21,517; Chem. Abst. 107,
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respectively. Aftab, K. and Gilani, A. H. (1992) J. Chem. Soc.
O-Methyl-4-[(2',Y,4'-tri-O-acetyl-~-L-rhamnosyloxy)- Perkin Trans 1 3237.
benzyl]carbamate (E) (1). UV 2max (MeOH) nm: 201.2, 5. Faizi, S., Siddiqui, B. S., Saleem, R., Siddiqui, S.,
221.6, 246,8. IR v,~ax (CHC13)cm-I: 1746, 1722, 1520- Aftab, K. and Gilani, A. H. (1994) J. Chem. Soc.
1615 (four peaks), 1365 and 1120. ~HNMR in Table 1. Perkin Trans. I 3035.
O-Methyl-4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-ct-L-rhamnosyloxy)- 6. Faizi, S., Siddiqui, B. S., Saleem, R., Siddiqui, S.,
benzyl]carbamate (Z) (2). UV 2,,ax (MeOH) nm: 200.4, Aftab, K. and Gilani, A. H. (1994) J. Nat. Prod. 57,
221.4, 247.6. IR v~ax (CHCI3) cm-1: 1745, 1724, 1620, 1256.
1365, 1120. I H N M R in Table 1. 7. Gilani, A. H., Aftab, K., Siddiqui, S., Siddiqui, B. S.,
O-Ethyl-4-[ (2',Y,4'-tri-O-acetyl-ct-L-rhamnosyloxy)- Saleem, R. and Faizi, S. (1994) Phytotherapy Res. 8,
benzyl]carbamate (E) (3). UV 2max (MeOH) nm: 202.6, 87.
221.6, 246.2. IR vma~ (CHCI3) era-t: 2950, 1740, 1720, 8. Gilani, A. H., Aftab, K., Shaheen, F., Siddiqui, B. S.,
1625, 1366, 1325, 1115. Negative FAB-MS m/z: 466 [M Siddiqui, S., Saleem, R. and Faizi, S. (1992) in Natural
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