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A Reading from the book of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 18: 15-19

Moses said to the people:

YAHWEH your God will raise up a prophet like me;
you will listen to him.
This is exactly what you asked of YAHWEH your God to do-
at Horeb, on the day of the Assembly, when you said,
“Never let me hear the voice of YAHWEH my God
or see this great fire again, or I shall die.”
Then YAHWEH said to me,
“What they have said is well said.
From their own brothers I shall raise up a prophet like
I shall put my words into his mouth
and he will tell them everything I command him.
Anyone who refuses to listen to my words,
spoken by him in my name,
will have to render an account to me.”

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.
Ps 25: 4-5; 10: 12-15

Response: Lord, make me know your

Lord, teach me your paths.

1. Direct me in your ways, O Lord,

and teach me your paths.
Encourage me to walk inn your truth and teach me
since you are the God who saves me. (R)

2. Kindness unfailing and constancy mark the Lord`s

for those who keeps his covenant and his decrees. (R)

3. Men who respects the Lord, what of them?

He teaches them the way they must choose.
Neighbors to happiness will they live,
and their children inherit the land. (R)

4. Permanently my eyes are on the Lord,

for he will free my feet from the snare. (R)
A Reading from the Second Letter of Peter
2 Peter 1: 16-19

When we told you about the power

and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
we were not slavishly repeating any cleverly invented myths;
no, we had seen his majesty with our own eyes.
He was honored and glorified by God the Father,
When a voice came to him from the transcendent Glory:
This is my Son, the Beloved:
he enjoys my favor.
We ourselves heard this voice from heaven,
When we were with him on the holy mountain.
So we have confirmation of the words of the prophets;
and you will be right to pay attention to it
as to a lamp for lighting a way through the dark,
until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, says the Lord.
No one goes to the Father except through me.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
A Reading from the Holy Gospel According to
Matthew 23: 1-10

Then addressing the crowds and his disciples Jesus said:

“The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses.
You must therefore do and observe what they tell you;
but do not be guided by what they do,
since they do not practice what they preach.
They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on people`s
but will they lift a finger to move them? Not they!
Everything they do is to attract attention,
like wearing broader headbands and longer tassels,
like wanting to take the place of honor at banquets
and the front seats at the synagogues,
being greeted respectfully in the market squares
and having people call them Rabbi.
“You however,
must not allow yourselves to be called Rabbi,
since you only have one Master,
and you are all brothers.
You must call no one on earth your Father,
Since you have only one Father,
and he is in heaven.
Nor must you allow yourselves to be called teachers,
for you have only one teacher, the Christ.”

The Gospel of the Lord.

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