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Annotated bibliography

Children’s Health In The University of Texas at El Paso

Ana Jasso

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

October 23,2018

Research Questions

1.) What percentage of the UTEP student body is affected by student health issues.

2.) What is the absence rate of University at Texas at El Paso student.

3.) What can University at Texas at El Paso students do to prevent this issue.

Annotated bibliography

Dziuban, E. J., Peacock, G., & Frogel, M. (2017). A Child’s Health Is the Public’s

Health: Progress and Gaps in Addressing Pediatric Needs in Public Health

Emergencies. American Journal of Public Health, 107, S134–S137.

Children in the United States recover and get sick easily. According to Dziuban(2017)

children are required to need little bit more of attention. Children affect are society and

they are even affected by the environment. Pediatrics are for children to have a main

doctor who will know their history of health. Pediatrics are making a progress since the

year of 2001 only because they are taking notice of the disparity. Children carry a

different immune system than adolescents that’s why it’s important to take care of

children. Dziuban believes that it is good to have better planning for public health

emergencies. ( Dziuban 134 )

Dawson, D. (1991). Family Structure and Children's Health and Well-Being: Data from

the 1988 National Health Interview Survey on Child Health. Journal of Marriage and

Family, 53(3), 573-584. doi:10.2307/352734

According to Dawson (1991) there has been studies done how children’s health is affected by

their parents. Studies show there was around 17,110 children under the age of eighteen

and are either living with one parent or even biological are more than likely to repeat a

grade in school are too even be expelled. The reason for this is because when parents

separate or even if they only have one parent that they are living with well they can have

emotional or behavior problems. Children who have divorced parents are at risk for

(Dawson 573 ).

getting an injury and for the children who are living with a single mother may be at risk for


[Unknown Author] (2004) Children’s health and the environment : public health issues

and challenging for risk assessment.

From when children are born to the age eighteen children are at high risk for

environmental toxicants. According to National research council (1993) Children are exposed to

many factors in the environment. For example recreational parks, food and even subjects at their

own house. Children reach out for anything they can get even at parks they touch everything.

There are many germs and children can even get diseases with just any little thing they touch by

hand. There are study’s done to view from fetal to adolescents to view organ , cellular and

molecular. These studies are done to view safety factors and children’s risks. There are study’s

not done yet to see the protection of children against toxic in environments and this may require

fundamental and much more study’s. ( Unknown author P ? )

Bradley, R. H. (1993). Children's home environments, health, behavior, and intervention

efforts: A review using the HOME Inventory as a marker measure. Genetic, Social, and

General Psychology Monographs, 119(4), 437-490.

According to Bradley (1993) children’s health is affected with their living situations. It only

makes sense because children who have parents who have a messy house, or even have

one parent who has addiction with drugs their children can be at risk for health issues or

can even have a drug problems like their parent. When a children is living with both

parents children face it when parents argue or when they have parents who might be in

the process for getting divorced. This reason is only because it takes a toll on children

when there are problems at home. ( Bradley 437 )


Tambi, M. D., & Atemnkeng, J. T. (2018). Measuring the effect of environmental

hygiene on child health outcomes in Cameroon. Journal of Economics & Management,

32(2), 117–137.

Children around the world is effected by the environment issues every day. In El Paso

Texas the family’s that used to live near Asarco were affected by all the led that got let out by

this factory. The led would affect the children health and their community was known as shelter

town. There is another example from the reading that shows how the town of Cameroon there

was a study shown on how environment hygiene has affected children’s health outcomes. It

shows how the fathers prescience in the house and education is affected by environment hygiene.

In the past father’s had an expectation for children to be cleaned. The mothers had to be stay at

home mothers and the fathers had an expectation for mothers to keep the children clean. This is

how fathers have become an affect to children hygiene. ( Tambi 117 )

Joseph R. DiFranza, C. Andrew Aligne, Michael Weitzman (2003) Prenatal and

Postanatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Children’s Health.

When mothers are expecting and if they are addicted to smoking most likely they can even

smoke when they’re expecting. This is bad reason being because it is affecting the

children’s health even though the child is not born yet. This affects the child and mother

the child is exposed to ETS exposure and may affect the lungs and have an increased in

respiratory tract infections , otitis media and asthma. Expecting mothers can see how it

may affect their unborn child with ways like sudden death, behavioral problems and they

may even start smoking in their adolescents years. When smoking during their first years

of life it can affect the children still. ( Difranza 1007 )


Volden, C. (2006). States as policy laboratories: Emulating success in the children's

health insurance program. American Journal of Political Science, 50(2), 294-312.

Children’s health can be very pricey at times when parent’s do not have insurance. In a hospital

there goal is for children and even adults to receive the best health treatment and to

receive a good experience. With this comes expenses and these expenses may be allot to

just pay for one visit. Directed dyad – year is an insurance that can be affordable for

parents. States with successful policies are more than likely to be emulated then those

with failed policies. There has been study’s done to prove that policy diffusion is based

off on budget , political and demographic. Insurance is good to have for children because

you won’t have to worry about the medications as well because the insurance may cover

it. ( Volden 312)

Mikhail, B. I. (1994). Hispanic Mothers’ Beliefs and Practices Regarding Selected

Children’s Health Problems. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16(6), 623–638.

El Paso is known for an area full of Mexican-American's but these Mexican-American

mothers have beliefs and religion’s when it comes to the health of their child. For example if you

have a sore throat usually one of their beliefs is for you to drink just a cup of lemon juice and it

may help. Another belief they stand by is for when their child has nightmares or is just scared

they usually put an egg over your forehead and rub it all over the child body. There was a

interview done with 100 Hispanic women in California who had children from the age of 5 or

younger. This study proved that only about 32% of mother’s actually use or practice what the

doctor usually recommends for when their children are sick. The other 82 % of mother’s admit to

use home remedies to manage their child health problems. These mothers learn these remedies

from their ancestors. ( Mikhail 623 )


Cooke, L. (2007), The importance of exposure for healthy eating in childhood: a review.

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20: 294-301

It is always good for children to maintain a good health during their youth ages. It is

important to excerse and to eat right because if children do not then that is where complications

come into place. Children enjoy eating munches and candy and drinking coke and this is not very

good for their health. When children start eating they usually find out what they do and do not

enjoy. It is always good for children to have a snack once a day or to eat fruit as well but they

need to learn how to eat correctly. During school in lunch the cafeteria offers healthy food and

there will be a kid who does not enjoy the food as much. The school serves healthy food for

children to eat healthy and so they can be fit. There has been two study’s on children and what

they eat. The first study is done on which it is about children tasting food to see if they do or do

not like it. The second study is done on which mother use techniques on children so they can

enjoy veggies. Children in the ages of 5 thru 7 enjoyed the food which is good because the

second study had the same results. ( Cooke 294 )

Arredondo, E. M., Elder, J. P., Ayala, G. X., Campbell, N., Baquero, B., & Duerksen, S.

(2006). Is parenting style related to children's healthy eating and physical activity in

Latino families?. Health education research, 21(6), 862-871.

However you decide to parent your children they are at risk for obesity. For example a spoiled

child will more than likely be obese because they are spoiled. There was a study done

with Latino families to show how parents with good teaching styles is associated with

healthier eating. The daughters of parents who use controlling ways are more than likely

to eat unhealthy than for their son’s. Parents should care about the health of their kid’s

and use a more positive note while parenting. ( Arredondo 862 )


Lanigan, J. D. (2011). The substance and sources of young children's healthy eating and

physical activity knowledge: implications for obesity prevention efforts. Child: care,

health and development, 37(3), 368-376.

Children in the United States are starting to over eat and gain a bunch of weight. There

was a study done between children who practice healthy eating, and good physical activity. The

study shows how role play and semi structured with interviews and it involved 81 children with

different socio-economical and ethnic backgrounds. These results proved that children

understood healthy eating compared to physical activity. Children who consumed snacks and

beverages were more than likely to be healthy. It’s fine if children decide to eat a snack a day

because it does no harm they just need to watch what they eat. ( Lanigan 368 )

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