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Alicia Halpin Ortiz

Mathematical Methods


Mathematical Ideas/Concepts (in own words)
In this lesson, SWBAT practice ratio relationships IOT become better familiar and acquainted
with algebraic thinking.

Mathematical practices
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with mathematics

Standards and Mathematical Practices

CC.2.1.6.D.1 Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
M06.A-R.1.1 Represent and/or solve real world and mathematical problems using rates,
ratios, and/or percents.
M06.A-R.1.1.2 Find the unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b (with b ≠ 0) and
use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. Commented [c1]: I don’t think you really get at finding
unit rate here…

This activity should be a worthwhile task for students because it approaches algebra in an
accessible way. The students will soon be diving into algebra more in depth, and are currently
very intimidated. This activity will allow them to explore algebra with tools and skills they
already have, while experimenting with new techniques. The lesson additionally applies
algebraic and proportional thinking into real life practices, such as cooking.

- Students will read the recipe for each salad
- Students will consider the conditions and work to determine how many of each of the
three types of beans are needed needed for the recipe.
- While they work, or once they have come to an agreement, students will distribute the
number of each bean on the designated plate
- Some parameters to follow:
o All three types of beans go into each salad.
o Students should be encouraged to guess and adjust as they work.
o Students should use the beans to solve the problems.

 Paper  Dry beans in Tupperware as models
 Pencils o Red Beans
o Regular graphite o Lima Beans
o Colored o Black-eyed peas
 Paper plates to place beans
Three Bean Salads Commented [VC2]: Would it be more accessible or too
easy to do two bean salads instead of three? How many
salads would the students be able to accomplish in this
Commented [c3R2]: I think 2 would make it too easy for
6th grade. These still seem very accessible especially if you
have concrete models (beans) available
Commented [c4R2]: My suggestion to make this more
interesting to solve and discuss, is to do one together, then
have them do one of these and one that is modified to be
open to multiple solutions. For example, take #7 and take
away the fact that there are 8 beans in all. “3 times as many
red beans as black. One more lima than red” how many
beans of each type could be in the salad? Is there more than
one solution? How many can you find?” This would make
for a really interesting discussion when you shared all the
solutions they find and show how they are related (red is
always 3 times black) and it would get at the ratio idea more
directly. (The ratio stays the same regardless of the total)
These are pretty good problems, but they all have one
solution and so it could become more of an exercise than
true problem solving. Another good way to open this task
up to ratio and relational thinking would be to add the
requirement that they draw a bar model to show the
fractional amounts of each type of bean in each salad.
UNPACKING THE MATHEMATICS Commented [c5]: This is a good start. You can beef it up a
In this lesson, students will have to consider a number of mathematical practices. In order bit looking at Chapin & Johnson chapter on ratio and
proportion to help you think about the mathematical ideas
to determine the proper recipe for the bean salads, students will have to consider what ratio is and what kids might struggle with.
being requested, what operation will aid in their problem solving based on the text, and what
values meet the conditions requested. Students will work to make sense of the problem, and
reason abstractly and quantitatively in order to determine the recipe. This is especially true in
some problems, where the total number of beans is not explicitly determined.
The students have had experience working with all operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division), and additionally recently finished up a unit on multiplying and
dividing fraction. This background knowledge should supply them with a variety of methods to
approach these problems. Although students have experience with fractions, they may not be
completely familiar with the main mathematical concept being explored here: ratio. A ratio is the
numerical relation between two quantities, usually determined by dividing one of the numbers by
the other and expressing the result as a fraction or a percent. Commented [c6]: However, ratios are not the same as
What might create some challenges for the students will be the lack of a calculator. The fractions, and this is an important idea… see Chapin &
students are accustomed to using the calculator to solve problems involving fractions, and will
hopefully instead able to solve these relatively simpler problems with fractions and ratios using Commented [c7]: Also the ratio language used in the
problems may or may not be familiar, “twice as many” or
pencil and paper, as well as using supplied models. “1/2 as many” This is something to consider talking about in
your launch.
ANTICIPATING STUDENT STRATEGIES Commented [c8]: In addition to the concrete beans,
Problem 1: This salad contains 2 lima beans, twice as many red beans as lima beans, and 10 consider how visual models could help in this problem
beans in all. (drawing a bar model, for example)
Solution: 2 lima beans, 4 red beans, 4 black-eyed peas
Strategies Representations Commented [c9]: Is this how you would actually write it
Multiplication 2 lima beans on the board? I know its hard to do on the computer, so
also try drawing it out and/or solving concretely. Planning
2 x 2 lima beans = 4 red beans
out how you represent on the board is helpful, just as it is
10 beans total
with number talks.
10 – (4+2) = 4 black-eyed peas

Repeated Addition 2 lima beans

2 + 2 = 4 red beans
2 + 4 = 6 lima and red beans
10 – 6 = 4 black-eyed peas

Guess and check with direct modeling Commented [c10]: Also think about a visual model you
Problem 2: This salad contains 4 red beans, ½ as many black-eyed peas as red beans, and 10 could draw here to solve (for this and for all of them)
beans in all.
Solution: 4 red beans, 2 black-eyed peas, 4 lima beans
Strategies Representations
Partitive Division 4 red beans Commented [c11]: Just to clarify, partitive refers to the
4 ÷ 2 = 2 black-eyed peas type of problem, not the solution. But maybe you are
10 beans total referring to the idea that students could split or partition
10 – (4 +2) = 4 lima beans the amount in two?

Fractional multiplication 4 red beans

4 x ½ = 2 black-eyed peas
2 + 4 = 6 red beans and black-eyed peas
10 – 6 = 4 lima beans

Guess and check with direct modeling

Problem 3: Lima beans make of ½ of this salad: the salad has exactly 2 red beans, and the
number of lima beans is double the number of red beans.
Solution: 2 red beans, 4 lima beans, 2 black-eyed peas
Strategies Representations
Fractional multiplication Unknown total
2 red beans
2 x 2 red beans = 4 lima beans
4 lima beans = ½ of the salad
4 lima beans x 2 = 8 beans total
(or 4 lima beans ÷ ½ = 8 beans total)
2 red + 4 lima beans = 6 red and lima beans
8 total – 6 red and lima = 2 black-eyed peas
Guess and check with direct modeling
Problem 4: This salad contains the same number of red beans as lima beans, 3 more black-eyed
peas than red beans, a total of 18 beans.
Solution: 5 lima beans, 5 red beans, 8 black-eyed peas
Strategies Representations
Partitive division 18 beans total
red beans = lima beans
18 – 3 = 15
15 ÷ 3 = 5
5 lima beans, 5 red beans
5 red beans + 3 = black-eyed peas

Counting/Guess and Check 3 red beans and 3 lima beans

3 red beans + 3 = 6 black-eyed peas
Or direct modeling with beans 3 + 3 + 6 = 12 total
4 red beans and 4 lima beans
4 red beans + 3 = 7 black-eyed peas
4 + 4 + 7 = 15 total
5 red beans and 5 lima beans
5 red beans + 3 = 8 black-eyed peas
5 + 5 + 8 = 18 total
Problem 5: This salad contains 12 beans. ½ of the beans are red, and lima beans make up ¼ of
the salad.
Solution: 6 red beans, 3 lima beans, 3 black-eyed peas
Strategies Representations
Partitive division 12 total ÷ 2 = 6 red beans
12 total ÷ 4 = 3 lima beans
6 red + 3 lima = 9 red and lima beans
12 total – 9 = 3 black-eyed peas

Fractional multiplication 12 total x ½ = 6 red beans

12 total x ¼ = 3 lima beans
9 total – (6+3) = 3 black-eyed peas

Unit fraction reasoning ½ + ¼ + ¼ = 1 (½ lima, ¼ lima, ¼ black-eyed peas)

12 total ÷ 4 = 3 units per ¼
3 lima, 3 black-eyed peas
2 x ¼ = ½ so 2 x 3 = 6 red beans

x + x + 2x = 12 (where x = number of lima beans)

Algebraic thinking 4 x = 12
x = 3 lima beans
Problem 6: This salad contains at least 12 beans. It has more lima beans than red beans, and it
has one more red bean than black-eyed peas.
Solution: minimum of 3 black-eyed peas, 4 red beans, 5 lima beans
Strategies Representations
Counting, guess and check 12 total
lima beans > red beans
Or direct modeling with beans black-eyed peas + 1 = red beans
lima beans > red beans > black-eyed peas
black-eyed peas < red beans < lima beans
1 black-eyed pea, 2 red beans, 3 lima beans
total is 6 beans
2 black-eyed peas, 3 red beans, 4 lima beans
total is 9
3 black-eyed peas, 4 red beans, 5 lima beans
total is 12
(can be more)
Problem 7: This salad contains 3 times as many red beans as black-eyed pea, one more lima bean
than red beans, 8 beans in all.
Solution: 3 red beans, 1 black-eyed pea, 4 lima beans
Strategies Representations
Repeated Addition/Counting 3x black-eyed peas = red beans
Guess and check 1 + red beans = lima beans
Direct modeling with beans 8 total
1 black-eyed pea
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 red beans (or 3 x 1 = red beans)
3 red + 1 = 4 lima beans
Problem 8: This salad contains an equal number of red beans and black-eyed peas, 5 more lima
beans than red beans, no more than 20 beans.
Solution: minimum of 1 red bean, 1 black-eyed pea, 6 lima beans
maximum of 5 red beans, 5 black-eyed peas, 10 lima beans
Strategies Representations
Counting/Guess and check Red beans = black-eyed peas
Direct modeling with beans 5 + red beans = lima beans
1 red bean, 1 black-eyed pea
1 red bean + 5 = 6 lima beans
(could continue)

x = red beans
Algebraic thinking 20 (max) = x + x + (x +5)
20 = 3x + 5
15 = 3x
5 = x red beans
5 red beans = 5 black-eyed peas
5 red beans + 5 = 10 lima beans

Students will be seated around a table in the library. The problems and materials will be
placed in the center of the table once the instructions have been reviewed. The library will be a
good location because it is typically not in use, and will allow for minimal distractions and ample
space to move around if needed. There is the potential that students may begin arguing due to
disagreeing opinions. This should be remedied by smaller groups and the norms set in place.
Before (Launch)
(Students are not used to working in pairs very frequently)
1. Students should listen to everyone’s opinions and suggestions
2. Students should work together and collaborate, and ensure everyone is understanding
3. Students should be open to other ways of thinking
4. Students should ask questions for clarification
5. Students are welcome to use whatever tools on the table that they feel will help them
solve the problem
6. You are not being texted on getting the correct answer. Try you best and if you get stuck,
ask for help!

Today we will explore a variety of mathematical approaches to look at and figure out recipes. Commented [c12]: Try to engage them in the context
here… e.g., “Today we are going to be making bean salads.
Has anyone ever had a bean salad? What kind of beans do
Connections you like? Today we are going to be making salads with 3
In our last unit, we worked a lot with fractions, and looked at how fractions were used in recipes. kinds of beans…
In this activity, we will expand our understanding of fractions. This is a good place to introduce
the language…e.g.., if I told you that there are twice as many red beans than black beans, what
does that mean? Can you give me an example? (then have them state it both ways—twice as
many red than black, and half as many black than red)

Explanations Commented [c13]: Since you have several problems here,

Give an overview of problem one as an example. it would be ok to do the first one together as long as you
share several approaches. And here you might introduce
Can someone explain this problem in a different way? and model drawing a picture if no one does it.
How could you think to solve this? List strategies.

Instructions Commented [c14]: How will you deliver this? Consider

1. Students will work in (preselected) pairs to solve the following problems asking some questions or asking students to repeat this
back to you.
a. They will read the recipe for each salad
b. They will consider the conditions and work to determine how many of each of the
three types of beans are needed needed for the recipe.
c. While they work, students will distribute the number of each bean on the
designated plate Commented [c15]: Consider making the beans and plates
2. Students should come to an agreement on the solution as a pair an option rather than a requirement. This opens it up to let
them work at the different levels. (If they don’t need the
3. Some parameters to follow: concrete model, they can do it more abstractly)
a. All three types of beans go into each salad.
b. Students should be encouraged to guess and adjust as they work.
c. Students should use the beans to solve the problems. Commented [c16]: See above

During (Explore)
As students work, I will help maintain expectations and go around to listen to their strategies and
their use of tools
1. How are they are thinking about the problem? How they are working through it?
2. What operations have they used? What are they considering to figure out the unknowns?
3. What information has each member contributed?
4. Are they working cooperatively to agree on an answer? Is each partner contributing
3.5.What parts are they having trouble with?

Group 1: (names) Group 2: Group 3:

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5
Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

After (Discuss and Wrap Up)

Discussion Commented [c17]: Here I suggest picking one problem to

1. Student share strategies one pair at a time (instructor will record) discuss. Choose one of the more challenging ones that you
think everyone will get to and that is likely to have multiple
2. Ask students to clarify thinking (different) solutions that will be interesting to share. Also,
3. I will be listening and looking for after sharing different solutions, consider modeling the use
- Clear explanations of ratio language (so we can say that the ratio of red bans to
- Use of tools black beans in this salad is 2 to 1 o9r 2:1) or modeling the
problem together as an algebraic equation. This would be a
- Operations practiced nice connection to make to the mathematical goals of either
4. Prompting and probing questions: ratio or algebraic thinking and help make the connection in
- Ask a student to compare and connect one student’s question to another your wrap up. (And that would also work really well if you
- Why was that a good strategy? do one where the total number of beans is not given)
- Questions about this strategy? Commented [c18]: Yes, so think specifically what kind of
- Compliments? questions you can ask to bring out the mathematics of ratio.
“Where do you see ½ as many red beans in each of these
- Why do you think this student did this? solutions? How do you know there are ½ as many? Do other
5. If there is a discrepancy in answers, work through student thinking to come to an people agree? What’s the relationship between red and
agreement black beans in all these solutions”
Commented [c19]: “What do you like about this strategy”
Wrap Up might be a better question here…
In this activity, you began thinking algebraically! In these problems, you worked to solve for
unknowns. There were unknown values in the salads, and you worked through the problem to
figure out what they were!
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Commented [c20]: It could also work well to give one of
- Assessment will be completed during student work, probing questions will be asked the problems as an exit slip. This would allow you see what
all the kids understand (when not working together). You
throughout activity. could make it a little different-- maybe 2 different colors or
- Pictures of student work and notes on their thinking will be taken throughout. kinds of something rather than beans.

- As a scaffold: Ask the students to break down the problem and consider each aspect of
the problem
- As an extension: Make up a different salad. Write instructions for someone else to make
your salad. Find the solution.

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