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a) Write and execute implementation of string manipulation operations with library

i) copy ii) concatenate iii) length iv) compare
b) Write and execute a C program to delete a file.

2. a) Write and execute a C Program to print fibonacci with out recurssion.

b) Write and execute a C programming code to open a file and to print it contents on screen.

3. a) Write and execute a C Program demonstrating of parameter passing in Functions and

returning values. (With parameters and with return type)
b) Write and execute a C Program to Add Digits of a number

4. a) Write and execute a C Program to Product of digits(multiplication) of a number

b) Write and execute a C Program to perform Linear Search (Searching an element from n
array elements)

5. a) Write and execute a C Program to Find Whether the Given Number is Armstrong
Number or not .
b) Write and execute and execute a C Program to make a simple calculator using switch case.

6. a) Write and execute a C Program to Find Whether the Given Number is Prime Number or
b) Write and execute a C Program to print floyd triangle

7. a) Write and execute a C Program to Store Information of a Movie Using Structure

b) Write and execute a C Program to Access Elements of an Array Using Pointer

8. a) Write and execute a C Program to Find Whether the Given Number is Armstrong
b) Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program,
allocate memory dynamically using malloc () function.

9. a) Write and execute implementation of string manipulation operations with library

i) copy ii) concatenate iii) length iv) compare
b) Write and C Program to swap two numbers

10. a) Write and execute a C program tocopy files.

b) Write and execute a C Program to implement call by reference

1. a) Write and execute a C Program to Find Whether the Given Year is a Leap Year or not
b) Write and execute a C program to implement call by value.

2. a) Write and execute a C Program to Simulate 3 Laws at Motion

b) Write and execute a C program to perform multiplication of matrix

3. a) Write and execute a C Program demonstrating of parameter passing in Functions and

returning values. (With parameters and with return type)
b) Write and execute a C Program to Add Digits of a number

4. a) Write and execute a C Program to Product of digits(multiplication) of a number

b) Write and execute a C Program to perform Linear Search (Searching an element from n
array elements)

5. a) Write and execute a C Program to Find Whether the Given Number is Armstrong
Number or not
b) Write and execute and execute a C Program to perform linear search.

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