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Lesson Plan Template

Personal Target
Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

Managing student’s behavior during circle time

Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

 Set rules for students and engage them to behave well by praising them

Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)

 The students will behave well during circle time and they will listen to the teacher without distracting

Grade: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC):

KG2 Science Students will be able to:
- Identify and recognize parts of plants.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check
the students use? Be specific) before class?)
 Introduction materials:  Prepare story materials and the activities before
the lesson start.
- Plants

- Marker

- Flashcards for the activity.

- Colored papers

- Glue

- string

- Scissor

- Magnifying glass.

Language & Plant – Flower – Leaves – Stem – Roots.

Key vocabulary
Questions using Remembering level:
Bloom’s Taxonomy
levels Can someone describe this for me?
Understanding level:

Is it green or yellow?

Applying level:

Who come and talk about this plant?

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
I will start the lesson by showing them different kind of plants. I will ask them to describe it for me
and to talk about plants and what they know about plants. After that I will introduce for them parts
15 min

of the plants. And to make them understand more I will teach them by using their bodies so they

will pretend that they’re plants.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher

Teacher will: show them how to do the activity – give them instructions – use checklist to assess
Students will: have flashcard that contains plants parts, students will have to order these parts from
the roots to the flower.
I will use checklist and I will ask them some question to assess their understanding such as, how
did you order this? Can you describe this for me? What are parts of the plants?

Independent Experience (small group activity 1):

Teacher will: give them some colored papers
Students will: they will use them to design a plant with its parts. They will have green papers for
the leaves and stem, different colors for the flowers and brown color for the roots.

In the closing time, I will revise with them what did we took and to assess if they understood the
lesson or not. I will do for them a small activity. I will ask two students to order the parts of the
plants for me and who finish first win.

10 min

To assess their knowledge, I will ask them question while I’m revising with them to see if they understand or
not. Also, I will take pictures of the students while doing the activities.

Learning Outcome: identify and recognize parts of the plant.

Theme: Growing in The Garden.

29th of October was my 3rd observation with my MST. In this day, I taught a science lesson
and it was about parts of the plant. The learning outcome of the lesson is, identifying and
recognizing parts of the plant. In this lesson, I was having some issues with managing
student’s behavior. I was alone with them in the class while Ms. Nadya was observing me.
My MST thought that it’s better to leave because I’m a shy person and she want me to focus
on students. While I’m teaching them, I tried different strategies such as, praising them with
words, giving the stickers and I tried the happy and sad face for them. But, they still
misbehaving. It worked for 10 minutes then they start misbehaving again.

Introduction time
Warming up
I started my lesson with showing them two kind of plant. I asked them to describe the plants
for me. Also, I asked them some questions to see if they know about plants. The lesson was
easy to teach but what happened is, students start misbehaving. So, to grab their attention and
to make it more enjoyable, I asked them to stand up and to pretend that we’re a plant. So, I
start saying the parts of the plant and act. For example, the head will be the flower, the hands
are the leaves, body for stem and the leg for the roots. When I did this, students start getting
involved with me, they were excited to act like flowers.

Activities time
In this lesson, I did two activities. One with me and the other is independent activity. In the
first activity, students ordered parts of the plant. They put first root, stem, leave then flower.
The other activity, students designed a flower by using coloured paper. What I did wrong in
this activity is, I gave them instructions but, I didn’t show them an example of it. Because
when they start doing it they didn’t know how to start and how to make it.

Closing time
In the closing time, I did for them whole class activity. Each time two students come and
order the parts of the plants and who finish faster will win. I didn’t take a long time in the
closing it was only 5 minutes. Because, students didn’t tidy up quickly and when I was
singing the clean-up song they sing with me but they didn’t tidy up. I used other transition
strategy and it is, turn off the lights. And it didn’t work. Then, I told them that I will count
tell 10 and they should sit down. So, when I start counting they immediately went to sit
Evidence from my lesson

Next steps

Next lesson, I will make sure that my MST is in the class while I’m teaching so she can
manage them as well. Moreover, I have to focus on enjoyable activities for them and to do
more than two activities so they can me busy rather than moving around the class with
nothing to do.

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