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Altar Formation

(Lighting of Candle and procession of symbols - candle, dove with leaf, KKKP symbol, piece of cloth)

Call to Worship

Leader: Come, young people, gather to praise the GOD of Shalom!

People: We have come from different walks of life to praise and thank our GOD,
through prayer and work, in our worship and in struggle with God’s people.
Leader: Come, young prophets of the modern times, tell of God’s Liberating message.
People: We come with our various gifts, offered freely and willingly
for the establishment of the long-awaited Shalom on earth.
Leader: Come and praise our GOD, who continues to accompany us in our pilgrimage towards
Shalom – the reign God’s justice, peace, love, and life abundant for all peoples of the earth.
People: Praise our Faithful GOD – Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer!
Praise God with songs and prayers; work and action as we await the coming of Shalom.

Hymn of Invocation – Come Now, O Prince of Peace

Call to Confession

In our imperfection and apathy towards the needs and the struggle of God’s people, due to our
youthful and worldly weaknesses, let us confess our sins to God, who is filled with mercy,
compassion and love.

Prayer of Confession

Compassionate God, forgive our offenses against Your Holy Will – our apathy, our indifference, our
neutrality in times of injustices and oppression. Forgiving God, free us from the blindness of
materialism, desire for wealth beyond our basic needs and our self-centered purpose in life. Cleanse
us, O God, from our human iniquities. Renew us, in Your Love. Recreate us to be worthy workers and
beacons of light, hoping and working towards the establishment of Shalom on earth. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Ordained Minister: May the God of Shalom, free you from sin, renew and recreate you, as worthy
beacons of light, in your pilgrimage towards the long-awaited Shalom.
People: Amen. Thanks be to God.

Scripture Reading

Biblico-Theological Reflection – Bishop Erme Camba

Response to the Message (Performances)

Affirmation of Faith (Christ Accompanies Us, Steve Garnaas-Holmes)

We believe in God, Creator of all things, heavenly father and mother, Soul of infinite love, wisdom,
and power, ruler of all that is and all that is to come, who is mystery, yet revealed.

We follow Christ, God's chosen one, who loved and served humbly, who healed the broken and
included the outcast, who chose to suffer rather than harm for the sake of the healing of all Creation,
who gave his life for our redemption, and who was raised by God to new life.

In his teaching, in his death and resurrection, and in his presence with us in all circumstances, he
reveals God to us. He calls us to serve him for the sake of proclaiming God's grace. We trust that he
accompanies us and will help, guide, heal, and defend us through all difficulty and suffering.

We believe the Holy Spirit sustains us, and guides us and empowers us as servants of God's grace.

We live as the body of Christ, in the power of forgiveness and the reality of resurrection, and the light
of eternal life. Amen.

Prayers of the Youth

Setting aside our differences in theology and tradition to unite our faith in Jesus Christ, who
exemplified lowly and just servanthood, in the service of the poor and the marginalized.

We pray O God of Unity that you will continue to bind the members and leaders of the ecumenical
movement in carrying out the mission you have bestowed on us, in our continued search for the
lasting and just peace and for life abundant. O God, in your mercy.
Hear our Prayer, O God and unite us!
Our common faith tells us to bear witness to the Liberating Gospel and to serve the least and the last.
We pray O God that you will deepen the understanding of the youth in translating our faith into
action and encourage them to give their wholeself as a commitment to You, our Liberating God.
Hear our Prayer, O God and empower us!

As the country is once again faced with threats to human dignity, civil war and unending oppression
of those in the margins, we pray for peace and justice to dwell in this land. And we pray for those
who have been working for peace and justice. May they find in You the strength and courage to
pursue this long fight for just and lasting peace - for the nation and for all people.
Hear our Prayer, O God and encourage us!

As we hope for the coming of God’s reign on earth, we pray for more years of the ecumenical
movement, we pray for more members and leaders to arise from the various member churches,
whose role of being a beacon of hope will always burn in their hearts and minds. Equip, O God those
whom you have called to pursue to mission with the ecumenical youth movement.
Hear our Prayer, O God and equip us!

Looking back at the past with gratitude, we thank you Faithful God, for bestowing upon the
ecumenical youth movement with the brand of leaders whose desire is to serve and not to be served.
We thank you for the past leaders who have dedicated their lives to this organization and for their
essential contribution of laying the foundations of the ecumenical movement especially in the youth
sector. We pray that you will continue to encircle them with your Spirit, so that they will continue to
serve the least and the last.
Hear our Prayer, O God and encircle us with Your Spirit.

Song Performance

Concluding Prayer

O God, whose nature seeks to unite, empower, encourage, equip and encircle us, we exalt and bless
Your Name for you have worked through us and within us over the past decades in this our ministry
for the youth of the various churches, for them to realize the greater mission outside the peripheries
of the church buildings and compounds. That it is essential to be with the struggling and oppressed
sectors for us to see the face of Christ and for us to share Christ’s light to those who live in darkness.
We pray that this light that we bear may also shine on those whose sight are blinded by egoism,
selfish desires, materialism and individualism. Transform us and renew us to pursue the mission. In
Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Sharing of God’s Peace

Ordained Minister: Now that God has made us a new creation, through the death and resurrection of
Jesus, we share the sign of God’s peace. The peace of God be with you.
People: and also with you.

Call to Offering (Bringing of Gifts and Symbols to the Altar)

While it is important to work for the development of our individual denominations, the higher call of
ecumenism calls us young people to unite with other youth organizations, in our united service to
our Universal God through social action and in solidarity with the struggles of the common people.
We have been called to unite with other young people from various churches in order to strengthen
the body of Christ in our mission to serve the least and the last.

Offertory (Act of Offering - Performances/Talent Offerings)

Prayer of Dedication

Receive, O God the humble gifts of the youth - their very life, thoughts, aspirations, hopes and
dreams for a better tomorrow for their country and the world over. We pray that you will bless and
sanctify these gifts to be utilized for the establishment of your reign on earth as in heaven. Amen.


Minister: May the God of our forefathers, who has called us young prophets
to tell that God’s reign is about to come, bless us and keep us.
People: Amen.
Minister: May the God who has redeemed all of us from the doom of sin and slavery,
Cleanse, recreate and transform us into new beings.
People: Amen.
Minister: May the God of history, who has manifested manifold works of mercy and love
for the people, enfold and renew our weakened spirits.
People: Amen.
Minister: And may the blessing of GOD – who has created you, redeemed you and sustained you,
remain with you now and forever to keep you strong in the ministry to the people.
People: Amen. Amen. Amen! We will go in peace to love and serve the God of justice and peace.
Closing Hymn: Bring Forth the Kingdom of Justice (M. Haugen)

Challenge from a Youth Leader

Finale: One Day

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