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Name: Maryam Bin Thani Grade Level: CCSS moral education Strand:

H00327121 Grade 6
From 8:30 to
CCSS Standards:

Moral Education (bullying week): Bully and buddy

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

 Students will be able to identify what does bully and buddy means.
 Students will develop their communication skills (sharing stories and experences)

teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Worksheet about buddy and bully
teacher materials 18 yellow cards, 18 blue cards, marker, PowerPoint
student materials/ Pencil and crayons
technology PowerPoint
other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
word glossary definition image

Bully A graph that represent changes in the size,

value, or rate of something or to compare the
amount of something relating to a number of
different countries or groups.

Buddy The whole number or amount of something

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

 Students already know what does bullying means, but they need to be aware of the negative affect that it

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

A. Technology problem
B. No enough worksheets


A. Plan B
B. Printing extra papers

Long Lesson Plan for 2 observed lessons

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and use of math language
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time
1. Teacher will make two actions at the beginning (bully and buddy and them she will ask
students to think about the difference between them negative or positive)
Explore: minutes
2. Teacher will start asking students what does bullying means (Discussion between teacher and
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 15
3. Teacher will use the PowerPoint that include these sections
- What is bullying?
- Bullying can be: One person making fun of another, one person trying to beat up
another or group of people ganging up against others.
- What to do if you’re being bullied?
- Types of bulling
- How does it make you feel?
4. Activity (Blue and yellow cards)
- After finishing this part, the teacher will make an activity so, each student will hand

one yellow card that represent bully and one blue card that represent buddy and they

should be creative to draw using crayons.

- At this activity teacher will use different actions and words such as (Plays with

everyone, laughs when other people mess up)

- Students should use their cards to present the answer if it buddy or bully.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 10

Elaborate: At this part the teacher will listen to students’ stories about bully or buddy to learn from minutes
each other.

Evaluate: Students will start doing the worksheet about the difference between buddy and bully.

 Copy of original lesson from a teacher resource book or website (original versions)
 Copy of all resources given to students; Reference page with all books, journals and

Copy of the worksheets


Bud d y o r Bully ?
Read each statement. If it describes a buddy, color in the happy face. If it describes
a bully, color in the sad face.

Cares about how other people feel.

Laughs when other people mess up.

Takes turns and shares.

Plays with everyone.

Is kind and respectful.

Tries to make others look dumb or not cool.

Uses polite or nice words.

Pushes, hits or punches other people.

Calls people mean names.

Helps other people.


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