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CfA: MA and PhD Scholarships in History (CEU, Vienna/Budapest)

The Department of History at Central European University invites applications for its MA and
PhD programs for the 2019-2020 academic year. Our department offers internationally
recognized graduate degree programs that cover Eastern, Southeastern, Central European, and
Eastern Mediterranean history, from the early modern period to the present day. Our faculty’s
expertise extends from the history of the Habsburg, Romanov, and Ottoman Empires to the
comparative study of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century; from comparative religious
studies to numerous aspects of social, cultural, and intellectual history. In addition, there are a
number of specializations and Advanced Certificate programs (Eastern Mediterranean Studies,
Jewish Studies, Political Thought, Religious Studies, Visual Studies, etc.) that allow students
to pursue their special interests in greater depth. The international faculty and student body in
the department provide a distinctive possibility of thinking about history across geographical
regions, historical periods, and disciplines. CEU remains committed to providing education
available for all. The vast majority of our students receive generous financial aid that allows
them to dedicate their full energies to their studies.

CEU Budapest will open a new campus in Vienna, Austria in the fall 2019, providing
opportunities for study and research in two vibrant European capitals and expanding the range
of libraries, archives, and interlocutors for students and faculty. It is committed to attracting
talented students and scholars from around the world (from more than 100 countries) and takes
pride in the fact that there is no dominant nationality on campus. Our student/faculty ratio is
8:1, allowing for small, discussion-based seminars and close guidance from faculty members.

For those students interested in Habsburg history, we offer a wide range of courses, lecture
series, and reading groups that cover all aspects of the Habsburg monarchy and its successor
states from the early modern period through the twentieth century with a strong focus on
political and cultural history, the arts, religion, nationalism, and emerging paths of research in
the digital humanities.

Deadline (for those seeking CEU financial aid): January 31, 2019

Programs Offered

 Master of Arts in Comparative History (One Year)
 Master of Arts in Comparative History: From 1500 to the Present (Two Years)
 Master of Arts in European Women's and Gender History [MATILDA] (Two Years)
 Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative History

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