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Here you will find a brief list of items added in each consecutive build.
For more information please refer to the updated full documentation (press F1 key
in xplorer²)

NOTE: Items marked with [P] are only in the professional version and [U] for the
ultimate version (whatever is [P] is also for [U])

If you cannot read this file properly, turn on the WORD-WRAP mode in your text
editor (press F2 key if you are using editor²)

[] 18 Oct 18 ----------------

* If history items # is set to the smallest allowable value of 2 (TOOLS > OPTIONS
menu, General property page), then no history will be saved on exit. This includes
addressbar paths and general history items like phrases searched for, but it does
not affect bookmarks and other global lists.

* If you have the "tab strip visible at all times" policy enabled from advanced
options (DPF_SHOW1TAB), and the single leftover tab happens to be a locked tab, it
is remembered for next restart.

* fixed archive registration problems for compressed folder NSE. This only affects
new installations on windows 10, see:

[] 16 Sep 18 ----------------


* Color tagging applied on tabs too. Right click on a tab to color-tag it. This
implicitly tags the respective folder with the color you choose from the menu. It
helps the tab stand out painting the color under the icon.

* [P] Do you find xplorer² macros a headache? The new macro recorder allows you to
compose macro commands "programming-free". Pressing F12 key (or the Record Macro
toolbar button) you can do simple operations (launch commands, manipulate dialogs
etc). When you are done, click on FINISH (macro recording) button and you get the
script written for you automatically.

To edit the previous macro without invoking the macro recorder press use CUSTOMIZE
> MACROS > EDIT MACRO menu command or quit the macro recorder immediately.

* [P] macro instruction NOPOPUPS will cause any dialog windows that would appear
during the macro execution to be invisible. If you are annoyed by windows flashing
quickly as a result of macros, put this NOPOPUPS instruction first in all your
macros. This silent mode is on by default when you repeat saved macros.

* [P] primitive macro subroutine support using JSR/RET instructions. Only one level
of nesting is allowed and there is no stack, but you can have reusable code chunks
for your complex macros. For example here's a trivial subroutine that shows a
number a couple of times:
JSR sub
JSR sub
REM here starts the subroutine code

* [P] You can automatically run a saved macro when xplorer² starts using the /B
command line switch. For instance "/B:sample macro" will launch the saved "sample
macro" (assuming the macro name exists under CUSTOMIZE > MACROS menu). This switch
is useful for automating tasks using the task scheduler.

* [P] The additional rules box found in Find files and similar dialogs allows you
to select more rules (e.g. using CTRL+click). If they are compatible (e.g. all text
rules) you can change all rules simultaneously. For example you can have 2 rules,
one for Author and one for Title, select both of them, then change them both to
search for "AC/DC" or whatever.

* [U] new programmable column functions TOKEN (breaks up string and returns one
part, similar to CHOPSTR macro instruction), and SYSTEM that calls an external
console (or powershell) program. SYSTEM() can be used as a slow column handler with
a little imagination. Here is an example programmable column that combines the 2
new functions:

IF(${Size},"", TOKEN(SYSTEM('dir "'+ ${path} + ${Name}+ '"'), \n,-2))

For each folder shown, it executes the DOS "dir" command, then returns the second
from last line of output. Note the use of single 'ears' to frame the folder full
path in double "quotes" — in case there are spaces involved in the folder name. As
listview control columns cannot show more than 256 characters, the feature is
somehow limited.

Here is another example using powershell to fetch the first line of a text file;
note the use of double "" as an escape for a single "

SYSTEM("powershell -command ""& {Get-Content '" +${name}+ "' -Head 1}""")

(to use the programmable column, right click on a pane's column header area).

* [P] TOOLS > FOLDER STATISTICS window can be refreshed pressing CTRL+R or using
its Actions menu. It isn't very quick but you do get the new contents in after you
make any changes (deleting or rearranging folders).

* The DOS script dialog (TOOLS > COMMAND SCRIPT menu command) adds a new special
token File Attribute, which inserts file attributes to be used as part of command
scripts. So that you don't need to type the column names ${Modified} etc yourself!

* All progress logs, e.g. belonging to the robust copy and delete commands, are
searchable pressing CTRL+F keys, in case you are looking something in particular.
To highlight errors (if any), right click in the log text window and pick SHOW
ERRORS from the context menu. Note you needn't lose much sleep over progress logs;
in case there was a serious error xplorer² would have told you about it, so you
don't have to peruse logs.
* If the background thread gets stuck somewhere for long and item icons/details
won't show, xplorer² will offer you to clone a new window that will hopefully get

* [P] registry setting nPreviewMaxSizeMB sets a limit (in MB) above which huge
files won't be previewed in NATIVE preview mode (tab). By default this limit is set
to 0 (= no constraint).

* [U] find files dialog checkbox USE SEARCH INDEX allows you to turn off index
searches on demand. This is not recommended as your searches will be slower but
some people have asked for it. If you want to permanently disable the index, use
GAOPT_NODESKSEARCH registry tweak.

* [U] folder context menu XPLORER2 > ADD TO SEARCH INDEX can be used to reindex
(refresh) a folder that is already in the index. You can use this command to repair
the search index selectively. This command also works from the tree pane.

* CUSTOMIZE > FOLDER GROUPS > STARTUP menu command restores the folder tabs
available when you last started xplorer². This command helps people that use
network drives, who occasionally forget to connect some of them before xplorer²

* New tips: 5b, 69a, 151a, 171, 172, 173, 174

* a few small glitches/bugs fixed.

[] 21 May 18 ----------------

* [P] drag-drop FROM deep (long pathname) folders into normal folders works (for
left mouse dragging only)

* [U] fast desktop search works in removable USB drives, as long as you have them
added in the search index (through control panel's indexing options)

* [U] programmable column STR() function works on numbers returned by FBYTES

function, effectively extracting actual text from files (instead of hexadecimal
data). This is meant for plain text files only.

* $D token for mass rename command always translates to a real date, regardless of
any "friendly dates" setting. The lowercase $d version inserts date without time.

[] 5 Mar 18 ----------------

* [U] Added programmable column function INT() that converts a string to a number.
Useful for managing bytes returned from FBYTES function (up to 4 bytes)

* A few bugs fixed for WCX plugins. If you are using the 7-zip NSE plugin there's a
bugfix for that too:

[] 15 Feb 18 ----------------


* [P] You can automate most xplorer² tasks using macros. It is not a full
programming language, but a relatively simple means to access menus, toolbars and
dialogs and do whatever you can do with the mouse and keyboard. Getting familiar
with the notation will take some effort, but there is good documentation and sample
macros to get you going. It is possible to debug (single-step) macros, helping you
figure out why things won't work as you expected.

Here is a sample macro program, that opens the Copy To (robust transfer) dialog,
populates the filter box with "*.PDF", and starts the file transfer:

# macro to copy only PDF files

COMMAND "copy to"
FINDWND filter
FINDCLASS combobox

New installations can start the macro editor with F12 key (CTRL+F12 repeats the
last macro), or using CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > NEW MACRO menu command. If you have the
ribbon, you will find the macros in WORKBENCH ribbon tab.
Say goodbye to menuhack!

* [P] You can save macros for later use. Once you have a well running macro (after
debugging etc), use the SAVE button in the macro dialog to give it a name. Then as
you run it, it will be saved in the CUSTOMIZE > MACROS menu list. As with other
similar lists, use CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > ORGANIZE menu command to assign keyboard
shortcuts and custom icons to your macros, for quick access. Macros can be placed
on any toolbar (right click on toolbar to CUSTOMIZE it).
Once you save a macro, you can do minor edits using the ORGANIZE menu, but that
won't alert you to any syntax or logical errors. For best results, run the macro,
then its code will be available through CUSTOMIZE > MACROS > NEW MACRO menu
command. Make your changes and SAVE it again with the same name, overwriting the
old definition.

* GIOPT_PERTABLAYOUT registry option turns layouts (see WINDOW menu) into

workbenches. You will notice the difference if you are using folder tabs: each tab
will save its own settings (instead of the active tab forcing its settings to all
other tabs as it was up to now). Restoring a layout/workbench from WINDOW menu will
give you the same folders and each folder browsed exactly as you last saved it. If
you need a saved layout to open with the same folders every time, you must turn off
"save settings on exit" (see OPTIONS menu). Use ACTIONS > SAVE SETTINGS NOW menu
command if you want to register changes for a workbench that doesn't save settings
on exit.

* By default each new (named) layout created will have per-tab settings. If you
want to disable per-tab settings altogether turn on the global registry switch

* [P] Everybody will need NEW unlock keys for v4.0, but many will get free
replacements. To check if you are entitled for a free or discounted v4.0 key use
HELP > REGISTER PROGRAM menu, or the equivalent command under LICENSE MANAGEMENT in
ribbon's leftmost tab. If xplorer² cannot find your old license key (but you know
where it is yourself) you can use this upgrade page .
For more information see

* New tips 24a, 43a, 126a, 160c. (see x2tips.RTF in the installation folder or use

* [U] New programmable stock column with a million+1 uses, similar to the desktop
detective panel in DeskRule. You define an expression that combines file
properties, boolean and arithmetic operators and a few functions, and the
calculation result is the content of the column. It can then be used as any other
file attribute e.g. for sorting, filtering even searching. Here are a few examples:

IF(${Modified} = today, new, old)

for files that were modified today, it will show "new" otherwise "old". The
components of this expression are:
IF() a function with 3 arguments, separated by commas
${Modified} the modification date
today reserved date constant term
= boolean operator for comparison (equal)
new ,old string constants

${Modified} - ${Created}
will show the number of days difference between the modification and creation dates
of a file

IF(FBYTES(1,3)="50.4E.47", png, "")

use bytes 2-3-4 in files to detect if they are PNG format; show PNG if they are and
nothing otherwise. To understand what the values 50.4E.47 mean use the xplorer²
quickviewer in HEX mode.

${Size on disk} > ${Size} + 5kb

will reveal files with suspiciously large hidden streams (ADS), by comparing the
size on disk with the reported size. If the size on disk is greater (">" operator)
by at least 5 KiloBytes, it could be fishy. The result of the comparison is 1
(true) for fishy files and 0 otherwise.
File properties in ${braces} follow the usual format as e.g. in mass renaming,
using the name of the desired detailed view column.

IF(${Extension}=txt, 1, IF(${Extension}=cpp, 2, 3))

party trick demonstrating the power of the file property calculator. You can have
embedded functions and whatever you imagine, like a regular programming language.
This example will show "1" for TXT files, "2" for CPP files, and "3" for anything

To try it out, right click on the detailed view header row and pick PROGRAMMABLE
from the menu. This will allow you to change the expression and will show the
programmable column too. The programmable column definition dialog has boxes that
guide you to create expressions, and it also supports autocompletion of file
property names for the more experienced users. If something goes wrong, it will pop
a syntax error with the likely error location.

All file properties can be used in the calculations. It resembles the cell
expressions in MS Excel. The rules can also search in files (GREP function) and
extract specific file bytes. It is versatile and subject only to your imagination.
For more information please refer to the quickstart guide.

You can save expressions you use frequently by supplying a name in the PREDEFINED
box in the programmable dialog and clicking SAVE button. This is similar to storing
hyperfilters for search commands. Then it becomes available for future use from the
history drop-down dialog control.

* [U] The programmable column can be used for file searches and other rule
definitions. How you use it depends on the type of the result of the calculation
(text, number or date). For example if an expression results in a 0/1 numeric
(boolean) choice, and you want to find files that satisfy it (=1), start a search
that includes the Programmable [S] property and set its minimum to 1. You can
combine it with other properties as necessary. Note that searches that include the
Programmable [S] property are slower because they cannot utilize the search index
-- which isn't capable of such complex queries.

* HELP > COMMAND FINDER finds all xplorer² commands, even when the plain menu mode
is enabled.

* Digital signatures are obtained from items in zipfolders too (for Signed By stock
property). Files larger than the zip extraction limit (see General program options
property page) are not examined.

* VIEW > ARRANGE BY > MANUALLY menu command allows you to place folder icons
wherever you like, desktop-style. This isn't really suitable for folders with many
items, but you've asked for it <g>. It can be used with large icon view (including
thumbnails). If you try to sort files (by Name etc) they become automatically
arranged again. To protect your item placements you may need to temporarily disable
autorefresh in the folder using VIEW > HOLD AUTOREFRESH menu command.

* [P] added filename filter category for e-books (see NAMED box in find files and
other similar dialogs). Note there are now text filters for most popular ebook
formats like EPUB and MOBI (see

* when searching for text in files, the previewer highlights the matched keyword
underlined and bold (more pronounced)

* website changed to secure https:, as per google's commandments :)

* [U] previewer will highlight search keywords when obtained from fast windows
search, no matter where they are located in the document

* registry option GAO2_NOVISTATHUMBS(=2) disables reading windows thumbnail cache

(affects previewer too). Makes image preview slower but it is necessary for users
with corrupt thumbnail cache (e.g. too many images). To reset your cache use Disk
Cleanup applet (see

* global registry option GAO2_LASSOPATCH10(=32) disables lasso selection as a stop-

gap "solution" for the nasty windows 10 scrolling bug that micro$oft don't look
keen on fixing anytime soon. So you choose the least-bad of 2 evils: jumping mouse
cursors or disabled lasso selection :(
PS. I hear that MS are finally going to release a fix about this problem soon.

* Autosize columns command (right click on a view header) when used in thumbnails
view mode, will make sure that the headers won't stretch beyond the width of the
window. This will make sure there are no horizontall scrollbars when browsing

* Color Tag filter menu (next to the filterbar) has an UNTAGGED command that hides
all items with color tags

* New icon mode "No icons" for the terse user types that don't need imagery, just
the filenames. Accessible through program options (General property page).
Thumbnails are allowed.

* [P] plain icons policy also affects icons for bookmarks, user commands etc. If
set to PLAIN then no icons are extracted; this will make program startup faster.

* Some settings changes that required a restart now offer to clone a new window

* [P] several commands that create scrap container windows put a window title that
describes what happened, e.g. the search criteria summary. If you want something
more specific use WINDOW > SET TITLE menu command for your custom text.

* [P] TOOLS > COMPARE SUBFOLDERS menu command asks whether you want to compare
folders only, or a do normal comparison for files (default). Useful when you want
to do a quick assessment of missing whole subfolders.

* Folders that are not seen (those in invisible tabs for instance) consume less
resources. When you switch back to them they may need to refresh their contents.
This also improves xplorer² startup times if you happen to have lots of tabs from
the previous session.

* [P] when you try to use one of the folder pairs in BOOKMARKS > DUAL menu,
xplorer² ensures a dual pane window exists.

* [P] robust copy and delete progress dialogs won't bombard you with filenames you
don't have time to read anyway, only once per second. Probably this will speed up
the operation slightly too!

* MARK > CONTAINING TEXT and MARK > MATCHING A RULE menu commands allow you to
extend the existing selection if you hold <Shift> key as you click on SELECT dialog
button. The default behavior (without <Shift>) is to erase any previous selection.

* If your xplorer² appears hung (window not responding but NOT crashed), start
another xplorer² instance using the desktop icon and use HELP > CRASH INFORMATION
menu command in this fresh instance. If all goes to plan it will extract a minidump
file explaining the stuck status of the original window, which you can send via
email to zabkat support for troubleshooting.

* OneDrive on windows 10 gets more bearable. To enable searches and folder sizes in
onedrive folders, make sure you tick "Treat folder junctions as normal folders" in
TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command. The fancy status icons are sadly missing but
if you need the status use "Availability status" column.

[] 12 Dec 17 ----------------

* global registry option nTagRectWidth controls the pixel width of the color tag
rectangle. Make it thicker if you want more pronounced borders but if it is too
thick it may conceal the filename letters

* some fixes for windows 10 latest build 16299

* during large file copies and other lengthy operations xplorer² won't allow your
system to go to sleep

[] 23 Oct 17 ----------------

* "hidden" command with id=33508 pops the color tag menu, for those that don't want
to use the shell context menu to color tag items. You can assign a keyboard
shortcut to it using CUSTOMIZE > KEYBOARD menu command, and find 33508 in the
miscellaneous category.

* editor² v2.940 adds experimental support for "macro" commands. Use AUTOTEXT >
MACRO menu command or press F9 key. CTRL+F9 repeats the last macro. For more
information on the macro language syntax please refer to the deskrule help:

# MACRO EXAMPLE: search for TEST and advance past the hit
FINDWND "find what"
FINDCLASS richedit20w
SENDKEY ctrl+right # send <ctrl+right arrow> to editor window

[] 1 Oct 17 ----------------


* EDIT > EXPORT CSV menu command exports also the folder path name and saves the
CSV file in the %TEMP% folder to avoid proliferation of X2SCRAP.CSV files

* COLOR TAGS. Right click on any item(s) to assign them a color tag using the
context menu. There are 3 predefined tag colors and one that clears tags from the
selection. Tagged items are shown with a color border around their name, making
them stand out. These colors don't change the actual files in any way; you just use
them to mark files for whatever reason you like, e.g. for further processing. They
are stored in a database that xplorer² uses to mark files. Use the new color tag
filter button next to the addressbar's filter box to show only items that are
tagged with specific colors.
NOTE: color tags are independent of any color coding rules you may have (CUSTOMIZE
menu). The tag border is drawn on top of any color coding.

* You can color tag folders in the tree as well, but there the only gain is making
a tree node stand out. You cannot filter the folder tree elements

* Color tags are only shown in the active folder pane. If you want to see tags in
all panes, use the GAOPT_COLCALWAYS advanced option (previously controlling color
coding only). In the advanced settings editor search for COLOR in the Global
property page.

* color tags are rather fragile. If you rename a tagged file or move it to a
different folder, the color information is lost. Likewise they are not very
portable as paths in one computer usually cannot be found in another PC. If you
need more persistent color tagging, consider the old "manual" method using file
comments and color coding rules:

* [P] remember the spreadsheet rename mode to change attributes? if you enable the
Color tag [S] property in detailed view mode, you can also change the color tag by
providing a number directly in the item details (slow double-click on the tag

* [P] You can search for color tags in 2 ways. Either use the color tag filter
button, or use the color tag stock property to define search rules as with any
other file property. Note that using the color button is much faster, but the color
tag attribute (numeric: 1=red, 2=green etc) can be combined with other search

* global registry section TAG COLORS defines custom colors to be used with color
tagging. Up to 30 colors can be defined. The format is simple, a color name
followed by a DWORD value which corresponds to the RGB definition of the color.
Note that the red is the least significant byte so the value is (hex) BBGGRR, the
inverse of what you see in color pickers.

* [P] Scrap container windows, can do custom grouping by regular expression

(extending TOOLS > FUZZY GROUPS menu command). To understand what this funky
command does, please see this forum topic:
Basically you declare a regular expression with some variable token inside it,
which is used to define groups. Typically you are matching a part of the filename
(or some other text attribute), and this part becomes the definition of the group.
Files that don't match the regexp pattern at all go in the UNSPECIFIED group.

* New tips: 93b, 93c, 49a, 35a, 8a, 48a, 160b, 11a (see x2tips.RTF in the
installation folder).

* [P] new view mode Detailed thumbs (see VIEW > PANE STYLE submenu and/or Ribbon
toolbar's VIEWS button) combines a small thumbnail with item details. The thumbnail
size is the same as that of "mini thumbs" menu, which can be adjusted to taste
using TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu (Mini-thumb size factor to normal %). To change
the size of the normal thumbnails, use TOOLS > OPTIONS menu and then find the
thumbnail pixel setting in General property page.
(another way to get details for a regular thumbnail view mode is to turn on the
Details pane from VIEW menu)

* TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, General property page has a new button CLEAR HISTORY, which
removes all drop-down combo box histories appearing here and there (but NOT global
settings like Bookmarks and User commands). If you are privacy conscious you can
set the History items maintained setting to 2 so xplorer² will not remember much of
what you type. For more information see

* [P] You can duplicate a user command with CUSTOMIZE > USER COMMANDS > ORGANIZE
menu, using the new Duplicate toolbar button or the context menu. Thus you can
create commands that differ a little in their arguments etc.

* For fresh installations, xplorer² asks if you want a ribbon toolbar or a

traditional menu bar to begin with. This selection can be changed at any later time
using VIEW > RIBBON menu command or the ribbon's FILE leftmost tab.

* you can "zoom" folder contents in and out using CTRL+mouseWheel. Each zoom level
goes either to larger icons/thumbnails or smaller, all the way to detailed view
mode. Equivalent to using VIEW > PANE STYLE menu but arguably more convenient.

* Command finder shows the command identifier number [xxx] for all you script

* xplorer² looks better in high resolution monitors with various touches on default
icon and other sizes depending on your DPI

* [P] added file types category COMPRESSED that lists popular archive formats, to
be used for filtering by name/type (will only appear for fresh installations).

* [P] search and robust copy logs include information about total time spent in

* In the unlikely *cough* situation where xplorer² crashes, it will restart

automatically using windows restart manager. If it crashes a lot, it will prompt
you to send the crash information email. Thank you for helping with the program's

* various small bugfixes (e.g. when you delete a network folder xplorer² won't jump
to desktop)

[] 19 Jun 17 ----------------

* file comments can be READ from DESCRIPT.ION files — but still xplorer² writes
comments the windows way or using alternate data streams. Such comments die out if
you move the file and it separates from its original DESCRIPT.ION. Half measure

* [P] better long path support for windows 10 build build 15063 (redstone 2) and

* all lowercase tokens $n $p etc (used in command templates) when 8.3 paths are not
available are automatically quoted, if they contain any spaces. Ditto for various
export text commands that generate 8.3 names (Alt+Shift+C)

* some of the custom controls like tabs and docking panels work better with
accessibility for the disabled (and for autohotkey scripters too!)

* [P] global setting szGrepWhiteListTypes is a comma separated list of extensions

that are white listed for text search (using filters). If you have problems
searching in office_X (docx etc) file types, make sure you add the problematic
extensions in this list

* a few bugs fixed

[] 5 Mar 17 ----------------


* Added T(emporary) in the list of file attributes to show temporary files

* Text preview and keyword searching works in phones and cameras too (not just
thumbnails). This extracts a temporary file. If the phone file is larger than
nMaxZipExtractSize (see TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, General property page, "Item in
ZIP/FTP" setting) then nothing is extracted.

* GAOPT_NODRBAREMPTY policy works for the folder tree too, not just the drivebar.
It hides any empty removable drives you have. Use TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS to
manage this setting (Global page, Don't check for empty drives). This option also
hides empty CDR/DVD drives like windows explorer does it. If you want to see all
the registered drives, browse "My Computer" (This PC) in a regular folder pane.

* When searching for text inside files, and when you tick "Search non-text files"
or "Search All files" options, it is possible that you will waste time searching in
huge video files where nothing will be found. That's why a local (layout) setting
nBinSearchMaxSizeMB introduces a cutoff limit to avoid searching in huge binary
files. The default is 50 MB. Note this doesn't affect files that expose text
filters, only true binary files. Set it to 0 to turn off the safety feature and
search all files. Alternatively, to bypass nBinSearchMaxSizeMB limit, force the
encoding to RAW.

* [P] custom grouping information is saved as part of custom folder settings.

Grouping is also possible on many non-stock date columns. Finally custom groups are
remembered even if they are not saved under CUSTOMIZE > CUSTOM GROUPS list. All
possible changeovers from/to special folders, customized folders and default
settings are handled properly.

* When tight thumbnail spacing is enabled (GIOPT_PACKEDTHUMBS from advanced

settings) no filenames are shown next to the thumbnails. You can see the filename
using the infotip (on mouse hover) or the Details pane or press F2 key for a fake

* If you start a drag while xplorer² window is not upfront, then the window will
stay behind to help you find the drop target. This is how windows explorer does it.
Alternatively you can use ALT+TAB keys while dragging (or hover over the windows
taskbar) to bring your target drop window upfront.

* [P] xplorer² got very-long-path (>=260 letters) aware! Now you can browse into
super deep folders almost without noticing any difference. There are a few things
that won't work, but most file operations will work fine. Most noticeable is the
difficulty to open any documents (!) stored in deep folders; xplorer² tries but
many programs are not prepared to handle their documents down deep. We'll have to
wait until such a time when microsoft improve the shell (LongPathsEnabled registry
tweak won't help). The safe way to open deep files is to shorten the path through a
junction as explained here:

* [P] Deep paths are supported for windows XP and later. If your xplorer² doesn't
seem to like them, use TOOLS > ADVANCED OPTIONS menu command and make sure the
global registry option GAOPT_XLONGPATHS is enabled. Then you can start creating
folders within folders with <F8> key to reach unfathomable depths!

* [P] Deep items cannot show the Shell context menu or show a property page. You
must make do with commands available in xplorer² own menus (there are quite a few
of them :)

* [P] For better Preview results, use the DRAFT preview tab when browsing super-
deep folders. editor², the internal editor/viewer can also reach inside very deep
text files (press F3 or F4 keys to load something into editor²). Native previewers
and media (audio/video) sadly won't work in the deep.

* [P] robust paste (ctrl+C then ctrl+V) in deep folders will allow duplication if a
single file is selected. Covers for failure of EDIT > DUPLICATE menu command in
deep folders.

* [P] Plain delete in deep folders doesn't work but you can use SHIFT+DEL (=trash)
key combination to permanently remove selected items. Note this cannot be UNDONE,
so be careful.

* [P] Dragging OUT of a deep folder and dropping into a regular folder will not
work; as a workaround you can use robust copy or plain copy/paste. Note the
opposite drag-drop direction (from "shallow" to deep) does work. Dragging with the
RIGHT mouse button doesn't show a menu. Instead use the SHIFT modifier while you
drag if you want to MOVE files (default operation is COPY)

* [P] Extended shell columns or legacy column handlers won't work in deep folders,
however most of xplorer² own [S]tock columns work. You can also search for text
inside documents, so file searches are pretty much ON in deep folders. [U] The down
side is that WDS index doesn't work down deep so all searches are going to be

* List of other small details that WON'T work in long paths: custom folder
settings, running DOS commands or batch scripts, starting programs if the EXE is
stored deep, creating plain shortcuts/links (but hard links, symbolic and folder
juctions are fine)

* [U] Fast searching for filenames through MFT should work in deep paths but you
must run xplorer² elevated (full admin).

* Changed manifest for DPI awareness; xplorer² should look crisp on high DPI
displays (large text size) without tweaks

* global registry setting GAOPT_NOSHELLDOBJ (=2) prevents the use of shell's

dataobject for file transfers. Should prevent windows 10 blocking xplorer² when
large files are transferred through paste or drag/drop. For best results always
prefer robust copy with <F5> key which never blocks and has tons of other copy

* EDIT > EXPORT CSV menu command saves the contents of the active view pane as a
comma separated CSV text file (UTF8 encoding). Each file detail gets its own
column. This CSV can be later imported into microsoft Excel and similar software
for printing etc. You can also do this kind of data extraction using <CTRL+P>
command via clipboard text.

* Huge strings are stored in the registry/INI settings in LZW-compressed/base64

encoding to minimize the impact of long paths in settings

* [U] total commander WCX (packer) plugins can be used to browse into exotic
archive types. Installation is similar to earlier plugins (WLX/WDX) using the
TCPLUGINS.INI settings file in shell:appdata\zabkat folder (or in the xplorer²
installation folder if run from a USB).


Users familiar with WLX/WDX plugins may notice the difference in the detect string
format. Packers use simple comma separated lists of file extensions that each
packer can deal with. Also note the (possible) use of %X2DIR% environmental
variable to specify a portable plugin. %X2DIR% is the path (includes trailing
backslash) to the xplorer² executable, handy if you are running it off a USB stick.

For ideas what kind of plugins are available, see
These plugins allow xplorer² to enter archives like as if they were zipfolders; you
can do all read-related actions in these archives, including previewing, searching
and extracting. At present you CANNOT delete or add to these archives.

Many plugins work in deep paths too (namespace extensions, even plain ZIPfolders,
don't work in paths >260 characters)

xplorer² professional users can get access to most of these formats using the 7zNSE
shell extension (sadly not very portable)

* [U] FILE > ENTER ARCHIVE menu command attempts to browse into "hidden" archive
formats, e.g. APPX, JAR or DOCX (all are actually zipfolders!). Requires a suitable
generic WCX plugin installed like . An
alternative to using this command is to add extension(s) to the detection string of
the packer that can deal with extra formats. Then you just press ENTER to browse
into such archives.

* [P] WLX and WDX plugins should work in deep paths, if they are capable of dealing
with extra long filenames. Please try it with your plugin of choice and see how it

[] 27 Oct 16 ----------------

* fixed searching in RTF files when they have localized (non-english) content. The
down side is that now to find text in RTF you must tick SEARCH ALL FILES option.

* image preview zoom toolbar is transparent allowing you to see the pic underneath
it. Move over the toolbar to see it crisp.

* fixed win10 problem where xplorer² would block itself whenever large files are
copied with drag/drop or copy/paste. TIP: for better all round file operations,
supporting extra transfer options, use F5 key (robust copy).

* editor² small update to handle very long filenames

[] 13 Sep 16 ----------------


* Special upper case switches like \D in regular expressions are properly handled,
but beware: all filename and attribute matches are case-insensitive. When searching
for text in files you have more freedom ticking the case sensitive option (Match
character case) to taste.

* [P] The LOOK IN field of the find files dialog can accept folders to search from
with drag-drop. You can have one or more folders dragged. You can even drop them
one at a time — holding down CTRL key they will be added as a comma separated list.
Useful when you want to search in hand picked folders but don't want to remember
obscure shortcuts like <Ctrl+Alt+C> — which copies selected paths as a comma
separated list.
[U] NOTE: if you supply more than one starting folder or exclusion filters in the
LOOK IN field, WDS will be skipped and the whole search will be done "robustly"
(and at snail pace :)
PS. try drag-dropping a file in the filter part of the find dialog and see what

* View registry option CLVOPT_NOEASYBGMENU(=1048576) ensures solid full row

selection (undoes the easy background menu and lasso selection mentioned further
down). Otherwise you must right click on some area with letters to show the shell
context menu.

* [P] The custom xplorer² menu also appears in folder tree shell context menu (if
enabled through GAOPT_NOX2SHCMENU). Keep in mind that many menu commands don't work
in the folder tree but many are useful e.g. open folder in new tab.

* ACTIONS > IMPORT SETTINGS menu lets you import settings saved earlier with EXPORT
command. If registry based you supply a REG file, otherwise if [Ultimate] an INI
file with settings (you must select the file in the active view pane). xplorer²
then will restart itself to read the new settings. This helps people that cannot
import because xplorer² is running silently in the background.
* Global registry setting bEllipsis — if present (set to 1) the file name fields in
robust copy and delete progress dialogs will be changed into static controls that
show all the filename (but possibly skipping the middle portion of the path). You
lose out the possibility to copy the name though.

* Image previewer pane (DRAFT tab) supports zooming in/out. Click on a picture with
the LEFT mouse button to zoom in, and with the RIGHT to zoom out. Hold down CTRL
key to zoom in/out to the maximum extent. To zoom with the keyboard, press
CTRL+plus/minus keys, like in your internet browser. You can drag-scroll the
enlarged image to see other parts of it. Remember you can also double click on the
previewer titlebar to have it floating as a separate window, that can be enlarged
to taste.

* Image previewer also rotates images (press Ctrl+left/right arrows to rotate

(anti)clockwise). There is also an autohiding toolbar for all zooming operations.
Finger gestures should also work. Hold CTRL key while zooming in/out to zoom to
maximum extent

* New tips: 66a, 123a and 140a (see x2tips.RTF in the installation folder).

* [P] Quick previewer option QVOPT_NODOWNAX=512 won't let internet explorer preview
mode (native tab) to start asking questions about "Do you want to open or save this
file", it will just not preview office documents. Note that office stuff are
nowadays previewed nicely outside IE. The only people that may need to turn this
option off are office 2003 (and earlier) users or those running XP or older.

* Easier to access background menu (right click "nowhere" in a folder view) and do
lasso (marquee) selection if you click the mouse on the empty space to the right of
a filename. Works even in detailed view mode with full row selection enabled.
Thanks Timo!

* [P] pseudo-column Group ID [S] useful for the duplicates checker view. Items
identified as identical will have the same group number. You can use that for
restoring the duplicate groups in case they are disrupted e.g. after a change of
sort order.

* [U] TOOLS > FAST SEARCH menu command dialog has a new drop-down box where you can
choose any custom text property to search in quickly

* [P] Stock property Stream names holds a list of named alternate streams (ADS), if
any exist, e.g. Zone.Identifier for internet downloaded files or SummaryInformation
for generic comments. The information is similar to ACTIONS > ADS > VIEW STREAMS
menu command, but the advantage here is that the property is searchable.

* ACTIONS > SHRED menu command added warning when trying to shred on solid state
discs. Shredding doesn't make sense there and it is actually bad for your SSD
lifetime. You are better off just deleting the files instead

* [P] some total commander WLX plugins can also do thumbnail previews (images).
These can be used in xplorer² for the quickviewer panel (DRAFT mode/tab) and
thumbnail view mode. Sadly this type of thumbnail isn't added to the cache so it
will be slower.

* global option GAOPT_SPEAKINTONGS=131072 makes xplorer² talk of error messages

that would appear on the statusbar. Party trick at present only available in
english (no translations)

* [P] /L command line switch is normally used with /F:1 to start a new search, but
if it is used for a normal browser window it can carry a CIDA file to pass to the
miniscrap pane, e.g. /L:c:\that\file.cida

* [P] NEW ITEM ribbon button (that creates new shell items in a folder) is also
available as a normal toolbar button. You must find it in the toolbar customization
dialog to add it. This feature is also available when you right click on the
background of a folder (or on the folder icon in a pane's titlebar) and use
EXPLORER submenu.

* Main window ribbon shows frequent folders in leftmost "FILE" tab. This is the
automatically managed list in GOTO > FREQUENT menu command. Hover the mouse to see
the full path

* WINDOW > ACTIVATE TAB submenu allows menu access to tabs, in the order they are
seen in each pane

* various standard shell folders like SHELL:DOWNLOADS etc are available for
autocompletion in the addressbar. For example type DOW and hit up arrow to
autocomplete to the standard SHELL:DOWNLOADS folder. This is on top of the recently
browsed and frequent folders that are also in the drop-down list of the addressbar.
For a complete list see
the-special-folders/. There are equivalents for all folders in GOTO > SPECIAL

* [P] right click on the detailed view header row to add columns from the recently
used hyper-filter (DETAILS FROM FILTER menu command). Say you did a search that
included a number of additional rules like Keywords or whatever, this command will
add the extra columns so you can see what was matched by the filter.

* On touch-enabled laptops and the like, scrolling works with the finger (aka Pan
gesture). Caution: if you have any AHK scripts that rely on the window class name
being ATL:BrowserListView AND you have a touch PC, you must revise your scripts. If
you don't know what I'm talking about, it doesn't affect you :)

* [P] TOOLS > FOLDER STATISTICS (Alt+D) menu command works inside all folders (not
just filesystem). However if you want to enter zipfolders and the like, you must
make sure you browse the root of the archive before issuing the command.

* [P] Folder statistics window allows searching for text through ACTIONS menu or
pressing Ctrl+F. To find the next occurrence press F3. This way you can search for
things like "error" that implies read access problems.

* Edit > Copy names menu command gathers file paths in the order they appear in the
list, i.e. it respects the active sort order

* fixed problem with homegroup access. Alternatively, instead of using the

homegroup folder you can directly access the remote computer by name using \\PC-
NAME (using the appropriate name after \\)

* Even without /N command line switch, xplorer² should be more careful not to
timeout on unavailable network locations on restart. You should also see less
unresponsiveness when you disconnect VPN connections while the program is running.
If a network read seems to get stuck you should be able to abort it pressing ESCAPE
key (the status bar should say so, but even if it doesn't press ESC)

* global registry setting nPingTimeoutMS is the maximum delay for a network folder
to respond before it is considered a dropped connection. Default is 5000
milliseconds but if your network is slow you may need to increase it. Set to 0 if
you want to turn off pinging.
* advanced settings editor has a search box at the left bottom of the window, where
you can put a keyowrd to search for a property. The keyword is matched with the
name or description. You may have to click a few times on NEXT button to find the
property you are after. Note this only works for the current tab (global or layout
settings). Click on the other tab to repeat the search there.

[] 20 Apr 16 ----------------

* Following public outcry, undid the recent change for network folder tree
synchronization. It should make tree expansion faster in all modes (even when
advanced option "Faster network access..." isn't selected).

* When running as a forced administrator (elevated) xplorer² will show a [*] on the
window titlebar. You can also tell the same looking at the state of the menu
command WINDOW > ADMINISTRATOR, which is disabled if you are running elevated.

* Czech translation corrected, prepac :)

[] 13 Mar 16 ----------------


* [P] All text rules (including filenames) can have an optional leading ':' colon
character meaning an EXACT match. Whereas a string rule like TEST will match TEST1
and thatTEST, using :TEST will only match TEST and nothing else. It implements IS
relationship instead of CONTAINS. For text rules other than filenames you must also
tick the VERBATIM box. For finding text in files, use "whole words" option (a
leading : doesn't work for grep).

* Mass rename dialog makes some additional checks when you preview the results to
detect subtle problems, e.g. 2 files ending up having the same name. xplorer² will
catch these errors but you may need to reconsider your parameters. Up to 50 files
are treated in preview mode to get a better feel of what's going to be renamed

* frame registry flag DPF_NOTITLE (see registry.txt) forces window titlebar to show
no paths, just the program name

* [P] All regular expressions now use a more PERL-compatible syntax, thanks DEELX!
Applies to filenames, file contents and text properties search.

* In-place editing of file properties in the detailed view mode. Similar to in-
folder renaming, when you click on any other editable column in detailed view mode
you get to change it like as if using a spreadsheet. You can change things like
dates, keywords, exif data, music and video information and so on. Limitations:
some innate properties like Size etc cannot be changed; some properties are file
type-dependent and are not applicable for generic files. Advanced property editing
requires windows Vista or later, before that you get basic stock property editing.
If you need to edit text properties with multiple values (e.g. keywords, composers
etc), separate keywords with semicolons (this; and that; other).

* Tools > Options menu, Advanced page has tickbox to enable in-place editing of
many file properties. This mode also requires "slow double-click to rename" and
"full row selection" options enabled, if you want to use the mouse (otherwise press
F2 key or use RENAME menu command, then press TAB until you reach the column you
are after; SHIFT+TAB goes backwards). To cancel any changes press ESC key while
NOTE: a limitation of windows listview control means that it cannot be scrolled
when its edit field shows. So to use TAB key please make sure all the listview
columns are visible, or scroll it manually before editing. Scrolling only works in
windows XP or older (!)

* Demo video added in HELP > HOW DO I? pane (or click on the blue [?] at the far
right end of the ribbon toolbar) that explains how to use the new in-place property
edit mode (search for NEW video tag).

* [P] File tags can be edited if you add the keyword stock property in the details
pane. You can create a custom details pane definition file and add this line under
comments property:
<p><A id="s_19" href="@">Keywords</a>: <span>val</span>
For more information see here
Please note that more files support generic comments than keywords.

* [P] Mass rename dialog gets a history for its "what to match" entries in a combo

* In single window mode (bSingleWindow registry tweak enabled) xplorer² will reuse
an existing tab showing a folder rather than creating another tab with the same
path. Note this is for external program invocations, e.g. in explorer replacement

* Added access to program options and the command finder in ribbon's quick access
toolbar (the one on xplorer² main window titlebar). These commands don't show by
default but you can put a tickbox next to them if you want them showing as buttons.
Remember you can add any command you like up there by right clicking on the ribbon.

* registry setting rgbZipFolderBgcol sets the background color when browsing

special folders like ZIP/7Z/RAR archives. You can tweak it through the advanced
registry settings editor (Layout Settings property page).

* Menu command FILE > SHELL EDIT, launches the "edit" command for the selected
item(s). This is unlike FILE > EDIT command that starts editor² on the selection
assuming TEXT documents. Shell edit can be an image editor for an PNG or JPG for
example. This functionality is available from shell context menu, but it is not
accessible enough for some apparently. There is a global registry setting
szShellVerb that controls which action is launched. It defaults to "edit" but you
can change it to any other verb you like. You could even add a custom verb
("meOwnVerb") and then use the registry editor to assign command actions, a
different one for each file type you want to play with. Note that if a selected
file (type) has no EDIT verb in the registry, then this command will do nothing.
You can only access commands that are present in the shell context menu. If you
need portable associations, have a look here

* [P] DriveBar's context menu adds a "Safely remove" menu item for removable drives
that don't have an Eject menu command (usually external hard disks). This command
makes sure that xplorer² doesn't hold any locks to the device. Note it won't work
100% if the device adds multiple drive letters, in which case you must use the
"Safely remove hardware" icon from your window's taskbar.

* Right click on the addressbar to make it have large icons (and taller input
fields). Useful for users with extremely high screen resolutions/DPI (and for the
visually impaired that won't be convinced to buy glasses :)

* 7zip/RAR archive plugin now works on windows XP too, so you can enter such
"folders" with xplorer² (requires windows desktop search 3 or 4 installed but not
necessarily running). See here for more information

* [P] The stock property Contents (which shows the number of direct subitems of a
folder) can be tweaked to filter for particular file types. The global registry
value szFileCountRule can be either a comma separated list of filename wildcards to
match (default='*' to match and count all folder contents) or even the name of a
previously saved complex filter. This innovative property allows you e.g. to find
all folders that contain 3 or more MP3 files and such tricks.

* Focus rectangle always shows in folder panels (useful for sticky selection).
Solved a long term disappearence mystery that affected theme-enabled windows vista
and later.

* Length of frequent folders list (GOTO menu) obeys nHistoryItems restriction as

set in program options (General page)

* [P] Some xplorer² v3.x license holders will need new license keys to use this
version. This applies only to those that got a FREE v3 replacement key within their
1-year-free-updates entitlement. If you bought a v3 key or you have a lifetime
cover then you won't need to pay again. Only keys that show a date BEFORE 1/1/2015
will need to be replaced.

* [P] docking framework improvements (dragging panels)

* [P] Signed by stock column also returns the counter-signature (timestamp), if

any. Note if there is a double signature it will only show information about SHA-1.

* A few bugs for windows 2000 fixed (yes xplorer² still works back there :)

[] 22 Oct 15 ----------------


* [P] TC column and preview plugins support (aka content WDX and lister WLX). These
extend the file attributes you see in detailed view mode (searchable too), and the
quickviewer preview capabilities. There are tons to download from The easiest way to integrate these plugins in xplorer² is to
install them with TC then copy the plugin sections [ContentPlugins] and
[ListerPlugins] from WINCMD.INI into a file called TCPLUGINS.INI which should be
placed in shell:appdata\zabkat folder (or in the xplorer² installation folder if
run from a USB). If you are running the 64 bit version of xplorer² you must use x64
versions of the plugins. Example:


NOTE: lister plugins appear in NATIVE preview mode (tab) and have precedence over
windows previewers. To limit any TC plugin to certain filetypes only you can use
detect strings in the initialization file, e.g.

2_detect = ext="DB" | ext="DB3" | ext="SQLITE" | ext="SQLITE3" | ext="FOSSIL"

Finally note you DO NOT need to install that other program to get the plugins
working in xplorer², just download the plugins and edit the settings file manually,
entering the paths to the plugins.

For more information including a user friendly plugin manager tool see

* [P] office documents can be natively previewed in zipfolders and other virtual

* [P] global setting szGrepExcludeTypes is a comma separated list of extensions

that can be used to exclude certain document types from filter searching. Also
faster IFilter text extraction lookup. Note some TC content plugins can also be
used to search for text in files, in case a windows filter is not available.

* Mainframe setting DPF_NOHTMLIMG (see updated advanced settings editor) turns off
the small thumbnail preview in the details pane. This image isn't required if you
have the quickviewer turned on for example.

* Advanced registry setting QVOPT_THREADED controls whether native previewer is

running in a responsive background thread. If you have problems with some document
types use the advanced settings editor to turn it off.

* Advanced registry setting rgbRibbonBG controls the background color theme of the
ribbon toolbar. xplorer² should get this color right automatically, but if it
doesn't then just select another color using the advanced settings editor.

* [P] Advanced global setting GAOPT_XCOLSFGTHREAD (see registry.txt) forces all [X]
file attributes that you see in detailed view mode to be extracted on the main
thread. This solves problems with some buggy plugins and column handlers that would
crash otherwise.

* [U] When searching for filenames only (no other properties) in NTFS local
folders, and if running in administrator mode, files are found very quickly using
the MFT and no indexing. To get this mode working on modern windows you need to
right click on xplorer² icon and pick "Run as administrator" menu command. This
also works if you start searching from "My Computer" folder where all the local
NTFS drives will be searched by name.

* Goto > Frequent folders submenu maintains automatically a list of folders you
browse frequently. These names are also added in the addressbar for easy access.
Note that "frequent" is different than recent or bookmarked. It's just folders that
over the long term you are visiting more often.

* Window > Reopen tab menu command restores the last tab closed, kind of undo an
accidental tab close.

* [P] Less trial nags when xplorer² is used in explorer replacement mode (before
you buy a license)

* A few bugs fixed

* Better windows 10 compatibility

[] 27 Jun 15 ----------------

* In explorer replacement mode, xplorer² won't "steal" folders from windows

explorer, if you happen to browse within windows explorer to begin with.
[] 5 May 15 ----------------

* corrected some dialog glitches in high DPI screen resolution

* better colaboration with new compressed folder NSE plugin (see

[] 30 Jan 15 ----------------

* [U] <Ctrl+F> WDS search for filenames when no wildcard is specified in NAMED
field is much faster, matching stems or extensions.

* In explorer replacement mode you should see less messages "There was a problem
sending the command to the program" when opening folders outside xplorer². Please
note you should NOT force xplorer² in administrative mode otherwise this message
will be seen almost every time.

[] 16 Jan 15 ----------------

* A few small bugs fixed

[] 1 Jan 15 ----------------


Happy new year!

* [P] Everybody will need NEW unlock keys for v3.0, but many will get free
replacements. To check if you are entitled for a free or discounted v3.0 key use
HELP > REGISTER PROGRAM menu, or the equivalent command under LICENSE MANAGEMENT in
ribbon's leftmost tab. If xplorer² cannot find your old license key (but you know
where it is yourself) you can use this upgrade page .
For more information see

* [P] right click on the column header of a detailed view mode folder pane and you
get to access Customize > Column sets menu conveniently at location. Likewise right
click on the tab-strip (not ON a tab, but at the empty area to the right) to access
Customize > Folder groups menu. Everything in context where it should be.

* [P] Customize > User commands > Add current menu command also works if the
selected item is a shortcut to an executable

* [P] View > Visual filter > Autofilter menu command includes a list of complex
filters, if you have any saved from Find File and other similar dialogs

* Bookmarks menu includes an item "Explorer Favorites" which takes you to the
folder that you see in the tree of your windows explorer

* editor² Search > Match tag menu command handles XML tag names with a dot (.)
correctly e.g. <DropDownGallery.MenuLayout> will match its closing
</DropDownGallery.MenuLayout> tag

* Large toolbar skin included in all distributions so that the ribbon looks nice. 5
new icons were added so your old skin files may need updating.

* View > Ribbon menu command can replace (toggle) the traditional menubar with a
modern Ribbon user interface. Requires windows Vista or later. Think of it as a
plain menu mode for the less initiated. To get the menu back turn off the ribbon
from its "file" (leftmost, dark blue) tab. Showing the ribbon hides the main
toolbar too but you can have other toolbars showing with bookmarks, custom commands
etc. Make sure you watch the demo video about the ribbon in HELP > HOW DO I? menu

* The <F2> mass rename dialog has a new special token "File attribute" which can be
any available file property as seen in detailed view mode. This way you can use ID3
tags and all the rest of it to rename files.

* [P] Redesigned mass rename function, supporting search and replace in filenames
as well as the older "replace whole name" mode. There are two search-and-replace
modes, the first will replace only ONE occurrence of the matched substring, the
second will replace ALL occurrences. The new $-token $[xx:yy] represents part of
the filename (start from xx character and yy letters long) and can be used to
remove or replace a section of the original name. For more information please refer
to the quickstart guide. Regular expression rename is left as a future exercise!
Note for people that hate change: using "replace whole name" mode and not ticking
"preserve extension" option, this command works like it always used to :)

* [U] Select a SINGLE folder in a (normal) pane and right click on it, you will
find a menu command "Add to search index" (it is the LAST command in xplorer²
submenu). You can thus easily add folders to windows search (for fast searching)
without going through Indexing Options. All the subfolders will also be added; if
you need more control about what to exclude then use Indexing Options instead.

* In explorer replacement mode xplorer² adds itself in the autoplay list for
"generic content" so you can open your USB sticks with xplorer² through autoplay.

* Goto > Find Target menu command also works for normal items (ie. those that are
not links or junctions), and will get the REAL path of the item if it happens to be
redirected by various reparse points. For example, say that the folder junction
c:\test\junction points to W:\dir. If you browse a file in
c:\test\junction\SUBDIR\FILE then hitting <Ctrl+L> on it will jump to the real file
located at W:\dir\SUBDIR\FILE.

* Volume mount points (kind of junctions to root drives created by MOUNTVOL command
line tool) are correctly handled by CTRL+L command

* [U] Tools > Fast search menu command gets a new GUI giving you control of what
properties to fast search for (previously through registry settings). Tick on
Everything to search in all file attributes, or tick only those properties you are
interested in (name/text contents/comments/tags).

* Folder tree will make sure the selected item is visible when you browse using the
keyboard. You can scroll the tree left/right using <Ctrl+arrow keys>.

* [P] Robust copy progress dialog gets a graph plotting the transfer speed over
time. Transfer speed isn't affected by pausing and other messageboxes.

* Addressbar autofilter gets a [X] button that clears the filter quickly for those
mouse oriented, and shows all the files

* in explorer replacement mode, WIN+E key (if enabled from Tools > Advanced options
menu command) will properly bring xplorer² window to the front

* [P] plain text files can also be used to load/save scrap window contents (not
just the binary CIDA format). Use the file type selector "Path text files" in the
Load/Write contents menu commands. There should be one full path per line, as when
importing text from the clipboard. You can also pass a TXT file as a command line
parameter with /F:1 switch.

* View will not scroll away to show the focus in large changing folders (e.g.
downloads) as long as you CLEAR the option "Automatically re-sort contents after
moving/copying etc" found in Tools > Options menu, Window page. Another way to make
the view lock where you are looking is to click on one of the items you see. To
show the selected items after that press <ALT+down arrow> key.

* New stock column "Characters" available from <ALT+K> dialog, counting the number
of characters in pathnames. This helps identify long filenames that could be an
issue copying e.g to CDROMs. Above 260 characters problems begin in all cases so
try using small file and folder names.

* various combo boxes (except those doing paths) get new autocompletion mode
through a drop-down list instead of having to press the up-arrow key

* Actions > Shred menu command renames the file to gibberish before deleting it.
Makes it even harder to identify!

* Better protection for unlocking files before cutting/moving items. Now the only
way you can't delete files in xplorer² must come from an external fault (e.g. buggy

* proper HTML thumbnails shown and also good offline HTML preview with the Native
tab. For windows XP you just need a registry hack:

* [P] more responsive (threaded) native preview tab and faster when you preview the
same file type in a row.

* Tools > Options menu, Window page has a new option to sort folders after files
(at the end)

* symbolic links with relative targets are correctly handled (<Ctrl+L> find target
command etc)

* registry property nInfotipDurationMS controls the time (in millisec, 5000=5 sec)
infotips remain in view — if enabled from Tools > Options > Window. Increase this
value if your infotips contain a lot of information and you want to see them for

* When you click on [?] buttons to see dialog help, any previous IE help window is
reused to show the quickstart guide

* All Organize dialogs (e.g. Bookmarks) have a right click context menu to manage
the lists (on top of the toolbar buttons); and a new toolbar skin.

* [P] Drivebar shows label for each drive as a tooltip

* various small "features" fixed

[] 20 Jun 14 ----------------

* registry setting GAOPT_HOOKWINKEY (=536,870,912) installs a global hook to start

xplorer2 with WIN+E key IF xplorer² is set to replace windows explorer. Note that
you must leave the background xplorer² process running for this to work. Once you
quit with <Alt+X> this shortcut key will open windows explorer. As with all hooks
this will somehow impact your computer's performance. This does NOT work if you are
using a 32 bit xplorer² on 64 bit windows (explorer replacement doesn't work

[] 13 Apr 14 ----------------


* registry setting GAOPT_NOBROWSECPAN (=524288) controlling whether xplorer²

browses into control panel items or not. For windows vista and later these
"folders" are better handled by windows explorer

* Edit > Copy names command works in the folder tree too. This in addition to
<CTRL+P> command that copies all the active tree branch to the clipboard.

* [P] docking panes have context menu (right click on titlebar) for various
operations (dock/float/hide etc)

* custom drive icons are read from AUTORUN.INF files (if present for removable

* corrected PDF text extraction for windows 8.1

* repaired removable media EJECT command from shell context menu

* picture thumbnails extracted from phones and cameras (thumbnail view and draft QV

* [U] running the professional version in parallel to ultimate doesn't disable fast
desktop search

* various small bugs fixed

* [P] robust copy correctly handles file symbolic links (copies the link not the
file). Sadly like all symlink operations you must be running as full administrator
otherwise you get a funny error message.

* [P] registry setting nUnbufferedCopyMB (default=1GB) sets a size limit above

which robust copy is done without buffering. That supposedly fixes problems where
your RAM is clogged by extremely huge file copying.

* [P] When robust delete dialog encounters some reparse point (e.g. folder junction
or symbolic link) only deletes the reparse information, without touching the target
folder. This makes the "confirm folder junctions" checkbox in the dialog rather

* More consistent handling of symbolic links, now you can see previews of them
(text or pics) and even search for text in them (in the actual file target)

* New files inserted in a pane (e.g. pasted or dropped) are marked (selected). This
lets you see which files were newly added. This feature is controlled by local
registry setting variable nMarkNewFileMS which is the time (in milliseconds)
xplorer² waits after a file operation is initiated to mark added files. Set this to
0 to disable this new marking feature. If a pane contains a prior selection (>=2
selected items) then this feature is suppressed.

* [U] Global registry value szSystemPropsList is a comma separated list of system

properties to extend the file column and search attribute system. See here for the
list of available properties:
us/library/dd561977(v=vs.85).aspx . Some of them are already available as shell
folder columns but some are only available through this route. Requires windows
VISTA or later.

* in explorer replacement mode, "Open containing folder" menu command from 3rd
party programs (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox) will correctly open and select items
in xplorer². This is by far the most time consuming (wasted?) feature added in
xplorer² in terms of development resources, enjoy!

* When you opt to replace windows explorer with xplorer² during installation, you
get more folder types handled (including "virtuals" like MyComputer). Installer
allows you to replace explorer for the current user or for all users with a
tickbox. xplorer² is configured to automatically run when you boot up windows

* In the rare occasions when xplorer² cannot read a special folder (e.g. some items
in control panel), you get the option to read it with windows explorer instead.

[] 12 Nov 13 ----------------

* fixed some problems with windows 8.1 compatibility

* the poorly documented registry options szCustomDateFormat and szCustomTimeFormat
(strings for date/time formatting different than that defined in control panel) are
added to the advanced settings editor
* lengthy split/merge file operations (Actions menu) get a more responsive progress
dialog (you still have to wait ages though :)
* Optional registry options szQVDraftExtList and szQVNativeExtList (see
REGISTRY.TXT) control what extensions will get previewed for the Draft and Native
preview tab respectively. So if you want to get just previews of JPG and TXT files
in draft mode set szQVDraftExtList to "jpg,txt" (comma separated list of
extensions, NO wildcards). These are layout specific, not for the global section.
You can even have exclusion lists, e.g. "-jpg,-txt" will preview anything BUT
* editor² gives a clearer warning when saving on a readonly file

[] 6 Sep 13 ----------------

* [P] robust MOVE now works even if you are moving to the same partition (drive
letter), as long as you specify a filter in the <F6> dialog. Supply a fake filter
like "*" if you don't really need filtering but you need robustness. Note that this
kind of Move operation is going to be SLOWER than a simple drag-drop on the same
partition -- but you asked for it :)

* [P] registry option GIOPT_ROBUSTMOVE (=268435456) makes F6 move commands always

go "robust" but at the great expense of speed. Available through Tools > Advanced
options menu command (Layout page).

* [P] Robust file operations in silent mode are not halted for any messages as long
as there are queued jobs waiting. This means you can queue jobs and go away. At the
very end you will see a summary of errors (if any).

* Mark > Sync wizard dialog has a field to ignore a prescribed date difference (it
applies when modification date is used for comparisons). Tick it to consider files
within the specified date range as identical, or clear the checkbox to use the
default +/- 2 seconds tolerance.
* [P] When using robust copy <F5>, if there is a filename collision (target file
exists), you get a chance to supply a different filename so you can "manually"
rename and keep the old target file or folder. Just type in the new filename (no
path) and click on YES button. You don't need to type the extension even! The
rename opportunity is offered when the copy options are set to "Ask confirmation"
for overwriting existing objects.

* [P] Docking panes like tree have a PIN icon on their titlebar. If you click on
the pin you toggle the autohide/docked mode. When set to autohide the panel is
minimized, brought into view by hovering the mouse over the panel button (or
clicking on the minimized button). Click on the titlebar pin again to fix the panel
in docked (expanded) mode.

* Text extraction (search for keywords) works for PDF documents even if you have
the latest Adobe reader — but it is recommended you switched to PDF X-change viewer
especially if you are on 64 bit windows.

* Background context menu menu (when you click on empty space) on some virtual
folders includes an NSE submenu that routes to some special namespace extension
commands, e.g. add new secure FTP connection. Several special folders have such
commands (requires windows Vista or later)

* [U] Tools > Fast search command more flexible when started from local folders
outside the system index like C:\. It will search whatever folders are in the
system index, under the current folder.

* Various small bugs fixed

* Quickviewer (Native mode) won't get in the way when renaming or deleting items;
console window likewise won't block folder delete/rename operations

* Right click on a USB drive icon (e.g. on the drivebar or tree) and use EJECT
context menu command to safely remove it. This ensures that xplorer² at least won't
be locking it (but it could be locked by other applications on your system, try the
Safe device removal icon on the taskbar notification area too)

* [P] AddressBar filter box works in miniscrap pane too (filter and select modes
only), e.g. start typing a filename while the miniscrap has the focus and see what

* Default document categories e.g. {pictures} are recognized as quick filters in

the addressbar

* Symbolic links inherit the actual file dates at the time of creation (note the
modification dates will diverge in the future)

* Subfolder sizes are calculated automatically (if relevant advanced option is set)
even when you aren't in detailed view mode

* [P] Window > Set title menu command in scrap containers can be used to supply a
custom titlebar name. You can also type your text in the addressbar as an
alternative means of identification. Useful for multiple scrap windows.

[] 1 Mar 13 ----------------


* Tools > Options menu, Advanced page has a button to access control panel's folder
options. Note that some of these options have no effect on xplorer²

* Tools > Map network drive menu offers quick access to the respective windows
function (also available by right clicking on My Computer icon)

* Tools > Options menu, Advanced page has a tickbox to make network access faster
(plain icons, no overlays/tooltips/folder sizes, partial tree expansion). Combines
the old advanced registry options GAOPT_TREENONETENUM and GAOPT_ECONOMYNETWD.

* [U] Tools > Fast search menu takes advantage of WDS v4.0 capability to search
remote computers, if invoked while browsing some network folder. Likewise the Find
Files command <ctrl+F> uses the remote computer search index if available. The
remote folders must be shared.

* Right click menu in Draft quick viewer has option to show the end (tail) of files
instead of the beginning. Only applies to plain text files

* If you don't have the NAME column first, the rename command <F2> uses a dialog
window instead of failing.

* [P] Tools > Fuzzy groups menu command in a scrap window organizes the contents in
groups according to how similar are their names (or any other text attribute). It
can be used for fuzzy duplicate checking, e.g. how many folders you have that share
a common artist name. For best results fiddle the fuzzy factor up/down.

* New filter box next to the addressbar allows quick selecting, filtering or [P]
searching in the current view. Use the drop-down button menu to switch among the
available modes and to fine-tune the operation. Press <ALT+Return> to operate on
the inactive (dual) view. For more information please refer to the quickstart

* registry option nCharsAutoFilter (available through the advanced settings editor:

Layout settings > General). If your filter box is set to plain filename filtering,
this setting controls after how many characters typed the focus will jump in the
filter box, for easier visual filtering. Set to 0 to disable this function.

* Use the advanced registry settings editor (Layout settings > Main frame) to
choose the relative size (percent) of the filter box in the addressbar. Set to 0 if
you don't want the filter box.

* [P] smarter registration: if you copy the xplorer² unlock key from the email you
receive when you buy xplorer², it will be automatically inserted in the
registration dialog.

* Installer has option to add xplorer² to your folders' context menu. This can used
as a soft alterative to replacing your windows explorer with xplorer².

* Double click on the filter icon on the statusbar to toggle the active filter.
Double click on the "show hidden" status bar pane to toggle showing hidden files
and folders.

[] 14 Nov 12 ----------------

* Russian translation restored

* Fixed drivebar bug
[] 6 Oct 12 ----------------

* [P] check duplicates command gets a prominent progressbar, useful for long file
comparison operations

* [P] Customize > Keyboard hotkey control allows more key combinations to be used
as accelerators (<Tab> etc). Navigating this dialog with the keyboard is a bit
harder, sorry!

* Added new file attributes I for NOT content indexed (not that interesting :) and
P for sParse files

* New tips: 4a, 27b, 46a, 124b, 125a, 161a, 167, 168, 169, 170

* [U] Tools > Find files menu command will use windows desktop search if available
(requires windows XP with desktop search 4 installed). This will dramatically
improve the search speed in indexed folders. For more accurate results use CLICK
FOR ROBUST SEARCH button after the end of the quick search.
If you don't have desktop search, please download it from here:

* [U] registry tweak GAOPT_NODESKSEARCH disables desktop search, xplorer² operates

only with 'slow' search as it used to (available through Options > Advanced
settings menu, Global page)

* [U] Tools > Fast search menu will do a simple desktop search under the current
folder. Instead of defining complex search rules, just give it a keyword (whole
word) to find either in the file contents, filename or some other file property.
AQS syntax isn't supported, just plain text.

* [P] Tools > Save search (in a scrap window) saves the last search parameters
(filter and location, not the results) to a file. Repeat an older search using
Tools > Recent search menu. To start a saved search from the command line use the
arguments /F:1 /L:path_to_saved_search.x2fnd (or double click on a *.x2fnd file)

* [P] Drag-drop a file on a filter window (e.g. find files dialog) and its details
(name/date/size) are used to define a filter. Useful for locating renamed pictures
from a camera.

* Edit > Copy to <F5> command offers to create a folder for the HERE field if it
doesn't exist

* [P] Last complex filter (e.g. for <Alt+G> command remembered between sessions

* Tools > Options menu, Advanced page, has a tickbox for preserving file dates when
setting comments with <Alt+Z>

* [P] Searches are now possible within external devices like phones and cameras

* [P] Drivebar won't show letters for empty card reader slots

* [P] Better estimation of time remaining for robust copy and delete commands

[] 17 Apr 12 ----------------

* A few corrections for windows 8 compatibility

[] 27 Mar 12 ----------------

* [U] Actions > Export settings menu asks you whether you want to export to INI
(for portability) or to REG file. If you want to export the registry make sure you
save settings in the registry (from Tools > Options > General)
* [P] Robust deletion dialog shows the path of the first few files/folders selected
for deletion
* [P] You can click on the SHORTCUT TO property in the Details pane (if a link file
is selected) to browse the target item

[] 4 Mar 12 ----------------


* Added Downloads folder to system folders list (Goto > Special folders)
* [P] Right click menu in scrap containers includes command to Open file location
(container folder) and one to remove items from view (equivalent to <DEL>).
* Tree option FTCOPT_AUTOCOLLAPSE (=256) collapses open branches before opening new
ones - so that you don't end up with too many open branches during browsing
* Searching for text in files in RAW encoding mode preselects the case sensitive
and search all files options, so that you can make the most of its powers (e.g. you
can search for $EF$BB$BF to find all files that have the UTF-8 BOM marker).
* [P] double click on a dock pane's titlebar to make it float (toggle).
* Actions > Export settings and other similar input boxes have a [...] button that
allow you easy path selection. Note that path autocompletion works there too.
* [P] Find files and similar dialogs allow regular expressions for filenames too
(NAMED field). Set the fuzzines indicator to 0 (usually 100) to enable the regexp
mode. For syntax see
* [U] Tools > Options > General, save program state on exit possible to go to an
INI file (instead of registry) for portability. The default location is the user
settings folder (e.g. C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Roaming\zabkat. It could also be
placed next to the program but make sure the folder is writeable (i.e. not while
installed under C:\program files\zabkat). The /I: command line switch mainly caters
for INI files, but it also supports REG files for compatibility with older xplorer²
* [U] Advanced options editor can work with INI settings file, if passed as a
command line argument, e.g. x2SettingsEditor.exe "C:\x2settings.ini"
* Actions > Folder settings > Default menu command will fix the pane style, sort
order, columns and grouping for all folders according to the current settings.
Untick to revert to the classic 'last setting used is the default' mode. When the
default mode is active, if you make any changes in some folder (e.g. switch to
thumbnails) these will turn back to default once you browse some other folder.
* [P] show in groups mode now supports collapsible groups (windows vista and
later), use the little group header icons to collapse and expand a group. WARNING:
items in collapsed groups remain selected so be careful if you delete after
collapsing a group!. To collapse/expand a group with the keyboard, select the group
header then press left or right arrow keys respectively.
* registry setting CLVOPT_NOSELCOLLAPSED (=262144) forbids item selection when its
group header is collapsed (see registry.txt)
* [P] <Ctrl+Shift+Left> arrow key collapses all groups (windows vista or later). To
expand all groups press <Ctrl+R> to refresh the folder.
* editor² checks if a ED2.INI file exists next to the program (portable mode) and
uses it automatically instead of registry. You can pass any custom settings file
using the /I: option as before.
* Actions > Set comment menu command gets its own dialog. When you select multiple
files to set, you have the option to either replace the existing comment verbatim,
or you can just enter one word (tag) to add or remove from the existing comment
* [P] Plain text rules in hyperfilters support regular expressions if the relevant
option is ticked.
* [P] View > Details pane menu command opens an information pane like that one in
windows explorer, showing extended information on the focused item. This is a
combination of quick content preview and file attributes, depending on the current
file type. You can edit many properties 'in-place' by clicking on the IE-like
anchor links. NOTE: this pane won't work perfectly if you have internet explorer 5
or earlier.
* Better icons for executable files and folders in thumbnail view mode
* [U] in portable trim, put a CIDA file next to the xplorer² executable to use it
as the default contents file for the miniscrap pane.
* New demo videos added in Help > How do I? pane. Marked with NEW they hilight the
biggest new additions
* New detail column (attribute) for MD5 file checksums (<Alt+K> command). The old
plain checksum column works but it isn't very reliable identifying small
differences. If you want to calculate MD5 sums of large files you may have to
increase the relevant bytesize limit from Tools > Options, General page (near the
bottom). Sorry, not working in windows 9x!
* [P] To customize the attributes that appear in View > Details pane put a HTML
file called "X2DETAILS.HTM" in the installation folder. NOTE: this is an advanced
operation for experienced users only.
* All program icons can be customized using the "translation" trick mentioned here:

[] 25 Oct 11 ----------------

* a few small bugs fixed

[] 20 Sep 11 ----------------

* registry tweak GAOPT_NOX2SHCMENU stops xplorer² adding its own menu items in the
standard shell context menu (available through Options > Advanced settings, Global
* fixed a couple of bugs e.g. infotip formatting

[] 22 July 11 ----------------


* [P] Native tab in quick previewer utilizes the windows vista/7 preview handlers
for office/PDF/etc document preview (a lifesaver if you have the buggy Adobe X)
download preview handler extensions
* [P] Native preview automatically resizes images and text
* fast thumbnails for windows XP/2000 utilizing thumbs.db system cache (note:
thumbnail size must be fixed to 96 pixels, see Tools > Options > General)
* option for large icons in folder tree (right click nowhere in tree and pick
command from menu)
* large toolbar icons supported, create an alpha-transparent bitmap called
x2skin_XL.PNG and put it in the installation folder, see Recommended icon sizes in range [24,48].
* when item icons are set to PLAIN (Tools > Options > General) there are no icon
overlays extracted (shortcut, shared, TSVN etc)
* network folder access speed with tree-autosync enabled improved dramatically;
make sure you have GAOPT_TREENONETENUM enabled from Tools > Advanced options
(global page: tree only partially expands network folders)
* [P] Bookmarks > Dual submenu can save folders left/right (top/bottom) to be
restored later as a set
* [P] Autofilters now hide folders in general, a separate menu command shows only
* Various list Organize dialogs are now resizable
* [P] infotip information available as a stock column too. Convenient for showing
file type specific information (e.g. dimension for images, duration for music etc).
Use <Alt+K> to place it on detailed view mode or on an infobar with right-click.
Recommendation: use this as the ONLY piece of information on your infobars,
removing all other columns.
* [P] robust copy and delete dialogs use checkbox to quickly activate last filter
used (if any)
* [P] robust copy option to preserve all file/folder dates after copying (created
etc). Normally only the last modified date is preserved.
* [P] shell context menu includes a custom xplorer² submenu where you can put any
menu command to suit your needs (use Organize menu)
* Link icon overlays shown in thumbnail view mode too
* First stage (name parsing) of network reads also escapable (press ESC key if it
takes too long)
* User command token $> for the odd (sic) need to pass all selected items through a
list file. This is equivalent to $A token but the paths are saved to the file %TEMP
%\x2tmpList.txt, then this file is used as the $> argument. Useful for situations
where you need to pass too many files to some external tool.
* Toolbar context menu has switch whether to use small or large icons (if XL skin
* Improved handling of phones and digital cameras, now you can see thumnnails in
such folders
* If in single pane mode, xplorer² window title shows the full folder path
* [P] Global registry setting nMenuBreak=X causes long menus e.g. Bookmarks to
split vertically in columns every X items. To be used along nCustMenuIcons registry
* editor² optionally saves settings in a .INI file (instead of the registry) if you
use the /I command line switch with a .INI filename
Also loader automatically detects common unicode and UTF8 text files without
* [P] Actions > Folder settings > Save and Clear menu commands ask if you want to
apply the same settings to all subfolders
* Search for text in plain text files (<ctrl+G>, Find files and similar commands)
automatically detects unicode and UTF8 files even without a BOM (encoding
* File > New tab opens all the selected items/folders in separate tabs
* Right click on a tab to lock it (toggle). Locked tabs stay put and any browsing
in them results in opening a new tab.
* [P] all view panes (tree, quickviewer etc) are dockable. You can rearrange them
by drag-drop to any side of the main window or have them floating (detached). Hold
down <CTRL> while dragging to float a pane
* [P] View > Toolbars > Lock dock sites command fixes the arrangement of docking
panes so that they cannot be moved. Dock bars also lose their titlebars if you long
the way the old splitter panes looked like!
* [P] Clear contents context menu command in miniscrap pane deletes the default
content file.
* [P] Free trial extended to 31 days (last 10 days have more nags/delays)
* [P] Your old xplorer² license key won't work but you may be entitled to a free or
discounted upgrade, use the PURCHASE button in Help > About box to find out. If you
bought xplorer² more than 2 years ago you'll need a new purchase.

[] 24 Apr 11 ----------------

* slow startup on account of digital signature check eliminated

* added easter eggs -- only joking :)

[] 6 Mar 11 ----------------

* [P] Help > Activate with key menu command easy way to use your unlock key to
activate xplorer². This menu is disabled if you are already registered.
* Folder deletion from the tree got easier, now you don't have to activate the
confusing 'Don't lock browsed folder' advanced option.
* Hide protected operating system files policy from Folder Options (Control panel)
is observed, unless you use the registry tweak GIOPT_SHOWALLHIDDEN(=256) — then
xplorer² will behave like it always had. (it only makes a difference for windows 7
and later)
* various small bugfixes (e.g. symbolic links)

[] 25 Jan 11 ----------------

* added french translation - thanks to Denis Neuhart

* added spanish translation - thanks to Pablo Torralba Fernandez
* added brazilian translation - thanks to Emre Akkas []

[] 21 Dec 10 ----------------

* bugfix for editor² UTF-8 file handling

* hires toolbar skin available for editor² click here
(place the PNG file in xplorer² installation folder)
* fixed handling of $xx escape sequences in xplorer² find in files command <ctrl+G>

[] 4 Dec 10 ----------------

* updated lists of recognized audio/video formats for WMP

* High color PNG toolbar skins supported, see several new skins available at
* /I: command line option for PORTABLE edition can take a standard INI (instead of
REG) file so you can have your settings kept in a file without a round trip to
windows registry
* Actions > Export settings menu command exports all the keys under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZabaraKatranemia Plc to minimize on UAC confirmations
* [P] View > Visual filter > Autofilter command works in scrap windows too (for
generic filters)
* registry option GIOPT_CACHETHUMBS(=524288) forces items to cache their bitmaps
(not recommended!)
* vista/7 drag-drop images and labels closer to windows explorer format
* [P] robust copy shows progress on windows 7 taskbar button too (whoopy!)
* [P] drivebar supports right click context menu for all items (root drives)
* fast and sleek thumbnails for windows vista/7 using shell icon cache
* better appearence for windows vista/7 menu icons
* Help > Tell a friend menu command now leverages your social networking powers to
spread the word on xplorer² (thanks! :)
* Help > Online support and Crash information now send emails to customer support
* [P] text rules in filters (e.g. Keywords) allow for ? and * wildcard characters,
e.g. "ab?d" will match abCd, ab1d and abd.
* [P] Text filter rule dialog has a Verbatim checkbox; tick it to cancel wildcards,
commas etc (find exactly what you type)
* numerous small bugs fixed and annoyances removed
* paste text and images in folder now creates unique names (x2scrap2.PNG etc)
* [P] Edit > Extract text command extracts plain unformatted text from documents,
e.g. for a file called LETTER.DOC it will create LETTER.TXT with just the text
contents. (windowsXP or later)
* registry option GAOPT_SAVEUNICODETXT available through registry settings editor
(used for extract text and paste text as file commands)
* [P] new column for authenticode digital signature for executable files downloaded
from the internet
* [P] Infobars (View > Toolbars menu) now support a Selection [S] column like the
main statusbar, enable it by right clicking. Thus each pane can have its own
selection information

[] 20 Aug 10 ----------------

* fixed 64 bit version demo videos (Help > How do I? menu command)

[] 3 Aug 10 ----------------

* a few translations updated (Russian)

* editor² gets Edit > Insert tag menu command for HTML/XML tags

[] 14 May 10 ----------------

* xplorer² is now digitally signed by Nikolaos Bozinis (me)

* editor² upgraded to match HTML tags (Search > Match tag menu)

[] 6 April 10 ----------------

* Improved memory handling for browsing large folders

* registry option GAOPT_SAVEUNICODETXT(=8388608) paste text in folder (x2scrap.txt)
saved as unicode file

[] 23 February 10 ----------------

* quicker startup times (network folder icons for the tree done in background

[] 11 February 10 ----------------

* new status bar indicator for 'show hidden files' state

* more windows 7 warts eradicated
* keyboard only command <ctrl+alt+shift+H> to toggle show/hide hidden files
(menuhack ID=33163)
* non-standard layouts easier to recognize from window title
* Window > Administrator menu command easy access to run xplorer² elevated when you
need to write in C:\Program files and other locations normally blocked by UAC
* [P] column handlers like TSVN and audioshell now work for vista and windows 7!
* View > Select columns menu command has a filter box for easier column selection
(for the 300-odd columns in W7!)
* [P] Additional rules definition (eg for <ctrl+F> find dialog) property is now
combobox with autocomplete, e.g. type SVN and hit up-arrow to find a column that
contains SVN in its name
* Explorer replacement mode (if selected from the installer) takes over
HKCU\directory\shell\open key so more programs will use xplorer² for folders

[] 25 November 09 ----------------

* Mark > Sticky selection now compatible with lasso mouse selection mode
* PNG, AVI and such files now can have comments attached (workaround); also
commenting doesn't change file dates
* Goto > Special folders > Compatibility files (vista or later) jumps to the folder
containing any "compatibility files" in the current folder (written by legacy
applications without sufficient access rights)
* View > Tile horizontally easy access command to switch dual panes from left-right
to top-bottom
* [P] Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V) in scrap windows and the mini-scrap accepts file paths
(text from clipboard) to import items. Separate multiple items in separate lines
* [P] Edit > Copy columns includes group header titles, if any (if you are showing
in groups from Arrange by menu)
* [P] Customize > User commands > Add current menu command adds a tool based on the
selected EXEcutable item in the active folder
* advanced settings editor (Tools menu) can now edit lists like File Types (see
Global property page). Clear a checkbox to "delete" an entry, click "Add new" to
add a new one
* Tools > Options > Advanced page has a button to cancel xplorer² replacing windows
explorer (so that you don't need to uninstall xplorer²)
* [P] Help > About shows installation date and licence key date under the reference
* Goto > Special folders includes links to My pictures and My music folders
* Actions > Split file dialog includes a standard size for RapidShare uploads
* New tips: 2a, 49a, 56a, 74c, 81a, 102a, 166
* Tab context menu includes a "Move across" command which sends the tab to the
other (inactive) pane
* external registry settings editor offers to close xplorer² if found running
* installer asks if you want separate window/layout (NOT recommended!) when
xplorer² replaces windows explorer
* [P] file copy overwrite confirmation dialog shows item icon and information about
the new item (bigger/smaller, newer/older)
* windows 7 libraries are enumerated just like in windows explorer
* registry option nMaxTButWidth sets the maximum width for text-enabled toolbar
* [P] robust copy <F5> option to overwrite existing folders at destination; this
means that if you copy a folder and its target already exists, it will be deleted
first then the source folder will go on top, effectively removing all old items at
the destination. Overwrite confirmations will follow whatever policy you have for
files (Existing objects overwrite section)
* [P] Bookmarks and user commands on toolbars are valid drop targets (e.g. drag-
drop a file on a bookmark to copy/move a file in the bookmarked folder)
* sticky selection now works in Vista/win7 too
* Actions > Split file shows estimated file pieces and Merge files restores the
original modification date
* Use drag-drop to rearrange folder tabs
* Help > How do I? menu command opens pane with on-board tutorials for common file
management tasks (requires internet connection)
* Tools > Options > Advanced "Quick view docked to the right" means to the right of
window, not tree
* right-click on folder tree background to select sorting by date or name menu
* Help > Tell a friend menu command for those who like xplorer² enough to recommend
it to their pals :)
* Mark > Sync wizard can now check file metadata (column). Unless the column is a
date, the comparison is in the sense identical/different, similar to comparison by
Name only
* [P] Tools > Check duplicates can also check for any file metadata (e.g. find
pictures that have the same "date picture taken")
* [P] Autofilter categories can be used as components in comma-separated wildcards
e.g. -{documents},-{source code}. They are valid in the addressbar too.
* Tools > Advanced options launches the GUI registry settings editor (and quits
* Help > Crash information locates the crash minidump file (if there were any
recorded program crashes). You can then drag-drop it to an email and send it as
attachment to xplorer² customer support.
* [P] Customize > Color coding now supports checkboxes so that you can turn
individual color filters on/off. Right click to tick/untick all checkboxes
* Edit > Paste commands also accept images and text from clipboard; they create
picture or text files from clipboard content, respectively, called x2scrap.*
* Actions > Change attributes includes a checkbox to change the security of
selected items so that everyone is granted full read/write access. WARNING: this
totally whacks all prior security information!
* [P] special paste commands Multi Paste and Sync-o-paste offer to suppress any
overwrite confirmation dialogs (XP or later)
* [P] Edit > Copy to dialog, the queue option is now a persistent tickbox called
"Use queue"
* Script wizard dialog box is resizable like mass rename wizard
* FTP folder file dates are properly DST and timezone adjusted and refreshed... not
sure if that's any good though :(
* Every 3 months xplorer² will prompt you to check if there are program updates to
* File > Mass rename command doesn't stop if errors are experienced, renames as
many items as possible
* Tools > Options > Advanced has tickbox for automatically resizing the Name column
in detailed view mode
* [P] All permanent delete/trash <Shift+Del> commands go through the new robust
delete dialog that continues after errors, has silent mode etc. All delete
operations are queued and executed sequentially
* [P] registry tweak GAOPT_NOROBUSTDEL(=1048576) disable robust delete, all
deletions through explorer
* Help > Command finder locates menu commands using a keyword, if it matches the
menu command's text or its description
* [P] Mark > Quick search understands global saved hyperfilters e.g. :
{earlier_saved_filter} such as you saved e.g. in Find Files dialog (predefined)

[] 28 June 09 ----------------

* registry setting GAOPT_ECONOMYNETWD(=524288) disables network drive icon

extraction, combating the slow startup of some Vistas
* added trialpay option for xplorer² lite (get xplorer² as a free gift, see

[] 3 June 09 ----------------

* windows 7 compatibility
* Help > Check for updates online more user friendly

[] 17 April 09 ----------------

* small but important bugfix for search text in files affecting non-english locales
* greek translation (finally!)

[] 26 February 09 ----------------

* added UndoFolderAssociation.REG file in the installation folder for people that

want to undo folder association to xplorer² without uninstalling the program. See
this page for more information:

[] 6 January 09 ----------------

* find blacklist now supports wildcards, e.g. add "*.svn" under registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZabaraKatranemia Plc\\Find Blacklist
to exclude all folders with .svn in their name from <ctrl+F> searches. Separate
multiple exclusion filters by commas.

[] 13 December 08 ----------------

* registry setting DPF_NOMENU=262144 hide main window menu bar. Issue commands
through toolbars or keyboard shortcuts

[] 23 November 08 ----------------

* [P] improved color coding performance (Customize menu) in large folders

* Added 48x48 program icon
* "Don't lock browsed folder" advanced option now allows easier folder deletion
* Full manual and help updated
* registry option FTCOPT_OPENSUBFOLDERS=64 (for binTreeOptions) tree expands branch
of active node when synchronizing with the active folder
* user commands and those from the addressbar can be applied to ALL selected items
if you use a double prompt e.g. >> or $$. Single prompt characters will apply the
command only to the focused item as usual.
* installer asks you (via a checkbox in Additional Tasks page) whether to associate
xplorer² with folders so it will open when you click on folders on your desktop
etc. This does not include virtual folders like "recycle bin", "my computer" etc.
* [P] Global registry option nCustMenuIcons how many bookmarks, user commands etc
that can be placed on toolbars (5-100)
* Settings editor modified to accept plain numbers as well as slider bar control
* [P] xplorer² registration information shared so you can have both 32/64 bit
running on the same PC. The program settings are shared too.
* Mass rename wizard dialog made X-resizable
* editor² v2.9 with x64 compatibility and some bug fixes
* [P] 64 bit compatibility; to download the separate 64 bit version see
* registry option GAOPT_NOMINIDUMP=16384 don't install crash handler and no
minidump generated
otherwise in case of program crash %TEMP%\x2minidump.mdmp is written in the
temp folder to aid remote debugging
* registry option DPF_NOMIDDLECLOSE=131072 middle/double click won't close tabs
* registry option GAOPT_NOCASCADEFRW=32768 don't open new frame windows cascaded
(displaced bottom/right)
* [P] registry option GAOPT_IGNOREADSERR=65536, robust copy operations won't
complain for file stream loss — use at own risk!
* registry option FTCOPT_SORTBYDATE=32 (for binTreeOptions) sorts tree nodes by
date modified
* mass renamer removes illegal characters from filenames (e.g. those introduced by
ID3 tags) for _underscores
* added environmental variable X2DIR=xplorer2 executable folder, useful for
portable runs. You can set tool paths relative to xplorer2 and use them in custom
user commands, e.g. %X2DIR%..\yourTool.exe $n (note backslash included)
* Actions > Export settings now writes instructions in REG file to remove old
registry information first
* Going up folder (Goto > Up a level) always selects the folder you came out of
* /N command line switch makes xplorer² not read network and other slow folders on
startup, in case they are unavailable
* middle mouse button toggles the selection status of the item under cursor, good
for vista where sticky selection doesn't work. If you don't have middle mouse
button just press left & right simultaneously or click the scrollwheel
* registry field nCodePage (under main key) adds custom code page in various text
file encoding drop-down lists, e.g. a value of 1253 will add Greek codepage and you
can search for greek text in plain text files easier.
* Documents without image preview get a large icon in thumbnail view, like windows
explorer does it
* various bugfixes

[] 29 February 08 ----------------

* new tip 5a advertising the skins available for download:
* addressbar can parse webfolder http:// addresses
* polish and bulgarian translations updated

[] 14 February 08 ----------------

* right click "<<" symbol in pane titlebars to breadcrumb "My computer" (access
root drives)
left click takes you to My Computer
* ctrl+F2 allows to rename files and folders starting with a . (dot) eg .svn
* registry option rgbActiveBgcol (if defined) also provides background color for
tree pane
* global registry option GAOPT_COLCALWAYS=8192 filename color coding applied on
inactive views too
* mirror scrolling tries to keep the two views alinged (if they have same pane
style), even with scrollbars
* registry key binFileOpFlags controls confirmations for file operations initiated
by drag-drop or Paste
this is a boon for commands like Sync-o-Paste and MultiPaste
NOTE: requires windows XP or later
* Goto | Drop target browse the folder that accepted the last drag-drop operation
next best thing for "undoing" accidental drops, especially when moving items
on the same partition
* [P] registry option nCopyThrottleMS optionally introduces a delay (milliseconds)
in robust transfers so that your system resources aren't drained (but copy speed
* Middle mouse button over a folder pane opens new tab; if on a tab it closes said
* [P] Actions > Folder settings > Save includes custom grouping information
(Arrange By > Show in groups) IFF the group is a named (saved) one under Customize
* webfolder/webdav access a bit more bearable (albeit at the expense of date/time
For best results access these folders from a shortcut NOT under "my network
places" (http:// path in the addressbar)
* [P] color coding includes "italic" font style (note: either bold or italic, not
* Command in Help menu allows turning the GUI translation (if any) from english <->
local language
* [P] pushpin button in quick previewer tab strip for more convenient access to
View | Lock viewer command
* toolbar skins supported; just drop a bitmap file called x2skin.bmp in the
installation folder (x2skinBW.bmp for disabled icons)
If you want to redesign buttons on your own you need this (includes instructions)
At present only 16x16 pixel buttons are supported
Here's a list of available skins:
* support for showing headers in all view modes, convenient for sorting UI (vista
(checkbox available in Tools | Options | Advanced)
* registry setting nRefreshTimeoutMS controls how long panels delay till they
refresh themselves after receiving a filesystem change notification
* Additional checks and improvements for Windows Vista compatibility
* editor² v2.8 improvements:
Edit > (Un)Comment to (un)comment out a selected block with adjustable
comment lead string
Warning issued when attempting to load a large binary file
Partially aware of changes (saved) in the active document made outside
TopMost command in system (corner) menu to pin it above other windows
keyboard-only command <alt+pageUp> scrolls current line to the top of the
* [P] various Organize dialogs (bookmarks, folder groups etc) allow selection of
custom icon for menus and toolbars
defaults for bookmarks and user commands available; icons can be in DLLs or
ICO files
* [P] Tools | Folder statistics loads in a separate thread so you can continue
using the main window while it is gathering folder data
* support for Vista's symbolic links (Edit | Paste special menu), a cross between
hard links and shortcuts
IMPORTANT: UAC blocks this command so you have to Run As administrator!
* Goto | Find target command and "Shortcut to" column are aware of junctions and
symbolic links
* registry flag GAOPT_FOLLOWJUNCTIONS=4096 to treat junctions as normal folders for
search, flatten etc
* various bugs fixed
* registry setting DPF_SHOW1TAB=65536 forces tab strip visibility even when only
one tab is available
* global registry string "szAltBrowser" can contain path for browser executable
other than the default internet explorer
* [P] robust transfer will not jump the queue if there's already an active copy
also more details are available for queued operations (Edit | Queue status)
* [P] improved loading speed for CIDA files; keyboard ESCapable too!
* GUI registry settings editor updated for all new registry settings above

[] 23 June 07 ----------------

* full help file updated for v1.7

* registry option GAOPT_NOVISTAGLASS=1024, disable fancy selection bars etc in
vista, make it look like XP
* registry option GAOPT_VISTADDICONES=2048 show images while drag drop (default=OFF
since it crashes some vistas)
* registry option DPF_XPTABHILITE=32768 gives active tab an orange tinge like in XP
* "New" shell context menu within folder background menu now works
* <ctrl+C> in all "Organize" dialogs (bookmarks etc) copies the full text in the
clipboard (copy button too)
* command line option /I:settings.REG forces xplorer2 to use alternative settings
file (portability)
best to place the REG file in the same folder as the executable
* command line option /W allows writing to registry even in portable mode
* registry setting DPF_CASCADECRUMBS=16384 puts all folder hierarchy in breadcrumbs
in cascading submenus
(sadly it only works with the mouse)
* right click on a subpath in each pane's titlebar to see a menu of its subfolders
to access the old "recent folder history" hold down <ctrl> while right-
clicking (or use <alt+F2>)
* improved sorting speed for explorer (non-stock) columns
* registry option DPF_MINIMIZE2TRAY=8192 forces main window to minimize to tray
(only if a single instance is present)
* <F8> creates new folder even if tree has the focus (under hilighted node)
* [P] scrap shell context menu works for all selections, even those with multiple
folders involved
* [P] registry option GAOPT_THREADEDPDF=512, enables pdf text background thread
extraction (requires Adobe Reader 7+)
* x2SettingsEditor.exe now part of the distribution, no more registry hacking for
xplorer2 advanced options
(you will find this in the program's installation folder c:\program
* registry option GIOPT_PROTECT1SEL=65536 if you want to protect single item
"selections" under Eat first click policy
* [P] quick previewer now shows items from mini-scrap
* [P] mini scrap is a valid source of command scripts
* All "log" windows (including Keyboard Use) have Find command in context menu to
search for text (or <ctrl+F>)
* Each pane has folder icon on its titlebar; right click on it to access folder
background menu
* New tips: 1b, 6a, 9e, 26a, 33a, 61a, 62, 74b, 98b, 157a
* fixed multimonitor window positioning quirks (?)
* "shortcut to" column also shows target of internet shortcuts (.URL)
* editor2 upgraded to v2.7 featuring better visuals as well as:
/M command line switch similar to xplorer2 (ensure window will not open
when file is modified a [*] sign appears on the titlebar
various small bugs fixed
* quickviewer (text preview) hilights and executes URLs with your internet browser
* Actions | ADS | Split streams menu command extracts secondary streams in separate
* in thumbnail view, left-right arrows will (mostly) scroll as expected when at the
end of line
* Mouse-friendly "GO" button to the right of addressbar
* registry option GIOPT_ADDRBARENDOK=8192 allows addressbar to activate as you
select an item from history list (ENTER not required)
* keyboard-only command ctrl+Y repeats the last menu command executed (extra
arguments may be required)
* added friendly date category "last hour" for recently modified files (and group)
* Mark | Selection | Show brings as many of the selected items in view as possible
(also used for "scroll to top")
* registry option GIOPT_DIREXTENSIONS=16384 enables filename "extensions" for
folders (past the dot)
* [P] when in Quicksearch, press <shift+enter> in the addressbar to show only the
matching files (filter visibility)
* new split dialog preset category for DVDs (just how big are your files? :)
* [P] stream loss warning during robust copy can be supressed for the remaining
files clicking "Yes to All"
* [P] Customize | Keyboard menu allows modifying the keyboard shortcuts for most
xplorer2 commands.
* [P] Customize | "Keyboard use" updated to show all keyboard assignments to
* more fine tuning for windows vista
* When "Don't lock browsed folder" advanced setting is checked, current directory
is set prior to command/script execution to active folder
* Actions | Set comment allows multiline comments (will look a bit weird in the
single-line column!)
* Tab-strip right click menu has command to save all paths in a comma separated
list (try pasting in a scrap :)

[] 1 December 06 ----------------

* full manual available for downloading

* fixed large icon (48x48) bug with custom drive icons
* registry option GAOPT_NOCUSTOMICONS (==256) stops extracting custom drive icons
(for non-standard >32x32 icon sizes)

[] 9 November 06 ----------------

* /M command line option forces xplorer2 window to open (i.e. not be minimized)
when the program starts
* new "D" attribute for directories useful for folder detection in hyperfilters
* addressbar understands bookmark names for browsing folders; use up/down arrow for
* Ctrl+Alt+F10 repeats last shell context menu command on selection (keyboard only
command), makes sense only for similar selections!
* fixed drawing bug with XP gridlines
* tips & tricks dialog is modeless, allowing you to test its recommendations while
it's being shown
* toolbar context menu has option to "Lock toolbars"
* [P] custom groups are automatically reinstated on startup, IF last group was in
the saved list (Customize menu)
* [P] fuzzy filename matching with % tolerance in search etc dialogs: 100% exact
match, 90% fuzzier, etc
* [P] generic document categories (images, music, text etc) can be used as filename
filters, autofilters etc. You can amend the extension list under global registry
key "File types" to taste
* [P] View | Pane style | Mini thumbs for 2nd (smaller by default) thumbnail size
* registry variable "nThumbMini100" controls how much % smaller (or larger) is
mini-thumb from normal thumbnail
* registry variable GIOPT_PACKEDTHUMBS=536870912 for tight vertical bunching of
* [P] Mark | Quicksearch will mark files that contain the text in _any_ column,
even dates etc
* [P] File | Clear removes all contents from scrap panes (also available from mini-
scrap context menu)
* Help | What's new? command offers access to "changes.txt" in the installation
* improved windows vista compatibility
* [P] when showing in groups, shift+column click on the major column will do a
secondary sort on it within the group
* registry setting GAOPT_TREENONETENUM=128 causes the tree not to exhaustively
enumerate all network contents (computer names) during <alt+T>. Manual expansion
still enumerates everything though.
* [P] right-drag a folder to a scrap and there will be a context menu option to
flatten it for subfolders (instead of the usual files)
* new tips: 1a, 12b, 63a, 71a, 98a, 124a, 124b, 134a, 144a, 144b
* [P] View | Mini scrap, enjoy all (most) amenities of a scrap container in the
main window
<Ctrl+Alt+TAB> to jump into it from a view; load/save contents with context
mini scrap automatically saves its contents when you close it (that's
controlled through CLVOPT_AUTOSAVESCRAP registry option)
context menu contains command "save as" to change CIDA filenames on the fly
<ctrl+S> from a normal pane sends items to mini-scrap IFF there's no other
scrap window open (registry GIOPT_NOKEYSENDMS to disable this)
* editor2 now understands code pages (/C:nnn command line option & View menu)
* more extensive use of keyboard application buttons
* advanced option to close old window after cloning a new layout (different
registry key)
* some obscure GIOPT_xxx constants moved to a different registry key (see
* [P] Tools | Check duplicates now behaves as "check for duplicates under this
* [P] Group view now supports Name as a column, doing A-Z grouping of file names

[] 25 June 06 ----------------

* registry option DPF_X2TITLETRAIL forces xplorer2 to appear last in titlebar

(see registry.txt; if set you lose dirkey compatibility)

[] 5 June 06 ----------------

* Alt+Shift+GRAY_+ select all files with basenames same as the one in focus
(GRAY_- to unselect)
* New tips (see x2tips.txt in installation folder): 75a, 152c, 155a, 160a
* [P] View | Raw contents can be used for filesystem folders too
* [P] Folder groups now save any fixed tab names too
* [P] Customize | Color coding sets up text attributes for certain file types
* registry option GIOPT_QSNOFCONTENT (=268435456) stops quicksearch looking in file
(only scan text in columns/details shown)
* [P] Robust transfer options can be saved & restored for common scenarios
* Improved icon overlay extraction for TortoiseCVS etc
* View | Lock viewer freezes quickview to whatever item it is currently showing
* [P] View | Arrange by | Custom groups to organize a pane's content using your own
hyperfilters (winXP)
* [P] Customize | Custom groups submenu to manage such custom categories
* registry option nThumbSpacing for tighter icon spacing in thumbnail view mode
(recommended: 3 pixels)
* Edit | Duplicate now allows you to rename the new item (if single)
* dragging/opening from a single folder respects the visible item order
* filter, group and other view changes preserve the old selection status
* Help | Licence agreement shows the small print associated with program usage
* Edit | Paste special new submenu to handle NTFS folder junctions
* Goto | Find target now traces junction targets as well as regular shortcuts
* Generic text input dialog is now resizable

[] 02 March 2006 -------

* full manual published

* registry option GIOPT_NODIRTHUMBS=134217728 stops extracting folder thumbnails in

[] 06 February 2006 -------

* registry option szNewFileExt provides extension for NewFile (F7) command

e.g. set it to txt to create text files
* [P] date rules in hyperfilters now can count in years too
* [P] Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down goto next/previous group
* updated quickstart guide & new tips: 19a, 27a, 47a, 108a, 152b, 159a
* [P] Mark | Quicksearch marks items searching for text in _any_ text column shown
& in file contents
(you can also type the wanted phrase in the addressbar using ':' as a prompt)
* [P] Show in groups (Arrange by menu), requires winXP
secondary in-group sorting by shift-clicking on column header
* Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down move focused item up/down in the listing (override sort order)
* Mark | Total size, marks items summing up to "Total size" for subsequent copy
* Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Grey+ select current group (- to unselect)
* [P] robust copy with hyper filters (only for filesystem source+targets)
Filter in F5 dialog can be just a wildcard you type, e.g. "*.cpp,*.h"
* [P] new transfer options for robust copy: clear "A" source attribute and copy
only existing files
* [P] 20 icons in bookmarks and customize menu (more items can go on toolbars)
* [P] paste special | Multi paste drops same copy on all selected folders (always
copy, not move!)
* Ctrl+Alt+C copies selected paths as a comma separated list (useful for searching
in multiple folders)
* Advanced option for user-friendly date columns (today/yesterday/...)
* [P] stock column for shortcut target path
* size on disk column now shows ADS (streams) size too
* folder thumbnails shown properly (winXP)
* added UNC path $U token for network-wide file access
* ctrl+alt+P copies only active column (main sort)
* status bar pane for item index
* statusbar tooltips
* registry option GIOPT_NOCOLCACHE(=16777216) don't cache column information (for
CVS users)
* registry option GIOPT_RENFULLNAME(=33554432) F2 selects all filename, including
the extension
* [P] folder context menu (right click "nowhere") contains explorer commands too
* [P] scrap optionally saves CIDA file with UNC names for PC-independent access
(use Save as type in SaveAs)
* [P] recent file list in scrap windows (CIDA files accessed) Actions menu
* Brazilian translation

[] 20 October 2005 -------

* "extension" in folder names is now ignored when sorting by type

* indonesian translation

[] 12 October 2005 -------

* ctrl+E toggles equal/maximal panes

* Ctrl+U swaps all tabs; Ctrl+O will keep the second view folders if that's active
* new tips: 12a, 82a, 99a (see x2tips.rtf in installation folder)
* left/rightFolder command line arguments can also be the name of a saved folder
(Customize menu) to set on startup
* more options in Advanced page (previously available through registry editing)
* drivebar (view | toolbars)
* copy queue (F5/F6 dialogs and Edit | Queue status)
* alt+enter gives preference to item properties whenever possible
* search text in files with regular expressions (grep/filters/file search)
for syntax see
* multi-way sort (shift+click column header)
* added a couple of file version stock columns for win98
* topmost toggle in system menu pins any x2 window above other windows
* GIOPT_NOLEFTDND=4194304 to disable left drag-drop (see registry.txt)
* GIOPT_SHELLAUTOCOMP=8388608 autocomplete path fields explorer style, not with F1
(available from advanced options)
* tooltips for infobars
* a few bugfixes
* a few translations NOT updated (chinese)

[] 6 June 2005 -------

* Last active complex visual filter (Alt+H) saved and is available on restart with
* registry setting "nHoverTimeoutMS" controls delay before hover auto-expansion
of tabs or tree nodes during dragging. In millisecons (1sec == 1000ms)
* new stock column: Streams counts files' ADS (see tip #165)
* Most customized icons are now read properly
* New tips: 9d, 88a, 88b, 93a, 152a, 156a, 162-164, 165
* File | Browse can open multiple selected items (asks confirmation)
* right click to rename a tab (semi-permanent)
* View | Visual filter | Auto-filter filters one particular file type
out of those available in the folder
* % progress display for robust copy & resizable dialog
* fixed bug with MP3 comments
* settings saved properly during windows shutdown
* Raw "encoding" for file text search (FindFiles command too) to search file
raw bytes without interpreting text content in any way (e.g. BOMs or text
filters are ignored). Makes all searches binary & case sensitive.
* Text encoding settings available in find files dialog
* possible to change folder time/date with Actions | change attributes (not for 98)
* Tools | compare subfolders automates the tedium of creating dual-pane flat
scrap windows for comparison/synchronization of folder hierarchies.
* <ctrl+F9> Sync wizard: "Loose name matching" option matches items by name
ignoring their relative position in the folder hierarchy. Useful for dual
scrap windows, but note you can't sync-o-paste the results of such a
* "scenario" combo box in Ctrl+F9 dialog offers easy access to typical
synchronization scenaria
* quickviewer gets extra tab "Normal" showing the exact preview of the focused item
(ActiveX) for word, excel etc documents. "Draft" preview is the traditional
quick mode for text, graphics and media. You can even edit word documents(!)
<Alt+Q> to switch between normal/draft modes
* registry option "rgbActiveBgcol" to set background color of active folder
* "rgbFilterBgcol" registry option changes bg color when a visual filter is
active, hiding some of the items in a folder pane
* new media-related stock columns for detailed view (most for windows XP only)
* all filesystem columns available for selection in scrap windows
(may cause confusion if any non filesystem items are present)
* "autosize columns" added to the context menu of infobars
* new translations: Swedish, Hungarian and Chinese simplified

[] 30 March 2005 -------

* batch files get CMD extension if running under NT
* spanish translation

[] 12 March 2005 -------

(sadly we lost some translations since some translators didn't respond to my call)

* PDF, office document etc searching & previewing via IFilter (win2000 and later)
now quick preview shows text (unformatted) and you can also search within
"binary" files for contained text. For PDFs you need this add-on:
Additional filters from:
* editor2 [] copies only text in clipboard
* Actions | ADS | (un)bundle: pack all selected files' streams for transport.
This helps preserve file comments and other ADS when you copy on floppy disks
Unbundling command is for extracting all the original streams (for NTFS
* Actions | ADS | view streams: inspect alternate streams e.g. comments
(mainly for the curious, no real utility :)
* help button [?] for dialogs sends to bitesize help
* new stock column: contents: # of subitems (useful for locating empty folders)
* sorted out webfolders a little, still suck compared to ftp
* "bSingleWindow" registry option for single instance/window operation (see
* Tools | Options | Advanced option to calculate subfolder sizes automatically
(subfolder size _not_ automatically calculated for root or network drives)
* enabled column selection in virtual folders
* new file attributes: O-offline files, J-junctions/reparse points
* new advanced property page in Tools | Options
* new command tokens: ${column_name} is substituted with the contents of
for each selected item (useful for batch files or/and mass renaming)
$? command/script token asks for user input
* Actions | Export settings to save registry key info to a file
You can import the .REG file on another computer to have the same settings
* copy option: rename target instead of overwriting
another one to calculate the size upfront and warn about free space
* when doing folder groups, extra tabs are closed
* double-click on a tab to close it, on some empty space to get a new tab
* ctrl+alt+ins opens tab in inactive pane
* view | toolbars | info bars, customizable status bar for each pane
(right-click to select columns)
* Easier access to duplicates finder from main window (Tools | Check duplicates)
* new advanced option for custom icon overlays (e.g Tortoise CVS)
* free space status bar pane also shows percent free
* tree now shows zipfolders if forced with Alt+T

[] 27 December 2004 -------

* folder icons in tabs
* <ctrl+alt+GreyPlus> select items with same extension as focus (see tip #155)
* bXPNumberSort (see registry.txt) allows "friendly" numeric sorting of filenames
* <alt+enter> in scrap windows flattens all selected folders (see tip #156)
* fixed the odd bug
* new language: chinese

[] 23 November 2004 -------

* small bugfix
* new languages added: french & japanese

[] 3 November 2004 -------

* folder tabs (File | New tab) allowing many folders for each pane; use Window menu
to close tabs
* saving tabs (Customize | Folder groups)
* robust copy operations with additional options for overwrite confirmations and
error handling (see Edit | Copy to dialog)
* registry tweak: GIOPT_ROBUSTPASTE(=131072) to decide if Edit | Paste goes robust
(default=explorer paste)
* Edit | Duplicate (creates "copy of" file)
* /T commandline option NOT to restore tabs
* tabs move left/right with context menu
* tabbed folders included as targets in F5 copy dialog
* Actions | Folder settings | Suspend temporarily custom folder settings
* File | Trash (toolbar button only): delete permanently (like shift+delete)
* More translations

[] 8 August 2004 -------

* fixed bug with WMP9 locking x2's process after exit
* registry tweaks for various 2x-friendly titlebar settings (see registry.txt)

[] 12 July 2004 -------

* GUI translated to various languages (external resource DLLs)
(actually just German for the moment, a few others under way)
* console2 now properly handles unix (LF) text output
* tree/quick viewer can be tiled vertically: see nTreeQVTileVertical in
* keyboard shortcuts for toolbar buttons in Find and Organize dialogs
* flyby text showing the path for back/forward navigation and quick-bookmark
* View | Visual Filter | Rule based (hyperfiltering for visibility)
"Same filter" forces the active pane filter to the inactive pane
* Actions | Import clipboard for scrap windows: insert items from text paths in
clipboard; one FULL path per line, no quotes or comma separators
Useful for importing from other apps like PIMs
* sorted out UTF-8 bugs in editor2

[] 21 June 2004 -------

* faster reading for large FAT32 folders
* Tools | Options | Window: new options for setting the background color of the
inactive browser panel and checkbox for track (hover) select view mode
* status bar panel to show free disk space; refresh rate controlled via
"msFreeSpaceUpdateInterval"; set to 0 to disable the feature (see registry.txt)
* quickview szAudioExtList/szVideoExtList moved to registry key
* full manual now available for downloading

[] 10 June 2004: Initial release

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