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Running head: Telling My Story 1

Telling My Story Using My PDQP

Erin Woodson

National University

November 25, 2018



Throughout this paper, I have evaluated my competencies associated with the skills in TPE
Domain A. I have listed some strengths and weakness while evaluating my progress and setting
goals for the future. 


For TPE Domain A, I initially found it quite difficult to assess my progress and group

them into this Domain effectively. After developing a further understanding, I realize that

Domain A is ultimately stating that an English teacher, or English teacher candidate, should

adequately be able to teach English. The domain categorizes different elements of the English

subject and outline specific skills that teachers and candidates should be able to teach. At this

point in my career, I do feel as though I have shown competency in this domain, however, there

is not much sufficient evidence because of my short time in the classroom. I have many lesson

plans and few observations but in order to truly convey competency, I believe I will need more

time in the classroom to create more instances of evidence.

The artifacts that I have chosen to showcase my competency thus far are a supervisor

observation and a performance appraisal done at my current teaching location. I believe these are

the best examples at this point because they show an outside observation of those competencies

and not just self appraisal or acknowledgement. Aside from those, I do believe that there are

many lesson plans that could be submitted to satisfy this domain because they demonstrate

attempts to teach many of the skills mentioned in the TPE. These, however, do not showcase

much peer input or progressive reflection because I simply have not been in the classroom long

enough. Although lesson plans will demonstrate a great intent to make concepts understandable

for students, they do not exactly show that the comprehension or understanding has been


In my personal opinion, I have many strengths demonstrated in this domain, as well as

much learning. As Constantino and Tirrel-Corbin say in our textbook, “Teachers must present

authentic evidence of what they know, what they are able to do, and how their teaching increases

student achievement.” (p. 28) Since I agree with this statement, I realize that it is not enough for

me to state those competencies, I must find artifacts to prove my beliefs. In developing this e-

portfolio, I would like to both “highlight my best work”(12), and “create an authentic assessment

of my individual performance or achievements in real life situations tied to the six TPE domains

or common core standards.” (Unit 1 Powerpoint) After developing and assessing my PDQP, I

plan to create tangible goals to fulfill the six TPE domains.



Class Lecture. TED 690 Unit One Lecture Notes.National University.

Costantino, P. M., N., D. L., & Tirrell-Corbin, C. (2009). Developing a professional

teaching portfolio a guide for success. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.

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