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Stone Masonry

The most common materials used in stone masonry are granite,

limestone, marble, sandstone, and slate. Due to the development of
new materials and methods of construction, stones are now used
mainly for their decorative value.

Most stones are removed from a quarry and sent to a finishing mill
for final dressing. Some stones are used in their original shapes and
surface finishes.
Stone Masonry
Stone masonry can be laid as solid walls of stone or as composite
walls backed with concrete block or tile. It is also used as a veneer.
Stone walls are classified in the following ways:

consists of stones as they come from the quarry or

are gathered from a field or stream.

stones are squared stones that have been laid in a

pattern but not cut to dimensions.
Stone Masonry
Cut stones, also known as dimensional stones, are cut and
finished at the mill to meet the specifications of a particular
construction job.
Cut stones
Unlike ashlar masonry, which is laid largely at the design of the
mason, cut stones are laid according to the design of the civil
Construction jobs make use of metal windows, doors, studs, beams,
joists, wall facings, roofing, plumbing, and hardware . Among the
different kinds of metals, there are included the following:

Metals can be divided into two categories, ferrous and nonferrous.

Ferrous metals contain iron as a principal element, and usually have
magnetic properties. Nonferrous metals contain no iron and do not have
magnetic properties. They are typically lighter and less strong than
ferrous metals.
stoun meisenri

de moust cɑmen metirielz yuzd in estoun meisenri ɑr granet, laim

estoun, mɑrbel, esand estoun, and esleit. du tu de divelepment aav nu
metirielz and mesedz aav censtracshen, estounz ɑr nau yuzd meinli
far der decretiv valyu.

moust estounz ɑr rimuvd fram e cwari and esent tu e finishin mil far
fainel dresin. esam estounz ɑr yuzd in der eriyenel esheips and
esɜrfes finishiz.
stoun meisenri
stoun meisenri can bi leid az esɑled walz aav estoun ar az cempɑzet
walz bact wid cɑncrit blɑc ar tail. it iz alsou yuzd az e venir. estoun
walz ɑr clase faid in de fɑlouin weiz:

censists aav estounz az dei cam fram de cwari ar ɑr

gaderd fram e fild ar estrim.

estounz ɑr escwerd estounz dat hav bin leid in e

patern bat nɑt cat tu dimenshenz.
stoun meisenri
alsou noun az dimenshenel estounz, ɑr cat and finisht at de mil
tu mit de espesefeceishenz aav e perticyeler censtracshen yɑb.

enlaic ashlar meisenri, witch iz leid lɑryli at de dizain aav de

cat estounz
meisen, cat estounz ɑr leid ecardin tu de dizain aav de esivel
censtracshen yɑbz meic yuz aav metel windouz, darz, estadz, bimz,
yaists, wal feisinz, rufin, plamin, and hɑr dwer . eman de diferent caindz
aav metelz, der ɑr included de fɑlouin:

metelz can bi divaided intu tu cate gariz, feres and nɑnferes. feres
metelz centein aiern az e prinsepel element, and yuʒeweli hav magnetic
prɑpertiz. nɑnferes metelz centein nou aiern and du nɑt hav magnetic
prɑpertiz. dei ɑr tipicli laiter and les estran dan feres metelz.

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