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Katherine Giselle Hernandez

4965 S 20th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221

(414) 555-5555

Passionate and well rounded student that is eager to be a better version of herself. Has experience with customer
service in a big restaurant franchise and working with elementary school kids. Is an open-minded, caring innovator
that works well under pressure and is very perservierent. Will make sure that everything she does is done at her best
ability and is excited to see what the future has in store for her.

Ronald Reagan High School,​​ Milwaukee, WI
May 2020
Overall GPA: 3.4375/4.00

Professional Experience
Cashier / Host at Golden Corral Milwaukee, WI July 2018 - Present
● Met the needs and attended to a diverse variety of people
● Collaborated with different people from different age groups and ethnic background
● Created professional relationships with management and coworkers
● Learned to be flexible with different situations and how to work under pressure quickly
● Gained a greater experience with dealing with money and working a register
YVC ( Youth Volunteer Corps ) at The United Community
Center/Bruce Guadalupe K-8 School June 2018-July 2018 June 2018-July 2018
● Leaded a large group of, mostly hispanic, 7-8 year old students and assisted them with the activities that were
assigned and took care of them when going on field trips
● Collaborated with different people the same age and older to make plans for our group and make sure the
students were having fun
● Dealt with a different variety of well and not-well behaved students
● Gained and practiced leadership experience
● Built relationships with the students and discovered my passion of working with children

*Additional references available upon request*
Alicia Szukalski Mrs. Szukalski is my manager at Golden Corral. She and I
work together and collaborate routinely and regularly to
create a comfortable establishment for the customers and
make sure their experience is nothing but excellent.

John Gamm Mr. Gamm is my other manager at Golden Corral. He and I

also work together and collaborate routinely and regularly
to create a comfortable establishment for the customers and
make sure their experience is nothing but excellent.
Lizbeth Jurado Mrs. Jurado is an Administrative Assistant for Youth
Programs United Community Center. She and I
collaborated together at Bruce Guadalupe and
communicated over the benefits of the YVC program.

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