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The parameter “number of averages” determines the number of

consecutive spectra used for averaging. The larger the number of

spectra used for averaging, the more noise spikes are smoothed out
and the more accurately true spectral peaks are represented.

However, the larger the “number of averages”, the more data needs to
be collected, and therefore the longer it takes to obtain the “average
spectrum”. A “number of averages” of 4 is sufficient for most cases.

The larger the number

of spectra used for
averaging, the slower
the measurement.

Number of Measure
Averages Speed

Collected data is usually not directly used to generate a spectrum, but

is often modified beforehand to cater for certain limitations of the FFT
process (the process that transforms the data into a spectrum). Data is
usually modified by multiplication with a correction window. This
prevents spectral lines from “smearing” or “leaking” into one another.

“Window type” is the parameter that determines the kind of window

that is used. The “Hanning” window is usually used. If the
“rectangular” window is used, the data will effectively not be modified.

Amplitude Amplitude
Hanning window No window
used used

Frequency Frequency

Copyright  2003 COMMTEST INSTRUMENTS 44 Beginner’s Guide To Machine Vibration

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