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POP Cycle Semester 3 Lesson Plan

Day 17 Unit 3

Jennifer Rios English 11A Grade Level:​​ ​11A 10/17/18

Standard(s): ​CCSS ELA Literacy Writing 1 Single Day Lesson

I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Supporting arguments using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence
The student will be able to support their arguments with relevant and sufficient evidence (W1)
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence): ​Today’s lesson
continues our writing process for this unit. It highlights valid reasoning as well and reviews that relevant
and sufficient evidence looks like. Students will receive important purposeful feedback through the use
of technology that will help them to reach a higher level of mastery on this writing standard.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities): ​A warm up “Do Now” asking them to asses their
feelings on their progress in the writing process thus far and what they need help with.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
C. Step #1 - Classroom Routines
a. Discussing the Do Now, hearing from volunteers, and cold calling to hear various responses
b. Explaining the agenda for the day
c. Giving class and school announcements
d. Introducing and explaining the Learning Objective for the lesson
Step #2 - Padlet Reasoning Activity
a. Teacher models for students how to compose a reasoning post to Padlet
b. Students discuss their reasoning with their partners before drafting their own posts
c. Students post the argument and reasoning for their rough drafts to an anonymous Padlet
d. Students comment on their classmate’s posts, rate them on a persuasive reasoning scale, and
discuss feedback through the Padlet
e. Students reflect on the feedback given to their post, and write down their ideas to improve
their reasoning
Step #3 - Evidence Kahoot
a. Teacher introduces how to play Kahoot and informs students of the procedures to play
b. Using the Evidence Handout and any notes they have, students compete to answer the quiz
questions to gain the most points. Questions are matching the most “relevant and sufficient”
evidence to example arguments and reviewing skills necessary to Master this writing
c. Top three students are rewarded with a sweet treat and students discuss their experience with
their peers.
Step #4 - Engagement and Motivation Survey
d. Students complete a google forms survey asking the level of their engagement and
motivation in these learning activities
e. Students give detailed explanations about how the technology help improve their
understanding of the learning objective
D. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): ​Rough Draft Peer Edit
a. Students trade printed rough drafts for their argumentative essay using the rubric and outline
as a guide and checklist for how to improve their writing.
b. Students mark and annotate their partners essay, giving useful feedback to help their
c. Students discuss their feedback and ask further questions
d. As a class, we discuss common mistakes and how to improve them
e. Students then facilitate their own final draft workshop in which they discuss ideas for
improvement on individual essays and begin to edit their rough draft and turning it into a
more polished final draft essay with a proper works cited page
E. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: ​Printed rough drafts for each individual student, chromebooks,
internet,​ ​access to google classroom, instructions for activities, and partners
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):
​Students will be pre-assessed with the level of mastery on their rough draft to the level of mastery
in their final draft after a series of workshops and activities to help improve their writing skills
​Printed directions broken into clear steps, visual elements in the powerpoint to help clarify,
specific seating closer to the front of the class so teacher can check in as often as possible for
understanding, constant check for understanding strategies, extra time with SPED or EL specialists to
complete the assessment
VII. HOMEWORK (IF APPROPRIATE): ​ None, only if classwork is not complete
*** Previously completed by students prior to this lesson, used as a checklist in the peer edit ***
Day 16 Outline

Remediation Near Mastery Mastery Exceeds Mastery

Position is unclear Establishes position with Establishes position with Extends topic by cohesively connecting
and lacking supporting claims, supporting claims and is claims from multiple sources in order to
relevant and however, does not familiar with counter create a balanced point of view.
balanced support. acknowledge arguments against position. Establishes position with supporting
Style and tone are counterarguments Maintains an appropriate claims and addresses the
absent from against position. Reflects style and tone for argument. counterarguments against position.
writing. basic understanding of Revises argument for style, Creates a common ground between
tone. tone, clarity and cohesiveness. opposing positions. Reflects sophisticated
style and tone.

The Hook


Thesis Statement

Body Paragraph 1: Claim 1

- Claim 1
- Evidence
- Analysis

Body Paragraph 2: Claim 2

- Claim 1
- Evidence
- Analysis

Body Paragraph 3: Counterclaim

- Counterclaim
- Counterclaim evidence
- Refute

Restate Thesis

Summarize the Subtopics

The Finishing Touch

Evidence Kahoot Questions:
*** Students use these during the Kahoot Evidence quiz ***

Read these as I move on to the next question on the Kahoot website.

Question 1. ​In our country, 16-year olds should be allowed to vote because many important
issues, such as money for college, will have a significant impact on them.
A. “It would be unfair to say that a 16-year-old’s thoughts aren’t legitimately valid, but they’re very
often lacking in life experience and should be taken with a grain of salt.”
B. “They’re not shaped by enough life experience to know what’s what, far less make valid
choices around running the country”
C. “Giving 16 year olds the vote would result in two things; one – they wouldn’t bother, two, if they
did, they’d just tick the same box their parents had talked about.”
D. “Student activists around the country have demonstrated, many teenagers, have very well
thought out positions and frankly, in many cases, they’re leading the adults”

Question 2. My local government should ban soda from all public places.
A. “Medical evidence indicates that the rising thirst for Soda, the so called "liquid candy," has
been a major contributor to the obesity and diabetes epidemics.
B. “The caffeine found in soda can help give a tired worker a boost in energy to continue their
shift, without resulting in a more dangerous habit”
C. “Soda is often used a quick remedy for people experiencing low blood sugar”
D. “Many people who want to clean their toilet bowls, rely on soda to do the job with its
carbonated properties to clean stains”

Question 3. Toy guns should be banned because they inappropriate toys for young children,
who fail to understand the safe handling of a weapon.
A. “If every child who played with toy weapons turned out to be a killer then there would be
nobody left alive on the planet...It’s part of growing up and role playing and exploring.”
B. “Found that children who are reprimanded for gun play become “dispirited” and “withdrawn”
believing they’re doing something wrong and, as is the nature of contraband, they’ll go
underground and find another way.”
C. “Playing with toys guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get
older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun.”
D. “Toy guns are a classic toy that should not be tossed out simply because of some worried

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