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RANGE CORRELATION EFFECTS IN RADARS spectrum is the convolution of the transmit spectrum with the target

Mervin C. Budge, Jr. and clutter natural spectrum. the received spectrum will also have
Dynetics, Inc., Huntsville, AL more spread and flat regions when compared to those caused by the
Mickie P.Burt ideal transmitted signal. In the example of Figure Id, the spread on
Missile and Space Intelligence Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL the transmit signal and the target Doppler frequency are such that the
target signal is almost obscured by the clutter signal.
ABSTRACT While Figure Id is representative of the spectrum of the re-
ceiver input it might not be representativeof the spectrum at the sig-
This paper addresses the problem of characterizing the ef- nal processor input. This is due to a filtering effect termed range
fects of range correlation and local oscillator phase noise on the in- correlation [1-51. The filtering effect is a high pass type and is
termediate frequency spectrum in a coherent, continuous wave or caused by correlation between the phase noise on the LO signal and
pulsed Doppler radar. Since the phase noise is a stochastic process, the phase noise on the received signal. The word range in the term
the problem is defined in a stochastic processes context and a rea- range correlation derives from the fact that the amount of correla-
sonable set of assumptions are imposed to produce a general, tion, and thus the amount of filtering, depends upon the range of the
straight forward and easily understood solution. The solution target or clutter cell being illuminated,i.e. the time delay between the
clearly indicates how the natural spectrum of the scatterer, the phase transmitted and received signals. Specifically,the correlation and
noise spectrum and range correlation combine to produce the inter- amount of filtering is large at short ranges and becomes smaller as
mediate fquency spectrum. A specific example is provided for the range increases since the correlation of the transmittedsignal phase
case of a pulsed Doppler radar. Finally, the results derived in this noise with the receiver oscillator phase noise is strongest for short
paper are compared to the fairly widely accepted formulation that is time delays.
based on the assumption that the phase noise is deterministic. The problem of range correlation and its effect has been ad-
dressed by several authors [ 1-51. However, most of the approaches
I" and their proposed solutions have been based on a deterministic
model of phase noise. In fact, the approaches assume a sinusoidal
It is well known that the performance of continuous wave phase modulation as the phase noise.
(CW) and pulsed Doppler radars in the presence of clutter is limited In actuality the phase noise is not deterministicbut is a
by the phase and amplitude modulation noise sidebands of the local stochastic process. Therefore the characterizationof range correla-
oscillator (Lo)signal used to generate the transmittedsignal, and tion should also be cast as a stochastic processes problem. In his
convert the received signal to some intermediatefrequency (IF). 1966 paper [11, Raven formulated the range correlation problem in
The net effect of the noise sidebands is to spread clutter energy into such a manner but failed to provide an easily used solution. In this
the frequency region of the target signal and potentially obscure the paper we impose a reasonable set of approximationsthat allow the
target return or. at least, reduce the target signal-toclutter (9C)ratio. stochastic formulation of the range correlation problem to be solved
'zhe above is illustrated in Figure 1. In Figure 1 fo is the carrier in terms of power spectra. The solution provides a straight forward
frequency and f D 4 the target Doppler frequency. It is assumed method for combining phase noise spectra, natural clutter (and tar-
that the clutter is at zero Doppler. get) spectra and range correlation effects to produce the spectrum at
the input to the signal processor, termed the IF spectrum herein.
This paper is divided into five sections including this intro-
ductory section. The second section contains a formulation of the
range correlation problem and the third section contains a discussion
of the solution. A specific example is provided in the fourth section
and the paper closes with a summary.

f0 fo jo+fD
a) Ideal transmitted signal b) Receivedsignal assodated A functional block diagram of the radar configurationcon-
with ideal transmitted signal sidered in this paper is shown in Figure 2. The transmitted signal,
v(t), can be represented by

where fo is the carrier frequency and $(t) is a random phase per-

turbation that is referred to as the phase noise on the carrier. The
phase noise is what gives rise to phase noise sidebands on the
f0 j: joijD transmitted signal and causes the spectral spreading of the transmit-
c) 'Practical' transmitted signal d) Received signal associated with ted signal that was discussed in the introduction. The primary con-
that includes noise sidebands 'pradical' transmitted signal tributor to the phase noise is the local oscillator (LO). The transmit-
ter elements (modulator, amplifiers, power tube, etc.) also add phase
Figure I Transmined and Received Signal Spectra noise to the transmitted signal but their contributionsare usually
negligible compared to that of the LO and will be ignored in this
Figure l a illustrates an ideal transmitted signal spectrum paper.
while Figure 1 b is the spectrum of its associated target and clutter The amplitude term, 4, in Equation (1) accounts for factors
return signal. The spectral spreading on the returned signal is that such as transmit power, antenna gain, and losses. In practice A,,
caused by motion of the various scatterers of the target and clutter. also has a random component, caused by the LO and transmitter,
This spread is termed the "natural spectrum" of the target and clut- that is referred to as amplitude noise. As with phase noise, it will
ter. Figure IC illustratesthe spectrum of a "practical"transmitted cause spectral spreading of the transmitted signal. However, its
signal and Figure Id is the spectrum of its associated target and contribution to the spreading is small when compared to that of the
clutter return signal. The spread and flat regions of the transmit sig- phase noise [1,2]. As a result, the effects of amplitude noise are not
nal are caused by the noise sidebands [l-51. Since the received considered in this paper.

0-7803-0934493/S3.00@ 1993 IEEE

Implicit in the above definition is that the coherent, or side step, os-
cillator (COHO) does not add any phase noise to the heterodyning
The IF signal out of the receiver mixer, x ( t ) , the signal of
interest, is given by

x(t) = A,c(t)e-iWfo-/N' P+ieeiAW) (9)

-- where A@(t)= @ ( t- t d )- @ ( t )is the residual phase noise after


A qualitative characterizationof the relation between scatterer
Figure 2 - Functional Radar Block Diugram range and phase noise effects can be gleaned from examining
Equation (9). Indeed, as the scatterer range, R, goes to zero, td ap-
proaches zero and the residual phase noise, A@(t), approaches zero.
In this paper it is assumed that @ ( t )is a zero mean, station- 'Ihis means that the term dA'(')approaches one and that the phase
ary stochastic process with autocorrelation noise will not be a contributor to the IF signal. Stated another way,
as the scatterer range decreases the phase noise contribution is fil-
R,(T) = E(@(t+ z)#(t)}. (2) tered from the IF signal. Conversely, as R increases @(t- 2,) and
#(t) diverge, in a statistical sense. and the phase noise becomes a
The associakd phase noise spectrum is given by larger contributor to the signal at IF; i.e., the phase noise is not
heavily filtered.
In order to provide a more quantitativecharacterizationof the
relation between scatterer range and phase noise effects, and to show
the range dependent fdtering effects discussed above, it is necessary
where 3[*]denotes the Fourier transform. to determine the spectrum of the signal x(r). Furthermore, it is de-
The signal retumed from a scatterer (target or clutter) at
range R can he written as sirable to characterize the spectrum of x ( t ) in terms of the phase
noise spectrum, S,(f), the clutter spectrum, C(f).and a third term
that depends on scatterer range. This is the subject of the next
In (4). A, is the return signal magnitude that depends upon A,,. the
average radar cross-section of the scatterer, the range to the scatterer
and other factors associated with the radar range equation [5]. In practical situations the variance of the phase noise, Rg(0).
The term c(r) is a stochastic process that describes the spec-
is very small relative to one. This property allows us to approxi-
tral characteristicsof the scatterer. It is assumed to be zero mean
and stationary with autocorrelation mate eJA'(') by the fist two terms of its Taylor series and write
X(t) as
= E k ( t + z)c(t)) (5)

and power spectrum

With this we can write the autocorrelationof x(t) as

R,(t)= E { x ( t + z ) x * ( t ) }
The process c ( t ) is assumed independent of @ ( t )and 8. C(f)is = P,(R)R,(r){l+ Rh)(z)}ei2n(fjF+fD)r' (11)
the natural spectrum of the scatterer and is a normalized quantity
such that
In Equation (11) the symbol * denotes the conjugate operation. The
term P,(R)= A,' is the average power returned from the scatterer.
jC(f.)df = 1. (7) It is written as a function of range, R,to call attention to the fact that
-_ this parameter depends upon the range to the scatterer.
The spectrum of the IF signal, x(t), is determined by find-
As used in Equation (4). C ( f )is centered at a frequency of zero. ing the Fourier transform of RJz) to yield
The actual center of the natural spectrum is given by fD, the mean
Doppler frequency of the scatterer.
The term td is the round hip time delay to the scatterer and
is given by td = 2 R / c where c is the speed of light. The term 8 is a
random phase that accounts for the round trip delay to the scatterer
In Equation (12). the symbol denotes convolution. The convo-
lution with S(f - fIF - fD> in Equation (12) simply manslates the
( 2@,,td) and the phase shift that occurs when the transmitted signal
spectrum so that it is centered at the IF. In subsequent equations
is reflected from the scatterer. 8 is a zero mean random variable that this convolution will be dropped with the tacit assumption that the
is independent of #(t) and c(t). spectrum is centered at the IF. With this &(f) becomes
The mixing or heterodyning signal, h(r), (output of side step
mixer of Figure 2 ) is given by
h ( t )= p i 2 ~ ( f o - f ~ ) f - i W In Equation (13). the first term is the IF signal spectrum of the

scatkm due to the Carrier and the second term is the IF signal spec- pulses. In the case of ground clutter this means that the return at any
trum of the scatterer due to the phase noise sidebands. particular time will consist of the sum of returns from clutter scat-
To complete the characterizationof the IF signal spect” it terers located at ranges of Ro + kAR where AR is the range extent of
is neceSSBfy to express SA, (f)in terms of S, (f). We accomplish a PIU and k is an integer. If we are interested in the clutter returned
this by fmt expressingthe autocorrelationof A#(r) in terms of the over a radar pulse width then the ranges of interest, %, in the inte-
autoconelation of #(t) and then finding its Fourier transform. grals of Equation (18) are given by
Proceeding we get
% =[(%+U) 5 R S ( R +~ ~R+M)I k = 0,i,...I (19)

where 89 is the range extent of a pulse and 4 is the range corre-

sponding to the spacing between the lead edge of the transmitted
pulse and the start of the clutter scatterers of interest With the
and above, the spectrum at the IF is given by
(15) o. &+kAR+&t
S,(f) = P,(R)dR
or. with zd = 2R/c k=O Ro+kAR
o. &+kAR+6R
sA#(f) = S,(f)[4h2 2nRf/c]- (16) + C(f)*S,(f)z 14Pr(R)sin22zRf /c dR (20)
k=O &+U
The bracketed term in Equation (16) embodies the effects of range
delay, or range correlation, on the IF spectrum.
SubstitutingEquation (16) into Equation (13) yields For ground clutter Pr(R) is given by
SX(f,R) = Pr(R)C(f) PG G a2ac
+ PrCR)C(fW+(f{4sin2 2Mf/c]’ = &k$GjL .
In Equation (17) the IF spectrum is written as an explicit function of In (21) PT is the peak transmit power, G is the transmit antenna
R to reinforce the fact that the magnitude and shape of the IF spec- gain, GR is the receive antenna gain, A is the radar wavelength, a,
trum depends upon the range to the scatmer. The earlier, qualitative is the average radar cross-section (RCS)of the clutter cell dR wide,
discussions conceming the relation between scatterer range and the L represents the transmit and receive losses andflR) accounts for
phase noise contribution to the IF spectrum are apparent from
Equation (17). SpeiSically. as the range to the scatterer decreases, propagation losses [5.6]. In general C, and CR will be a function
the contribution of phase noise to the IF spectrum also decreases. of elevation angle from the radar to the clutter scatterer, which will
Equation (17) describes the IF spectrum for a scatterer lo- change with range to the clutter scatterer. If the clutter scatterers of
cated at a specific range. For ground clutter (and other extended tar- interest are in the antenna sidelobes or strictly in the main beam the
gets) there will be many scaaerers at various ranges whose returns variation of GT and GR with range can be neglected. The propaga-
will add in some way to produce an overall IF spectrum. If we in- tion loss term,JR). is a complex function of range. However, for
voke the standard assumption that the reflection coefficients of the high pulse repetition frequency (PRF)radars it will be approxi-
scatterers am unmlated random variables, then the overall IF mately constant over the clutter ranges of interest. Based on the
spectrum can be found by summing the IF spectra for the various above arguments, the parameters G , GR andJR) will be assumed
scatterers. In equation form this can be writren 8s constant in this analysis.
With the assumptions stated above, PJR) can be written as

P,.(R) = - (22)
and S, (f)becomes

where means that the integral is evaluated over the ranges of
interest. In general, the ranges of interest will depend upon the ter-
rain characteristics,radar waveform, antenna properties. receiver where
gating and other parameters. A speclfic example of the spectrum
for a pulsed Doppler waveform and a smooth earth is developed in
the next section.

Equation (18) provided a general representation for the
specmun at the IF. In this section we consider the specific case of a
pulsed Doppler radar and ground clutter. Because of the relatively
short pulse repetition intend (PIU)used in pulsed Doppler radars,
the Signal at any time is the sum of returns from many transmitted or

K "
f)= -E
HR': G(R, + kAR + SR)- G(Ro+ M ) (26)
pm k=O
-80 -

'j -1m-

In Equation (27) ci(x) is the cosine integral defmed in [7] as E

- cost -110-

ci(r:) = -I-&.
x t

In Equation (23), 2 S O ( f )is the spectrum at the IF due to -130'

loa 101 102 IW iw 105 10s 10'
phase noise if there were no range correlationeffects. HR(f) is a offset f"IF (Hz)
filter function that accounts for the effects of range correlation.
Figure 3 contains a plot of HR(f) for the case of a radar
Figure 4 IF Phase N o t e Spectrum Without Range Correlation
with a 100 KHz PFW and a 10% duty cycle. It also assumes the
return is centered in the PRI. As mentioned earlier, and indicated by
Figure 3. the effect of range correlation is to provide a high pass
type filtering effect of the phase noise spectrum which tends to re-
duce the effects of phase noise at frequencies close to the IF. This
point is further illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. Figure 4 contains a -130
plot of the IF phase noise spectrum when range correlation effects -135
are omitted and Figure 5 contains a similar spectrum when range
correlation effects are considered. The phase noise spectrum,
SO(f),used in Figures 4 and 5 is a generic spectrum that is consis-
tent with spectra provided in several references [ 1.2,4,5]. As can be
seen from Figures 4 and 5 (and Figure 3). range correlation causes
signiftcant attenuation of the low frequencycomponents of the
phase noise spectrum.

OIfrCt from IF (Hz)

Figure 5 IF Phase Noise Spectrum With Range Correkrtion

' 1

offgi from IF (Hz)

Figure 3 Range Correlation Filter Effects

Figures 6 and 7 contain plots of S,(f). the total spectrum at

IF, for the cases where the effects of range Correlation are ignored
(Figure 6) and considered (Figure 7). In generating the plots of
Figures 6 und 7 it was assumed that the natural clutter spectrum,
C(n, had a Gaussian shape with a 3 dB bandwidth of 5 Hz. Also, in
performing the convolution indicated in Equation (23) it was as- 100 IO' 102 i@ IW 101 10s 107
sumed that CY, was narrow relative to the phase noise spectrum. offset from IF (Hz)
At high frequencies thii assumption is valid. At low frequencies it
is not very good; however, at low frequencies the CY, contribution -
Figure 6 IF Cluaer Spectrum Without Range Correhtion
due to the carrier over shadows the low frequency portion of the
spectrum due to the convolution of CY, with the phase noise spec-
trum. In Figures 6 and 7 the power in S,(f) was normalized to

0- provided for the case of a pulsed Doppler radar. The results pre-
sented in this paper indicate that range conelation can have a signifi-
cant impact on the IF spectrum due to phase noise, and thus should
-40- be considered in radar analysis and design activities.

0 -80.

1p' -100 0-

g -120
-20 -
-160 El -40-
-180 -
109 101 102 103 iw 105 106 107 60-
Offact from IF (HE)

Figure 7 IF Clutter Spectrum Wilh Ramge Correlatwn Effects -80-

As can be seen from Figures 6 and 7 the difference in the

spectra with and without range correlation is most significant at fre- -100l
Y ,I
io0 101 102 103 iw 105 10s 107
quencies close to the IF. For this example the difference is between
o f i a from IF (HE)
10 and 30 dB in the frequency offset range of lKHz to lOKHz
range, which, for X-band radars, would be typical Doppler fre- -
Figure 8 Range Correkrtion Filter Effects Using Approximate
quencies for low to medium range-rate targets. This means that if Equation
range correlation effects are ignored the clutter rejection assessments
could be low by between 10 and 30 dB for low to medium range-
rate targets. This, in turn, could have a significant impact on results REFERENCES
of detection and tracking analyses. From a design standpoint, it rll R. S. Raven. "Reauirementson Master Oscillatorsfor
could lead to an over specification of the phase noise characteristics Coherent kdar,"*IEEEProceedings, Vol. 54, NO. 2, pp
of the radar LO. For large offset frequencies,range correlation ef- 237-243, February 1966.
fects cause virtually no reduction in the phase noise and thus would [2] M. I. Skolnik (Editor), Radar Handbook, McGraw Hill,
not impact clutter rejection assessments for fast targets. New York, N.Y., 1970, Chapter 16.
'ne expression for HR(f) in Equations (26) and (27) is [3] W.P. Robins, Phase Noise in Signal Sources, Peter
rather complex. In an attempt to simplify this expression, and com- Pergrinus Ltd, London, UK, 1982.
[4] D. C. Schleher, M l l and Pulsed Doppler Radar, Artech
pare it 93 the standard sin' (.) expression derived from deterministic House, Norwood, MA, 1991.
analyses of range correlation, the standard sin' (.) expression was [SI D. K. Barton, Modem Radar System Analysis, Artech
extended to account for returns from ranges spaced a PRI apart. House, Norwood, MA, 1988.
The resulting expression is [6] D. K. Barton, "Ground Clutter Model," Raytheon Memo, NO.
7101-80-159, February 1980.
3 [7] I. S . Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik. Table oflntegrals, Series
H i ( f)= 2$(+) sin2 21rf(& + kAR)/c (29) and Products, Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1965.
% r = o R +k.AR

Dr. Budge received his BSEE and MSEE degrees in 1965
and 1968 from the University of Southwestem Louisiana and his
(30) Ph.D. in1972 from Texas A t M University. He is Chief Scientist
of Dynetics, Inc. where he performs research in the areas of radar,
signal processing, communications and tracking. Dr Budge is a
member of IEEE, AUSA, Association of Old Crows, Eta Kappa
Figure 8 contains a plot of Hi(f) for the same conditions used to
Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Xi.
generate Figure 3. Comparing the two figures shows that they
agree very well for low frequencies but not for high frequencies. Dr. Burt received a BS in Mathematics in 1964 from
Thus one could use the simpler form of Equation (29) for low fre- Auburn University. She received a MA in Mathematics in 1970, a
quencies and then let Hi(f)= 1 for high frequencies. BSEE in 1984 and the Ph.D. in 1987 from the University of
Alabama in Huntsville. She is a Senior Technical Specialist with the
SUMMARY Missile and Space Intelligence Center where she performs research
in the areas of missiles, radar and signal processing. Dr. Burt is
This paper addressed the problem of characterizingthe ef- member of Mortar Board, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa
fects of' range correlation on the phase noise spectrum at the IF. The Nu, Pi Mu Eplison and Alpha Lambda Delta.
approach used was to define the problem in terms of stochastic pro-
cesses and to impose a reasonable set of assumptions on the defmi- The aurhors' mailing adresses are
tion to produce a straight forward and easily understood solution.
The solution provided a definition of the IF spectrum that could be Mervin C. Budge, Jr. Mickie P. Burt
partitioned according to the various contributorsto the spectrum: the Dynetics, Inc. MSIC/MSC-4
natural scatterer spectrum, the phase noise spectrum and a filter 1000 Explorer Blvd Redstone Arsenal, AL
function that accounts for range correlation. A specific example was Huntsville, Al 35806 3.5898


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