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1. Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female
2. Ethnic affiliation
( ) Ilocano
( ) Ifugao
( ) Igorot
( ) Others, specify: ________________________
3. What is your birth order?
( ) First child
( ) Middle child
( ) Last child
4. With whom do you live with for the past four years?
___ Both father and mother
___ Mother only
___ Father only
___ Grand parents
___ Other relatives
___ Non-relative
5. Who mainly pays your school fees?
___ Father
___ Mother
___ Other relative
___ Non-relative
___ Other (Specify)___________________
6. What is the educational attainment of your father? Please check.
___ Elementary level ___ Masters Level
___ Elementary graduate ___ Masters graduate
___ High School level ___ Doctoral level
___ High School graduate ___ Doctoral graduate
___ College level
___ College graduate
7. What is the educational attainment of your mother? Please check.
___ Elementary level ___ Masters Level

___ Elementary graduate ___ Masters graduate

___ High School level ___ Doctoral level
___ High School graduate ___ Doctoral graduate
___ College level
___ College graduate

8. What is the educational attainment of the one who is paying your school fees?
___ Elementary level ___ Masters Level
___ Elementary graduate ___ Masters graduate
___ High School level ___ Doctoral level
___ High School graduate ___ Doctoral graduate
___ College level
___ College graduate


DIRECTION: This questionnaire is used to measure your study habits and attitude
in learning Social Sciences Subjects. By using the following scale, please check the
column how you feel regarding these items on the appropriate column.
5 - Always
4 - Often
3 – Sometimes.
2 - Seldom
1 - Never


1. I organize my work in order to use time effectively.

2. I remove unnecessary materials on my table when I do my
3 I keep all my notes together, carefully arranging them in some
logical order.
4. I go to the library at least once a week.
5. When preparing for an examination, I arrange what I have
learned in logical order.
6. I give special attention to my homework.
7. When reading a long textbook, assignment, I stop gradually and
review the main points that have been presented.
8. I prefer to study alone rather than with others.
9. I prefer to review my lessons on the day of your examination.
10. I like to have radio or television set turned on when studying.
11. I study my lessons three or more hours per day outside of class.

12. I keep doing my homework regularly from day to day.

13. I finish my assigned homework on time.
14. I ask the help of my teacher when I am having difficulty in my
school work.
15. I strive to develop a sincere interest in my Social Sciences
16. I finish the examination in Social Sciences Subjects within the
allocated time.
17. I make poor test because I find it hard to think clearly and to
plan my work within a short period of time.
18. I day dream about dates, future plans, etc. distract my attention
in my lesson while studying?
19. Problems outside the school such as financial problem, being in
love, conflict with parents, etc, cause me to neglect my studies.
20. I unable to concentrate well because of periods of restlessness,
moodiness or having “blues”.
21. I still stick to my assignment and finish it even though it is dull
and boring.
22. I believe in doing my homework just to get a passing grade.
23. I find myself too tired and , bored or sleepy to study my lesson
in Social Sciences Subjects.
24. I seem to accomplish very little in relation to the amount of time
I spend in studying.
25. Even though I don’t like Social Sciences Subjects, I still stick to
it to make a good grade.
26. I find Social Sciences Subjects as a difficult subjects.
27. I am attentive in listening to my teacher’s explanation.
28. I feel the importance of Social Sciences Subjects in my
everyday life.
29. I spend my vacant hours in doing my assignment and studying
my lesson in Social Sciences Subjects.
30. I come on time to my Social Sciences class.
31. I give more time in studying my lesson in Social Sciences
Subjects than in other subjects.
32. I prefer to study other subject rather than Social Sciences
33. I feel nervous when my teacher asks me to recite.
34. I attend to my Social Sciences Subjects class regularly.
35. I practice group study in my Social Sciences class.

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