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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name: ​Alma Gutierrez Perez Book Title: ​Grandfather’s Journey

Author: ​Allen Say Illustrator: ​Allen Say

Genre: Realistic ​Fiction Publisher/Year: ​Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993


STYLE and Language​​: Using examples from the book, e​​xplain the following: word choices, dialogue,
rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader
learns from the story. Give examples.
The word choices are clear and interesting and above all very believable.
(“He wore European clothes for the first time and began his journey on a steamship. The Pacific
Ocean astonished him.”)
Dialogue is not being used because the story is being narrated, also there is no rhythm or rhyme. The
sentence length is short but full of important information that is easy to follow; from the first
sentence. (“My grandfather was a young man when he left his home in Japan and went to see the
world. It was interesting to hear this grandfather’s journey of immigrating into America, and how he
loved both Japan and America. The narrator also leaves Japan to discover America and comes to
understand and connect through this experience with his Grandfather, who passed away when he
was a young boy.
(“After a time, I came to love the land my grandfather had loved, and I stayed on and on until I had a
daughter of my own. The funny thing is, the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: ​Who is the main character? Explain the
character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
The main character is Grandfather. His story is being narrated by his grandson. (“For three weeks he
did not see land. When land finally appeared it was the new world.”) The Grandfather wore
traditional Japanese clothing. As his journey begins on a steamship, he wears European clothes for the
first time.
The narrator/grandson is the supporting character in this story, as he is the one telling it.
(“And when I was nearly grown, I left home and went to see California for Myself.”)
Other characters briefly mentioned are, grandfather’s wife, grandfather’s daughter, and grandfather’s
grandson the narrator.
Grandparents have the best stories. One can easily become involved by imagining and recalling our
own grandparents story.
1. PLOT: ​summarize the major events in the story-

The narrator is telling his Grandfather’s life story of immigrating and exploring North America by train
and riverboat as a young man. For three weeks on a steamship he traveled until he reached the New
World. He met many different kinds of people, and iked California best. He married and lived in the
San Francisco Bay and raised his daughter there. As the years go by his daughter is nearly grown and
Grandfather decided to go back to Japan as he misses his friends and his childhood land. There, years
later his daughter marries and his grandson the narrator is born. He recalls many stories about
California and a trip there is planned. But a terrible war began and they lost everything, they move
back to their childhood village. Always longing to see California again but he never did. So when the
narrator was old enough he traveled to California in memory of his grandfather. And now he too
travels to Japan and back to California.
(“The funny thing is, the moment I am in one country, I am homesick for the other.”)

2.SETTING ​– Explain the place and time of the book.

​ hat is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: T​​his story take place in the past, sometime before 1945 and after. Grandfather lived and
traveled between California and Japan.
Theme: The message is to travel and discover new places that can be your home too.
ILLUSTRATION –​​Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the categories
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style​​ ​(realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
Realism is the style used in this 2 page spread. On page 24 you can see a clear representation of
nature and people. Grandfather and his grandson are outdoors standing on top of a gray rock, several
more of these rocks are scattered around surrounded by bright green grass. Grandfather is standing
behind his grandson wearing a khaki green kimono bending down hugging his grandson. His grandson
is wearing a long blue coat over his shorts, and a blue hat.
In the second page 25 Grandfather is sitting on the floor on a mat, in front of him is a cage with two
birds. Next to him is a bowl and a little white pot. Behind him you can see bamboo blinds so he is
inside a traditional Japanese home.
Media choices (​ paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk​​) :
I see pencil and watercolor used to illustrate.
Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations​​:
Line: Lines are very clean and create the shape of everything.
Shapes: The shapes on page 25 are round and curved. The lines on page 26 are angular.
Color: The colors are bright and happy on page 24 with green grass surrounding the scene and happiness expressed on his
face. The color in page 25 is muted and thoughtful. Grandfather is sitting and watching the birds lost in thought longing to
be in California.
Texture: The grass has a smooth fluffy texture very much like their hair. The big rocks have a rough hard look to them.
The cage has pointy edges and the wooden floor looks shiny and hard.

Explain how​​ ​illustration​​ and ​text​​ ​are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show that text does not
In page 24 the illustration show us a young boy posing with his happy Grandfather. We are able to
see that Grandfather loved spending time with his grandson, in the text the narrator tells us his
favorite time as a child was the weekends because he got to visit his Grandfather and listen to his
stories about California. On page 25 you see Grandfather sitting and thoughtful
Page design: S​ ummarize the following​:​ p​ lacement of illustrations and text; the use of borders and white/dark space; are both
pages designed the same or differently?

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES​​ – ​CHOOSE​​ 2 ​of​​ ​theories below and evaluate the book according to the
developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)
Name the stage_____________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:


Name the stage __________________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the social development for this stage:

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:

Identify the Age __________________________________
Explain the emotional development for the age​​:

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the age:

2. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)


Your Name: ​Alma Gutierrez Perez Book Title: ​Grandfather’s Journey

Author: ​Allen Say Illustrator: ​Allen Say

Genre: Realistic ​Fiction Publisher/Year: ​Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993

1. Activity/Lesson Standards​​:
H1.PK.3: Share information about their family practices, customs, and culture.
2. Objectives:
The students will be able to tell the class about their family and one part of their culture (food or

3. Materials/Equipment​​:
● Grandfather’s Journey​ by Allen Say

4. Teaching​​:

A. Read the book-

How will you introduce the book?
List any questions, words, ideas etc. discussed while reading the book.
What will you do at the end of the book? Any discussion or extension of information
to things the children may know?
● Today, I will be reading a book titled ​Grandfather’s Journey​. The author is Allen Say.
The illustrator is also Allen Say.
● The teacher will ask “What does an author do?” “What does an illustrator do?” and select
students to answer.
● The teacher will explain that the story is about a Grandfather’s journey to North America
and all of his travels here.
B. Now the extension activity:
How will you introduce it?
What directions are needed for children to participate in the activity?
Plan a fast way to pass out materials. Do it quickly to accommodate short
attention spans.
Make sure children know all the activity requirements.

5. Closure: Plan how you will end the activity that is a quick review of the lesson
Short Form ​(All Genres)

Alma Gutierrez Perez___________________________

Title: Rock ‘N’ Roll Soul Author: ​Susan Verde

Illustrator: ​Matthew Cordell Publisher/Year: ​Abram Books for Young Readers, 2018

Genre:​​ Realistic Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

A. For ​Fiction Form Genres​​—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
B. For ​Poetry Books:​​ Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
C. For ​Nonfiction Genres​​ – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design

The story is told in first person. It is about a young girl that loves music. She reads a flyer at school
that announces the upcoming talent show. As she goes through her day, she thinks about all of the
music around her. She dreams of being a conductor of an orchestra, singing in a jazz band, and being
a hip-hop deejay. She mentions several times that she has a “Rock ‘N’ Roll Soul”. She ends up
performing at the talent show using her greatest instrument- herself.
The theme of the story is that music is all around you but you have to pay close attention to find it.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
This book could be very appealing to young children. The illustrations are fun and show
action. They show the girl walking and dancing. They show her playing instruments such as
the saxophone and the electric guitar. They show her singing and being a deejay. Children
take easily to music. This story appeals to the musical side of children. It teaches them
several things about music. First, it teaches them that there are different genres of music
(jazz, soul, rock, and hip-hop). Next, it teaches them that there are different instruments
(your voice, saxophone, and guitar). Finally, it teaches them that music can be made in a
variety of way (banging cans with a stick, rain pattering on a roof, and playing instruments). It
also appeals to their imagination. The girls thinks about different ways of presenting music
and children can imagine themselves in those situations. The story also has rhymes, which
holds their attention.
Rate the book 1 2 ​3

Explain your rating.

I think this is a great story. It has appealing visual elements. It has rhymes and a there is
rhythm to the story. It is fun as it follows the girl as she goes on a musical journey. It teaches
about different aspects of music.

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