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Running head: Literature Review Domain C & D 1

Literature Review Domain C & D

TED 690 – Capstone
Brian Malfavon
Literature Review Domain C & D 2

This paper examines the book Teaching Science for Understanding: A Practical Guide for

Middle and High School Teachers by James J. Gallagher. Gallagher argues the importance of

active, inquiry based learning and guides the reader with each chapter through the planning and

instruction needed to create a constructivist environment in the classroom.

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According to Gallagher, inquiry is an essential component of teaching science because it

enacts upon “how we think about what we know, why we know, and how we have come to

know” (p. 41). Inquiry describes the process scientists use to carry on investigations and

research in generating knowledge and understanding about the natural world. Within science,

inquiry helps scientific understanding through connected experiences, patterns, and explanations.

It is important for students to practice inquiry to ensure the development of information

processing that will make subject matter comprehensible. Gallagher supports the importance of

inquiry in teaching science by introducing conceptual theory related to information processing.

Gallagher refers to Piaget’s Equilibration Model to express an important aspect between

the model of learning and its relationship to inquiry as a necessity to teach understanding in

science. According to Piaget, people typically try to make sense of new information and

experiences in terms of what they already know through two complementary processes called

accommodation and assimilation (p. 48). In accommodation, new information is taken in and

existing ideas are adjusted to fit with the new knowledge. In assimilation, new information is

adjusted to match the existing knowledge. Information needs to be strategically organized and

supplemented if students are to be supported through the learning process. Piaget’s concept

highlights the importance of how students deal with new information, and therefore it is critical

that the educator is able to design a learning plan that guides students to understanding.

Gallagher identifies a model of teaching and learning that will help teachers design

instruction tailored to inquiry and understanding. The model of learning is referred to as the 7E

model, an upgraded lesson format advised by the National Research Council that stands for:

Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate, and Extend (p.45). Throughout the 7E

lesson format, the teacher works to capture students into the lesson, lead them to towards taking
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responsibility in active learning, guide to create meaningful comprehension, and apply the newly

acquired science skills and concepts in new ways. With the 7E model, the teacher can design

learning experiences that reflect the learning process in student comprehension. The 7E model

scaffolds the learning process and allows teachers to take into consideration student needs and

plan strategically all activities necessary for comprehension.

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Gallagher, J. (2007). Teaching science for understanding: a practical guide for middle and high

school teachers. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

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