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Reliability Polynomials: A Survey

Manoj Chari Charles J. Colbourn

Mathematics Computer Science
Louisiana State University University of Vermont
Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Burlington, VT 05405
August 12, 1998

Computational and combinatorial problems concerning reliability polynomials are
discussed. Recent results are surveyed, and some open problems mentioned.

1 The Basics
A full treatment of the subject of reliability polynomials would run to great length; as we
proceed, we therefore give some pointers to the literature to those interested in pursuing some
particular avenue. We refer the reader to [1, 26, 70] for background on network reliability,
[60] for related material on matroids, [5, 10] for information on Tutte polynomials, and [7, 75]
for background on complexes.
Let G = (V; E ) be a multigraph on n vertices and m edges; loops and parallel edges
are permitted. Associate with each edge of E a probability p that the edge is operating; it
is failed with the complementary probability q = 1 ? p. A structure function is a function
 : 2E 7! f0; 1g. For a set S  E , we call S a state of the network. State S occurs
when all edges of S are operating, and all edges of E n S are failed. A state S is operating
when (S ) = 1, and failed when (S ) = 0. The basic question of interest here is: if every
edge operates independently, what is the probability Rel(G; p) that the graph is in an
operating state (under )? This can be viewed as the reliability of the graph at performing
the \operation" speci ed by the structure function . An example of some importance is
obtained as follows. Let K  V be a set of target vertices. For each state S , de ne K (S ) = 1
if and only if the subgraph (V; S ) has all target vertices in the same connected component.
Then RelK (G; p) is the k-terminal reliability of G for target set K and operation probability
Work of the rst author was supported by an LEQSF Grant (95-98)-RD-A-08 from the Louisiana Board

of Regents and NSA Grant MDA904-95-1-1088

p; we typically abbreviate this as RelK (G; p). When K = V , this is just the all-terminal
reliability or connectedness probability of the graph. When K = fs; tg, this is the two-terminal
reliability, namely the probability that at least one s; t-path is operating.
Numerous other natural structure functions are of interest. Each shares an important
property. Consider a xed state S containing i edges. If each edge operates independently
with probability p, the probability of being in state S is exactly Pr[S ] = pi (1 ? p)m?i (each
of i edges operates, the remaining edges fail, and all edge events are independent). Now
consider the reliability with respect to an arbitrary structure function :
Rel(G; p) = Pr[S ](S ); (1)
since the 2m states are disjoint events covering all possibilities.
Equation (1) expresses the reliability with respect to  as a polynomial of degree at most
m in one variable, the edge operation probability p. This is a reliability polynomial for .
Here we shall be concerned with reliability polynomials for k-terminal operation, and the
restriction to all- and two-terminal operations. Our primary focus is on the all-terminal
operation, primarily because it admits the most interesting combinatorial structure.
An enormous amount of research has been invested in studying reliability polynomials
and their close relatives. Moore and Shannon [57] employed the two-terminal operation
on multigraphs to model switching networks; since that time, the model has been used
extensively as a simple model for use in network design and analysis [1]. Of course, reliability
polynomials tell only a small part of the story of a network subject to random failures, but
when used in context they a ord useful guides to reliable network design [27, 29].

2 Forms
Let Ni be the number of operating states of cardinality i under structure function . Then
Rel(G; p) = Nipi(1 ? p)m?i :
Of course, from a network design standpoint, what is interesting is the value that this
polynomial takes on when evaluated at a point. However, suppose that we were able to nd
lower and upper bounds, N i  Ni  N i, on each coecient. It is then easy to see that
X m
N ipi (1 ? p)m?i  Rel(G; p)  N ipi(1 ? p)m?i :
i=0 i=0
This motivates one to understand the coecients of reliability polynomials. Of course, for
arbitrary structure
  functions, essentially nothing can be said beyond the trivial bounds that
0  Ni  i . However, constraints on the structure function impose constraints on the

Often these constraints are best seen (and found) by writing the reliability polynomials
in di erent forms. One natural restriction to make is that the structure function should be
coherent, that is, if S  T , then (S )  (T ). De ne a family F of sets as follows:
F = fS : S  E; (E n S ) = 1g:
When  is coherent, F is an hereditary family of sets, or complex. Letting Fi = jfF 2 F :
jF j = igj, we obtain the F-form of the reliability polynomial:
Rel(G; p) = Fi(1 ? p)i pm?i :
Call this the F-form. Evidently, Fi = Nm?i .
We can similarly consider the reliability as the probability that G is not in a failed state.
If Mi is the number of failed states on i edges, we have
Rel(G; p) = 1 ? Mipi (1 ? p)m?i ;
and if Ci is the number of disconnecting sets (whose removal renders the graph failed) of i
edges, we have: m
Rel(G; p) = 1 ? Ci(1 ? p)i pm?i :
In this case again, when  is coherent, Mi is the number of failed states on i edges in the
complex M of all failed states.    
These are all simple translations, using the fact that Ni + Mi = mi , Fi + Ci = mi , and
Ni = Fm?i.
Of course, a further form is simply to expand the reliability polynomial in powers of p,
the P-form: m
Rel(G; p) = Pipi :
One form of particular interest here is the H-form. Let ` be the smallest number of edges
whose operation suce to make the graph operational under . Then we can factor p` from
the reliability polynomial, and collect the remaining terms in powers of 1 ? p to obtain the
Rel(G; p) = p ` Hi (1 ? p)i
The forms de ned here are the main ones that have been useful in determining properties
of reliability polynomials thus far, in part because for various types of structure functions,
each has a combinatorial interpretation. The interpretations of Ni, Fi, Ci and Mi are all
immediate. The remaining forms require some explanation. We rst discuss a basic device
for studying various forms of the reliability polynomial called the factoring theorem [56, 58],
also called pivotal decomposition. Consider an edge e of G. Deleting e gives a new graph
G ? e. Contracting e by identifying its endpoints, removing e, but saving all multiple edges
and other loops that arise, gives a multigraph G  e. It is easy to see that
Rel(G; p) = p  Rel(G  e; p) + (1 ? p)  Rel(G ? e; p):
An easy but crucial observation is that the above equation implies simple recursive for-
mulae for the coecients (\simple" here means conceptually simple, not ecient). For
example, Fi(G) = Fi(G  e) + Fi? (G ? e); Pi(G) = Pi? (G  e) + Pi (G ? e) ? Pi? (G ? e);
1 1 1
and Hi(G) = Hi (G  e) + Hi? (G ? e).
Now let us rst consider the P-form. For a coherent structure function, let A ; : : :; As be
the set of all minimal operating states. The reliability can then be written as
X [
(?1)jI j? Pr[ Ai]:

I f1;:::;sg i2I
A state S occurs in this sum only when S is the union of minimal operating states. The
number of times it contributes to this sum depends upon the di erence between the number
of times it arises as the union of an odd number of minimal operating states and the number
of times it arises as the union of an even number. Summing these di erences over all i-edge
states gives Pi [69].
The H-form is perhaps the most important form for the all-terminal reliability polynomial
because of its relation to the theory of shellable complexes. First, we observe that the H -
vector is always non-negative for the all-terminal reliability polynomial. While this is not
obvious from the de nition, it can be shown inductively by using the recursion implied by the
factoring theorem. A remarkable interpretation for these coecients results from a classical
theorem of Tutte [77]. We note that for the all-terminal problem every maximal element
of F is the complement of a spanning forest and hence F is the co-graphic matroid of G
[60]. Under an arbitrary order  on the set of edges of G, an element e of a spanning forest
B is said to be internally passive if it is not the rst element under  of the fundamental
cocircuit of e with respect to B . Then it follows from Tutte's theorem that Hi is the number
of spanning forests with precisely i internally passive edges.
This thumbnail sketch of forms and their interpretation suggests the main direction
taken in studying reliability polynomials: to interpret the coecients in some form of the
polynomial combinatorially, and then to employ the combinatorial structure to characterize
the possible sequences of coecients in that or another form of the polynomial.
For concreteness, we give the actual coecients in a number of forms for a small all-
terminal problem. The graph is depicted in Figure 1, and coecients for four forms of its
reliability polynomial are given in Figure 2.

3 Calculating Coefficients
The goal of \understanding the coecients" can be sought in a number of ways. One
method is to determine relationships among the coecients. A second is to determine

d 2
? B

 ? B
 ?  B
d 7
  A B
 ?  A B

3 A B


d 8  d AB
 ?@ A B
@ HH  ? @ AB
@ H
@d HHd?  4
? @AB
@ 1
A 9 @ ?
A  @ ?
A  @ ?
Ad 5 @?d 10
Figure 1: An example graph

i Fi Ci Hi Pi
0 1 0 1 0
1 20 0 9 0
2 190 0 45 0
3 1136 4 161 0
4 4771 74 453 0
5 14861 643 1050 0
6 35285 3475 2056 0
7 64480 13040 3435 0
8 90052 35918 4856 0
9 93177 74783 5588 24704
10 65793 118963 4764 -205951
11 24704 143256 2286 793967
12 0 125970 0 -1864016
13 0 77520 0 2955596
14 0 38760 0 -3318205
15 0 15504 0 2688033
16 0 4845 0 -1569511
17 0 1140 0 646718
18 0 190 0 -178958
19 0 20 0 29910
20 0 1 0 -2286

Figure 2: Coecients of the Reliability Polynomial

inequalities that all graphs with speci ed parameters (number of nodes, number of edges,
edge connectivity, and so on) must satisfy. And a third is to determine which coecients
we can calculate eciently given a graph under either the all-terminal or the two-terminal
operation. We consider the computational question in this section.
Valiant [78] established that calculating two-terminal reliability, even when all edges have
probability p = is #P-complete. Provan and Ball [64] proved the analogous result for all-
terminal reliability, and Provan [63] and Vertigan [80] established similar results for planar
graphs. Recently, Karger [44, 45] established that, despite these very negative worst case
complexity results, there does exist a fully polynomial approximation scheme.
These complexity results establish that exact calculation of all of the coecients (in any
form) is #P-hard. However, the calculation of some of the coecients is feasible. Let us
consider the F-form for the all-terminal operation. Evidently if fewer than n ? 1 edges
operate, the graph is disconnected. Thus Fi = 0 for i > m ? n + 1. If the smallest edge
cutset has size c (the edge-connectivity is c), there is no way to remove fewer than c edges
and disconnect the graph. Thus Fi = mi for i < c. For any k, Ramanathan and Colbourn
[67] give an algorithm for determining Fc k whose running time is polynomial in the size of
the graph but exponential in k (and so, for xed k, is polynomial). The coecient Fm?n +1
is exactly the number of spanning trees of the graph, which by the Kircho Matrix-Tree
theorem [50] can be calculated eciently (although the number itself can be exponential in
the size of the graph). Little else is known here. In particular, for the coecient Fm?n, we
have: Can the number of spanning connected unicyclic subgraphs of a graph be computed
eciently? Liu and Chow [52] show that an ecient algorithm does exist for planar graphs,
but their method relies heavily on planar duality.
Turning to the H-form,Passume that thegraph is loopless and let d = m?n+1. Then Fk =
Pk  d?j 
d?k Hj and Hk = j (?1)
k k?j d?j Fj . It follows that we can calculate H ; : : : ; Hc k
j=0 =0 d?k 0 +

for xed k eciently, and also that we can calculate Pdj Hj , which is again the number
of spanning trees. One coecient Hd , sometimes called the reliability domination, has been
extensively studied [11, 12, 32, 42, 59]. It follows from a remarkable general theorem of
Vertigan [80] on complexity of evaluations of the Tutte polynomials, that computation of Hd
is #P-hard even for planar graphs.

4 Transformations
A further strategy is to nd transformations that have a predictable e ect on each coecient,
for example by never increasing a coecient. A basic device for studying transformations
is the factoring theorem and the recursion that it implies for the various coecients. A
transformation, roughly speaking, is just the replacement of one subgraph by another. For
example, the operation of deleting an edge fx; yg and adding a pair of edges ffx; zg; fy; zgg
where z is a target is a Lomonosov join on the graph. It never decreases the reliability, and
never decreases any coecient in the F-vector or the H-vector of the graph [18].
One main problem on which progress has been made by transformation methods is the

determination of the least reliable all-terminal network having no loops or multiple edges.
  a number of edges m and a number of vertices n, let s be the largest integer satisfying
s + n ? s ? 1 < m. Form a complete graph on s vertices. Add one more vertex adjacent to
m ? s ? (n ? s ? 1) vertices in this complete graph. Finally add the remaining n ? s ? 1
nodes, each connected by a bridge to the graph constructed. Call this graph Ln;m . It has been
conjectured that Ln;m is the least reliable simple graph on n nodes and m edges [12]. Some
progress in proving this has been made using transformations; see [48, 18]. The problem
remains open, however: Is Ln;m the least reliable connected simple graph on n nodes and m
edges for all edge operation probabilities? Is the H-vector of any such graph bounded below
by that of Ln;m coecientwise?
For multigraphs, it is easy to verify that the least reliable n-vertex m-edge graph contains
n ? 2 bridges and one bundle of m ? n + 2 edges in parallel.
Brown, Colbourn and Devitt [18] establish that a number of transformations have pre-
dictable e ect on coecients of all-terminal reliability polynomials. Perhaps transformations
can be useful in the following: For all-terminal reliability, is it true that if G has a cycle
basis containing cycles of lengths c ;    ; cm?n , then
1 +1

Hi  (cj ? 1)?
I f1;:::;m?n+1g;jI j=i j 2I

5 Inequalities and Location of Roots

In this section, we consider some results and open problems concerning relations among
the coecients. Sperner [71] established a famous lemma which implies that (m ? i)Ni 
(i + 1)Ni for coherent structure functions. Notice that, given Fi, we can now obtain easily
a lower bound on Fi? and an upper bound on Fi . Together with exact calculations, we
1 +1
can then produce lower and upper bounds on every coecient in the F-form.
One might ask whether Sperner's result is the best possible result. Kruskal [51] and
Katona [46] independently improved on Sperner's result, and obtained the best possible
inequality for complexes in general. Daykin [34] and Frankl [36] give much simpler proofs,
and Clements and Lindstrom [25] prove a generalization. The application of the Kruskal-
Katona theorem to reliability was rst studied by Van Slyke and Frank [79].
In the all-terminal case, F is the cographic matroid, so it is reasonable to expect that it
exhibits much more structure than complexes in general. Indeed, it is known F is a subclass
of the special class of shellable complexes [65],[2] and in fact, all matroid complexes are
known to be shellable [10]. Essentially, a complex S is shellable if it admits a shelling, which
is a partition into intervals [Li; Ui] : i = 1; : : : ; t with certain special properties [10, 65, 2].
An interval [Li; Ui] of a complex S de ned by sets Li  Ui 2 S is the following subset of
S : fF 2 S : Li  F  Uig. For a shelling, each upper set Ui in the interval partition is
a maximal element of the complex. It can be shown [65, 2] that for any shelling of a given
complex, the number of intervals, whose lower set Li has size j is exactly Hj [75], and hence
Hj 's are non-negative for all shellable complexes. This generalizes our earlier remark that

each Hj is non-negative for the case of the co-graphic matroid F and that it counts the
number of spanning trees with j internally passive edges. The notion of internally passive
elements of spanning trees of graphs, due to Tutte, was extended to all matroids by Crapo
[32]. In fact for any matroid complex, a shelling can be obtained by taking the bases (which
are complements of spanning trees for the co-graphic matroid F ) as the upper sets of the
intervals, and for each taking the lower set of the interval to be the internally passive elements
of the associated basis. For more detailed information on this and related topics, we refer
the reader to the references [10, 31, 33, 37, 76]. The fact that matroids are shellable enables
one to employ Stanley's characterization [72, 73, 75] of the H-vectors of shellable complexes.
The application to reliability has been studied in [3, 4, 18]. Stanley's characterization rests
on the construction of an order ideal of monomials given a shelling of F such that the H-
vector of F is the degree sequence of the order ideal. Thus each interval corresponds to a
monomial. The techniques used are primarily from commutative algebra; see Billera [7] for
a clear precis. We have remarked that Tutte's notion of passive elements allows us to obtain
a combinatorial bijection from spanning trees to intervals; the last step is sorely needed: For
matroids, is there a (conceptually) simple combinatorial construction for the order ideal of
monomials in Stanley's theorem? In particular, is there a natural bijection from spanning
trees to monomials in the order ideal?
Stanley's results give a complete characterization of H-vectors (and hence F-vectors) of
shellable complexes. Since for all-terminal reliability, F is a matroid and more speci cally a
co-graphic matroid, we might hope for tighter inequalities yet: Characterize H-vectors or F-
vectors of matroids (or binary matroids, regular matroids, cographic matroids) of dimension
d with ground set of size m.
Such a characterization seems out of reach at this time, however, there are other more
modest but still dicult open problems in this area. One of them is due to Stanley [72, 75],
who conjectured that for any matroid complex, the H -vector is the degree sequence of a pure
order ideal of monomials, that is, an order ideal in which all maximal monomials are of the
same degree. It has come to the attention of the authors that the truth of this conjecture
has been established for graphic matroids by Biggs in a recent paper [6]. However, the result
is phrased in terms of the theory of "chip- ring games" and the proof does not seem to give
a natural bijection from spanning trees to a pure order ideal of monomials.
There are some well-known conjectures about numerical properties of the F -vectors and
H -vectors of matroids which remain open. A sequence of nonnegative integers x ; : : :; xd is
unimodal if there is an index j for which x  x  : : :  xj  xj  : : :  xd. It is
0 1 +1
log-concave if xi  xi? xi for all i. Log-concavity implies unimodality when the sequences
1 +1
contain only positive integers as is the case with F -vectors and H -vectors. Mason [55] and
Welsh [83] conjecture unimodality and log-concavity for F-vectors of matroids in general.
Is the sequence (F ; : : :; Fd) for the all-terminal reliability polynomial unimodal? log-
Dawson [33] conjectured log-concavity for H-vectors of matroids in general: Is the se-
quence (H ; : : : ; Hd) for the all-terminal reliability polynomial unimodal? log-concave?
There has been some recent progress on these problems due to Brown and Colbourn

[15, 17] and Chari [22, 23]. In particular, it is shown in [22, 23] that for matroids without
co-loops, we have H  H      Hbd= c and Hi  Hd?i ; for i  bd=2c.
0 1 2
Brown and Colbourn [17] derive many inequalities that hold for all-terminal reliability
of graphs which incorporate eciently computable graph parameters like the number of
spanning trees, girth, etc. or properties such as being simple or connected. For instance if a
matroid is connected, then one can show that Hd  H [10, 17]. However, further research is
needed to determine stronger conditions for H -vectors of connected matroids and for binary,
regular and cographic matroids. It would also be of signi cant practical interest to determine
if these new inequalities for H-vectors can be incorporated into the Ball-Provan shellability
bounds [3, 4] for all-terminal reliability. For some results of this nature, we refer the reader
to [18, 17].
A closely related question is that of location of roots of the reliability polynomial. Brown
Colbourn [15, 17] (see also [23]) proved the following alternating sum inequalities:
i (?b) Hj ?i  0; for all 0  j  d for b  1 with strict inequality except, possibly,
for b = 1. This is equivalent to the statement that all real roots of the all-terminal reliability
polynomial are at p = 0 and in the interval p 2 (1; 2]. Based on this result and some empir-
ical evidence with small graphs, they advance the following conjecture about the location of
all complex roots:
All complex roots of all-terminal reliability polynomials lie in the unit circle in the com-
plex plane centered at 1 + 0i.
Wagner [82] establishes an armative answer for series-parallel graphs. More generally,
characterizing where such roots can lie has the potential to give important information about
the coecients of reliability polynomials [74].

6 Derivatives and Crossings

In this section, we mention some miscellaneous problems on the \shape" of the reliability
polynomial in the interval p 2 [0; 1]. Evidently Rel(G; 0) = 0, and Rel(G; 1) = 1, provided
that (;) = 0 and (E ) = 1. When  is coherent, the curve is sigmoid (S-shaped) in the
range p 2 [0; 1] [9]. Moore and Shannon [57] proved the elegant theorem that for coherent
structure functions, the reliability polynomial crosses the function p at most once in the range
p 2 (0; 1). This suggests two directions that remain open. The function p is itself a reliability
polynomial, so we may ask about the number of times that two reliability polynomials can
cross. More concretely, we have: For xed n and m, how many times can the (all-terminal
or two-terminal) reliability polynomials of two n-node, m-edge graphs cross in the range
0 < p < 1?
Naturally, it may happen that two reliability polynomials do not cross. They can cross
once [47]. They can cross twice [28]. Kelmans [49] establishes that one can indeed have any
number of crossings, each with prescribed multiplicity.
Another direction from the Moore-Shannon theorem is motivated by the observation that
as p ranges from 0 to 1, we typically see three phases. Consider a small increase  in the
value of p. The corresponding increase in the network reliability typically behaves as follows:
at rst, it is smaller than , then it overtakes , and near p = 1 is again less than . The
single crossing of p permitted by the Moore-Shannon theorem occurs in the middle portion
when present. This suggests the following problem: Is it true that an (all-terminal or two-
terminal) reliability polynomial has at most one point of in ection in the range p 2 (0; 1)?
Equivalently, does its rst derivative have a unique maximum? its second derivative at most
one zero?

7 Related Reliability Problems

Until this point, we have focused on the all-terminal reliability polynomial. In this section
we will consider some extensions to the general k-terminal reliability problem. We begin
with two forms of the reliability polynomial studied by Chari [21, 24]. By rewriting the
coecients Fi in the F-form having i > m ? n + 1 as mi ? Mm?i , we obtain:
n+1 nX?2 ! ?
Rel(G; p) = Fipm?i (1 ? p)i + m pi(1 ? p)m?i ? nX 2
Mi pi(1 ? p)m?i :
i=0 i=0 i i =0

Call this the split F-form. Collecting powers of 1 ? p in the rst part, and of p in the last,
we obtain:
m?X n nX ? m! n?
i (1 ? p)m?i ? (1 ? p)m?n X H pi :
+1 2 2
Rel(G; p) = p n ? 1
Hi (1 ? p) +

i p i
+2 (2)

i =0 i =0 i =0

Call this the split H-form.

The coecients of the split H-form can be interpreted combinatorially. Let Fx be the
complex obtained from F by removing all sets of cardinality greater than x, and de ne Mx
from M similarly. When Fm?n and Mn? both admit interval partitions, the coecients
+1 2

Hi and Hi are the numbers of intervals with lower set of size i in these partitions. For the
(1) (2)

k-terminal operation, the complex F is not in general shellable. However, using a related
partition into intervals [31], Chari [21] establishes that Fm?n and Mn? are both shellable
+1 2
though neither complex is matroidal. This shellability result can be used to develop an
extension of the Ball-Provan bounds to the k-terminal problem [24]. As in the Ball-Provan
bounds, an implementation of this general technique requires ecient computation of some
of the coecients of the k-terminal reliability polynomial. However, computing coecients
is signi cantly more dicult in this general framework [24]. For two-terminal reliability,let
` be the length of a shortest s; t-path, and let c be the s; t-edge-connectivity. Then Fi = mi
for i < c, and Fi = 0 fori > m ? `. Brecht and Colbourn [13] show that Fm?`?k can
be calculated in time polynomial in the size of the graph, but exponential in k. However,
unlike the all-terminal case, computing Fc itself is already #P-complete [64]. As a result of
Chari's decomposition, one very important coecient is Fm?n . Again, in contrast to the
all-terminal case, one has to be satis ed with bounds on this coecient [24] since no ecient
algorithm for exact computation is known. In fact, we conclude by asking the following
question : For two-terminal reliability, is there an ecient algorithm to compute Fm?n , +1
the number of subgraphs on n ? 1 edges containing an s; t-path?
Acknowledgement. The authors would like to thank the referees for their comments
and suggestions and David Wagner for bringing the reference [6] to their attention.

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