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Philosophical Perspective

-Educators belong to that breed of people who believe in a better tomorrow

through the transformation of the young. they do not only believe in their heart that
this ideal is something devotedly to be wished but are also optimistic this not only
possible but probable if they work hard enough to realize it , Education is tedious
and long drawn process and one may not even be around should this dream
materialize . But it is a beginning nevertheless an opportunity for other people to
build on it in the future.

Human Beings and Learning

-Human beings, being a part of this creative act came from God and are going back
to him . He also created them in his own image, endowing them with an intellect
for comprehending the law and a will for deciding and choosing how to follow it.
He is higher than non-living things and the highest among the living creatures. He
is only lower than the angels as psalm 8 in the holy book states. In fact he is
located outside the triangular diagram as he straddles the world of transcendental
and non-transcendental, this is because of his dual nature a lower which is material
and a higher a spiritual one. He is what we call an embodied spirit. Man is the
only creatures on earth equip to interact and cope with his environment, in its
physical aspect and social aspect. That is how he has been able to build a fund of
knowledge and pass it on through the generation, for this reason humankind has
been very progressive all through the ages.
Education and Schooling

-Man is a learning being he is teachable and therefore capable of being educated.

He is not only able to learn directly from his experiences, he also learns vicariously
from the experience of others. The young person learns from his elders and other
significant persons around him through imitation, instruction, advices, observance
and more. Education is as old as humankind it is contemporaneous with our first
set of parents. The word in fact is derived from the Latin word “educare” which
means to raise children. Procreation and Education are correlative terms; you
cannot have one without the other. Education has a dual purpose, first function is
personal development and second is social integration. Personal development
whereby the child learns to be competent in the aspect as a person. While social
integration is a is to help in the preservation or reformation of the societal order
and to be able to participate and contribute in all facets of community.

Schooling as a mode of Education

-The school complements and supplements the effort of the parents in educating
their children. The school takes care of the specialized aspects of education which
parents themselves can’t provide.

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