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hand, the derivation and comprehension of satis- those shell finite element computer programs
factory shell theories has taken a number of which have been developed from heuristic consi-
decades and the resolution of its very real derations with little or no reference to shell
subtleties still attracts the attention of dis- theory.
tinguished scientists. Engineers, on the other L. S. D. MORLEY
hand, regularly employ and often seem to prefer Farnborough, UK

THE NATURE OF STRPCTURAL DESIGN AND combinations of unfortunate circumstances, but

SAFETY, by David Blockley, Ellis Horwood engineering rules are thereby only disproved
Limited, Chichester. Price: f25.00 (hardback); weakly.
f12.50/$33-00 (paperback). It is against this kind of background that Dr.
Blockley presents his discussion of the present
This is a big book, not only in size (nearly 400 methods of safety analysis of structures (which
pages) but in sweep and scope. It attempts to includes illuminating design examples), and
define the foundations on which structural design develops his exposition of the analysis of
rests, and the author leads the reader to regions uncertainty. Central here is the use of fuzzy logic,
which, almost certainly, he has never visited in which imprecise statements (‘this structure is
before. The structural engineer may know some- very expensive but also very safe’) can be labelled
thing about probability theory; what does he with fuzzy truth values. This mathematical
know about fuzzy sets and approximate reason- presentation occupies something over a quarter of
ing? He may be familiar with the ideas of limit the book; some dozen case studies are then
state design; has he an equal knowledge of the presented, and it is shown how these can be
history of structural design, does he know whether analysed by fuzzy logic. (For example, the first
his judgements are analytic or synthetic, can he Quebec Bridge failure of 1908 is attributed
outline the traditional view of the scientific unequivocally to an inadequate understanding of
method based on induction, can he handle the the behaviour of the lattice columns.)
mathematics of logic and of set theory? Dr. Blockley is modest, and probably correct,
The book is, in short, difficult, but Dr. Blockley when he says that practising engineers will find the
writes in a lively and always compelling style, and book of little direct use in their everyday work.
there is no need at a first reading to follow the However both the practising and the academic
mathematics in detail. There is a general intro- engineer will find a great deal to enrich their
duction to the problems of structural engineering, understanding of the basic design process.
followed by the assembly of a philosophical (The book is well-illustrated, although the half-
apparatus necessary to the discussion of the tone blocks are somewhat grey. Proof reading was
nature of mathematics, science and engineering. not perfect. In particular, commas are displaced
These three are not the same; mathematics, for and occasionally make reading difficult: ‘Because
example, is a rigorous consistent deductive system many of these random hazards occur, quite
based upon axioms, and it cannot be tested by frequently, classical statistics may be used to
experience. The theories of science can be so estimate the probability of occurrence’ (p. 43).
tested, but the difference between science and Apostrophes also float: ‘Archimede’s treatment
engineering can be illustrated by a discussion of of mechanics’ (p. 64); and the ultimate solecism:
rules-of-thumb. Here Dr. Blockley leans on the ‘it’s’ (p. 90). With so many words not usually in the
views of Popper, notably that a scientific theory engineer’s vocabulary (e.g. epistemology,
can never be proved, only disproved. Thus science ontology), a word like ‘preception’ (p. 76) might
progresses because scientists attempt to falsify lead to the use of a dictionary, but is actually a
their conjectures as ingeniously as they can. The misprint for ‘perception’.)
engineer, however, does not wish to falsify his
rules; on the contrary, he has an interest in J. HEYMAN
designing a safe rather than an unsafe Htructure. Professor of Engineering
Design rules are in fact tested in time by University of Cambridge

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