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Study Plan

Academic Background

:I have completed my undergraduate studies in Electrical engineering

from “ABCDUniversity of Engineering and Technology” !a"istan in #arch $%&$ 'ith

aC(!A of )*+, out of -*%%* I 'as an active someho' indulgent student among othersduring my

undergraduate studies very often involved in many curricular andco.curricular activities* In fact

I 'as up to the mar" and honored in the top &/slist of &$% students in my undergraduate class* If

o0served 0y the meritoriousefforts I remain very competent and I have passed all entrance tests

conducted0y the academic institution of my education 'ith high achievements and

securedoverall -th place in the 'hole district*I did my final year thesis pro1ect on “Design

development and fa0rication ofunder2over voltage relay using static devices” 'ith the group of

five mem0ersin 'hich I 'as made the (roup 3eader* The fa0ricated relay can 0e used for

theautomatic protection of house hold appliances and po'er system against voltagerelated

pro0lems* In this pro1ect I learned and researched automated controland protection using Circuit

Brea"ers and 4elays along 'ith other high speedautomatic control and protecting e5uipment/s

involved in automation of themodern systems* 6hile 'or"ing on this pro1ect I found strong

motivation inmyself to'ards graduate study and research in the area of po'er

systemautomation*At present I am 'or"ing as a #aintenance Engineer in Da'lance (roup of

Companies7the leading household appliances company in !a"istan89 my 1o0/s

ma1orresponsi0ilities include9 #aintenance and Automation of industry/s po'er systemand

machines along 'ith the planning and the proper allocation of availa0leresources to achieve the

smooth and efficient operation of the plant 0yconducting routine and reactive preventive

maintenance activities* ere inDa'lance I have learned researched and practically

implemented theapplications of electrical automation engineering in manufacturing processalong

'ith the e;tensive "no'ledge of Electrical automation devices li"edigital relays vacuum and oil

circuit 0rea"ers !rogramma0le 3ogicControllers !rogramma0le automation controllers

uman #achine Interface andinstrumentation devices* <urthermore I 3ed the pro1ect “Energy

saving 0y theoptimi=ation of electric motor usage” 'ith annual savings of &*$ #illion !>4

0yconducting efficiency analysis 4ight si=ing of installed motors formulatingthe saving

calculations and o0taining U?AID @<<E4 0y negotiations 'ith vendorsand U?AID audit

authorities*Also 0ecause of ardent interest and motivation to'ards po'er system automation I

'as selected for &, 'ee"s internship in ational Transmission DispatchCompany9 the sole

electric po'er transmission company of !a"istan* 6here Igained 5uality level "no'ledge and

'or"ing e;perience a0out (rid ?ystem@perations 7(?@8 !rotection and Instrumentation 7!

I8 ?CADA #eteringand Testing 7# T8* Along 'ith these technical aspects I also earned

practical"no'ledge a0out transmission system planning including !o'er <lo' ?tudies 4eactive

po'er compensation studies 4elia0ility and ?ta0ility Analysis 'ithrespect to interconnection of

distri0uted generation 'ith transmission system*#y 'or" at TDC 'as highly praised and I 'as

a'arded 'ith the certificate ofappreciation 0y the senior management*

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