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Telaah Pustaka]

1. Jelaskan tentang perkecambahan (berdasarkan referensi)

Germination is a process whereby the radicle (embryonic root) extends outward
through the seed shell. Behind the morphological phenomenon with the appearance of
the radicle, a complex biochemical physiology process, known as the physiological
germination process (Lambers, 2008).
Lambers, H., Chapin III S. F., & Pons L.T., 2008. Plant Physiology Ecology 2rd
Edition. Philadelphia: Philadelphia press.
2. Jelaskan tipe-tipe perkecambahan (berdasarkan referensi)
There are two types of germination which refers to the presence or absence of
cotyledons that grow on the ground or remain in the soil. In cotyledons, if on the axis of
the stems or internodus, only the hypocotyl (cotyledon below) is elongated, then the
cotyledon is lifted onto the ground. This germination is called epigeal germination. If the
internodes are at the top of the cotyledons (the epicotes are elongated) then the
cotyledons remain in the soil. This germination is called hypogeal germination. In
epigeal germination, only the hook portion of the hypocotyl grows through the soil, so
that the plumule's smooth part is not exposed to the soil and protected by a closed
cotyledon. In hypogeal germination, the epicotil forms a hook, again protecting the tip of
the plumule (Bouman & Boesewinkel, 2017).
Bouman, F., & Boesewinkel, F. D. 2017. The seed: structure and function. In Seed
development and germination pp. 1-24.
3. Jelaskan tentang zat pengatur tumbuh yang digunakan pada acara perkecambahan
(berdasarkan referensi)
Giberelin (GAs) is a group of compounds that have ent-gibberelane structures,
more than 125 compounds have been defined as gibberellin groups. However, the
widely known component of gibberellin is GA3 or gibberellic acid, which is produced
by Gibberella fujikuroi fungus, the most important GA in plants is the GA1 which is
responsible for the elongation of the stems. Many other GAs are precursors of GA1.
1. Tabel ANOVA
2. Tabel BNT/LSD (jika hasil signifikan)
3. Foto perkecambahan biji lama dan biji baru setiap konsentrasi pada hari ke 0 dan hari
ke 10
1. Hasil vs Pustaka (dibandingkan juga jenis biji yang digunakan)
2. Jelaskan mekanisme perkecambahan (berdasarkan referensi)
Germination begins with the process of water absorption into the cells. This
process is a physics process. The entry of water in the seeds causes the active enzyme to
work. The working of enzymes is a chemical process. The amylase enzyme works to break
the flour into maltose, then maltose is hydrolyzed by maltase into glucose. Proteins are
also broken down into amino acids. The glucose compound enters the metabolic process
and is broken down into energy or converted into the carbohydrate compound that makes
up the body structure. Amino acids are embedded into proteins that serve to structure the
cell structure and construct new enzymes. Fatty acids are mainly used to prepare cell
membranes. Seed germination is related to the chemical aspect. The process involves
several stages, including imbibition, hormonal secretion and enzymes, the hydrolysis of
food reserves, the delivery of dissolved food and hormones to the growing points or other
areas, and assimilation (photosynthesis). The process of liquid absorption in the seed
(imbibition) occurs through microphiles. The water that goes into the cotyledons causes
the volume to increase, consequently the cotyledons swell. The swelling eventually causes
the outbreak of the testa (Rhie et al., 2015). In most of the species, the mean seed
germination was reduced with increasing water deficit. Most of the species examined in
present study could not germinate at highest water deficit level (-20 bar) and germination
was checked toward the higher side of water deficit gradient direct effects due to slower
decomposition of endosperm or slower transition of decomposed materials to seedlings is
one of the factor reducing the percentage of germination in the water stress condition.
Germination capacity (determined on the basis of ungerminated sound seeds) of all the
species was higher than their germination percentage. Water deficit inhibited the
germination in most of the species (Bargali & Bargali, 2016).
Rhie, Y. H., Lee, S. Y., & Kim, K. S. 2015. Seed dormancy and germination in
Jeffersonia dubia (Berberidaceae) as affected by temperature and gibberellic acid. Plant
Biology, 17(2), pp. 327-334.
Bargali, K., & Bargali, S. S. 2016. Germination capacity of seeds of leguminous
plants under water deficit conditions: implication for restoration of degraded lands in
Kumaun Himalaya. Tropical Ecology, 57(3), pp. 445-444.

3. Jelaskan tentang dormansi biji dan faktor yang menyebabkan dormansi biji
(berdasarkan referensi)
According to Salisbury & Ross (1995) Dormansi is a strategy of specific plant
seeds in order to overcome the sub-optimum environment in order to maintain its species
continuity. There are various causes of seed dormancy which can in general be classified
into obstacles of the seed shell (example in lamtoro seeds due to impermeable seeds of
water) or parts of the seed (example in seeds due to immature embryos). Seeds with
organic dormancy cannot germinate under optimum germination conditions. Seed
dormancy can be caused by unripe embryos, impermeability of seed shells against water
and sometimes to oxygen. Another cause of dormancy in seeds is the presence of
germicidal inhibitors. Specific fruit liquids such as oranges contain germicidal
inhibitors, thus preventing the seeds of the seeds germinate while still in the body.
Dormancy due to the inhibitor may be removed by washing the seeds in water, so that
the inhibitor is lost. Chemical inhibiting compounds are also commonly present in seeds
and often these inhibitors must be removed before germination can take place. Inhibition
of seeds not only occur seeds, but also in leaves, roots, and other plant parts.
Salisbury, F.B., dan C.W. Ross. 1995. Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid 2. Bandung: ITB

4. Jelaskan upaya untuk mematahkan dormansi pada biji (berdasarkan referensi)

5. Jelaskan mekanisme kerja giberelin terhadap perkecambahan biji.
Giberelin accelerates the appearance of shoots on the ground. This is because
GA3 stimulates the activity of hydrolytic enzymes, especially α amylase, which
hydrolyzes starch reserves so that adequate nutrients are available for shoots to grow
faster. Plant height is not affected by gibberellins. This is because giberelin is given to
the seed bulbs before planting so that its effect only in the early phase of growth is in the
form of lateral growth of budding buds. The effect is not transported to the next growth
phase so the plant height is not affected. The use of gibberellins can also occur inhibit
germination and seed formation. This happens when giberelin is given to the flowers, the
fruit that is formed into the fruit without seeds and very significantly affects the
elongation and division of the cell (Krenchinski et al., 2015).
Krenchinski, F. H., Albrecht, A. J. P., Albrecht, L. P., Villetti, H. L., Orso, G., Barroso, A.
A. M., & Victoria Filho, R. 2015. Germination and dormancy in seeds of Sorghum halepense and
Sorghum arundinaceum. Planta Daninha, 33(2), pp. 223-230.
6. Jelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkecambahan biji.
There are several deep factors that affect seed germination. First, the level of
seed maturity. Seeds harvested before their physiological maturity levels are achieved
have no high viability because they lack adequate food reserves and the incomplete
embryo formation. In general, when the water content of the seeds decreases rapidly by
about 20 percent, then the seed has also reached a physiologic or functional cookbook
and at that moment the seed gains maximum dry weight, maximum vigor and maximum
sproutability (viability) or in words other seeds have the highest quality. Second, the size
of the seed. Large and heavy seeds contain more food reserves than small ones of the
same species. The food reserves contained in the storage tissue are used as a source of
energy for the embryo at the time of germination. Seedlings affect the growth and
production rates because the seed weight determines the amount of sprouts at the
beginning and the weight of the plants at harvest. Third, the dormancy. Seeds are said to
be dormancy if the seeds are actually alive but do not germinate despite being placed in
a state that is generally considered to have met the requirements for a germination or it
can also be said the dormancy of the seeds indicates a state in which the seeds are
healthy (viabel) but fail to germinate when in a condition it is normally good to
germinate, such as adequate humidity, appropriate temperature and light. Fourth,
germination inhibitors (Sutopo, 2002). Seed germination inhibitors may be the presence
of inhibitors in both seeds and on the seed surface, the presence of high osmotic values
and substances that inhibit metabolic pathways or inhibit respiratory rates. The main
external factors affecting germination include, first water. Water absorption by seed is
affected by the nature of the seed itself, especially the protective shell and the amount of
water available in surrounding media, while the amount of water required varies
depending on the type of seed, and the water level is also affected by the temperature
(Kuswanto, 1996). The development of seeds will not begin when water has not been
absorbed into the seeds of up to 80 to 90 percent and generally required seed water
content of about 30 to 55 percent. Seeds have sprout ability in available water range. In
the condition of media that is too wet will be able to inhibit aeration and stimulate the
occurrence of disease and rotten seeds because of fungus or bacteria. Second,
temperature. Optimal temperature is the most advantageous of seed germination where
the highest growth percentage can be achieved that is in the temperature range between
26.5 to 35 ° C. Temperature also affects the speed of the initiation process of
germination and is determined by various other properties of the dormancy nature of
seeds, light and gibberellin growth substances. Third, oxygen. As the germination
progresses, the respiratory process will increase with increased oxygen uptake and
release of CO2, water and heat energy. Limited oxygen that can be used will inhibit seed
germination process. The need for oxygen is proportional to the rate of respiration and is
affected by the temperature, the micro-organism present in the seed (Kuswanto, 1996).
According to Kamil (1979) generally seeds will germinate in air containing 29 percent
oxygen and 0.03 percent CO2. But for dormant seeds, germination will occur if the
oxygen into the seed is increased to 80 percent, since the oxygen that normally enters the
embryo is less than 3 percent. Fourth, light. The seed requirement for light for its
germination varies depending on the type of plant. The major influence of its light on
germination depends on the intensity of light, the quality of light, the duration of
irradiation. The effect of light on seed germination can be divided into 4 groups, groups
that require absolute light, groups that require light to accelerate germination, a group
where light can inhibit germination, and groups where seeds can germinate well in
places dark or light. The five mediums. A good medium for germination should have
good physical properties, loose, has the ability to absorb water and free from disease-
causing organisms, especially fungi. Seed viability test can be used media, among
others, paper substrate, sand and soil.
Kamil, J. 1979. Teknologi Benih I. Padang: Angkasa Raya.
Kuswanto, H. 1996. Dasar-dasar teknologi produksi dan sertifikasi benih.
Yogyakarta: Andi Ofset.
Sutopo, L. 2002. Teknologi Benih. Jakarta: PT.Raja Grafindo.

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