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- Structured Query Language (SQL) can access databases

- A database is a set of data, typically stored in tables

- A query defines the subset of data you are seeking

- data types in R
- numerics: decimal values
- integers: natural numbers (are numerics)
- logical: boolean values
- characters: text/string values
- vectors: one-dimension arrays
- names() function: assign names to elements of vectors
- e.g. names(vector) <- c(“name1”, “name2”)
- vector addition: adds each component
- sum() function: sums all elements in vector
- [i] finds element i in the vector
- first element has index 1
- vector[c(i, i2, i3)]
- vector[i1:i2] i1-i2, inclusive
- vector[“name”]
- vector[c(“n1”, “n2”, “n3”]
- mean() function: finds average as numeric
- vector[logical vector]
- returns only elements that are TRUE
- a
- comparison operators
- <, <=
- >, >=
- == equal
- != not equal
- matrices: two-dimensional arrays
- matrix(i:f, byrow = TRUE, nrow = n)
- i:f = elements to fill matrix with
- byrow = filled by row or column (FALSE)?
- nrow = total rows
- a

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