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Pediatric Balance Scale: A Modified

Version of the Berg Balance Scale
for the School-Age Child with Mild
to Moderate Motor Impairment
Mary Rose Franjoine, MS, PT, PCS, Joan S. Gunther, PhD, PT, and Mary Jean Taylor, MA, PT, PCS
Physical Therapy Program, Daemen College, Amherst, New York

Purpose: The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS), a modification of Berg’s Balance Scale, was developed as a balance
measure for school-age children with mild to moderate motor impairments. The purpose of this study was to
determine the test-retest and interrater reliability of the PBS. Methods: To determine test-retest reliability, 20
children (aged five to 15 years) with known balance impairments were tested by one examiner on the PBS. Ten
pediatric physical therapists independently scored 10 randomly selected videotaped test sessions.
Results: There was no significant difference in total test scores [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
model 3,1
0.998] or individual items (Kappa Coefficients, k 0.87 to 1.0; Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients, r
0.89 to 1.0) measured by one therapist on two occasions. No significant difference among ratings by different
physical therapists was found on the PBS for total test score (ICC 3,1 0.997). Conclusion: The PBS has been
demonstrated to have good test-retest and interrater reliability when used with school-age children with mild
to moderate motor impairments. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2003;15:114 –128) Key words: child, posture, equilibrium,
cerebral palsy, spinal dysraphism, mental retardation, activities of daily living, reproducibility of results,
physical therapy techniques/methods

INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE postures, and standardized developmental measures of

Examination of balance is an important element of a gross motor function.1– 4 The ability to describe the extent
physical therapy evaluation for a school-age child. The cli- to which a child demonstrates righting reactions, protec-
nician must predict the ability of the child to safely and tive responses, and equilibrium reactions in response to a
independently function in a variety of environments (ie, therapist generated perturbation formed the foundation of
home, school, and community). Valid and reliable func- the “classic” balance assessment.1,2 Traditional balance as-
tional balance measures are of critical importance if the sessment also included timed measures of static sitting and
pediatric physical therapist is to justify that intervention is standing balance including single limb stance.4 Standard-
warranted and demonstrate that improved balance func- ized examination tools currently utilized by pediatric phys-
tion has occurred as a result of intervention. ical therapists for school-age children with mild to moder-
Traditionally, pediatric physical therapists have ex- ate motor impairment include the Bruininks-Oseretsky
amined balance through the observation of the underlying Test of Motor Proficiency,5 the Peabody Developmental
elements of the balance response, timed measures of static Motor Scale,6 and the Gross Motor Function Measure.7 In
addition, clinicians have developed their own non-stan-
dardized measures in an attempt to obtain information rel-
ative to the quality of performance during basic and instru-
Pediatric Physical Therapy mental activities of daily living, and higher-level gross
Copyright © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. motor tasks.4 The standardized and non-standardized mea-
sures that currently exist provide clinicians with valuable
Address correspondence to: Mary Rose Franjoine, MS, PT, PCS, Physical information, but may not fully meet their needs to assess a
Therapy Program, Daemen College, 4380 Main St., Amherst, NY 14226.
child’s functional balance abilities.
DOI: 10.1097/01.PEP.0000068117.48023.18

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Functional balance, for the purpose of this study,
has been defined as the element(s) of postural control

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that allow a child to safely perform everyday tasks. A similar to “functional reach,” which has been studied in
child of school age is expected to function indepen- the pediatric population.13 The purpose of this
dently within his/her home and school environment study was
when performing self-help (basic activities of daily liv-
ing), locomotor (mobility), and gross motor activities,
including recreational activities/play (instrumental ac-
tivities of daily living). As the child approaches adoles-
cence and young adulthood increased proficiency in ba-
sic and instrumental activities of daily living is
anticipated. Balance, the ability to maintain a state of
equilibrium, is one of the critical underlying elements of
movement that facilitates the performance of functional
skills. Other critical elements for successful function
include cognition, vision, vestibular function, muscle
strength, and range of motion. The physical therapist
must determine if the child possesses adequate func-
tional balance to safely meet the demands of everyday
life at home, in school, and within the community.
School-age children with mild to moderate motor im-
pairment pose unique challenges for the pediatric physical
therapist. Generally, they have acquired basic motor abili-
ties. At first glance, these children appear to possess the
motor skills necessary for successful function within their
homes, schools, and communities. They are able to ambu-
late independently with or without assistive devices. It is
our observation, however, that a closer examination of
their abilities reveals that they have a limited movement
repertoire that allows for minimal variation of movement
strategies within a given environment. Examples of such
limitations include the ability to turn only in one direction
in preparation to sit in a chair, or the ability to initiate
single limb stance with only one limb in preparation for
stepping onto a curb. Strong preferences or limited options
may create movement strategies that are unique to given
environments and appear slow, precarious, or impulsive.
Children with mild to moderate motor impairment may
appear to lack endurance for long duration/distance activ-
ities, such as standing still while waiting in a line. Standard-
ized tests, such as the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor
Proficiency,5 often reveal a significant delay in motor func-
tion for children with mild to moderate impairments com-
pared to children of the same chronological age without
Current standardized pediatric clinical measures may
not provide the clinician with adequate information to
fully assess a child with mild to moderate motor impair-
ment’s functional balance. A review of balance in the liter-
ature suggested that the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) might be
useful with the school-age population.8 –12 The 14 items
contained within BBS (see Table 1) assess many of the
functional activities a child must perform to safely and
independently function within his/her home, school, or
community: sitting balance, standing balance, sit to stand/
stand to sit, transfers, stepping, reaching forward, reaching
to the floor, turning, and stepping on and off of an elevated
surface. The test item “forward reaching” is conceptually

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threefold: 1) to pilot test BBS for use with children; 2) to pediatric version, items were reordered into functional se-
refine the instrument as needed for use with children; and quences with novel tasks placed at the end of the scale (see
3) to determine test-retest and interrater reliability of the
Balance Scale for school-age children with mild to moder-
ate motor impairments.

The BBS has undergone extensive reliability and
validity testing within the geriatric patient popula-
tion. 8,10 The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for
interrater and test-retest reliability for the test as a whole
were 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. The ICC for individual
test items ranged from 0.71 to 0.99. Berg has suggested
that for older persons the Balance Scale is an appropriate
screening tool with respect to functional balance, is pre-
dictive of future dysfunction, is sensitive to changes in
functional balance skills, and may be used to monitor a
patient’s status over time. 9,10 The BBS is easy to admin-
ister, does not require specialized equipment, and can be
completed in 20 minutes. A 0 to 4 grading scale pro-
vides a quantitative and qualitative measure of perfor-
mance. An overall numeric score is obtained at the con-
clusion of testing. 10

Pilot Testing of the BBS with Children
The BBS (see Table 1) was administered to 13 children
who were typically developing who ranged in age from four to
12 years, on two separate occasions scheduled one week
apart. A physical therapist (M.R.F.), a clinical specialist in
pediatric physical therapy with 13 years of experience in
school-based therapy, administered the BBS per test proto- col
to all 13 participants during both test sessions. The same
test site was used for both test sessions. Preliminary results
revealed unsatisfactory test-retest reliability. For- mal
statistical analysis of this data could not be completed as nine
of the 13 participants (69%) had difficulty complet- ing two
or more of the test items that required prolonged
maintenance of static postures. Marked variation within
individual participant’s performance was noted from the
initial test session to the follow-up test session with total
test scores (TTS) decreasing by greater than six points in
eight of the 13 (62%) participants. Issues associated with
typical child behavior, attention span and following direc-
tions were consistently encountered throughout test ad-
ministration during both sessions.
On the basis of the results of pilot testing of the BBS
with children who were typically developing, the 14 items
contained within Berg’s scale were modified to create a
pediatric version of this tool. The modifications were mi- nor
and included: 1) reordering of test items; 2) reducing time
standards for maintenance of static postures; and 3)
clarifying directions. Test items within the BBS are orga-
nized by increasing difficulty of task (see Table 1). In the

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Table 1). Time standards for BBS item 2, “standing unsup- the PBS (p 0.2489, Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed
ported,” item 3, “sitting unsupported,” and item 7, “stand- Ranks Test; r 0.931, Spearman Signed Rank Correla-
ing unsupported feet together” were decreased to 30 sec- tion).14 The test-retest reliability was extremely high (ICC
onds. In the BBS, a maximal score of “4” is earned in items 3,1 0.850).
2 and 3 by maintaining a static posture for two minutes and
in item 7 by maintaining a static posture for one minute. Reliability of the PBS with Children with Mild to
The scoring criteria to earn a “0” to “3” for each of these Moderate Motor Impairment
items were also modified. Directions and suggested equip- Sample. Twenty children (12 boys and eight girls)
ment were modified throughout the balance scale. Exam- ranging in age from five to 15 years (mean age nine years)
ples include the use of footprints or a taped line to facilitate with mild to moderate motor impairments were recruited
task completion in BBS items 2, 6 –10, 13, and 14. Equip- for participation in this study from local elementary
ment modification also included the use a child-size bench schools (see Table 2). The children were referred for par-
for BBS items 3–5, the use of a chalkboard eraser for BBS ticipation in this study by their community-based physical
item 8, the use of a flash card for BBS item 10, and the use therapist or their parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Informed
of a 6-inch step for BBS item 12. Care was taken to ensure consent was obtained before participation from the child’s
that the intent of the items was not altered by the modifi- parent(s) or legal guardian(s). A formal medical diagnosis
cations. The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) and instructions was not considered essential for inclusion in this study. All
for administration are presented in the Appendix. children had a known functional limitation and/or disabil-
ity that presented, clinically, as an impaired state of balance
Pilot Testing of the PBS with Children (disequilibrium). Etiologies of balance deficits varied
The PBS, the revised version of the BBS, was adminis- among the participants and included neurological, muscu-
tered per the protocol detailed in the Appendix, to 40 chil- loskeletal, and/or unknown causes (see Table 2). For in-
dren aged five to seven years who were developing typi- clusion in this sample, children had to be able to stand
cally. They were recruited from two local elementary independently without upper extremity support for four
schools and participated in two separate test sessions seconds. All children who participated in this study were
scheduled two weeks apart for the purpose of determining receiving physical therapy at the time of this study, al-
test-retest reliability. Two entry-level physical therapy stu- though the amount of intervention varied from educational
dents (K.K. and J.L.) under the advisement of an experi- consult (one to three times per school year) to intensive
enced pediatric physical therapist (S.H.) administered and outpatient physical therapy four times per week. (See Table
scored the test. Before test administration, the clinical spe- 2) The children’s level of motor impairment also varied.
cialist in pediatric physical therapy (M.R.F.) who partici- Descriptions of the children provided by their physical
pated in the initial pilot testing of the BBS with children therapists identified mobility skills, which ranged from in-
who were typically developing and in the revision process dependent community ambulation, without external assis-
to create the PBS, trained the two examiners. They partic- tive devices, to wheelchair dependent, able to ambulate for
ipated in two three-hour training sessions, which con- short distances. Children with a mental age of less than two
cluded one week before their initial data collection session. years, attention deficit disorder, pervasive developmental
Before the examiners completed their training, they dem- delay, or a severe receptive language disorder were ex-
onstrated the ability to accurately administer and score the cluded from this study. The decision to exclude children
PBS for three children of varying ages. Their results re- from this study with significant cognitive, attention, be-
vealed no significant difference for total test and retest havioral, and/or language disorders was necessary because
scores of the 40 children who were developing typically on these disorders may severely compromise a child’s ability

The Berg Balance Scale and the Pediatric Balance Scale

Berg’s Balance Scale Items Pediatric Balance Scale Items

1 Sitting to standing 1 Sitting to standing
2 Standing unsupported 2 Standing to sitting
3 Sitting unsupported 3 Transfers
4 Standing to sitting 4 Standing unsupported
5 Transfers 5 Sitting unsupported
6 Standing with eyes closed 6 Standing with eyes closed
7 Standing with feet together 7 Standing with feet together
8 Reaching forward with outstretched arm 8 Standing with one foot in front
9 Retrieving object from floor 9 Standing on one foot
10 Turning to look behind 10 Turning 360 degrees
11 Turning 360 degrees 11 Turning to look behind
12 Placing alternate foot on stool 12 Retrieving object from floor
13 Standing with one foot in front 13 Placing alternate foot on stool
14 Standing on one foot 14 Reaching forward with outstretched arm

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Characteristics of children participating in this study and their total test scores for test and retest

Age in Physical Therapy Number of Days Test Session 1 Test Session 2

Subject Years Gender Diagnosis Sessions per Week Between Test-Retest Functional Level TTS TTS
1 9 Female PWS 2 7 Mild 45 45
2 6 Male LD/SI 2 14 Mild 45 41
3 7 Male CP-Hypo 2 7 Mild 46 41
4 13 Male SB CONSULT 7 Mild 48 48
5 9 Male CP-SD 2 7 Mild 47 46
6 13 Male MR 1 9 Mild 52 52
7 5 Male Autistic 2 7 Mild 44 46
8 11 Female CP-SD 2 7 Moderate 42 42
9 7 Male MR 3 7 Mild 49 49
10 8 Male CP-ATHD 4 7 Moderate 31 31
11 7 Female CP-SD 3 7 Mild 46 46
12 8 Male SP BT 2 7 Mild 52 52
13 10 Female CP-SD 4 7 Moderate 34 34
14 15 Male CP-SD 3 10 Moderate to Severe 19 19
15 14 Female CP-SD 4 8 Moderate to Severe 8 8
16 5 Female CP-Hemi 2 7 Moderate 14 14
17 5 Male LD/SI 2 10 Moderate 30 30
18 14 Female CP-SD 3 7 Moderate to Severe 13 13
19 9 Female CP-SD 2 7 Moderate to Severe 13 13
20 10 Male CP-Hemi 2 7 Moderate to Severe 5 5
PWS Prader-Willi syndrome; LD/SI learning disabled and speech-language impaired; MR mental retardation; SB spina bifida; SP BT
status post-brain tumor resection; CP cerebral palsy; Athd. athetoid; Hemi hemiplegia; Hypo hypotonia; SD spastic diplegia; TTS total test

to comprehend and comply with test instructions in the minutes, and was designed to put the child at ease, allow-
standardized manner necessary for determining the reli- ing the examiner to develop effective communication strat-
ability of a tool. egies with the child. The child’s parent(s) and the referring
therapist(s) were invited to attend the test sessions.
Test-retest reliability. The PBS was administered to
all 20 participants following the criteria set forth in Appen- Interrater Reliability
dix 1. The same physical therapist (M.R.F.) tested all chil- Interrater reliability of the PBS for total test score was
dren at both test sessions. She was responsible for direct determined by using the videotapes created during the test
interaction with the child, administration of the test, scor- and retest data collection. Item 14, “forward reach,” was
ing of the test, and ensuring the child’s safety during test- omitted from videotape analysis because a two-dimen-
ing. An assistant was responsible for videotaping. Each sional videotape does not adequately record test perfor-
item was scored on the criterion-based 0 to 4 scale. Only mance.13 To ensure a range of performance scores, video-
one practice trial per item was allowed. Verbal, visual, and taped test sessions were subdivided into three categories:
physical cues were provided to ensure the child under-
TTS 20, TTS 20 and 40, and TTS 40. Three to four
stood the requested task. If a child successfully completed
videotapes were randomly selected from the tapes in each
the task (ie, scored a four on the first trial), additional trials
category. Ten pediatric physical therapists with a mini-
were not administered. It took approximately 15 minutes
mum of two years of clinical experience participated in the
to administer and score the PBS.
interrater reliability phase of this study. All therapists were
A variety of test sites within the community were uti-
lized in this study, including the child’s home, school, and volunteers and were recruited from the local therapeutic
private physical therapy clinic. For each child, the location community. Their level of pediatric clinical experience var-
of the test site for test one and two were the same. Selection ied, ranging from two to 25 years (mean experience 9.4
of the test site was determined according to child, caretaker years). All participating therapists were involved in pedi-
or clinician convenience. atric clinical practice, although their practice setting var-
All children who participated in the study were sched- ied: school-based, five therapists; outpatient hospital
uled for two test sessions that occurred within 14 days. based, three therapists; outpatient private practice, two
Whenever possible, the day of the week and time of day therapists. Each therapist participated in a single, 45-
were kept consistent. Scheduling of the test session was at minute training session on scoring of the PBS before scor-
the convenience of the child, their parent(s) or legal guard- ing of the videotapes. The 10 therapists independently
ian(s), and/or the facility. Before each test session, a brief viewed and scored the 10 videotaped test sessions within
introductory period occurred. This period did not exceed 5 one week of their training session.

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Analysis of Test-Retest Reliability TABLE 3.
Test retest reliability item analysis
To determine test-retest reliability of the PBS, scores
on the initial administration of the PBS were compared PBS Test Items Kappa Spearman
with those obtained by the same investigator on the second 1. Sit-Stand 1.00 1.00
administration of the PBS. Scores on the PBS are ordinal 2. Stand-Sit 1.00 1.00
level data; therefore, the nonparametric Wilcoxon 3. Transfers 1.00 1.00
Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test (alpha 0.05) was used 4. Standing Balance 0.92 0.89
5. Sitting Balance 1.00 1.00
to test for significant difference between total test and total
6. Stand Eyes Closed 1.00 1.00
retest scores. The Kappa statistic, k, was used to evaluate 7. Stand Feet Together 0.91 0.99
the agreement of test and retest scores on individual test 8. Stand One Foot in 0.92 0.96
items. Each ordinal score from 0 to 4 was considered to be Front-Tandem
a category. The kappa corrects for the proportion of agree- 9. Stand on One Foot 0.87 0.95
10. Turn 360 Degrees 0.91 0.99
ments between test and retest scores that occur as a result
15 11. Turn and Look Behind 0.93 1.00
of chance. Correlation coefficients evaluate the corre- 12. Pick Up Object 1.00 0.93
spondence between measurements. The correlation be- 13. Stepping 0.93 1.00
tween test Rank Correlation
and retest scores coefficient. This test
was determined reflects
using the 14.PBS Functional
pediatric Reachscale.
balance 1.00 1.00
the consistency of ranks of data, but not the degree of
similarity between repeated test scores.15 An ICC model 3,1
[ICC(3,1)], which is a reliability coefficient based on an 1.574; p 0.1087) (see Table 5) and high interrater reli-
analysis of variance, was also determined. ability was demonstrated via an ICC(3,1) 0.997.

Analysis of Interrater Reliability
Preliminary testing of the PBS reveals very high test-
A single-factor repeated-measure analysis of variance retest and interrater reliability for children five to 15 years of
(alpha 0.05) and an ICC(3,1) were used to evaluate age with mild to moderate motor impairments. The PBS may
interrater reliability of total test score (exclusive of item therefore provide clinicians with an additional, reliable means
14) on the PBS. of assessing a child’s balance. The PBS also affords clinicians a
standardized protocol for test administration and scoring.
RESULTS Our preliminary work does not specifically address the valid-
Test-Retest Reliability ity of the PBS as a pediatric balance measure, nor does it
provide normative information. Clinical observations sup-
The age, gender, diagnosis, and frequency of physical
port the content (face) validity of the PBS, because items con-
therapy services as well as time between initial test and
tained within are routinely performed by children throughout
follow-up test are presented in Table 2 for all 20 children
the day and are frequently examined by pediatric physical
who participated in this study. The distribution of the TTS
therapist as a component of assessment. Examples of such
for test and retest data is also shown in Table 2. Individual
tasks include the following: item 1, sit to stand; item 2, stand
TTS scores ranged from 5 to 52. The maximal possible TTS
to sit; item 10, turning around; item 11, turning to look be-
for the PBS is 56. There was no significant difference be-
hind; and item 12, picking an object up from the floor (see the
tween total test and retest scores on the PBS (p 0.2733,
Appendix and Table 1).
Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test). The test-re-
The PBS incorporates a 0 to 4 grading scale to assess
test reliability for individual items is presented in Table 3.
performance. The scoring criterion within an item incor-
k ranged from 0.87 to 1.0. The Spearman Signed Ranked
porates qualitative and quantitative measures that allow for
Correlation, r, ranged from 0.89 to 1.0 for individual items.
Test-retest reliability was extremely high [ICC(3,1)
0.998]. TABLE 4.
Median, mode and range of TTS on PBS for 10 subjects evaluated by 10
pediatric physical therapists
Interrater Reliability
Ten pediatric physical therapists with varied clinical Subjects Median Mode Range
background, including years of experience and practice 1 5 5 1
setting, independently viewed and scored the videotaped 2 12 12 0
performance of 10 children. The median, mode, and range 3 12 12 0
4 27 27 0
of TTS on the PBS for each of the videotaped subjects are 5 11 11 0
presented in Table 4. The total test scores of the subjects 6 31 31 1
examined by the 10 therapists ranged from five to 49 with 7 49 49 2
only a zero-to-two point difference in the total test scores 8 45 45 1
for each subject. There was no significant difference among 9 40 40 1
10 43 43 0
ratings by different physical therapists on PBS TTS (F

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Summary table for single-factor repeated-measures analysis of variance: PBS total scores of 10 videotaped subjects scored by 10 pediatric physical

df Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value p Value

Subjects (S) 9 24430.800 2714.533
Therapists (T) 9 1.600 0.178 1.674 0.109
Error (S T) 81 8.600 0.106

normal variability in performance. This aspect of the grad- change? Is it capable of documenting skill progression or
ing scale is extremely important, in that variability is a regression over time? Do the criteria used in the grading
hallmark of typical motor development. PBS item 8, scale reflect different levels of motor proficiency? Are the
“standing one foot in front” (see Appendix) illustrates the scale increments (zero to four) reflective of an overall
use of qualitative measures, quantitative measures and change in function? Ongoing investigation with the PBS
variability within the scoring criteria of a single item. This includes collection of normative data on children who are
item examines a child’s ability to assume and maintain a typically developing. Preliminary results suggest that chil-
tandem posture. To obtain the maximal score of four the dren who are typically developing by the age of seven years
child must be able to independently assume a tandem foot can successfully complete all items within the PBS, obtain-
placement position and maintain it for 30 seconds. A lesser ing the maximal score of 56. Additionally, three subjects
score is earned if the child requires assistance to step, can have been tested using the PBS for a period of two years in
maintain a stride stance, but not tandem stance, or main- conjunction with their ongoing clinical intervention pro-
tains the tandem posture for 30 seconds. grams. Trends in their data suggest that the PBS may be
Extreme care was taken during the modification pro- sensitive to changes in a child’s functional balance abilities
cess of the BBS to ensure that the intent of the task was not over time. It is hoped that the PBS can be used clinically to
altered. The reduction in time parameters for static stance screen for functional balance deficits, identify a need for
in BBS items 2, 3, and 7 was necessary to ensure the mea- physical therapy intervention, and to monitor progress
sure of elements of postural control vs attention span. The within a therapeutic program.
reduction to 30 seconds may limit the ability of this tool to
assess the underlying element of muscle strength/postural CONCLUSION
stability as a component of functional balance. The time
Preliminary data supports the use of the PBS as a reli-
parameter of 30 seconds was chosen based in part upon
able measure of functional balance for use with the school-
clinical observation during pilot testing of the BBS and
1,4 age child with mild to moderate motor impairment. It is
current clinical research in the area of pediatric balance.
quick to administer and is easily scored. Total test admin-
Care was taken to limit the effects of learning during
istration and scoring time is 15 minutes. The PBS does
the test-retest phase of this study. Verbal, visual, and tactile
not require the use of specialized equipment. It provides
feedback, for each item, was provided during test session
clinicians with a standardized format for measurement of
one and two during the practice trial only. Qualitative per-
functional balance tasks which are routine components of
formance feedback, positive or negative, was not provided
physical therapy examination for the school-age child with
during test administration and/or scoring. Additional feed-
mild to moderate motor impairments.
back relative to individual item(s) or overall task perfor-
mance was also not provided. At the conclusion of each test
the child received a small toy of their choice as a thank you ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
for participating. The test and retest session were sched- The authors thank the children, their families, and the
uled at least seven days apart and no longer than 14 days to community clinicians who participated in this study. The
minimize the effects of leaning, retention, and develop- authors acknowledge and thank Sharon L. Held, MS, PT,
mental-based changes. PCS, Kim Kobes, PT, and Jeff Lach, PT, for their contribu-
The PBS has limitations. For example, the PBS does tions to this study. A special thank you is extended to
not examine a child’s ability to reach overhead. If one con- Katherine Carey Carney, Theresa Kolodziej, Deborah Sc-
siders the strategies that children use as they interact with heider, and Jane Montgomery for their assistance and
their environment, we have observed that items which are support.
out of reach are frequently overhead. Additionally, the PBS This study is dedicated in loving memory of Gregory
does not examine issues associated with balance during James Heiser (November 9, 1988 to August 23, 1996).
locomotion. Inclusion of such items in the PBS would re- Sleep well my little angel.
quire further investigation.
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Balance Therapy
Scale 122

Pediatric Physical Therapy Pediatric Balance Scale 121

Pediatric Physical Therapy Pediatric Balance Scale 121
122 Franjoine et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Pediatric Physical Therapy Pediatric Balance Scale 121

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124 Franjoine et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

6. Standing Unsupported With Eyes Closed

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to stand still with feet shoulder width apart and close
his/her eyes for ten seconds. Direction: "When I say close your eyes, I want you to stand
still, closeyour eyes, and keep them closed until I say open." If necessary, a blindfold may
be used. Weight shifting and equilibrium responses in the feet are acceptable; movement of the
foot in space (off the support surface) indicates end of timed trial. A taped line or footprints may
be placed on the floor to help the child maintain a stationary foot position.

EQUIPMENT: a stop watch or watch with a second hand

a twelve-inch long masking tape line or two footprints placed
shoulder width apart

Best Of 3 Trials,
( )4 able to stand 10 seconds safely
( )3 able to stand 10 seconds with supervision (spotting)
( )2 able to stand 3 seconds
( ) 1 unable to keep eyes closed 3 seconds but stays steady
( )0 needs help to keep from falling

Time in seconds

7. Standing Unsupported With Feet Together

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to place his/herfeet togetherand stand still

withoutholdingon. The child may be engaged in non-stressful conversation to maintain
attention span for thirty seconds. Weight shifting and equilibrium responses in feet are
acceptable; movement of the foot in space (off the support surface) indicates end of timed trial. A
taped line or footprints may be placed on the floor to help the child maintain stationary foot

EQUIPMENT: a stop watch or watch with a second hand

a twelve inch long masking tape line or two footprints placed together
Best Of 3 Trials

)4 able to place feet together independently and stand 30 seconds safely

)3 able to place feet together independently and stand for 30 seconds with
supervision (spotting)
)2 able to place feet together independently but unable to hold for 30
) 1 needs help to attain position but able to stand 30 seconds with feet
( )0 needs help to attain position and I or unable to hold for 30 seconds
Time in seconds

Pediatric Physical Therapy Pediatric Balance Scale 125

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8. Standing Unsupported One Foot In Front

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to stand with one foot in front of the other, heel
to toe. If the child cannot place feet in a tandem position (directly in front), they should be asked
to step forward far enough to allow the heel of one foot to be placed ahead of the toes of the
stationary foot. A taped line and/or footprints may be placed on the floor to help the child
maintain a stationary foot position. In addition to a visual demonstration, a single physical prompt
(assistance with placement) may be given. The child may be engaged in non-stressful
conversation to maintain his/her attention span for 30 seconds. Weight shifting and/or equilibrium
reactions in the feet are acceptable. Timed trials should be stopped if either foot moves in space
(leaves the support surface) and/or upper extremities support is utilized.
EQUIPMENT: a stop watch or watch with a second hand
a twelve inch long masking tape line or two footprints placed heel to toe
Best Of Three Trials
( )4 able to place feet tandem independently and hold 30 seconds
( )3 able to place foot ahead of other independently and hold 30 seconds. Note:
The length of the step must exceed the length of the stationary foot and
the width of the stance should approximate the subject's normal stride
)2 able to take small step independently and hold 30 seconds, or required
assistance to place foot in front, but can stand for 30 seconds.
) 1 needs help to step, but can hold 15 seconds
)0 loses balance while stepping or standing
Time in seconds

9. Standing On One Leg

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to stand on one leg for as long as he/she is able
to without holding on. If necessary the child can be instructed to maintain his/her arms (hands)
on his/her hips (waist). A taped line or footprints may be placed on the floor to help the child
maintain a stationary foot position. Weight shifting and/or equilibrium reactions in the feet are
acceptable. Timed trials should be stopped if the weight-bearing foot moves in space (leaves the
support surface), the up limb touches the opposite leg or the support surface and/or upper
extremities are utilized for support.

EQUIPMENT: a stop watch or watch with a second hand

a twelve inch long masking tape line or two footprints placed heel to toe
3 Trials Average Score
( )4 able to lift leg independently and hold 10 seconds
( )3 able to lift leg independently and hold 5 to 9 seconds
( )2 able to lift leg independently and hold 3 to 4 seconds
( ) 1 tries to lift leg; unable to hold 3 seconds but remains standing
( )0 unable to try or needs assist to prevent fall

126 Franjoine et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright© Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

10. Turn 360 Degrees

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to turn completely around in a full circle, STOP,
and then turn a full circle in the other direction.

EQUIPMENT: A stop watch or watch with a second hand

)4 able to turn 360 degrees safely in 4 seconds or less each way (total of
less than eight seconds)
)3 able to turn 360 degrees safely in one direction only in 4 seconds or less
completes turn in other direction requires more than four seconds
)2 able to turn 360 degrees safely but slowly
) 1 needs close supervision (spotting) or constant verbal cueing
)0 needs assistance while turning
Time in seconds

11. Turning To Look Behind Left & Right Shoulders While Standing Still
INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to stand with his/her feet still, fixed in one
place. "Follow this object as I move it. Keep watching it as I move it, but don't move your
EQUIPMENT: a brightly colored object of at least two inches in size, or flash
a twelve inch long masking tape line or two footprints placed
shoulder width apart
( )4 looks behind/over each shoulder; weight shifts include trunk rotation
( )3 looks behind/over one shoulder with trunk rotation; weight shift in the
opposite direction is to the level of the shoulder; no trunk rotation
)2 turns head to look to level of shoulder; no trunk rotation
) 1 needs supervision (spotting) when turning; the chin moves greater than
half the distance to the shoulder
)0 needs assist to keep from losing balance or falling; movement of the chin
is less than half the distance to the shoulder

12. Pick Up Object From The Floor From A Standing Position

INSTRUCTIONS: The child is asked to pick up a chalkboard eraser placed

approximately the length of his/her foot in front of his/her dominant foot. In children, where
dominance is not clear, ask the child which hand they want to use and place the object in front of
that foot.
EQUIPMENT: a chalkboard eraser
a taped line or footprints
( )4 able to pick up an eraser safetly and easily
( )3 able to pick up eraser but needs supervision (spotting)
( )2 unable to pick up eraser but reaches 1 to 2 nches from eraser and keeps
balance independently
( )1 unable to pick up eraser; needs supervision (spotting)while attempting
( )0 unable to try, needs assist to keep from losing balance or falling

Pediatric Physical Therapy Pediatric Balance Scale 127

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128 Franjoine et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

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