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The Main Issues

I don't get through a third of my material and I have even more material
now so I'm going to I think that would be give a skill now that you know
the different topics but I'm not going to lock myself in of that we'll just see
how it goes and at some point maybe the last fifteen minutes if somebody
could this goes from nine fifteen to what time ten fifteen right if maybe
somebody at ten o'clock. You could just say to me hey it's about you know
just point ten o'clock because I'd like to leave it open somewhat to some
questions to have an idea of maybe some of the things that you're interested
in that I might be able to address because I don't want sort of peer and wax
eloquent about a bunch of stuff that I'm interested in and that might not be
what you have but we've got five hours and I do think in five hours we
could cover a fair amount of material and I don't and don't sit here and
blindly accept everything I'm saying you know it's funny I've been
publishing books now for decades there's a problem with that is I don't
believe everything the way I believe to free their kids or go and yet it's
imprint its imprint and sometimes In fact I'll tell one last story I used to do
concerts tapes with American cassette ministries. And I started doing that
like thirty some years ago and then I remember one day I want to say to the
guy you know some of these tapes that I made thirty years ago or tapes
that's how far back we're going I don't necessarily things see things this
way and I thought about saying you know maybe be good if you could kind
of pull them but then I thought about it later I thought no no no because
maybe the stuff I'm speaking about today. There might be people that don't
have the slightest interest in it that might not be where they're at Where's
the cliff or Goldstein thirty years ago might be what they need at that time
so anyway I. I don't know how I even got on that topic I mean I lost my
train of thought I got to stick to my notes or else I'm going to go all over
the place I want to spend a few minutes. Talking about how I became an
advocate is because it's very to a certain degree related on a couple of
levels to what I want to talk about. I grew up in a very secular Jewish
home. I often joke I say in our family the Jewish holidays boiled down to
they try to kill us they failed let's seat. That was if you have Jewish friends
secular Jewish friends you're low that that's the essence of it right there
now I had only just been lucky way because I was raised I was educated in
a secular environment I was raised in educated on evolution I don't
remember in my life ever questioning it I don't remember it being ever
challenging it or ever hearing it challenge and I remember distinctly I was
in the fifth grade and I remember I had this blue textbook and I don't really
have a good of a member but I remember spin home and memorizing the
different Aidan's of the Earth's history the angel with care archaea so it
Cara protozoa Cara Paleozoic Mesozoic incentive Zoe I still remember that
from the fifth grade and then I remember distinctly two they had of picture
of like a shallow pool and then one cell creature then a jellyfish then some
kind of and fifteen you know and then then so a marsupial or something
and then a hominid and then at the end or thaw and then a human being and
they drew a line through it and that was human history human evolution I
remember that distinctly in the fifth grade then you jump together you jump
to the ninth grade Nautilus junior high school and a little aside I found out
a while back the dog bachelor and I were in that same junior high school in
Miami Beach at the same time there was a Burger King everybody hung
out with and did a lot of stuff on Mark and say what we did but but Doug
knew the Burger King but anyway I remember in the ninth grade I thought
I was hot stuff good that's working a little better. Because I knew what
ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. How many of you know that I was in
the ninth grade and I knew what that was and that was the idea that a
human embryo goes through the phases of evolution got a few look at it
and you'll see fins and gills and so forth I was being taught that in nineteen
sixty nine even though decades earlier decades earlier it had been known to
have been a fraud even a hard nosed evolutionist the Stephan Jay Gould.
Thought it was criminal the way this thing was being promulgated it was
first promulgated around the turn of the century and in the ninth grade I
was being taught it one thousand nine hundred sixty nine then jump ahead
to the University of Florida Gainesville I had an anthropology course and
nothing particularly stands out but I do remember how evolution was the
all to MIT subtext of everything we had been taught OK now what
happened was in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine in the fall of one
thousand nine hundred seventy nine I had a very mostly dramatic I guess
every conversion experience was dramatic but I became a born again
believer in one nine hundred seventy nine. All I knew was this and I'm
going to deviate on this now too far it hit me about twenty one year I was
about twenty one years old this was a few years earlier and it hit me that
truth had to exist truth with a capital T. There's a world there's a universe
there something here something you have to explain it and it hit me at that
age something and whatever explained it that is the truth with a capital T.
now my realization that truth had to exist was a completely separate issue
from whether I or anyone could ever know it OK totally separate issue the
fact that it had I knew I could be wrong about that there's something here
maybe we're all brains in vats fine we're all brains in vats maybe the
universe always existed fine whatever it was there was something here
something happened which explained it that had to be the truth. And I
thought if it were humanly possible because again the fact that it had to be
there and me knowing it totally separate things but I thought if I could
know what I wanted to know and I didn't care where it led me what it cost
me what I had to suffer what I had to give up I thought if I could know
what I wanted to know it and all I know is of all the different ways I could
have gone all the different paths I ended up becoming a Seventh Day
Adventist OK now I'm jumped ahead a little there but I've got converted in
the fall of one thousand nine hundred seventy nine and I had a born again
experience I was born it was total experience there was nothing rational
nothing intellectual about my experience I mean it was very much I don't
like to compare myself to Paul but what did possible Paul's what did Saul
of Tarsus a study get him to do I got him to kill Christians OK And then
he's walking along and he has the supernatural experience he's born again
and overnight he becomes a believer in Jesus that is something exactly
what happened to me so I'm a born again believer and instantly it's like all
reality changes for me is if it was if my whole life I was taught the earth
was flat and now I suddenly discover it's round at the most it's it was
amazing it was at the most fundamental level almost I realised almost
everything I had believed and been taught my whole life was wrong and
that was rough I was twenty three years old but there was one area in
particular where instantly I sensed a clash I sensed a problem and that was
evolution and my born again experience which is kind of fascinating
because I know folks if you would have said to me the. Cliff you are a
sinner. I would have looked at you like. What are you talking about. And I
say that only to show you I knew nothing I knew nothing of the Bible
nothing of Christianity I mean I knew nothing about anything I was green I
didn't even the idea of being a sinner but for some reason at the most gut
level I sensed how could this be true and evolution be true and I went to the
Christians in the health food store where I first met they were admin it's at
that time I didn't know they were Adventist it would have meant nothing to
me had they said they were and in the beginning and then in the beginning
they were just kind of brushed me off always not a big deal with illusions
not true you know you know and so on and so forth and I. And I I struggled
with that until finally finally they said they gave me a book to read and they
said read this book and I don't even remember who the author of the book
was it was creationist literature and quite frankly some creationist literature
could be a speculative and as bad science as the quote Bona feely stuff but
what happened was is the scales fell off my eye. I saw something that I had
never seen before and little did I realize that what I was about to experience
is a fundamental problem in the whole question of science that we will
touch on later look the bones are in the ground. The fossils are in the
ground no one's going to deny that they're in the ground and you know the
Satan created the bones to test our faith please let's not go there OK let's
not that's the kind of stuff that just makes creationists that's the kind of stuff
where they justifiably put us on the class with flat earth others OK so the
bones here in the ground but for the first time in My Lai. I was shown see
all my life I was turpitude them through one power Adonai and we'll come
back to this word later the bones are there my whole life I was taught well
that was because of billions of years of evolution and suddenly I was
shown for the first time hey there's other ways to interpret these things
there are other ways you can interpret it to explain the phenomena in fact
this is called in the philosophy of science is called the under determined
determination of theory by evidence and it's the idea that it's the idea that
you can. You can have any one of a number of different theories to explain
phenomena and we'll look at that later on you could have any one of a
number of things and they make accurate predictions I'm going to give you
an example later specifically of what I'm talking about but the point was
was that for the first time in my life I was shown wow there's another way
to interpret this and you know I was pretty angry I felt pretty angry it
wasn't you know it wasn't so much that you know it was a secular world
view what else were they going to teach me other than evolution but what I
was got angry about was the horde nose dogmatic way that it was taught I
was taught it as an absolute fact uncontroverted unquestioned on challenge
as I said I don't remember one time growing up. Ever ever hearing it being
challenged I mean you can challenge it any more than you challenge that
the earth was round after all folks this is science science and isn't science
this rational objective unbiased view of reality and how reality works I
mean this was the middle of the twentieth century and I was already in the
late twentieth century C'mon science has proven itself over and over and
over again I love this quote from the philosopher Bertrand Russell he says
what science cannot tell us mankind cannot know. It's pretty heavy it's
pretty heavy see the idea is that only science can reveal to us truth and that
one day all that will ever need to know will be revealed to us through signs
and again if you're ever in a debate with someone and what they'll say to
you but it's science and the whole idea is while it's science we have to bow
down and surrender before it and a lot of people feel that way and they're
not dumb there's a lot of good reasons for people to believe that way
doesn't Nestle one of the things I discovered in my book and by writing you
talk about you can have a very very very good reasons. For believing in
things that ultimately turn out to be wrong OK it's an important point you
could have good reasons to believe in things that eventually you're turning
out wrong let me read you another quote this was from an article called The
folly of scientism somebody recently wrote a real nasty review of my book
an Adventist today which but I expect a day to be positive and I'll you
know I got so ticked off to see distorted that they let me write a response
and they published the response and it got a little heated on their own on
there but I wasn't going to just you know I said I would be very happy
somebody to write a review of my book and point out faults and
weaknesses because that could help me then hone in my arguments or if I
had an argument that was wrong. You know it's one of these things you
know you don't push it anymore but instead he twisted everything I said
and attack me and all that but he was a he called me a scientific nihilist
which means you know just reject science I don't reject I have my I'D
HAVE a boy who'd be dead if it wasn't for science OK but what I am
dealing with with what they call scientism and let me read you a quote
from an evolutionary biologist. Both in the work of professional
philosophers and in popular writings by natural sciences it is frequently
claimed that natural science does or soon will constitute the entire domain
of truth and this attitude is becoming more widespread among scientists
themselves because it's the idea that you have a natural only universe and
that science alone could answer the questions now it's very alluring. You
know I mean it look what science has taught us you know a few hundred
years ago some unfortunate old woman selling herbs in a market place
could have been burned at the stake as a witch for causing a drought that
now we could better understand came because of changes in temperatures
in the ocean OK And sure the ancient isn't good is fear that Jaguars it
attacking the moon at night were jaguars attacking the moon at night could
now better be explained as as a lunar eclipse. And you could go on and on
thanks to science we no longer bleed people we split the atom we've gone
to the moon you know and build smart phones the list goes on and on and
on we've extended human why if you know as we've known you know in
other words and science and technology they've greatly impacted. Our life
and how we live in They've opened up a whole new vistas of understanding
of things that we people never understood before that's why should I have
been taught evolution why shouldn't I have been taught evolution in any
other way other than this unquestionable unassailable and unchallenged
objective truth the kind of truth that science supposedly gives us and that's
really what I want to look at because it's you know every age lives with its
Smith's we tend to think well you know we're too sophisticated we don't
live with myths for we we now have science but see that's the Metamath
that's the great great myth of our age because it means it's got to be true and
that I think can lead people to well I think it already has led people even in
our day and age to police some incredibly foolish things and it's got some
devastating effects in the church too you know a number of years ago I had
a column in the Avenues review for. Since probably Bill Clinton was
president. And. But ten years ago I wrote a column and I didn't think much
of it I call that seventh day Darwinians and I took the position the cost of
your or. Which I don't care I want to change one thing I believe it but I
basically took the position which I thought was pretty on controversy Oh
and if you're a Seventh Day Adventist seven day. But if you're Seventh Day
Adventists and you believe in billions of years of evolution you're really I
said Don't you think you ought to find another church to be a member of
now and to this day and I hope we get through it put it this way let me fly
me phrase it let me let me phrase it for you to let you understand least how
I see the issues if the vast majority of some of the world's smartest people
the Ph D. S. The Nobel Laureates the postoffice if the world's experts in
physics chemistry biology particle physics. Astronomy astrophysics
physiology if the fast majority of the of these people the vast majority of
them are correct. Then I tell people we're not going to hell because there is
no Hell if they're correct the world's some of the smartest if they're all
correct in what they see the science proves I think all showing in our
religion is a joke our religion cannot possibly be true you know people
would debate this and I deal with this in the book I do with a whole section
of the book trying to show the sad attempts by still stick evolutionists to
make it fit with the Bible OK it's it's pathetic so I'm staked out a pretty
heavy thing I'm saying if the world smart these people if they're right our
religion cannot punish I'm sure there are people say oh no no no no but I
would I would love to get a one on one with someone let's look at the text
so we're dealing with a heavy thing here OK But anyway I took that point.
That if you because my point here is and you would have thought of what
the been a big deal but I'm telling you it could cost a bit I'm not going to
get in all the details but it caused quite a few Your R. and I got left twisting
in the wind and all that but that's another that's another story OK now but I
want to take this question here for a moment when I when you make the
statement that. If you believe in scientism that everything could be
explained through science and science alone what kind of statement is that.
What's that. OK No not necessarily what kind you see that's a philosophical
statement that's not a scientific statement and see one of the things I
discovered was. A lot of times just because scientists make a statement
doesn't necessarily make it a scientific statement but do you realize though
what I just said and this lure is so powerful I remember I kept on saying I
need to stop this I just stepped into my own trap when I say it's not a
scientific statement it's a philosophical statement what does that imply. OK
OK but if I'm trying to basically I'm saying hey it's not as credible. As it
would be if it were a scientific statement see I stepped into my own trap
right there well that's not even a scientific statement it's a philosophical
statement well so what just because it's a scientific statement doesn't
necessarily make it true as well and that some of the things I want to I want
to point out with but the point is it's not always easy it's not always easy to
make those distinctions but anyway as I said I worked through I worked
through the. When I met the have been is and I worked through that and I
suddenly realized my whole life I had been duped but then anyway years
later after I become an avenue ist and I write this seventh day Darwinians
and I had no idea it would cause but don't kid yourself there are people who
believe in evolution. Who teach in our colleges and I just find that I just I
mean I I could it's the kind of thing I could see myself going to of some
avenues college and dousing myself in gasoline and burning myself a love I
have that's how strongly I feel about it it is on believe a bull to me that we
had this is allowed to go on in our church I just find it in comprehensible
and yet people will fight beyond it the guy that wrote this attack on a date
is affiliated with one of our colleges I'll give you three guesses as to which
one it is but I'm optimistic anyway anyway the point is but you know I
didn't do this seminar for them I didn't write the book for these people. I try
truly wrote the book for people my and I want to be careful who I think
truly take scripture seriously and really say wow how can I possibly You
can't harmonize these things how do I deal with this how do I deal with the
facts again I'm saying if the world some of the world's smartest people the
Ph D.'s biology chemistry people who spend their lives studying in this
stuff people get into the most incredible specialized detail it's incredible the
specialization in biology and stuff these people that are experts in it I think
their foundation really fundamentally wrong and if they're not there's I just
don't see any possible way our religion could be made any sense of it all
and I hope we'll spend a little time towards the end looking at that so it's a
fairly heavy issue but again for me having done the research I've done in
the reading I've done so you're saying that the world's smartest people the
Ph D.'s and all these people the wrong Yeah yeah and I don't have the
slightest problem saying it and I'm hopeful when I'm done you might not
agree with me but at least you'll be able to see. Where I'm coming from
why I hold the views I do because very a lot of the stuff I didn't know
anything about before till I started doing the research and really what I
really deal with and what we're going to deal with here and what I deal
with in the book more than anything it's a philosophy of science and I show
people just because it's science and here's the thing too it's a theme that I
touch on over and over well I'll give you an example I remember forty
years ago Time magazine cover article on the dangers of saturated fat OK it
was science the latest and greatest science forty years ago. Don't eat the fat
back OK don't need your pork OK saturated fat would juicy Time
magazine about two years ago the latest and greatest science well saturated
fat might not really be so bad after all so it was science back then science
now they're saying different things but now this but that's not my point
because when you understand science that's happens all the time but this is
the point and I emphasize this over and over again saturated fat they can
stick it in a lab they could put it under a microscope they can dissect it they
can bombard it with Proton be they can do all the stuff to would in a
hundred different labs at the same time around the world they could do all
the stuff to looking at the same thing scientists seeing the same evidence
and they come up with contradictory or conflicting views or opinions this is
about something that's here and now they could put it in the lab and yet
when scientists tell us. That eight hundred million years ago the the Dyna
saw evolved feathers eight hundred million years ago were s'posed were
expected to bow down and accept it something eight hundred miss
something that nobody has ever seen something that's completely out of
reach she remember everything that they're telling us about evolution
they're looking at things now and retro dicked the way they way back in the
past but my point is if they're struggling over and disagreeing over what
they could see in a lab now why should we still dogmatic Leigh except
when they speculate about things they say happened things that no longer
were in existence things that are not happening now happen else they say
happened billions of millions or even billions of years ago before anybody
was ever there to see it and these are things just to keep in mind anyway I
want to look at some of this stuff and so I said I have so much material here
and somebody can keep an eye on it. You guys remember the movie
Apollo thirteen after the ship blew up there was this great scene where Ed
Harris plays the head of NASA flight operations and they got a little white
board and they got a picture of the earth the moon and the spacecraft and
Ed Harris states finally decide what they're going to do is they're gonna let
the the spacecraft go around the moon and let the moves gravity slingshot
the capsule back to earth and guess what those of you old enough
remember what happened it were. It worth the science word and the
fascinating thing about the science. Is this was the science developed in the
seventeen hundreds by Sir Isaac Newton if they could have taken Newton
and transported him to NASA they coulda sat up in the room given him a
sheet of paper and a pencil and a few calculations and knew could have
told them exactly what they would have to do and they didn't need Newton
they did it themselves and it brought it back what a powerful example. Of
the success of science I mean it worked it worked I mean it did exactly
everything that they said it did so it worked therefore if the site here's a
crucial point and something I deal with in the book and I've written on this
it's very very tricky it's very deceptive this gun is just about to start to taste
like. Human I'll a rubber band scuse me and my wife would have a fit if she
saw me doing this. And OK now it worked no no you could leave OK OK
Oh don't don't bother with my God I don't want to be my girl on. The
science worked what does that then tell us about the science now if you've
read my book just out of curiosity because and I say this for a reason how
many you have read my book yet baptized in the devil OK All right well all
right well this once was not good that hardly anybody read it but good on
the other hand as I just don't want to repeat stuff that you my if everybody
would a razor hand I'd have to redo the seminar because I don't wanna. But
the science works there for what you'd say the science is correct isn't right.
That makes sense haha Well suppose I were to tell you that I believe in
many ways that has that has absolutely nothing to do with it maybe maybe
but I'm going to show you what the don't examples where the science
works and the science works even though the theories behind the science
have long been discarded but let's just take a look at the Newton thing for a
moment OK first of all Newton they say to the discover of gravity well
everybody knew what grad gravity was there they didn't you know he put it
in mathematical eyes did but Newton had absolutely no idea what gravity
was in fact he said that the idea of two bodies across empty space attracting
each other he says it's so absurd I don't know why anybody would believe
it Newton was talking about his own theory Secondly Newton built his
whole theory on the idea of absolute space and absolute time space is the
same everywhere time is the same everywhere no change those theories are
now considered. Have been considered false Albert Einstein the general
relativity the bung them and third Einstein's theory I mean Newton's theory
I've heard some people say Newton's theory was overturned by Einstein
and relativity I think that's too strong it was shown to be very much more
limited than people thought it was it works that at slow speeds when you
get up to high speeds his theory falls apart completely Now the point is he
created this theory he had no idea what it was he built it unfolds premises
and in a lot of conditions it absolutely falls apart the formula doesn't work
this is true if you're finding this this is scientific truth c This comes to a
fascinating concept that I discovered in the philosophy of science there are
scientists and philosophers of science that when I was working on my
manuscript. I gave it to a friend of mine who is a scientist and any time I
was saying anything about science as a quest for truth he said to me he
Mark did he put an X. and he said any on a scientist of tell you science is
not about searching for truth he said all science tell you about is how the
world appears to how the world appears to us and how we can make
predictions about it but it really doesn't tell us anything absolutely true
about it they say you know ped some people say no no science is there it's
to tell us about the real world others say science is not about that cannot tell
us what's out there all science could do was help us make predictions and if
the Predict trims work that's all you need I mean Newton got the spacecraft
back to earth what more do you want you start getting into the reasons why
they say you're getting into metaphysics you're getting into philosophy
you're getting in to a whole bunch of stuff so my point here is right off the
bat that we see a science even as successful. As successful as Newton's law
of gravity is it necessary what we're led to believe it's fascinating that on
something so basic what exactly science God has what it can do what it
teaches there's an incredible amount of debate credible now the lot of
practicing scientists there's a saying they say shut up and do the
calculations now there is a lot of practice since I don't care about the stuff
and that's fine you don't have to care about it but then don't expect every
schnook to sit down and Ballard down before your pronouncements as if
they're absolute You Go ahead stand OK let me just put a little bit let me
just see a little bit more all right look let me this is OK or you've got me
questions you got any questions on anything so far we can plug on ahead
go ahead. OK OK Yeah yeah OK this is good I'm going to repeat it he
asked the question he was grew up in a place where they didn't do wasn't
raised on what is evident what is the basic evolutionary theory OK here's
the gist of it this is what and again from an Adventist perspective if you're a
creationist and you really believe our stuff think for a minute you know I'm
telling you folks are much going to get into this here. We have I've been
and haven't it's now since eighty and some of the stuff I read in Alan why
it's on believable We don't even begin to realize what we come up with her.
In and the other day I was reading in patriarchs and prophets and it's facets
I have spent years studying in the philosophy asides and then I'll remain
things the lines from one point. But my goodness this the fact there's a
paragraph in the book education that I was going to write one of my review
columns on and I said I spend five year study on the philosophy of science
on my own and here's Ellen White in a few paragraphs caught the essence
of everything it took me five years to learn but the point is Ellen White
makes a statement and again I read it just the other day because I've been
most in the stuff for years and I read it the other morning and you know it's
very heavy folks I told her I was twenty one years old and I thought I want
to know the truth no matter the cost and then no other morning and I
haven't read Ellen White for a long time I read something in patriarchs and
prophets she was talking something about the end of the loop. And I
thought where did she get us you know this had to have been inspired and
it just hit me wow I wanted to know truth no matter what hit me man I
found it I mean it just kind of I saw a little personal silly thing but like was
well but she made a statement she said the Sudanese people start
speculating away from the written word they get forgot what it was they're
going to get into nothing but error upon error upon error so let me let's just
talk for a minute about what some of the world's smartest people right now.
The god of this experts the Ph D.'s You know the woman whom I could
give you the whole it's like an Daniels It was a Daniel three with the Timbo
the sack put the boom boom boom and then eight times to get to those eight
instruments the some of the world's smartest people right now I have a
book on my a paper called The Universe from Nothing from going them or
tipping they're out of nothing now then you get they'll start quantifying it
will it's really a quantum fluctuation or something so they don't say it's
nothing OK it's a quantum fluctuation fine then word of a quantum but
they'll say out of nothing you had the big bang and space time matter
energy all instantly were created out of nothing OK or a quantum
fluctuation I mean one of the dumbest quotes ever and Stephen what's the
guy the guy in the wheelchair Hawking's. That's terrible the guy in the
room and excuse me. Yeah that's terrible words Forgive me. He said
because there such a thing as the law of gravity I'm paraphrasing his book
The he wrote this new book on the about the year because there are such a
thing as the law of gravity the universe will create itself out in nothing I
mean come on come on gravity I mean what do you think gravity is real
what do you think people are getting all this plastic surgery from you know
it's gravity OK But anyway there are out of nothing the universe. Well we
want to try to lighten things up a little the you that the universe the The Big
Bang spent you know the big bang they teach space and time began at the
Big Bang which is kind of fascinating and then you have these because of
gravity these clumps of matter Cole last planets stars galaxies Bay and then
the basic chemicals some of these basic chemicals that were there
eventually some of these chemicals became organic chemicals that
somehow then turn into simple life forms and there's life form was able to
reply Cade itself and then it replicated itself and then it started to spread
and then through the forces of random mutation and natural selection they
first know you started out with this time and and oh I do with this book
they say they have all different theories some still we often heard the
shallow pool that's the common one some are saying no no no it was in
clay some are saying it's in it's in thermal vents and some are arguing
they're arguing that life began in molten rock at least a thousand degrees
centigrade OK but wherever it was they admit they don't know they only
know that it happened the simple life form started and then over millions of
billions of years I thought a fascinating a simple life evolves into an eighty
ton brontosaurus. And then the eighty ton brought venture really died off
and because the dinosaurs died off that then enabled other creatures to exist
and then over time billions of years in all that all that stuff eventually
human beings came in fact I'm reading right now Charles Darwin's The
Descent of Man and it's just the words that's basically the theory there was
nothing planned nothing calculated just given enough time now but the
thing is you know it can if you truly think about it. It's preposterous but it
awful lot of people and it can I mean it's amazing how many people believe
in it how many people kept it that's the essence of it that's what they taught
the only thing I find sillier than it is the idea that Jesus did it. And that's
what theistic evolutionists teach that Jesus did it go ahead. Well once it's a
step of course species it daft Of course nobody denies that that's not an
issue of course species adapt I don't think that's ever been a question but the
fact that my check engine light goes on in my car doesn't mean that given
enough time my car's going to turn into a Boeing seven forty seven OK no
question species adapt God created it that way see one of the things to I this
is a little bit deviation if I ever taught a class in philosophy of science or
philosophy in religion I would start out I said I've creating a word I'm
going it's my made up word I expect you to know it know what it means I
don't care if you believe it or not that's a separate issue I would call it
partial is. You know almost every heresy that I think we've ever seen in the
advantage church is an imbalance of truth take one example there's a
theology that came out of the Left Coast for forty years I kept on thinking
after the guy who promoted it died it would have died with them but no
such luck. But it emphasizes something true it emphasizes the. The
subjective side of the Gospel we see what Christ has done for us on the
cross and our hearts are changed we become friends with God. There
becomes the whole Gospel is nothing about any kind of legal thing with
God the whole book the gospels about our relationship with God and how
we respond to God Well that's a wonderful truth and there's a lot of truth to
it but that truth was taken to such an extreme that these people mock the
whole idea of substitutionary atonement they do not believe Jesus died as a
substitute or paid the penalty for our sins on a cross so you got an aspect of
Karl Marx I believe Karl Marx was onto something how could you
possibly deny the Raul and influence of economics in history it's there are
Marx got an element of truth and what did he do he took it and he so over
emphasized that we got the joys of communism for all this time and it
obviously didn't work and with Darwin this comes back there's no question
species adapt so you get an element of truth this is what I truly believe
happened in fact I got these three great quotes in my book where people
were saying it's amazing that Darwin's theory of like natural of survival of
the fittest reflected the culture of Britain at the time with this dog eat dog
mercantile capitalism and you know this whole idea of you know the strong
overcoming the we and so on and they thought it was kind of amazing that
Darwin that you know someone said it's amazing that God would just
reveal His truth to eighteenth century Englishman you know or maybe the
fact was the saint this eighteenth century Englishman reflecting on what he
saw in his society applied it to nature so I think Darwin saw nature change
there's no question it adapts you take an element of truth and you expand it
to really get out right nonsense I mean think about it for a minute to folks if
what we believe his career. Think about how utterly utterly wrong science
is and all these scientists are they're not even you know there's a there's a
thing they say when something is so bad and it deviates so far there's a
book out about against string theory and they said it's not even wrong it's so
far off it so far so think about this for a minute if we believe six literal day
creation Adam God breathed in him the breath of life this whole thing and
were correct Think about it just it's and again it's Ellen White said how vain
and how to set them and how far off they'll get if they move away from
what the Scripture teaches and that's what I believe evolution is yes sir go
ahead. OK. Go. For. It. Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah oh. Well he's bringing up the
question that I brought up earlier about saturated fat do you hear for that
yes that's right you could look at the saturated fat now you could do
experiments on it now you could do it now and the fact is they didn't they
still debate over that and now they're speculating about things hundreds
millions even billions of years ago and it's a totally different kind of
science you know Richard Dawkins would say that evolution is uncertain if
you can be sure that Paris is in the northern hemisphere we can be a certain
that evolution is true. And the problem is a lot of people pick up on that
stuff and they buy into it and they believe in it one of my talks I'm going to
give later. They be will even try to do with this morning and I might even
do it. After the break is Why does science put it this way or I am going to
bring up that's not art that's good I'm going to talk next about why does
science which teaches a so much has revealed to us saw me you so amazing
and the technology that we're so again it's two different things are very
quickly our cell phones and I use this example in the book our cell phones
use two of the most successful technologies after this and we'll take a break
they use general relativity and quantum physics they're my They're Vanno
they both are digital special relativity is not that hard I mean I could do the
math for special relativity general relativity Einstein can do the math he
had to get an old teacher to teach Einstein the math for general relativity
and quantum forget that but our cellphones use quantum physics and
general relativity and yet if you Brian Greene wrote this book called The
Elegant Universe and whatever read it Brian they'll again the bottom line is
these two theories which produced the most incredible they say quantum
theory could give you predictions like the length of the the with of the
American continent compared to what hair. That's how accurate predictions
quantum physics could give you a course of five we get time later accurate
predictions are absolutely nothing to do with whether a theory is true or not
you can I can give you an example I can make up the most ludicrous theory
and I could give you accurate predictions from it but the quantum physics
makes incredibly accurate predictions general relativity and you know what
they're saying as they now understand these two theories they contradict
each other they contradict each other our understanding now of quantum
theory and our understanding of general relativity they're saying they both
can't be right and yet they work they both work so this idea that the the
theory works and you could get tech Now this was one of the eye openers
for me and I'll leave with this as we go we go to the break The fact that a
thirty works the fact that you can get accurate predictions from it the fact
that you could create workable technology from it is a completely separate
issue from whether the theory happens to be true or not and when that first
dawned on me I thought wow wow that was fascinating and perhaps later
we'll pick that up or look what how long the breaks are for fifteen minutes
OK let's take a break and then I'll see you back here if you're going to come
back in.
Clifford Goldstein


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