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Risk Management: Event Managers'

Attitudes, Beliefs and Perceived
Reid, Sacha, Ritchie, Brent


Journal Title
Event Management: An International Journal


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Event Management, Vol. 15, pp. 329–341 1525-9951/11 $60.00 + .00
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Copyright © 2011 Cognizant Comm. Corp.




*Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, Griffith Business School,
Griffith University, Nathan, Australia
†School of Tourism, University of Queensland, Australia

Events draw large crowds of people together within defined spaces and as such have the potential to
have significant impacts. Occupational health and safety requirements, legal duty of care, and the
capacity of organizations to deal with risks and crisis are important considerations for the sustain-
ability of event organizations and events themselves. To date there has been a paucity of research
analyzing the adoption and implementation of event risk management by event organizers, and in
particular the influence that managerial attitudes and beliefs may have on the implementation of
risk planning behavior. This article aims to identify event managers’ attitude and beliefs concerning
risk management as well as explore social influencers and perceived constraints to implementing risk
management planning. The research adopts a qualitative methodology to address the research aim
and uses Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a framework for exploring event managers’
risk, attitudes, beliefs, and perceived constraints. Semistructured interviews with 11 event managers
were undertaken, drawn from South East Queensland, Australia. Respondents had positive event risk
planning attitudes, which were influenced by beliefs relating to safety, compliance, decision making,
and professionalism. However, seven perceived constraints were also identified as important in influ-
encing risk planning in an event context. The findings suggest event managers’ attitudes, beliefs, and
perceived constraints vary considerably based on previous experience, size of event organization,
and level of professionalism. The article discusses these findings and recommends future research to
inform more sustainable event practices in the future.

Key words: Risk management; Planning; Events, Theory of planned behavior

Introduction ism as well as the social atmosphere of a destination

(Abbott & Geddie, 2001; Getz, 1997, 2008; Peters
The growth of the events sector, both domesti- & Pikkemaat, 2005; Reid, 2007). Events incorpo-
cally and internationally, has contributed signifi- rate a range of activities and resources that expose
cantly towards marketing and development of tour- considerable potential for risk and crises (Elbe,
Address correspondence to Dr. Sacha Reid, Lecturer, Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, Griffith Business
School, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia. Tel: +61 (7) 3735-6559; Fax: +61 (7) 3735-6743; E-mail:


2009; Roche, 1994; Tassiopoulos, 2005), including cluding organizational size, type, culture, structure,
their size, scope, and their ability to attract visitors resources, leadership, and communication but are
who may lack familiarity with the hazards in the not explored in this article.
local area. Risk management planning assists event The aim of this exploratory research is to identi-
organizers in devising and conducting events in the fy event managers’ risk management planning be-
safest possible manner, while mitigating losses liefs, attitudes, and constraints (including crisis
(Berlonghi, 1990). Therefore, it is essential that planning) utilizing the theory of planned behavior
event organizations plan for and develop strategies as an underpinning framework. Specific research
to deal with the possible consequences of un- objectives of this research were to:
planned events.
There has been a paucity of research analyzing 1. Identify salient event risk and crisis management
event risk management planning attitudes, beliefs, attitudes and beliefs among event managers;
and factors inhibiting or facilitating adoption lev- 2. Analyze social reference groups influencing at-
els. The majority of research in the area has focused titudes, beliefs, and behaviors of event manag-
on mega-events, such as the Olympic Games, a sig- ers to risk management planning;
nificant yet small subsector of the events sector (S. 3. Examine constraints to event managers’ imple-
Boo & Gu, 2010; Chang & Singh, 1990; Toohey & mentation of risk management planning.
Taylor, 2008). The events sector is diverse incorpo-
rating a number of different event stakeholders and Understanding of event managers’ beliefs and
host organizations (including accommodation pro- behaviors will identify individual risk management
viders, government agencies, entrepreneurs, non- attitudes and sector norms. Individuals are strongly
profit organizations such as sporting and cultural influenced by social reference groups, such as peers,
groups, etc.), as well as industry sectors (including colleagues, and stakeholders. Therefore, it is essen-
venues, construction, staging, accommodation, en- tial to analyze these influencing relationships for
tertainment, transport, tours, retail, and food/bever- policy and sector professionalization practices. Ad-
ages). ditionally, constraints to implementation and oper-
As Robbins, Judge, Millett, and Waters-Marsh ationalizing risk management practices will facili-
(2008) note, organizational behavior can be ex- tate the development of managerial strategies for
plored at a systems, group, or individual level. Al- effective implementation. A notable model in the
though organizations ultimately implement risk sociopsychological field is the theory of planned
planning activities, it is the role of individuals and behavior (TPB), which provides an analytical frame-
their psychological factors (personality, attitudes, work for understanding managers’ individual be-
values, beliefs, motivations) which may influence liefs, attitudes, and constraints that may influence
the adoption of risk planning activities. In a related organizational implementation of risk planning.
context, hotel managers’ perceptions and attitudes Event managers were sampled from a range of
have been found to play an important role in pre- events in South East Queensland, Australia, and at
paring for and responding to such incidents (Drab- differing levels of professionalization to identify
ek, 2000; Hystad & Keller, 2008; Rousaki & Alcott, variance in attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Specifi-
2007). Barriers or impediments to risk planning cally, while insurance and legislative practices gov-
have also been discovered from related research, ern factors in organizing and planning events the
including perceived lack of money, lack of knowl- affect or influence of individual attitudes, beliefs,
edge/expertise, and lack of responsibility for deal- and practices have towards risk management re-
ing with natural hazard risks (Hystad & Keller, quire investigation. The article begins with a litera-
2008). Rhodes and Reinholtd (1999) suggest a ture review related to events and risk management
complex range of factors may influence risk plan- and the theory used to underpin the research (the
ning including experience, values and beliefs, mes- theory of planned behavior) before outlining the
sages, personal attributes, and sociocultural norms. methodology employed. The results are then pre-
Other factors may also influence risk planning by sented and conclusions and recommendations for
event organizations at a systems or group level in- future practice and research are made.

Literature Review anticipate and manage risks, thereby rebounding

quickly from any crisis situations. Following iden-
Events and Risk Management
tification, risks require evaluation to determine ac-
The Australian and New Zealand International ceptable risks and those requiring mitigation strate-
Standards (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, p. 9) defines gies and plans. Risk management is an iterative and
risk as an “effect of uncertainty on objectives,” dynamic process that should be continually moni-
which could affect differing aspects (financial, so- tored, reviewed, and communicated to stakeholders
cial, environmental, health, and safety), to varying to ensure preparedness.
levels (strategic, organization, or project) and like- Extensive identification of event risks has been
lihoods. Risk, in the event context, is defined as outlined in the literature. These risks range from
“any condition or occurrence that might affect the security and safety (H. C. Boo, Ghiselli, & Alman-
outcome of an event or event activities, and might za, 2000; Cieslak, 2009; Taylor & Toohey, 2006),
expose an event organization to loss measured in health risks (Ahmed & Memish, 2008; Memish &
terms of probability and consequences” (Silvers, Ahmed, 2002; Shafi, Booy, Haworth, Rashid, &
2008, p. 4). Risk management should be an integral Memish, 2008), stakeholder relationships (Getz,
element of sustainable management practice, to Andersson, & Larson, 2007; Leopkey & Parent,
minimize the potential for physical, social, emo- 2009; Mules, 2004; O’Brien & Gardiner, 2006), cli-
tional, or financial loss arising from participation in mate change (Jones, Scott, & Khaled, 2006), crowd-
an activity in an unfamiliar environment with un- ing (Abbott & Geddie, 2001; Berlonghi, 1995; Lee
known outcomes (Ewart & Boone, 1987). Leopkey & Graefe, 2003; Peters & Pikkemaat, 2005), insur-
and Parent (2009) further noted that risk manage- ance crisis (Arcodia & McKinnon, 2004), and lack
ment is “a process that involves assessing all pos- of organizational planning (Bramwell, 1997; Getz,
sible risks to the event and its stakeholders and then 1997). However, there has been a paucity of re-
strategically avoiding, preventing, reducing, diffus- search examining the attitudes, beliefs, influences,
ing, reallocating, legalizing, or using relationship and constraints on event managers in planning for
management to mitigate the identified risks” (p. or implementing risk management practices. A fo-
164). Hence, the ultimate aim is to prevent the risk cus on the individual level psychological factors
from turning into a crisis. and their potential influence on risk planning have
Effective risk management requires a systematic been outlined previously as important and lacking
approach to control the range and impact of poten- in an event context. The next section outlines a psy-
tial losses. The Australian and New Zealand Interna- chological theory which can be applied to better
tional Standards (2009) (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009) understand these issues at an individual level.
suggest risk management is a logical and system-
atic method of establishing the context, identifying,
Theory of Planned Behavior
analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring, and
communicating risks associated with any activity A notable model in the sociopsychological field,
or function. Event managers need an understanding namely the theory of planned behavior (TPB), is
of the type of event, management structure and re- not only useful to help understand attitudes toward
sources, organizational culture, and stakeholder in- risk planning by event managers, but also helps to
volvement, to provide insight into event risk expo- identify the possible determinants of behavior. A
sure (Allen, O’Toole, Harris, & McDonnell, 2008; review of 185 independent studies published up to
Berlonghi, 1990). Comprehensively identifying risks the end of 1997 by Armitage and Conner (2001)
should be a systematic process involving manage- found that the TPB accounted for 27% and 39% of
ment and stakeholder input. Silvers (2008) ac- the variance in behavior and intention. Developed
knowledged that different events are exposed to by Ajzen in 1985, the TPB is today perhaps the
different risk factors and the severity of risks will most popular sociopsychological model for the un-
vary in different contexts. Therefore it is vital for derstanding and prediction of behavior. It can be
event organizers to develop a culture of risk aware- presented as follows: Behavioral intention = atti-
ness and preparedness, to be better positioned to tudes + subjective norms + perceived behavioral con-

trol. As an extension of the theory of reasoned ac- volunteers, clients, sponsors, participants, specta-
tion (TRA), the TPB was proposed to address the tors, government bodies, and even pressure groups
possibility of incomplete volitional control by in- who could express their opinions on risk planning.
corporating the additional construct of perceived Organizational behavior theory states that the use
behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991, 2005). It is appar- of norms to guide behavior is connected with effec-
ent that the TPB may be appropriate for use in re- tive control (McKenna, 2006). Norms also reflect
searching risk planning because various nonvoli- the culture, suggesting some cultures with a more
tional factors are included in a risk context. In the collective tradition may place greater emphasis on
events sector, a range of nonvolitional factors may the group and on conformity with norms than might
also diminish the ability/opportunity of event man- cultures with a more individualistic orientation
agers to undertake risk planning (behavior). There- (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2005). In ad-
fore, TPB provides a model with a well-defined dition, according to the TPB, the perceived opin-
structure to help examine the reasons for risk plan- ions of reference groups will influence intentions.
ning behavior. If a subjective norm is favorable (e.g., the perceived
According to the TPB, behavioral intentions are stakeholders’ preferences about undertaking RP are
predicted by three basic determinants: one personal favorable), the intention to engage in the behavior
in nature, one reflecting social influence, and a is higher (e.g., event managers’ intention to per-
third dealing with issues of control. Each factor is form RP is higher). Subject norm is thus employed
in turn generated by a number of beliefs and evalu- as the second psychological factor influencing RP
ations (Huh, Kim, & Law, 2009). The personal fac- behavior and needs further exploration in this re-
tor is the individual’s attitude toward the behavior, search. This factor is also indirectly influenced by
which is the individual’s positive or negative evalu- normative beliefs.
ation of performing the particular behavior of inter- The third determinant of intention is the ability
est (Ajzen, 2005). In the event context, a manager’s to perform the behavior of interest, termed per-
evaluation of the significance of risk planning (RP) ceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 2005). This is the
affects their intention. Positive evaluations strength- major difference between the TRA and the TPB
en intentions, while negative evaluations weaken models (Han, Hsu, & Sheu, 2010). Perceived be-
them. It can be expected that event managers’ posi- havioral control assesses the perception of how
tive attitudes toward RP behavior would strengthen well one can control factors that may facilitate/con-
their intentions to perform RP behavior. Therefore, strain the actions needed to deal with a specific
an event manager’s attitude toward RP behavior is situation. In the event context, managers’ inten-
employed as the first psychological factor influenc- tions are positively influenced by their self-confi-
ing RP behavior and needs to be explored. This fac- dence in their ability to perform a behavior. When
tor is also influenced indirectly by their behavioral event managers have little control over RP behav-
beliefs. ior because of the unavailability of required re-
The second determinant of intention is a person’s sources, their behavioral intention will be lower in
perception of social pressure to perform or not per- spite of the fact that they have positive attitudes
form the behavior under consideration. Since it and/or subjective norms. Resources can be human
deals with perceived normative prescriptions, this resources, such as a risk management consultants,
factor is termed subjective norm (Ajzen, 2005). available funding resources, and physical resourc-
Subjective norm is the perceived opinions of sig- es, such as required facilities or tools. It can be ex-
nificant others who are close/important to an indi- pected that the availability of required resources for
vidual and who influence his/her decision making RP would affect event managers’ intentions to un-
(e.g., relatives, close friends, coworkers/colleagues, dertake RP behavior. Perceived behavioral control
or business partners). In other words, it concerns is therefore employed as the third psychological
the probability of whether significant referents factor influencing RP behavior which is explored in
would approve or disapprove of the behavior. In the this article. This factor is also indirectly influenced
event context, managers’ decision making might be by control beliefs (Fig. 1).
influenced by a reference group including staff or In summary, people intend to perform behavior

Figure 1.  The theory of planned behavior model. Source: Lam and Hsu (2004).

when they evaluate it positively, when they experi- ployed to examine event managers’ risk planning
ence social pressure to perform it, and when they attitudes, beliefs, and perceived constraints.
believe that they have the means and opportunity to
do so. In the event risk planning setting, it is ex-
pected that event managers are more willing to un-
dertake risk planning if they have a positive attitude The research is underpinned by a constructivism
towards it, want to comply with other important approach that purposes scientific knowledge is a
people’s (e.g., stakeholder) opinions, and have req- human creation made available with material and
uisite skills, knowledge, resources, and experiences cultural resources (Bloor, 1976; Golinski, 1998).
in practice. Constructivism is based upon a relativist belief that
The TPB has been used to examine consumer at- there are multiple socially constructed truths and
titudes and behavior in tourism (Cheng, Lam, & realities, with no rational basis for judging one per-
Hsu, 2005; Lam & Hsu, 2004; Sparks, 2007; Sparks spective better than another (Fay, 1996; Rubin &
& Pan, 2009), as well as managers’ safety attitudes, Rubin, 1995). Research adopting this approach
intentions, and behavior (Rundmo & Hale, 2003). builds and generates theory about phenomenon
In their study of 210 managers, Rundmo and Hale through participants own words, allowing respon-
(2003) discovered that eight attitudinal dimensions dents to express their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors
explained approximately 40% of the variance in be- with the absence of preconceived notions (Golin­
havior. In particular, high management commit- ski, 1998; Jennings, 2001). The research also uti-
ment, low fatalism, high safety priority, and high lizes Ajzen’s (1991, 2005) TPB as a framework for
risk awareness seemed to be particularly important exploring event managers’ risk attitude, beliefs,
attitudes. However, this study was limited in that it and constraints to implementing risk planning be-
did not use qualitative research to elicit attitudinal havior. However, the lack of research and under-
items, did not examine other parts of the TPB (so- standing of event managers’ attitudes and beliefs to
cial norms and perceived behavioral control). Nor risk management necessitate that the theory induc-
did it examine the role of indirect beliefs. tively emerge, from the perspective of those expe-
Although studies exist in a tourism and safety riencing the phenomena, as it is systematically col-
context, none to the authors’ knowledge have been lected and coded (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Fay,
conducted to explore event managers’ risk attitudes, 1996; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Golinski, 1998; Jen-
beliefs, and constraints. The TPB could provide a nings, 2001; Rubin & Rubin, 1995). Therefore,
strong base to investigate, understand, or possibly qualitative in-depth interviews with event manag-
predict risk planning behavior in a holistic and sys- ers in the South East Queensland region of Austra-
tematic way, which has been found to be lacking in lia were utilized.
previous studies. Based on this discussion, this ar- To obtain a comprehensive sample a matrix of
ticle will next outline the research method em- events in the region, that are diverse across the

area, by theme, size, organization structure, and havior and event risk management literature. First,
length of operation was developed. The matrix in- respondents were provided with the Australian and
corporated all events from Brisbane, Gold Coast, New Zealand International Standards (2009) defi-
and the Scenic Rim regions which had been adver- nition of risk and risk management to help guide
tised on local council, as well as Tourism Queens­ the interview. Second, respondents were asked to
land and Queensland Events websites and event discuss their attitudes to risk planning and an ex-
calendars. In total, 51 events were identified for the ploration of underlying beliefs relating to perceived
three council regions. Every second event was se- advantages and disadvantages of risk planning.
lected for each of the regions and the sample fur- Third, respondents were asked about individuals or
ther refined to ensure representation based on the groups that influenced their risk planning behav-
following criteria; size of event (large, medium, iors, to determine social reference groups and so-
and small sized), theme of event (music, sport, cul- cial norms. Fourth, respondents discussed key con-
tural, community), and organizational structure (pro- straints or facilitators to risk planning to explore
fessional, voluntary organizing committee). Event their perceived behavioral control in implementing
managers for each of the remaining 17 events were risk management practices. The interviews were
contacted by phone and/or email and invited to par- digitally recorded, transcribed, and returned to re-
ticipate in a 30-minute interview at a time and place spondents for member cross-checking.
of convenience. Semistructured interviews with 11 Qualitative in-depth interviews provide a rich-
event managers who agreed to participate in the ness of data that builds theory through three levels
study were conducted. Characteristics of the re- of coding (Glaser, 1998; Glaser & Strauss, 1967;
spondents, evidenced in Table 1, indicate that all Neuman, 2003; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Firstly,
three regions were represented with events ranging open coding of the interview transcripts ensured
from small community events through to large in- that the data was labeled, analyzed, compared, and
ternational sporting events. However, the Scenic categorized. Secondly, an axial coding process
Rim had the smallest representation with only three sought to identify relationships between the catego-
event managers participating, reflecting the rural ries and subcategories. Thirdly, the analysis under-
nature and smaller number of events within this re- went a selective coding process to identify core
gion. There was overlap with some event managers themes and their relationship to the categories.
discussing their role in multiple events throughout Throughout, and as a consequence of this research
the regions. approach, there was constant comparison between
The semistructured interview schedule was de- emerging categories and consequent respondents
rived from the review of the theory of planned be- for trustworthiness and theoretical saturation (De-

Table 1
Characteristics of Respondent Profiles

Region Theme Size Organizational Structure

Brisbane cultural small Voluntary organization/consular

Gold Coast community small Voluntary organizing committee
Scenic Rim heritage medium Voluntary organizing committee
Scenic Rim cultural medium Voluntary organising committee/council
Gold Coast sport medium Sporting organization
Brisbane/Gold Coast & Scenic Rim community medium Professional organization
Gold Coast agricultural large Professional organization
Brisbane sport large Professional organization
Brisbane music large Professional organization
Brisbane/Gold Coast community large Professional organization
Brisbane/Gold Coast music large Professional organization

“Small” represents events with <2,000 attendees/participants’ “medium” includes events between 2,000 and
9,999 attendees; “large” is events with >10,000 attendees.

crop, 2004). Theoretical saturation is the point at dents had positive attitudes towards risk manage-
which “no additional data are being found whereby ment planning. One respondent enthused “I’m one
the (researcher) can develop properties of the cate- of these ones that’s all for it; let’s bring it on; let’s
gory” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 65). Guides to be doing it” [I10]. There was some differentiation
sample size vary dramatically; however, Romney, between respondents based on past experience. “I
Weller, and Batchelder (1986) found that small think first of all, we are all very much aware of the
samples can be quite sufficient in providing com- concept of a risk management planning. We are
plete and accurate information within a particular conscious of it, we are developing policies and
context, dependent upon participants having exper- practices . . . that will mean it’s a lot easier, for us
tise in the phenomena being examined. Guest, and therefore more enjoyable” [I4]. The findings
Bunce, and Johnson (2006) research examining indicate that not all event managers had positive at-
theoretical saturation found “where the aim is to titudes to risk management; two event managers’
understand common perceptions and experiences indicated that the risk did not belong to them but to
among a group of relatively homogeneous individ- others. A respondent stated “you don’t really need
uals, twelve interviews should suffice” (p. 79). a plan, because if you just open your eyes just that
Lawton and Weaver’s (2009) research successfully little bit you can see what the risk is” [I2]. Differen-
utilized 19 in-depth interviews in determining stra- tiation in behavioral attitudes needs further investi-
tegic positioning of conventional travel agents in gation due to the subjective nature of this construct;
the US. Their research identified that theoretical however relationships between the size of an event,
saturation was reached after 14 in-depth interviews nature of event organization, and the professional
(Lawton & Weaver, 2009; Weaver & Lawton, background of individuals appeared to influence at-
2008). Interestingly, theoretical saturation for this titude.
research was reached after nine interviews with the Probed further, four themes emerged to explain
remaining interviews being undertaken to enrich respondents’ beliefs that indirectly influence the at-
patterns and data sources. titudes demonstrated. Event managers identified
that there was a need to reduce risks to ensure safe-
ty, compliance, aiding the decision making process-
es, and professionalism. Safety of staff, contractors,
Respondents understanding of risk and risk man- participants, and attendees were important consid-
agement varied from limited and generalized to a erations for most event managers. The most com-
comprehensive in-depth knowledge. At one end of mon risk identified by respondents related to safety
the continuum one respondent states “I have no of employees, volunteers, participants, and attend-
idea [of what risk management means]. I mean to ees, particularly as a consequence of activities and
say, you risk your life in a car every time you go planned programming. One respondent stated “it’s
driving—that’s a risk” [I2]. However, other re- a priority for us to ensure that anybody that comes
spondents articulated that risk management en- to this place, during and leading up to the event and
tailed “identifying before the event and trying to after the event, while we have control of the
put measures in place to make sure that you mini- grounds deserves to be here and not be exposed to
mize any potential risk or fall out” [I4]. Safety and any undue risk” [I7]. Compliance considerations,
physical risks were discussed by most respondents such as legislation and insurance requirements,
as the key risk factors to consider; however, a re- have also influenced event manager’s attitudes and
spondent went on to note “also the financial risk behaviors. One respondent acknowledged:
and a multitude of other risk factors need to be tak-
en into risk management” [I10]. There appeared a I haven’t seen the main advantage [of planning for
direct connection between the level of profession- risk] but one day when it happens, when the disas-
alism of the event organizational structure (i.e., ter happens and we’re ready for it, that will be the
most important thing. The worst kind of PR is
voluntary or professional) and a respondent’s depth negative PR, it stays with people forever. You’re
of understanding. doing yourself out of business if you haven’t cov-
Analysis of the data identified nearly all respon- ered yourself. [I9]

Increasing professionalism expectations has in- we might be in, that participants respect all their
fluenced event managers’ risk planning beliefs and drills, electricians to certify their cabling. All these
stuff they need to do it, before we participate. We
attitudes. One respondent stated “Staff are actually
will literally walk out of an event if they didn’t,
interested in risk management and the whole Oc- because it is just not worth it. [I8]
cupational Health and Safety subject per se, be-
cause it seems to give them a little bit more of a
professionalism” [I10]. As a consequence, personal However, social norms will only influence an in-
attitudes towards and importance of risk manage- dividual if they consider risk to be an important ele-
ment planning has undergone significant growth. ment of the event planning process. A respondent
Subjective norms were influenced by a range of noted that “when you have got old-school people,
reference groups. Internally, respondents identified who will think ‘we can get away with that for an-
organizational management, such as directors, sec- other year’ ” [I6] that will impact upon the adoption
tion heads, or event organizing committees, as well and implementation of risk management planning.
as staff and volunteers. One respondent commented The event sector is diverse drawing expertise
“The senior management team’s actually very sup- from a range of industries, such as construction, en-
portive of the risk management, they’re actually the tertainment, lighting, and technical specialists to
ones that are pushing it . . . he sees it as a priority identify a few. At the forefront, the importance of
for the business as a whole. So the senior manage- risk management and planning has been driven by
ment team takes it very seriously and they very larger, professional event organizations due to their
much are seen as a priority” [I5]. Another respon- contracts with government and corporate clients.
dent discussed the importance of fellow organizing As one respondent noted “it’s the event manage-
committee member roles by stating that “the head ment industry coming into the 20th century” [I4]
of the Department of Workplace Health and Safety enhancing the professionalism of the industry. Event
here on the Gold Coast, through the State Govern- associations, such as International Special Events
ment people [was on the committee], he was al- Society (ISES), have also assisted in professional
ways aware that we were trying to ensure that ev- development and education. One respondent stated
erybody who came here was—left here the same that ISES “always come and speak once a year to
way as they arrived” [I7]. Additionally, respon- inform people…has an education plan to educate
dents perceived that staff, volunteers, and contrac- people within the events industry in Queensland”
tors expected event managers respond to and im- [I9]. While many event managers believe that risk
plement risk management strategies. management is important and social reference groups
Externally, event managers were also influenced such as event stakeholders support this, a challenge
by the attitudes and normative beliefs of clients, for the industry is developing sector norms that
sponsors, venues, participants, and attendees. A re- support widespread adoption of risk management
spondent stated “Try doing a job for Telstra [a na- plans and practices.
tional listed telecommunications organization] with- Seven factors were identified as perceived be-
out having a risk management plan in place; it havioral control elements impacting upon respon-
won’t happen, they also drive through if they’re us- dents’ ability to implement risk management plans
ing a third party event management company, for events. Behavioral control factors included;
they’ll drive it through to them” [I10]. Significant time, financial costs, human resourcing, knowl-
compliance facilitators such as government organi- edge/self-efficacy, adapting to change, restrictions,
zations, police, security, and event insurers were and regulation. Time, financial costs, knowledge/
also important in influencing the risk management self-efficacy, and human resourcing capacity were
practices of respondents. As one respondent stated: discussed as significant issues confronting event
managers in South-East Queensland. Respondents
perceived that systematic risk management identi-
There is principle in place that says everybody
along the way needs to make sure they are cov- fication, evaluation, and planning results in addi-
ered. Whatever the regulations and rules are, for tional time burdens for event organizations. As one
any venue that we might be in, or any event that respondent commented “see, I still run a business

so I can’t give it 100%” [I2]. Consequently, a num- managers require knowledge of construction and
ber of respondents identified hiring external con- building practices, electrical policies, occupational
sultants to assist in this process. Time and consul- health and safety (OH&S) requirements, and crowd
tant costs result in financial costs being incurred by management to name a few. A respondent noted,
event organizations. However, as one respondent “There have been different attempts to create in-
stated: dustry bodies and regulate it, but I think one of the
issues with event management, there’s no real reg-
I’ve got private health insurance. I find it the same ulatory framework” [I4]. This respondent went on
kind of thing. Like, what’s more important? The to acknowledge “a lot of the government or regula-
fact that it costs a lot of money but it’s your life.
My business is my bread and butter. One incident tory decisions come from looking at issues in event
could put me out of business for the rest of my life management, which a lot of the time is from inex-
too and I wouldn’t be employable again. [I9] perienced event managers” [I4]. Apart from site
inspections and inductions there is a lack of regula-
A number of respondents discussed the low bar- tion or monitoring of the events sector within Aus-
riers to entry to the event sector, which has resulted tralia.
in the growth of “one-man band” operations. Small-
er operators or less experienced individuals, as well
as voluntary organizations, have greater constraints
from human resourcing, time, and knowledge to The findings from this exploratory research have
address risk management. As one respondent com- provided an insight into the risk management atti-
mented “I don’t believe that the independent con- tudes, beliefs, influencers, and constraints of event
tractors, your one-man bands, even address it or managers in South-East Queensland region of Aus-
think about it. I’ve seen a few other people, how tralia. Event managers are aware of and understand
they work, and I just think it doesn’t come under the importance of risk management. However, a
their radar as being important” [I9]. number of issues have emerged from the findings.
The findings indicate a resistance to change Firstly, there are strong perceptions and positive
among some event managers to adopt and imple- attitudes towards risk management planning among
ment risk planning practices was evident in the sec- event managers in South-East Queensland. The
tor. One respondent illustrated this, stating “it real- positive attitudes of individual event managers was
ly is quite hard to push through sometimes. They identified as a contributing factor to their intentions
go, ‘We’ve done this in the past all the time,’ and to develop or implement risk planning practices
we go, ‘That’s great. That’s how we are going to do supporting Ajzen’s (2005) findings. Huh et al.’s
it from now on, because of this and this.’ There’s a (2009) proposition that attitudes were generated as
fair bit of resistance” [I6]. Compounding this, per- a consequence of individual beliefs was also evi-
ceptions abound that risk management planning dent among event managers. Attitudes to risk man-
added further administration burdens in the plan- agement were derived from beliefs event managers
ning stages for event managers and organizations, had about safety, compliance, decision making, and
particularly for smaller community and voluntary professionalism. Interestingly, the research identi-
organizations planning events. It was perceived the fied that event managers were largely concerned
added burdens could impede upon the willingness about physical and safety risks, followed by finan-
of individuals to become involved, as the adminis- cial, weather, and organizational risks. These find-
tration of risk planning was viewed as boring or ings are in contrast to the holistic risk planning ap-
restriction of fun. proach (financial, social, environmental, health, and
The final control factor influencing adoption and safety) advocated by the Australian and New Zea-
implementation of risk management planning re- land International Standards (AS/NZS ISO 31000,
lates to a lack of monitoring, regulation, or account- 2009). The findings indicate that individuals who
ability of the events sector. Events incorporate a are active event professionals within larger organi-
number of different industry sectors, therefore to zations appear to be driving risk management plan-
adopt comprehensive risk management plans event ning within the sector.

Secondly, event managers perceive a wide range across a range of diverse events. Many event man-
of social reference group demands and require- agers are aware of and understand the importance
ments, as well as contractual and legal obligations, of risk management, although most focused on
influence their risk planning behavior. The number safety and physical risks at the expense of other
of reference groups identified is larger than previ- risks (such as social and environmental). Event risk
ous studies, which will improve the predictive abil- assessment and analysis processes need to be holis-
ity of the social norm construct. This is advanta- tic due to broadening of the range and scope of risk
geous as the social norm construct has been found emulating from and consequences of events. Event
to be weak in previous studies and in need of ex- managers benefit from the adoption of holistic risk
pansion (Armitage & Conner, 2001). The findings management approach, due to: meeting moral and
from this research suggest that event managers felt professional responsibilities toward triple bottom
pressure to exhibit or plan for risk, aligning with line sustainability and accountability to the wider
organizational behavioral theorists (Azjen, 2005; community, inclusion of the risks associated with a
McKenna, 2006). However, event managers have a variety of significant issues (social, economic, en-
wider range of reference groups that they consid- vironmental), and increased stakeholder expecta-
ered influential. The social pressure to perform risk tions. However, managers face certain constraints
planning practices was exerted internal and exter- to implementing risk planning activities including
nal of the event organization. The findings suggest time, financial costs, human resourcing, knowl-
that event managers may face increased complexity edge/self-efficacy, adapting to change, restrictions,
in planning and implementing effective risk man- and regulation. These findings concur with the lit-
agement practices in their organizations compared erature on tourism crisis and disaster planning dis-
to other sectors. Interestingly, social pressure from cussed earlier in the paper (see Hystad & Keller,
personal relationships was not discussed by respon- 2008, for instance), and may be due to the size and
dents. structure of the event sector comprising many small
Thirdly, respondents perceived that significant operators across a number of different industry sec-
barriers to implementation of risk planning prac- tors.
tices and behaviors exist. Most commonly the growth The research findings provide some practical
of the sector has resulted in a proliferation of small recommendations. Professional associations, gov-
operators that have little time, money, or impetus to ernment organizations and tertiary institutions have
focus on event risk planning strategies. More wide- a significant role to play in educating and assisting
ly, the industry needs education to enhance the the development of event manager competence to
knowledge of practitioners as currently expertise is understand and plan for a wide range of risks. The
sought externally of many organizations. The use use of knowledge management tools to aid in the
of external consultants and the time involved in es- development of industry manuals, risk assessments,
tablishing risk management plans, policies, and and policy guidelines would assist practitioners
strategies is a limiting factor for widespread imple- limited by knowledge, time, and available staff,
mentation of risk management practices beyond factors uncovered in this research. Creating oppor-
simply the need for legal compliance and internal tunities to share experiences and knowledge gained
risks. would also be beneficial for event managers. Pro-
fessional event associations could assist through
the provision of online portals or discussion groups.
A key challenge will be facilitating these opportu-
This article makes an important contribution to nities as intellectual property rights abound for
developing knowledge and understanding the indi- event managers that have invested and are actively
vidual level factors that may influence the adoption involved in risk management planning processes.
of risk planning in the events context. More spe- Furthermore, event managers consider this their
cifically this research examined individual psycho- competitive advantage. Sustainability of event
logical factors including the personal attitudes, be- practitioners businesses, and the wider event sec-
liefs, influences, and constraints of event managers tor, will be threatened should widespread adoption

of risk management planning practices not be im- Acknowledgments

plemented. The authors would like to acknowledge Jacque-
Theoretically, this research has been exploratory line Goh for her research assistant work in contrib-
in nature to ascertain risk attitudes, beliefs, and per- uting to this research project, and Jie Wang for her
ceived constraints of event managers in South-East ideas and discussions on TPB.
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of planned behavior. The research has identified References
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