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Teknik Pengawetan dan emerging proses dalam pengolahan pangan

1. Introduction

2. Hurdle Technology

3. Characteristics of Hurdles

4. Examples of Hurdle Technology in Products

▪ Dalam prakteknya penggunaan 1 jenis metode pengawetan tidak
cukup mempertahankan mutu pangan yang diawetkan dalam waktu
relative lama
▪ Pengawetan yang dilakukan merupakan kombinasi dari berbagai
metode pengawetan.
What is Hurdle Technology
▪ Combination of preservation which employ the use of two
or more hurdle or barrier to spoilage micro-organism in a
balance and judicious way.
Used for shelf stable food products and intermediate
Moisture Food (IMF)
▪ Many of well established traditional food products having
this concept
▪ Leistner (Father of Hurdle Technology) and Rodel in 1976
▪ It is the process/technology used for the preservation provide shelf
stability to a food product by laying hurdle which are difficult to
overcome by the micro-organism causing food spoilage and
poisoning. (Berwal, 1994)
▪ Also called
▪ Combined process
▪ Combined methods
▪ Combination preservation
▪ Combination technique or
▪ Barrier technology
▪ Food Preservation is achieved by disturbing the homeostasis of
▪ Homeostasis is the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium
between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by
physiological processes of organisms
▪ If the homeostasis of these microorganisms is disturbed by
preservative factors (hurdles) in foods
▪ They will not multiply, remain in lag phase or even die.
Aw (water


Hurdles F (heat

Modified t (low
atmospheres temperature)
Eh (redox
➢High hydrostatic pressure
➢High-intensity pulsed electric fields
➢High-intensity pulsed light
➢Oscillating magnetic fields
➢Food irradiation
Important in the preservation of IMF & HMF, because:

1. Microbial Spoilage
It can control 2. Food Poisoning
3. Desired fermentation process
✓An intelligent applicaton of hurdle contributes to both improvement
in product quality & sustainability
✓Calculated application of hurdles could result into saving money,
energy, and several resources
✓Each hurdle contribute to the safety net against the microorganism
✓For shelf stable food. Since shelf stable food do not require
refrigeration, they can travel long distance to reach the consumers
✓Able to be used in products for defense force
✓Perishability can be reduced
1. Heat processing – to kill/destroy microorganisms and/or enzymes
▪ Heating in hermetic ceiling avoid recontamination

Temp. ≥ 100°C (F value)


Temp. 60 - 85°C

Blanching Pasteurization
Not Applicable
2. Storage Temperature – Mainly chilling and Freezing during storage

Chilling Freezer Temp.

-1°C to +7°C ≤-18°C
3. Radiation – Process of using a radiation frequency of 109 MHz or above

UV Ionization
Radiation Radiation

• 260 nm – most efficient • ɣ and β

• Low pressure mercury lamp – • Very high energy
emission at 254 nm • Kill organism depending on dose
• G-ve killed easily • 1-10 kGy – vegetative org.
• Spores & Molds -resistant • 10 – 50 kGy – kill bacterial spores
4. Electromagnetic energy – result from high voltage electric fields

Microwave Energy
Alternate electric field 500 – 1000 Fast heating by internal molecular
MHz vibrations

Radio frequency energy

1-500 MHz mild preservation Applied to heat processed food

Oscillating magnetic field pulses

No temp. raise, single pulse destroy
Oscillating frequency 5 – 500 MHz
5. High Electric field – electrical potential of 15 kV/cm
6. Photodynamic inactivation:
▪ Light
Molecular oxygen
▪ Molecular oxygen
▪ Photosensitizer

e.g. stain rose bengal Kill Microorganisms
Absorb light
Reactive Free
7. Ultra High Pressure Process – 3000 bar and above *inactivate enzyme &
G -ve Y&M G +ve Spores

• 3K • 4K • 6K • 12K
bar bar bar bar

8. Ultra Sonication – vibrations between 18kHz to 500 MHz

1. Aw – Water activity
✓Reduced by dehydration
✓Adding solutes such as salts, sugar, etc.
✓By lowering temperature
2. pH
3. Redox Potential (Eh) – Denote oxidation reduction potential of food
system, Express in mV, +300 to -200 mV
4. Nitrate (NaNO2)
5. CO2 – above 20%, spoilage bacterial inhibited
6. O2
7. Ozone – lethal effect on microorganism due to strong oxidizing
✓O3 treatment destroy G-ve bacteria
✓Y&M - resistant

8. Lactic acid, lactate – effective against pathogenic organism like M.

tuberculosis, L. Momocytogenes
9. Acetic acid, acetate
10. Ascorbic acid
11. SO2 – used in the form of Sodium meta-bisulphite, or gaseous SO2

Antioxidant Enzyme Maillard reaction Reducing Antimicrobial

inhibitor inhibitor Agent agent
12. Smoking: important concept in meaty products
13. Phosphates
14. Glucono-d- lactone (GDL) – adding in cured meat

GDL Gluconic Lowering pH

Product Safety
and Stability
15. Phenols – Mainly used to prevent oxidative deterioration of food –
used in combination with other hurdles
▪ e.g. BHA, BHT, TBHQ

16. Spices and herbs

17. Lactoperoxides

18. Lysozymes
1. Competitive flora – in fresh meat competitive flore inhibit Listeria
2. Starter Culture
3. Bacteriocins – Nicin, best known from Lactic acid bacteria
▪ Number of bacteriocins used experimentally in poultry meat
and meat products along with other Hurdle
4. Antibiotics – in poultry tetracycline are accepted
Simbol Parameter Aplikasi
F Suhu tinggi Pemanasan
t Suhu rendah Pendinginan, pembekuan
Aw Penurunan aktivitas air Pengeringan, kuring, penambahan gula
pH Peningkatan keasaman Penambahan atau pembentukan asam
Eh Penurunan potensi redoks Penghilangan O2 atau penambahan askorbat
BTP (pres) Penambahan bahan pengawet Sorbat, nitrit, sulfit
c.f. Mikroorganisme competitor Fermentasi
Jenis hurdle Aplikasi
Fisik Aseptic packaging, electromagnetic energy
(microwave, pulsed magnetic fields, high-voltage
electic pulse), suhu tinggi (blansing, pasteurisasi,
sterilisasi, evaporasi, pemanggangan,
penggorengan), radiasi (microwave, UV, ionisasi,
iradiasi), suhu rendah (pendinginan, pembekuan),
modified atmosphere packaging, packaging films,
ultrahigh pressure, ultrasonifikai.
Fisiko-kimia Karbon dioksida, etanol, asam laktat,
laktoperoksidase, pH rendah, potensi redoks
rendah, aw rendah, produk reaksi Maillard, asam
organic, oksigen, ozon, fenol, asap, garam, sodium
nitrit, nitrat, sulfit, rempah-rempah, dan herba
Berasal dari mikroorganisme Antibiotik, bakteriosin, mikroba competitor, kultur
Ohlsson dan Bengtsson (2002)
Hurdle Undesirable effect
Refrigeration Chilling injuries, Weight loss
Freezing Discoloration, texture loss, Enzymatic browning
CAP* Softening, Discoloration, Slow spoilage
Pasteurization Nutritional Losses, Sensory Losses
Drying Discoloration, Flavor change, Mold growth
Preservatives Consumer aversion resistance
*CAP (Controlled Atmosphere Packaging): Steady state environment comprising of a special blend of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide,
monitored and maintained to extend the shelf life of certain products in a warehouse or storage area.
1. Define the desired sensory properties and shelf-life of the product
2. Frame a processing technology to be followed
3. Prepare the product
4. Analyze for pH, aw, preservatives, or other inhibitory factors
5. Predictive microbiology* should be used for testing preliminary
6. The product is then challenged with relevant food poisoning and
spoilage organisms, using somewhat higher inocula and storage temp.
than would be “normal” for the products
*Predictive microbiology is a description of the responses of microorganism's to particular environmental conditions such as temperature, pH and water activity.
It utilizes mathematical models (built with data from laboratory testing) and computer software to graphically describe these responses.
PS: Predictive microbiological models do not replace laboratory analysis or the training and judgment of an experienced food microbiologist.
7. If appropriate, the hurdles in the product are modified, taking multi-target preservation and the
sensory and nutritional quality of the product (i.e. ‘total quality’) into consideration.
8. The food is again challenged with relevant microorganisms and, if necessary, the hurdles in the
food are modified again.
9. Again – Predictive microbiology for assessing the safety of the food.
10. After the established hurdles of the modified or new food are precisely defined, including
tolerances, the methods for monitoring the process are agreed on. Physical or sensory methods
for monitoring should preferably be used.
11. The designed food should now be produced under industrial conditions, because the
adequacy for a scale-up of the proposed manufacturing process must be validated.
12. If for an industrial process the Critical Control Points (CCPs) and their monitoring are
established, the manufacturing process might be controlled by HACCP*. If HACCP seems
inappropriate, guidelines for the application of manufacturing control by quantitative GMP
must be defined.
*HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points): a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in
production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and designs measurements to reduce these risks to a safe level.
Nine examples of the hurdle effect that facilitate understanding
of the application of hurdle technology in food preservation.

1. only a theoretical case, because all of the

hurdles are of the same height (i.e., intensity)
and this rarely occurs.

2. A more likely situation is presented in

example 2, since the microbial stability of this
product is based on hurdles of different

3. If only a few micro-organisms are present (‘at

the start’), a few or low number of hurdles will be
sufficient for the stability of the product
Duration and Intensity
Examples (continued)

4. If due to bad hygienic conditions, too many

undesirable micro-organisms are initially present,
even the usual hurdles inherent to a product may be
unable to prevent spoilage or food poisoning.

5. A food rich in nutrients and vitamins, which could foster the

growth of micro-organisms (called the booster or trampoline
effect), and thus the hurdles in such a product must be
enhanced, or otherwise be overcome.

6. If the bacterial spores in a food are

damaged sub-lethally by heat, the
vegetative cells derived from such spores
will lack vitality; therefore, they will be
inhibited by fewer or lower hurdles.
7. During the long ripening process of salami, the
initial hurdles become weaker. Nitrite is depleted.

The following meaning: F, heating; t, chilling; a w , water activity; pH, acidification; Eh, redox potential; pres., preservatives; K-F, competitive
flora; V, vitamins; N, nutrients. [Source: Leistner L. (1992). Food preservation by combined methods. Food Research International 25, 151-158.]
Examples (continued)

8. A sequence of hurdles operates in fermented sausages,

and probably in ripened cheeses or fermented vegetables.

9. The possible synergistic effect of hurdles, which likely relates to a

multitarget disturbance of the homeostasis of microorganisms in foods.
Produk pengasapan. Perlakuan yang diterima meliputi : pemanasan, pengurangan
kadar air, dan senyawa antimikroba dari asap yang terdeposit pada bahan pangan
yang diasap. Beberapa produk yang akan diasap juga dapat dicelupkan ke dalam air
garam, sehingga dapat menambah efek pengawetan.
Produk Keju Oles
▪ Profil produk ini memiliki pH di atas 4,5 dengan Aw di atas 0,85.
▪ supaya produk ini memiliki umur simpan yang panjang dan terjamin
keamanannya, maka produk ini harus disterilisasi. Tapi, proses sterilisasi akan
menyebabkan penurunan kualitas.
▪ Oleh karena itu produk tersebut dipasteurisasi. Untuk menjamin produk tersebut
aman, maka ditambahkan garam, asam, dan Aw nya diturunkan. Sehingga produk
keju tersebut dapat tetap awet dan aman tanpa merusak kualitas sensori dan

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